Welcome to the Thuringia v3.0 4-Fold, Grain grows on the largest part of Thuringia's arable land
Version 3.1.0
small fixes fixed (floating objects and trees)
Wooden containers from the DLC can now be sold at the freight yard
Smoothed edges on field 34, 30 and field 71
small horse farm is now correct
Deuka production further adapted to MaizePlus (for MaizePlus players)
Placeable stables now also use straw
Fixed map border (thanks AnteriOr)
Fixed minor spelling mistakes
Millet integrated into the train system
Methane is now displayed in the price table
BUG adjusted that when the game starts in February, the fields are no longer ready for harvest
fixed small bug with hops when playing without seasons
PS: if you can live with the small bumps in the fields or smooth them out yourself with landscaping, NO new savegame is required.
It is the basis for numerous products in the food industry, such as bread, pasta, but also beer and alcohol.
Welcome to Thuringia v3.0 4-way,
Thuringian bratwurst, Thuringian dumplings and many other specialties from our state are synonyms for excellent products far beyond the state borders. The basis for these products is an efficient agriculture that is based on the
half of the country creates the basis for high-quality food and animal feed.
Due to the differentiation of the natural site factors in the natural areas, such as mean annual temperature, precipitation, altitude, soil, the
Suitability for agricultural use varies.
Cereals grow on most of Thuringia's arable land.
It is the basis for numerous products in the food industry, such as bread and pasta
but also beer and alcohol. It is also an important fodder for farm animals.
The map contains 94 fields on which multi-fruit (alfalfa, carrots, clover, hemp, lavender, spelt, millet, onion, poppy, red cabbage, white cabbage, rye, tobacco, triticale, hops) can be grown. The new animal system (FS22_EnhancedAnimalSystem) has also been installed, and there are over 50 productions with more than 100 different products. There are 4 permanently built courtyards and enough building space for new ones. 64 ground angles are also available as well as precision farming. In the shop under the category trailers and miscellaneous you will find a Krone aluminum trailer for pallets that reduces the performance of the pallets and in the category trailers and animal husbandry there are 2 barrels that can load all liquids, harvest for tobacco and hemp are also included.
There are 4 permanently built courtyards but also enough space to settle down and build something of your own.
A big thank you goes to all the helpers, testers and Audodrive drivers who sacrificed their free time to help and advise and make the map what it is today.....
All mods that the map requires are loaded automatically, except for the butcher you have to download yourself (
28 Aug 11:20Version
by omg6666666
ago over 1 year
by omg6666666
ago over 1 year
by omg6666666
ago over 1 year
by omg6666666
ago over 1 year
1 Comments for Thüringen Map
Hallo Team, schöne Map die läßt sich auch gut bespielen, was mich allerdings ein wenig nervt, sind einige Bäume die auf den Straßen liegen und sich nicht entfernen lassen, sowie manche Schafe/Ziege/ Kühe produzieren keine Milch und keine Wolle. Eier bei den Hühnern kann ich auch nicht finden. Vorher hatte ich die Version 3.0, die hatte ich dann auf die neue Version 3.1 getauscht. Vielleicht gibt es ja eine Lösung, ich möchte die Map schon gerne weiterspielen. LG