A optimiale compilation of mods that is always tested my tank drivers.
THANK the Ye have done the work and have helped me TESTING !!!
Thanks to the other optimizers which I have recorded in my Mod:
And again Thank you invested so much time for all other users and getting immediate help where to go! ! !
Everything in "res_mod" folder is deleted then the installer START
What's all the Mod-Pack:
-radial Menu
-xvm = XVM 6-dev !!! NEWEST !!!
-Sniper = Self-optimization
-ZoomX Himself optimized
-Carusell 2 lines set
-Top Minimap Where does the other way and final position
-Better Statistics
-Goldmuni Display etc ...
Players ratings WN8
capture Info
-Ingame Time and also in the hangar
-New TankIcon
-Ingame Damage Log
-Sixth Sense Audio Mod and SicFunzler LOGO
- Gunmarks with SicFunzler LOGO
-Advanced Combat evaluation
Calculation to the next and to the next SKILL%
-Tank View Range
-Gold Premium tank intrinsically optimization
-Flaggen Mod who is playing with you
-Arty-Snipermod allowed by WOT
TweakerPlus mod for whoever problems with FPS has easy to install this mod and and further Unignore smoke.
Snipermod --- zoom levels and NO-scroll switch:
Under: res_mods \ configs \ xvm \ SicFunzler \ camera
Set the zoom levels and also NOSCROLL on or off
Def zoom is sure to adjust yet;)
Important TankCarusell:
The settings for the TankCarusell are - \ World_of_Tanks \ res_mods \ xvm \ configs \ SicFunzler \ carousel.xc
With the editor under:
"Carousel": {
// False - Disable customizable carousel.
"Enabled": true,
// Scale of carousel cells.
"Zoom": 0.85, the zoom factor for the rows adjust here)
// Number of rows at carousel.
"Rows": 2, (How many rows you want goes here)
// Spacing between carousel cells.
26 May 08:41Version 0.9.15
Änderungen hier:
11 Apr 14:38Version
by rosalinda_schinner
ago almost 9 years
by rosalinda_schinner
ago almost 9 years
by rosalinda_schinner
ago almost 9 years
by rosalinda_schinner
ago almost 9 years
by rosalinda_schinner
ago almost 9 years
0 Comments for SicFunzler-Mod Ultimate HD Final V 100 Installer / neuste XVM 6.-- dev