
V 1.0 mod for Farming Simulator 2013

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Here the ModPack for TripleFarming Map


Included are:


     KrampeBBS900 with Convertierer:
     For transportation of wheat, barley, canola, corn, silage, grass, potatoes, manure, sugar beet, chaff, sunflower, clouds of concentrated feed, apples, cucumbers, carrots, onions, tomatoes, sand and gravel.
     As a special feature, it can convert grass into Grass_Windrow by pressing the "m" and "b".
     Loading capacity is 40,000 kg
     Multi Trailer:
     For transportation of beer, hops and concrete slabs.
     Loading capacity is 40,000 kg

     TripleFarming MAN Pack:
     Transport: Pallets with beer, wire baskets with bread, preserves, apples, Waser and hops
     Loading capacity is 40,000 kg


My THANKS goes to chef and LU-Kempf Team Workshop for the shares to edit the KrampeBBS900 and MAN's Pack


The map for the vehicles can be found here:

TripleFarming Map:


Greetings GE mapping
GE mapping with Facebook


KrampeBBS900 by Chefkoch
MAN Pack by LU-Kempf Team-Werkstatt

  • 28 Feb 09:34
    Version 1.0


checksum: 60095569d81c182bb17977b30756d50d
Version: 1.0
multiplayer ready? yes
Author: GIANTS + [FSM]Chefkoch
price in shop: 39999 LS
name in shop: Krampe BBS 900 CE
description in shop: Tridem 2-Seiten Kipper flache Ausführung.
Zum Transport von Weizen, Gerste, Raps, Körnermais, Silage, Gras, Kartoffeln, Mist, Zuckerrüben, Häckselgut, Sonnenblumen, Schwaden, Kraftfutter, Äpfel, Gurken, Karotten, Zwiebeln, Tomaten, Sand und Kies
Als Besonderheit kann er Gras in Grass_Windrow umwandeln mit der Taste "m" und "b".
checksum: 60095569d81c182bb17977b30756d50d
Version: 1.0
multiplayer ready? yes
Author: SpeedySC1978_04_12_2012,Scania1993
price in shop: 198000 LS
name in shop: MAN TGX 18.680
description in shop: Die MAN Truck Lösungen für den Nah- und Verteilerverkehr erfüllen alle Wünsche nach effizienten
Transportlösungen im innerstädtischen und regionalen Einsatz.
Edit V3: Scania1993
checksum: 60095569d81c182bb17977b30756d50d
Version: 1.0
multiplayer ready? yes
Author: GE-Mapping
price in shop: 58000 LS
name in shop: Hopfen, Bier und Beton Auflieger
description in shop: Zum Transport von Bier, Hopfen und Betonplatten.
Ladekapazität: 40000 kg

28.02 2014
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V 1.0
Farming Simulator 2013
31.5 MB 13871
28. 02 2014 13,871

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