Thuringian Oberland 1.3 Beta

V 1.3 Beta mod for Farming Simulator 19

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We are located on the edge of the Thuringian Forest, near the town of Bad Lobenstein.

The landscape is hilly and from 500-650m above sea level.

The area is characterized by agriculture in the GDR. That means big fields without a lot of bells and whistles.


The selected image section actually corresponds to a 4-fold map, ie field 13 is in the original about 73ha in size. The field shapes are roughly the same as the original, and it is not a rectangular one. Fortunately, the new helper in the LS19 copes quite well with the fields.

There are 29 fields that are between 0.9ha and 18.3ha in size.


For friends of forestry there are huge forests with thousands of trees, all on the map are fellable. The wood can be sold at the sawmill or at the loading yard.

Water is available in all waters, it is basically free.


Cows and chickens are already firmly installed in the yard. The sheep have their pasture outside again.


Since it is only a beta version, errors can still occur. If you find something, please report it.


Have fun in the Thuringian Oberland,

MfG EL Ulem


Credits:  Giants, EL Ulem

  • 28 Dec 14:04
    Version 1.3 Beta

  • 879705
    by EL-Ulem
    ago about 6 years
  • 879704
    by EL-Ulem
    ago about 6 years
  • 879703
    by EL-Ulem
    ago about 6 years
  • 879702
    by EL-Ulem
    ago about 6 years
  • 879701
    by EL-Ulem
    ago about 6 years
  • 879700
    by EL-Ulem
    ago about 6 years
  • 879699
    by EL-Ulem
    ago about 6 years
  • 879698
    by EL-Ulem
    ago about 6 years


28.12 2018
Modhoster user rating
4.45 / 29 Votes


nach 22 Stimmen

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V 1.3 Beta
Farming Simulator 19
424 MB 13619
28. 12 2018 13,619

11 Comments for Thuringian Oberland 1.3 Beta

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  1. TSM_LENNOX 19. 12 2023

    Guten Tag @MfG EL Ulem wäre es möglich das ich die Karte in´s 22er Bringen Könnte? LG: LENNOX_HD

  2. Die MAP ist leider nur "halb-gar" !!! Die Felder zu ernten ist i. d. R. oft eine Katastrophe (extreme Löcher und Mulden wo die Schneide des Dreschers/Ernters ständig aufsitzt und hängen bleibt). Der Hof ist zu klein und übervoll und es lässt sich keines der vielen unnötigen Gebäude verkaufen. Das Ausgangstor bei der Getreide AG läßt sich nicht öffnen. Der Platz bei Fahrzeughändler ist zu klein - es wird öfters angezeigt, das der Hof "vollgestellt" ist und man die Sachen erst "beiseite" räumen sollte, obwohl gar nichts auf dem Hof steht !!! Alles in allem eigentlich von der Größe und der Landschaft eine tolle MAP. . . aber eben nur "halbfertig".

  3. kenna72 02. 01 2019

    shop cant deliver some headers. It says no space. but the space is emty. claas 750-1350 and from ideal. they work just find in other maps? any ideas? Log say cant request recomended mods? no error on the headers

  4. sootysax 02. 01 2019

    The front gate to the Getreide AG will not open, and it's a difficult turn around to get back out the back entrance.

  5. kenna72 02. 01 2019

    Realy good map. When you fixed the roadsystem it will be a verygood map! And take away things from the sky.

  6. guriga 30. 12 2018

    I know it's hard, but when is the fix expected?

    1 replies

  7. guriga 30. 12 2018

    There's something in the air above the farm. Thanks for the map. Best!

  8. guriga 28. 12 2018

    Joining multiplayer and throwing away

  9. guriga 28. 12 2018

    15-17 I just used this! 19 I also want to do this in

  10. guriga 28. 12 2018

    Best map!!!!!!!!!!
    Please check this out

  11. guriga 28. 12 2018

    Hi! Dont work multiplayer.
    Error: Startup with port while already running
    Error: Farm not found for stats
