This mod is scaled 1:1.
Here is a silo of me [Wayne] for cover and all the other Funktion.Credits: Model: Wayne texture: WayneKonvert Wayne Script: HeadyRechte: The Mod (package) should be offered on other sites on the DL, but only using the DL LINK for all the other pages! The Mod (package) may not be modified and re-uploaded without the consent of the original modders! This mod (pack) can be released on other sites, but only by using the DL-LINK for other sites! It is not allowed to edit this mod (pack) and reupload it without the permission of the modder. You can find the modders at Cette Mod (Pack) peut liberer à vos mais seulement avec homepages utiliser l'original lien de cette Mod! powered by: over again I would press on to thank me very happy.
Credits:Modell: Wayne
Textur: Wayne
Konvert: Wayne
Script: Heady
30 Jun 16:56Version 1 []