Skoda MPT - 1.44

V 9.0 mod for Eurotruck Simulator 2

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For several years I have been working on the Skoda MPTruckers on my own, updating it and correcting bugs. I also added new features and enhancements, including:


Buttons windows
Shift lever
Brake, accelerator and clutch pedals (the clutch works with the engine brake)

Two on-board computers, one for the standard version and one for the exclusive version. Both computers are developed taking full advantage of all the possibilities of the support.
Two gps (standard and exclusive version)
Two types of dashboard lights (standard and exclusive)
Multiple object holders
Realistic specifications (weight, consumption, air pressure, battery voltage…)
Adapted the weight of the caravan to keep it from trembling at high speeds

And of course:

It works smoothly on any type of computer
Updated for version 1.44
No errors on the game.log

I’ve decided to share it now. Hope you like it.

MPTruckers, Edsor


Modell: MPTruckers, Edsor
Textur: MPTruckers, Edsor
Script:MPTruckers, Edsor
Idee / Konzept: MPTruckers, Edsor
Tester:MPTruckers, Edsor
Sonstige: MPTruckers, Edsor

  • 30 May 00:22
    Version 9.0

    Skoda MPT v9.0 - 1.50

    CHANGES V.9:
    – Fixed and fully adapted to version 1.50. Everything works properly.
    – New body-coloured sport spoiler as an accessory.
    – Arrangement textured shark fin antenna body color.
    – Different types of exhaust pipes for optional dual exhaust outlets.
    – Head-up Display fixed for version 1.50 and added a second optional Head-up Display.
    – Tablet and Mobile in separate locations. For both Continental and UK versions.
    – Added real warning sounds (complete acoustic warning system). Changed low air pressure sound. Arrangement of other sounds.

    Fully animated (added animations in interior and exterior windows, gear lever, windows buttons, gps, accelerator, brake and clutch pedals, low air pressure)
    Multiple cabin accessory brackets. Wide variety of objects.
    Two on-board computers, one for the standard version and one for the exclusive version. Both computers have all the functions that allows the support of the game
    Four different types of gps (continental standard, continental exclusive, uk standard and uk exclusive). Individualized rear camera approaches. New screens for both uk versions
    Each gps has different screens that faithfully reproduce the gps of real superb skodas. The same realism applies to the succession of different screens.
    Head-Up Display as an accessory for all versions. The hologram recreates the HUD of the latest real versions of the skoda superb
    Rear view camera combined with 360 camera and front night vision camera as new accessories (for all versions).
    Two types of dashboard lights (standard and exclusive)
    Realistic specifications (weight, consumption, air pressure, battery voltage…)
    Realistic skoda logo (steering wheel, exterior and wheel caps)
    Skoda badges at the rear of the vehicle
    Added 2.0 TSI 200 hp and 2.0 TSI 280 hp engines with its own sound. Fully realistic engines in terms of performance and consumption
    Adapted the weight of the caravan to keep it from trembling at high speeds
    Blind spot warning on the on-board computer screen. On both sides. Fixed specifically for the UK versión. For this arrangement I created a third on-board computer for the UK standard version
    Two differentiated chassis: Front Wheel Drive and All-Wheel Drive. Each chassis with the three versions of 66, 200 and 400 litres fuel tank.
    Improved physics. Changes in the definitions of chassis, engines and consumption. Stability at high speeds and in curves. More realistic driving.
    Less marked interior reflections on windshields and front windows.

