Starkiller - Jedi Adventure Robes

V 1.0.0 mod for VERTEX

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Starkiller - Jedi Adventure Robes

Version: 1.0

Author: Sareth

Date: Jan 26th, 2021


This .pak adds yet another Starkiller model to the list, this time the Jedi Adventure Robes featured in the Death Star levels of Star Wars: The Force Unleashed.

The model contains several customization options (23 in total), including:

Head (3 total)

  • Head
  • Eyes
  • Pupils

Physics/Cloth (3 total)

  • Hood
  • Robe physics cloth
  • Belt physics cloth

Body (17 total)

  • Arms, vambraces, straps, and hands (each)
  • Tunic, belt, sub-tunic, and collar
  • Robes and shoulders
  • Pants and belts
  • Boots and boot covers
  • Even metallic details, such as clasps and clips.

Installation instructions

Extract the contents (single .pak file) provided within to your mod directory: <Vertex Installation Path>/MCS/UserCreatedContent

Known Bugs

As this is my first release, and my first time using Blender/UE4/Doing anything model related, I've come across a few things that I'd like to improve for the next version

  • Currently, cloth physics sometimes clip into the mesh and can be a little unsightly.
  • The shoulders have a tendency to clip every so often from the back of the robes, which is a weight issue and will be updated in the next version
  • When in first-person, the hood is still visible. While it does not clip with the screen and is technically accurate, it is near impossible to see peripherally. Still investigating whether or not this issue is mod-specific.


Model and materials: LucasArts/LucasFilm 2008

Skeletal Mesh: Vertex

Special thanks to ClydeFrog for all of his help, which was patient and detailed, as well as to Cyber Owl for answering many of my questions.


If you observe any other bugs, have any questions or comments, feel free to contact me on Discord (Sareth) or leave a comment below. I am aware of the issues I posted above and will be working to fix them in the meantime. Please be kind and patient!


  • 26 Jan 22:41
    Version 1.0.0

    1. Initial mod creation


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