I recently signed up here, and now upload my first mod:
The speed tractor.
The mod is a normal Deutz Agrostar - only he can drive instead of the 43km / h now 215km / h.
It's just for fun. I would like to say that I have the mod from ModHub,
and just modified it a bit.
Data :
Price: 215 €
PS: ??
Speed: 215km / h
Reverse speed: 22km / h (in the next version 60km / h)
Modifiable: tires (wide tires, nursing tires, wide tires + wheel weights, twin tires)
Otherwise he is a normal tractor.
Thank you for downloading and so much fun
Modell: Deutz Agrostar
Textur: Grün
Idee / Konzept: RedPhoenix (Modifizierter Mod vom ModHub)
Tester: Ich auf aktueller Gameversion (
25 Nov 20:32Version 1.1.0
Änderungen in Patch 1.1.0: Alle Reifenwarianten kosten jetzt nichts mehr, ausser die Pflegebereifung. Ausserdem fährt der Traktor Rückwärts jetzt mit 60km/h. Farbwahl ist in Planung.
24 Nov 16:56Version 1.0.5
by RedPhoenix2
ago over 6 years
by RedPhoenix2
ago over 6 years
by RedPhoenix2
ago over 6 years
by RedPhoenix2
ago over 6 years
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