This mod is a fix for the ridiculous bad dimensions of the original livestock trailer.
As you may know, the original trailer is very tall and narrow, wich makes it look innacurate.
Also, the tandem axle chassis option in the ownable version looks bad, because it has the same length than the tri axle and spread axle chassis.
Modell: Alberto Rios
Textur: Alberto Rios
Script:Alberto Rios
Idee / Konzept: Alberto Rios
Tester:Alberto Rios
Sonstige: Alberto Rios
13 Oct 03:31Version 1.0 update auf 1.45
SCS Livestock Trailer Rework - 1.45
This mod is a fix for the ridiculous bad dimensions of the original livestock trailer.
As you may know, the original trailer is very tall and narrow, wich makes it look innacurate.
Also, the tandem axle chassis option in the ownable version looks bad, because it has the same length than the tri axle and spread axle chassis.
So I decided to rework every part of the trailer to make it look good and realistic. That includes the ownable, the freight market, the cargo and the ai (traffic) models. The tandem axle option is now replaced by a tri axle with rear lift/steer axle. I also tweaked the trailer, body, chassis and cargo masses.This mod is tested on 1.45 game version.
Alberto Rios -
14 Jul 01:37Version 1.0 update auf 1.44/1.45
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