The Godfather's ATS Ai Traffic Pack 2
* The Godfather's Mods Company Brings to u the all new & Improved The Godfather's ATS Ai Traffic Pack 2
that has been 100% Rebuilt with our brand new Modding Format that skins the trailers in a 100% free of lag format
and still high in detail with a wopping 735 skins of Real Company, Real Brands , Major Stores , Fast Food Companies
Restaurants & Much More u can not go wrong u want realism this is the pack for you works best with a config traffic at 4.0
or with a high tarffic flow mod..
* The Godfather's Mods Company Holds all right to all the skins been built in this pack and can not in anyway been reposted to any site and if used in any of your uploaded videos or livestreams must been giving credit to The Godfather's Mods Company & Australia Worldwide Gaming as we are the owners of This Mod..
* v1.1 Update.
This Update adds 200 Skins to the pack for the 53ft SCS Trailers That Spawn also at Random in the Ai Traffic Flow this grows the pack from 300 to 500 skins in Total..
* v1.2 Update
This Update adds 200 More Skins to the Pack with 100 skins for the SCS 48ft Chip Van Trailer & 100 Skins for the SCS 53ft Flat Bed Trailer this will also grow the Pack from 500 to 700 skins in Total..
* v1.3 Update
This Update Adds 35 Isuzu Small Trucks into the Ai Traffic flow that spawn more times then not in the Traffic Flow and also at car parks , truck stops & random places on the sides of the road and more also this update is to bring the pack into the new 1.48 update to ATS (July 27th 2023) this update brings the pack to a total of 735 skins that spawn at random in the ai tarffic flow..
* Australia Worldwide Gaming & Entertainment You Tube channel is the place to watch all of the gameplay of ATS & ETS2 100% LIVE from Sydney Australia to the world's people each week on most days always LIVE at 1440p 60FPS and Full Replay's of each Livestream also shown and added to the playlist of whatever game we play u can not go wrong we always fresh with new Paintjobs on all our Trucks and Trailers plus is the place to watch all the Previews of out upcoming mods witch all get uplaoded only to so do come check out our You Tube channel and Subscribe today..
Modell: TheGodfather1982
Textur: TheGodfather1982
Idee / Konzept: TheGodfather1982
Sonstige: TheGodfather1982
02 Aug 04:24Version 1.3
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