Traverse Container

V 2.0 wsb mod for Farming Simulator 2013

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Here to request a Traverse_Container ... WITHOUT real model!


* Bel v3.1

* Working light on the sides

* Animated

* Attacher: telehandler

* Flashing lights

* Ballenattacher ... fix (also called container or other) by pressing B

(FAST keeps everything fixed)

* ... And other little things


* Log: clean ... Patch2.0DE_P ublicBeta4


Have fun with it ... TheSecretLife



Model / Skin / Construction LS13: TSL


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- It is forbidden to upload this mod again, even in a altered form!

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- Draudžiama / Kelti š / mod vl, net pakitusiu pavidalu!

Prašome naudoti originalus parsisiuntimo nuorod!

- Zabrania si WGra th mod jeszcze, w nawet zmienionej formie!

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- The zakázáno vkládat tento mod znovu, a to i ve zm n né form! Prosím použijte Povodni odkaz ke stažení!


Modell/Skin/Bau LS13: TSL

  • 27 Jun 17:04
    Version 2.0 wsb

    auf Wunsch waschbar...

  • 03 Jun 21:30
    Version 1.0


checksum: f2ada2c4aab77bf681c543fbed46a113
Version: 2.0 wsb
multiplayer ready? yes
Author: TSL
price in shop: 8500 LS
name in shop: Traverse_Container
description in shop: Traverse_Container by TSL
Attacher: telehandler

03.06 2014
Modhoster user rating
4.81 / 48 Votes


nach 49 Stimmen

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V 2.0 wsb
Farming Simulator 2013
12.7 MB 4477
27. 06 2014 4,477
V 1.0
Farming Simulator 2013
6.6 MB 5521
03. 06 2014 5,521

4 Comments for Traverse Container

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  1. drew1979 29. 06 2014

    great mod maybe you can make it work with the forest mod trees

  2. Partisan 04. 06 2014

    Das ist fantastisch, danke! Super-Mod! 100% -Super)) 100 V 100 DANKE!!

  3. most sinister 04. 06 2014

    The stranger or more outlandish the better. Keep on brother! None of this is real including more realistic engine. Its a simulator game. It simulate something that is real.It just simulates.Therefore you are free to simulate anything you could possibly think of.Want real? Go to work,raise a family.

  4. getsome2030 03. 06 2014

    Now this looks like a very versatile peace of equipment, thank you very much TSL.

    I will vote after I try it out..

    MFG Getsome2030