    Exterior Accessories:
    Double exhaust outlet (4 tubes) and five Different Types of Exhaust Pipes.
    Two different types of rear spoilers
    Four types of antennas. All reproduce real skoda superb antennas
    Aluminum roof bars
    Taxi badge
    Added textures of spotlights for high beams
    Optional rain tires

    Fixed all errors and warnings. Totally clean gamelog
    It works smoothly on any type of computer


    MPTruckers, Edsor

  • 05 Dec 04:16
    Version 8.0

    Skoda MPT v8.0 - 1.49

    CHANGES V.8:
    Fixed and fully adapted to version 1.49. Everything works properly
    Optional rain tires
    Two differentiated chassis: Front Wheel Drive and All-Wheel Drive. Each chassis with the three versions of 66, 200 and 400 litres
    New motor 2.0 TSI 280 hp. Totally realistic in terms of performance and consumption
    Improved physics. Changes in the definitions of chassis, engines and consumption. Stability at high speeds and in curves. More realistic driving.
    Less marked interior reflections on windshields and front windows.

    Fully animated (added animations in interior and exterior windows, gear lever, windows buttons, gps, accelerator, brake and clutch pedals, low air pressure)
    Multiple cabin accessory brackets. Wide variety of objects.
    Two on-board computers, one for the standard version and one for the exclusive version. Both computers have all the functions that allows the support of the game
    Rebuilding the speed limit on the on-board computer screen. It is now independent of gps, and does not mark the black square that in the old boundary contrasted with the display of the on-board computer.
    Four different types of gps (continental standard, continental exclusive, uk standard and uk exclusive). Individualized rear camera approaches. New screens for both uk versions
    Each gps has different screens that faithfully reproduce the gps of real superb skodas. The same realism applies to the succession of different screens.
    Head-Up Display as an accessory for all versions. The hologram recreates the HUD of the latest real versions of the skoda superb
    Rear view camera combined with 360 camera and front night vision camera as new accessories (for all versions).
    Two types of dashboard lights (standard and exclusive)
    Realistic specifications (weight, consumption, air pressure, battery voltage…)
    Realistic skoda logo (steering wheel, exterior and wheel caps)
    Skoda badges at the rear of the vehicle
    Added 2.0 TSI 200 hp engine with its own sound.
    Adapted the weight of the caravan to keep it from trembling at high speeds
    Blind spot warning on the on-board computer screen. On both sides. Fixed specifically for the UK versión. For this arrangement I created a third on-board computer for the UK standard version
    Chassis options with 66, 200 and 400 litres fuel tank

    Exterior Accessories:
    Double exhaust outlet (4 tubes)
    Two different types of rear spoilers
    I’ve turned the car antenna into a new accessory, including four types of antennas. All reproduce real skoda superb antennas
    4 new exhaust pipes
    Aluminum roof bars
    Taxi badge
    Added textures of spotlights for high beams

    Fixed all errors and warnings. Totally clean gamelog
    It works smoothly on any type of computer


    MPTruckers, Edsor

  • 10 Aug 03:16
    Version 7.0

    Skoda MPT v7.0 - 1.48

    CHANGES V.7:
    Fixed and fully adapted to version 1.48. Everything works properly
    Added textures of spotlights for high beams
    Realistic skoda logo on the wheel caps (replacing the old scout logo)
    Blind spot warning on the on-board computer screen. On both sides
    Blind spot warnings fixed specifically for the UK version
    Chassis options with 200 and 400 litres fuel tank
    Fixed the color in the mirrors of the gps cameras (required since version 1.47)

    Fully animated (added animations in interior and exterior windows, gear lever, windows buttons, gps, accelerator, brake and clutch pedals, low air pressure)
    Multiple cabin accessory brackets. Wide variety of objects.
    Two on-board computers, one for the standard version and one for the exclusive version. Both computers have all the functions that allows the support of the game
    Rebuilding the speed limit on the on-board computer screen. It is now independent of gps, and does not mark the black square that in the old boundary contrasted with the display of the on-board computer.
    Four different types of gps (continental standard, continental exclusive, uk standard and uk exclusive). Individualized rear camera approaches. New screens for both uk versions
    Each gps has different screens that faithfully reproduce the gps of real superb skodas. The same realism applies to the succession of different screens.
    Head-Up Display as an accessory for all versions. The hologram recreates the HUD of the latest real versions of the skoda superb
    Rear view camera combined with 360 camera and front night vision camera as new accessories (for all versions).
    Two types of dashboard lights (standard and exclusive)
    Realistic specifications (weight, consumption, air pressure, battery voltage…)
    Real skoda logo (steering wheel and exterior)
    Skoda badges at the rear of the vehicle
    Added 2.0 Tsi engine with its own sound. Engine consumption adjustment
    Adapted the weight of the caravan to keep it from trembling at high speeds

