This will be the first of 3 different grenades, they are strangely enough a port off of my own submod that was made for the X-Com Files (mod by Solarius Scorch which you should check out if you haven't already, it's what inspired me to start modding myself!)
The first grenade (complete and the one in currently) is the Resuscitator, upon detonation it will tag the soldiers hit by the "blast", those wounded will have 1 wound healed per turn for 2 turns, if they aren't wounded they will suffer an "overdose" penalty by having their morale lowered, if they happen to be in critical condition (total wounds > health remaining) they will go into stabilization mode where they will have their wounds healed enough so that they're only 1 wound below their total hp, the wounds that were healed as the result of this are more "expensive" to heal in terms of morale and mana, plus the stabilization has a fixed cost of 10 morale and mana every time a soldier goes into critical state
The second one is the Stasis grenade (not done), it works by "pausing" your soldiers wounds (if they had 7 wounds they will have 0 for the duration of the effect, when the effect is over all of the wounds will be visible/healable a turn before and you have exactly one turn to heal them before they kick in)
The third one is the Overdrive grenade (not done) it boosts your soldiers stats for the duration of the effect but any wounds inflicted during that time will be doubled at the end
This mod is not balanced yet... so you've been warned!
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