Content list:
-Normal, Highline, Topline, EXC Topline and EXC Longline cabins.
-4x2, 6x2, 6x2/4, 6x2*4, 6x4, 8x2/*6, 8x4/4, 8x4*4, 10x4/6, 10x4*6 and 10x6/4 chassis for all cabins.
-Plastic and paintable chassis.
-Lot of custom and tuning parts (same parts as in Scania T Mod V1.6.x).
-And something more...
Changelog V1.2 -> V1.3:
-Fixed liftable axles
-Fixed some other small bugs
-Reworked interiors: Stronger normal mapping effect, more realistic "colors", improved lighting, V8 interiors are now available for Normal cabin
-Reworked mirrors
-Reworked headlights
-Improved front grilles
-Added paintable SCANIA-text
-Added paintable doorsteps
-Added fully paintable chassis
-Added more spoilers for all cabins
-Added smaller engines (230-360 hp)
-Stock and Streamline sunshields are now skinnable
-Many other small changes which I don't remember
Truck: RJL (Fordsonmies)Others: GT-Mike, 50keda (a few parts from both), SCS Software (original models)
09 Aug 18:56Version 1.19.1
Changelog V1.3 to V1.4:
-Updated the mod for 1.19 patch
-Improved fuel tanks and chassis models
-Added real fuel capacities
-Added longer 6xx chassis with 3.1 m wheelbase
-Added equipment tower for 8xx and 10xx (not removable on purpose)
-Added 5-series/R1 front grille, bumper and sideskirts + Euro 3 and Euro 4 engines
-Added paintable versions of H7 headlights
-Added secondary interval for windshield wipers
-Reworked cover plates, UV mapping is changed to get more space for future needs (affects for paintjobs)
-Fixed some bugs
-Many other small changes which I don't remember -
08 Jun 09:25Version 1.18
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