When changing fill type make sure you empty the bucket first. Some types won’t discharge as normal to the ground because of map setup. This will be fixed in next update!
NOTE: using other fillTypes than STONE in multiplayer won’t work correctly. This issue will be fixed along with new network sync code in
The true landscaping experience
Tired of using the landscaping tool to carve out your land? Not satisfied with using fill types on the ground to supply your mining team? No worries, with TerraFarm you can shape your own land using the equipment of your choice.
Multiplayer is supported, but is not guaranteed to work 100%.
There are currently no restrictions in place on where and who can terraform landscape in multiplayer.
Vehicle/equipment support
Base game
Albutt – Frontloader shovel
Magsi – Telehandler shovel
Magsi – Wheel loader shovel
McCormick – Overtipping bucket
Paladin – High dump bucket
CASE CX250D long reach buckets
CAT 990H bucket
HAMM H11i road roller
Liebherr R926 buckets
Volvo EC750 buckets
Volvo L-350H bucket
21 Jan 11:12Version
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