    Exterior Accessories:
    Double exhaust outlet (4 tubes)
    Two different types of rear spoilers
    I’ve turned the car antenna into a new accessory, including four types of antennas. All reproduce real skoda superb antennas
    4 new exhaust pipes
    Aluminum roof bars
    Taxi badge

    Fixed all errors and warnings
    It works smoothly on any type of computer

    MPTruckers, Edsor

  • 22 Apr 19:43
    Version 6.0

    Skoda MPT v6.0 - 1.47

    CHANGES V.6:

    Fixed and fully adapted to version 1.47. Everything works properly .
    Four different types of gps (continental standard, continental exclusive, uk standard and uk exclusive). Individualized rear camera approaches. New screens for both uk versions.
    4 new exhaust pipes as accessories.
    Aluminum roof bars as an accessory.
    Engine consumption adjustment 2.0 tsi.
    Taxi badge as an accessory.
    Rear view camera combined with 360 camera and front night vision camera as new accessories. Thank you WG28 for your help.


    Fully animated (added animations in interior and exterior windows, gear lever, windows buttons, gps, accelerator, brake and clutch pedals, low air pressure).
    Multiple cabin accessory brackets. Wide variety of objects.
    Two on-board computers, one for the standard version and one for the exclusive version. Both computers have all the functions that allows the support of the game.
    Rebuilding the speed limit on the on-board computer screen. It is now independent of gps, and does not mark the black square that in the old boundary contrasted with the display of the on-board computer.
    Custom tablet as an accessory.
    Each gps has different screens that faithfully reproduce the gps of real superb skodas. The same realism applies to the succession of different screens.
    Head-Up Display as an accessory for all versions and models. The hologram recreates the HUD of the latest real versions of the skoda superb.
    Two types of dashboard lights (standard and exclusive).
    Realistic specifications (weight, consumption, air pressure, battery voltage…)
    Real skoda logo (steering wheel and exterior).
    Skoda badges at the rear of the vehicle.
    Added 2.0 Tsi engine with its own sound.
    Adapted the weight of the caravan to keep it from trembling at high speeds.

    Double exhaust outlet (4 tubes) as optional accessory.
    Two different types of rear spoilers as accessories.
    I’ve turned the car antenna into a new accessory, including four types of antennas. All reproduce real skoda superb antennas.

    Fixed all errors and warnings.
    It works smoothly on any type of computer.

    MPTruckers, Edsor

  • 22 Dec 23:21
    Version 5.0

    Skoda MPT v5.0 - 1.46

    Fixed all errors and warnings
    It works smoothly on any type of computer

    Truckers MPT, Edsor

  • 23 Nov 23:16
    Version 4.0

    Skoda MPT - 1.46

    CHANGES V.4:
    Fixed and fully adapted to version 1.46. Everything works properly
    Deleted files now unnecessary
    Rebuilding the speed limit for the exclusive version. It is now independent of gps, and does not mark the black square that in the old boundary contrasted with the display of the on-board computer.
    Custom tablet as an accessory
    Two custom gps for standard and exclusive versions. Each has three screens that faithfully reproduce the gps of real superb skodas. The same realism applies to the succession of different screens.
    Two different types of rear spoilers as accessories

