The Tardis mod allows you to teleport yourself or your vehicles to any location on the map. This is a revamped version of the classic Tardis from FS17.
- Teleport yourself (the player) to any location on the map
- Teleport yourself and your vehicle (including attached implements and trailers) to any location
- Reset overturned vehicles
- Set up to 5 map hotspots for quick teleportation
- Integration with Vehicle Explorer
Known Issues:
- Pallets on trailers cannot be teleported, but fill levels work
Currently not supported.
Thanks to TyKonKet and fcelsa for the original Tardis mod in FS17, and to the developers of CoursePlay, VehicleInspector, VehicleFruitHud, EnhancedVehicle, and others for inspiration.
sperrgebiet, TyKonKet, fcelsa for Tardis on FS17. That brought the idea and the initial code base. Although the majority was altered for this FS19 version. Also Kudos to the guys and gals from CoursePlay, VehicleInspector, VehicleFruitHud, EnhancedVehicle and many more for some inspiration and ideas. Additionally Ifko[nator] for the RegisterSpecialization script.
16 Feb 15:19Version
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