Swedish LANDSCAPE 2022

V mod for Farming Simulator 22

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In english:
- Removed 247 unused files. About 200 mb cleared (247 files from 2422 files).
All remaining files (2,175 files) are required for the map. We will try to optimize this much further.
- WorldBorder on field 54 fixed. -> you dont need a new savegame - thanks goes out to Giants.
- Invisible collision objects (2 forklifts) on the former dairy site in the east deactivated.
- major Performance improvements
The map still gives 2 warnings, these are due to the file size of the road textures. We hope to replace the road textures or roads sometime soon.

In the future, textures will be replaced piece by piece with better and more optimized textures, as far as this is possible in individual cases.
The asphalt road and building textures are very weak and truly FS19 and partly larger than they should be.
When Terrafarm is released towards the end of the year we will try to include Terrafarm.
However, this will require a savegame reset.
Until then the map will only get the said updates. If something changes you will be informed.

After several months of playing, our small two man modding team set about fixing the map.
We love the map. For us it is the best available map in FS22.
We have been trying for months to contact the original author NoobFragz to get the expressed right to fix the mod.
Unfortunately zero feedback.
Therefore we have taken the fate into our own hands. We still hope that NoobFragz will contact us.
Also we have left the map version at 1.0.0, this is necessary to be able to play the map in the running server operation.
If you change the version number, the existing game state on Dedi servers will not work anymore.
So ideally you can just update your existing map. Please make a backup before!!!!!
best regards


Gniltag, Julian, NoobFragz

  • 19 Mar 20:36


19.03 2022
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Farming Simulator 22
1.1 GB 732
19. 03 2022 732

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