Savegame for Nordfriesische Marsch 4x - Mapvers...

V 1.03 mod for Farming Simulator 19

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Offer here my ready designed farm for the North Frisian Marsh 4-fold Mod Map v. 2.8 .
The farm, as well as all production sites was completely designed via the ingame terraforming tool, as well as the Map Object Hider.


The game state represents a restart with the difficulty level "New Farmer" (easy) on the above mentioned map.
This means that all standard vehicles, as well as the standard levels of the farm silo are present.

The lots on which the buildings stand are also already part of the yard.

Furthermore, as in LS17, ALL the green areas also belong to the farm, as well as fields 1, 2, and 20.

Liegt you for this a new savegame and copy the contents of the download into this folder!

So you don't have to download too many mods to use this savegame, I used most of the FedMods.


You can find the maps, buildings, and deco objects needed for the save game at the following link:


In detail, these would be:

  • Map Object Hider
  • GlobalCompany
  • NFM o. Trenches 2.8
  • NFM productions v 3.1
  • Modular BGA System
  • FP FarmPack
  • Large vehicle bay
  • Leim truss machine shops
  • EasyShed Set
  • Placeable Trees

Support is available via Discord:

or on my YT channel:

Now have fun on your new farm! :-)

Would be happy if you could leave a short feedback about the yard via comment or PN. :-)


Idee / Konzept: XPiRiJenZ
Tester: XPiRiJenZ

Danke an alle Modder, deren Objekte hier zum Einsatz kommen!

  • 24 Oct 15:02
    Version 1.03

    - Version "ohne Gräben" hinzugefügt

  • 22 Sep 07:50
    Version 1.0.2

    - Datei getauscht

  • 21 Sep 18:12
    Version 1.0.1

    - Link getauscht

  • 21 Sep 00:13
    Version 1.0


21.09 2021
Modhoster user rating
3.75 / 4 Votes


noch nicht genug Stimmen

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V 1.03
Farming Simulator 19
5.14 MB 1229
24. 10 2021 1,229
V 1.0.2
Farming Simulator 19
5.35 MB 1522
22. 09 2021 1,522
V 1.0.1
Farming Simulator 19
5.61 MB 1183
21. 09 2021 1,183
1 ältere Versionen

1 Comments for Savegame for Nordfriesische Marsch 4x - Mapversion 2.8 - FS17-Style

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  1. snaker3 26. 09 2021

    Hallo Tagchen XPiRiJenZ,
    besteht die Möglichkeit dein AutoDrive Netz ebenso zu bekommen?

    1 replies
