Scania R730 bruks

V 2.0 mod for Farming Simulator 15

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Greetings to all fans and lovers of the game
Introducing the new mod
It is a known Scania truck shredder
This mod contains three fashion
Truck and trailer box
You will need to buy all three techniques
Capacity 24500 and 44500 kg
Requires version or higher games

When copying to other sites also indicate the original link (it's the law)


Watch the video


I have a desire to yuolshoe sdklat for you very good quality truck
but there is no possibility
Loy, I created a project
hold this project



  • 31 Dec 15:55
    Version 2.0

    Hey there
    Happy New Year
    And here is my gift to you
    This truck which you already know
    but he reversed
    Now you do not need to bother with the engagement of the body it is fixed on the truck
    But now you have a removable mechanism BROOKS
    Or rather two mechanisms, one for the truck Scania
    The second truck MAN

    See detailed videos there shows the possibilities of this mechanism

  • 26 Dec 21:23
    Version 1.1.1

    this version I re-ship so you have removed the old


checksum: d5123572fa9bb5d5ab3b72ac15c3e2fe
Version: 2.0
multiplayer ready? yes
Author: dimanix
price in shop: 415000 LS
name in shop:
description in shop:

12.12 2014
Modhoster user rating
3.8 / 81 Votes


nach 52 Stimmen

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V 2.0
Farming Simulator 15
45.2 MB 10778
31. 12 2014 10,778
V 1.1.1
Farming Simulator 15
49.9 MB 5704
26. 12 2014 5,704

9 Comments for Scania R730 bruks

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  1. dimanix 31. 12 2014

    I have a great desire to do for you very good quality truck
    but there is no possibility
    Loy, I created a project
    hold this project

    1 replies

  2. Warondar69 13. 01 2015

    Any word on an updated version? I'd love to use the mod, but I couldn't get the key assignments fixed to get the container arms to work properly for me. I've tried to reassign them manually but it didn't fix it.
    Sorry if this translates badly to German.

  3. thomas112776 29. 12 2014

    it does not put wood chips in the truck container and it is left control and n and m for the arm to pick up the truck container you need different keys then the crane arm itself

  4. BertramMod 27. 12 2014

    still no N and M working?

    2 replies

  5. mumle 14. 12 2014

    i can't fil the container

  6. afterdark 13. 12 2014

    hello, sorry for my inglish is bad, but i try to help with the truck coupling. there is a trick to make that. N for extend arm and M for coupling. but dont have the right distance to couple, so you need to use the truck tool to grab wood on the ground to force the truck tilt and aproach the arm to container and then you can couple. hope this can help

  7. BertramMod 12. 12 2014

    Just make one whit a side tip in stead of these containers.
    LMK is fun but often tidiuse anoying work whit... :)

    else a great idea.. Does also miss the wood eating animation..

  8. BertramMod 12. 12 2014

    Not working for me. The crane Moves. N takes the arms out,
    M just spin the crane. Cant figure out any way get the arms down where they are when vidio starts.

  9. Slevin_UA 12. 12 2014

    Too easy gameplay. You'd better to learn how original Jenz works and produse more quality mods Dimanix. Cheers!