    Fixed all errors and malfunctions
    Fully animated (added animations in windows, gear lever, windows buttons, gps, accelerator pedals, brake and clutch, low air pressure)
    Multiple cabin accessory brackets. Wide variety of objects.
    Two on-board computers, one for the standard version and one for the exclusive version. Both computers have all the functions that allows the support of the game
    Two types of dashboard lights (standard and exclusive)
    Realistic specifications (weight, consumption, air pressure, battery voltage…)
    Real skoda logos
    Added 2.0 Tsi engine
    Adapted the weight of the caravan to keep it from trembling at high speeds
    Double exhaust outlet (4 tubes) as optional accessory

    Game.log totally clean. No errors or warnings
    It works smoothly on any type of computer

    Truckers MP, Edsor

  • 23 Aug 02:00
    Version 3.0

    Skoda MPT - 1.45

    Updated pma files
    Cab objects holder on dashboard tray
    Arrangement position objects dashboard tray and mobile stand
    Accelerator pedal animation
    Brake pedal animation
    Clutch pedal animation. The clutch operates with the engine brake, so it must be engaged and the corresponding buttons assigned
    Driver window button animation
    Passenger window button animation

    Changes and new characteristics V. 3:
    In both versions (UK and continental):

    Skoda badges at the rear of the vehicle
    Arrangement for raindrops not to exceed the front window frame
    Support cab objects on rear seat (I know it’s not an ordinary place, but I don’t want an ordinary mod)
    Double exhaust outlet (4 tubes) as optional accessory

    In continental versión:
    Animated GPS

    In UK versión:
    Fix wipers (now perfectly cleans raindrops)
    Fixed raindrops with windows open.

  • 12 Jul 01:52
    Version 2.0 für 1.45

    Skoda MPT v2.0 – 1.45

    Changelog V2
    Fixed the modified gps
    Arrangement location of seat objects
    Consumption and realistic specifications for the 2.0 Tsi engine Low air pressure dashboard indicator
    Support cabin objects between the front seats
    Support cabin objects on the floor in front of the passenger seat
    Real Skoda logo (steering wheel and exterior)
    Greater variety of cabin objects

    Buttons windows
    Shift lever
    Brake, accelerator and clutch pedals (the clutch works with the engine brake)

    MPTruckers, Edsor

  • 02 Jul 04:27
    Version 2.0

    Skoda MPT v2.0 - 1.44

    For several years I have been working on the Skoda MPTruckers on my own, updating it and correcting bugs. I also added new features and enhancements, including:


    Buttons windows
    Shift lever
    Brake, accelerator and clutch pedals (the clutch works with the engine brake)

    Two on-board computers, one for the standard version and one for the exclusive version. Both computers have all the functions that allows the support of the game
    Two gps (standard and exclusive version)
    Two types of dashboard lights (standard and exclusive)
    Multiple object holders
    Realistic specifications (weight, consumption, air pressure, battery voltage…)
    Adapted the weight of the caravan to keep it from trembling at high speed

    It works smoothly on any type of computer
    Updated for version 1.44
    No errors on the game.log

    Changes and new characteristics V. 2:

    In both versions (UK and continental):

    Fixed the modified gps
    Arrangement location of seat objects
    Consumption and realistic specifications for the 2.0 Tsi engine
    Low air pressure dashboard indicator
    Support cabin objects between the front seats Support cabin objects on the floor in front of the passenger seat
    Real Skoda logo (steering wheel and exterior)
    Greater variety of cabin objects

    In UK versión:

    Updated pma files
    Cab objects holder on dashboard tray
    Arrangement position objects dashboard tray and mobile stand
    Accelerator pedal animation
    Brake pedal animation
    Clutch pedal animation. The clutch operates with the engine brake, so it must be engaged and the corresponding buttons assigned
    Driver window button animation
    Passenger window button animation

    I’ve tried to take full advantage of all the capabilities and features of the game engine, so I encourage you to explore how it works under any circumstances (carrying loads, low air pressure, low fuel, damaged…)

    MP Truckers, Edsor

  • 15 Jun 23:14
    Version 1.0 update auf 1.44

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