Silage mountain

V 1.0 mod for Farming Simulator 2011

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Hello Modhostergemeinde.

Here I have for you a revised Siloageberg. The permission for the conversion of Maiks2429 exists.

I have the plan again completely revised. The mountain does not make silage physics errors. Also in the MP stays clean the log.

I wish you much fun with the mod

Suggestions for improvement, I am always available.

Support for ls-mapsource



  • 18 Dec 13:50
    Version 1.0

18.12 2011
Modhoster user rating
4.63 / 16 Votes


noch nicht genug Stimmen

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V 1.0
Farming Simulator 2011
3.89 MB 4725
18. 12 2011 4,725

4 Comments for Silage mountain

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  1. Lu-DH1 12. 02 2012

    die eingabe taste ist enter

  2. Willem Weber 18. 12 2011

    wi krig ich den in meiner map rein ?

    1 replies

  3. Willem Weber 18. 12 2011

    wi baut man den ein ?

  4. bitt 18. 12 2011

    sit duch ganz schpilze aus suber mod lup an den moder
