(Important, make sure you OPEN the zip file and take out the zip file for the machine and put it in your mods folder, dropping this 1 downloaded zip into your mods folder will not work you need to take out all 3)
So make sure you read the guide included inside this zipfile for setting your controls.
T650 Processor (Woodcracker Head)
- Fully rotateable fixed head (no dangling)
- Featuring A Woodcracker cut instead of saw
- Ability to falling trees and process them on the spot
- Varied length 1-10m options
- New SFX, design and color
I Can not guarntee did this mod will work with Certain other mods, you'll have to test did on your own. I had reports of some people getting crashes and others working just fine the problem-Seems to be with Certain mods used in Conjunction with mine, you need to sort through your mods folder and figure out which one is Causing it to crash.
Thanks again for Those Who gave me help and support, Please continue to send me your bug and crash reports to I'll do my best to help.
Possible Original Authors of used models and scripts (if in the wrong im sorry)
Fredzaza, Ombelis, Navan, Martynas
First Day Reviews, Jordan Chaleil-
10 Feb 10:11Version 1.0
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