Dear LS-Com,
I have modded times a bench.
Man must install the database to a map with the GE.
It is likely to follow a Placable Version.
Modell: X_B!TCH!S_X
Texture: X_B!TCH!S_X
Ingame: X_B!TCH!S_X
Greetings X_B!TCH!S_X formerly Vincent889977
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Das Mod darf ohne Zustimmung des Ur-Modders
nicht verändert und neu
hochgeladen werden!
This Mod can be released on other Websites, but only by
using the DL-LINK for other sites!
It is not allowed to edit this Mod and reupload it
without the permission of the Modders. You can find the
Cette Mod peut libérer à vos Homepages mais
seulement avec utiliser l'original lien de cette Mod!
Modell: X_B!TCH!S_XTexture: X_B!TCH!S_X
Ingame: X_B!TCH!S_X
X_B!TCH!S_X ehm. Vincent889977
14 Feb 09:35Version 1.0
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