- Author 3D model (3D Model Author): serega2012
- Author envelope in ETS2 (Author ETS2 arithmetic): AU44
- Author of the mirror in the cabin (Author interior miror): AU44
- Author flaerpaka (Author FlaresPack years): SCS, AU44
- Author of wheels (Author wheel): SCS, AU44
- Author interior (Author Interiors): HaXwell
- Author skins (skins author): HaXwell
- Author of the white skin under the standard (default Skins Author): Remaking unicorn0007 By (author Skins R700) AU44
- Authoring Templates (Templates Author): AU44
Mod Description: Fully independent model. No substitutions SCS models. Trak you can buy in the showroom Scania. His flaerpak, its wheels. Also there is an upgrade!
The archive is available templates for creating skins!
describe what has been changed and added, I will not, as you should know)! Test (testing) HaXwell 1.4.x Special thanks for help with the test.
Were fixed mirror mounted turn signals on the mirrors. Just Festivals templates!
- Autor 3D-Modell (3D-Modell Autor): serega2012- Autor Umschlag in ETS2 (Autor ETS2 Rechnen): AU44
- Autor des Spiegel in der Kabine (Autor Interior miror): AU44
- Autor flaerpaka (Autor FlaresPack Jahre): SCS, AU44
- Autor von Rädern (Autor Rad): SCS, AU44
- Autor Innenraum (Autor Interiors): HaXwell
- Autor Skins (Skins Autor): HaXwell
- Autor der weißen Haut unter dem Standard (Autor Skins Standard): unicorn0007 Remaking von (Autor Skins R700) AU44
- Autor Vorlagen (Templates Autor): AU44
08 Aug 21:37Version 2.2
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