Ski Simulator 2012 cheat codes:
Hi Folks, these are 2 cheats for the Ski Simulator 2012. In the First cheat, it's about how you can fly. On 2nd Cheat is about how you can make a par €, milion € or even bilion €. The cheat I have written as a guide in 2 separate writing programs. The win.rar Zip archive, you must first unzip with win.rar. Then the 2 Instructions appear. You need simply to follow only the steps that I have written.
Writes in the comments if you cheat - have helped instructions. If you still have any additional requests, what I'm a cheat - to write instructions, then writes in the comments.
Among the comments:
Writes in the comments, just for example, more Cheat - instructional needs, or writing in, whether you have helped the 2 instructions. Comments with insults, or begging are sovort reported Modhoster !!
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05 Mar 11:22Version 1.0
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