zugrhörige the mod-pack:
Hello and welcome to the Teutoburgerland_map! This is version 3.0 of a converted original map Icemann.
based on the Standartmap and was equipped with Doppelfahrsilo, big pile of crap with a conveyor belt, new buildings, a gas station at the port,
a BGA with a double tank system, Deuka dealer and a warehouse at the port where you can buy manure and manure can sell. Furthermore
are street lights, signs, bus stops, a large barn with animated cows and grass sound triggers and much more fitted.
But look even it out.
Even here on the Teutoburgerland_map you can manage their animals and grow crops to sell at selected locations.
Also in the barn, you can sell grass or if you have too much manure or manure you can take it to the harbor and earn a little money.
Or you'd also look at the beautiful scenery or enjoy the waterfall and much more.
The silo panels on Kuhhof are outdoor silos with 1ner for grass and corn silage 1ner is
there are drive-through silos to create the feed grass to the cows, this is eg Siloschaufel of the Hardys BGA used.
The Hofsilo is a silo for grain with loading and unloading script, tilt the fruit in the small building next to the silos on
the grid plate.
can shop there, but also under the pipe a bit further.
If you stand under the pipe is on the x button to choose the fruit you want to shop (small icon at the bottom left of the screen)
then load on the Space button start and stop depending on taste.
but at no time on the field with you! And a lot of fun on the Teutoburgerland_map! Your Icemann29
installation Teutoburgerland_map
1 All folders in the Zip Modsordner LS 11 (eg: C: \ Users \ ######### \ My Documents \ My Games \ FarmingSimulator2011 \ mods
2 are the scripts of Headys BGA needed
I for legal reasons may attach to the pack.
4 It MapWeightstationMod from the scripts needed
http://www.modhoster. en / mods / about vehicle floor level
5 new game
log is error free for me
Set the map as a purely single-player map because I did not tested it in multiplayer
and thus do not have that all buildings will be displayed and all the scripts run without error (but in theory it should work).
A big thanks also goes to Manuel for have demonstrated its BGA and Headys for his scripts.
Of course, to all the other modders their properties to the DL but which would be too much to name them all. not
This map may be changed and are then asked to download!
This map may be submitted but only under the original DL link!
Attention manysilo script from other maps on other sites on the DL may Modsordner not stay in because otherwise it causes errors
Changes to v1:
Several bug removed, dealer installed Deuka
gardener achievement away, < br /> storage for slurry and manure sale installed
shredder at the BGA ball Installed, br
complete new yard, new ways
Partial and splitting field,
signs for silos, stores, etc. < /> minor
changes to V2:
farm, just remodeled,
port changed anything,
new sounds and textures improved
details changed, removed and inserted new decoration items,
traffic lights installed,
BGA has new barriers and a set of scales,
barriers on roads set
small stuff. Who my V2 version should not have the extra load Modpack unfortunately. The above mods are mandatory !!!
Map Modpack:
Basiert auf der Originalmap-
08 Sep 10:19Version 3
by Icemann29
ago over 13 years
by Icemann29
ago over 13 years
by Icemann29
ago over 13 years
by Icemann29
ago over 13 years
by Icemann29
ago over 13 years
by Icemann29
ago over 13 years
by Icemann29
ago over 13 years
by Icemann29
ago over 13 years
by Icemann29
ago over 13 years
by Hinack
ago over 13 years
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