Same-Lamborghini-Huerlimann Pack 150-190HP

V mod for Farming Simulator 19

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Successful medium-large model of the SLH group (current SDF), from the early 1990s.
Remained in late production at the beginning of the year 2000. Produced under the name of 3 different brands:
Same, Lamborghini and Huerlimann. With their respective Titan, Racing and Master models, with powers from 150 to 190 HP.
price: 41.000 €
power: 150HP to 190HP
Max. speed: 40 kph

Mod features:
- all functions of FS19
- complete animations (levers, LEDs and digital panels)
- real dimensions and weights
- various tires, narrow, normal, wide, extra-wide and road configurations
- choice of tire brands and 2 new models created: Michelin XeoBib and Mitas HC70
- reversible tractor
- front loader
- forest version with front blade
- choice of lift and front weights
- accessories and extras customization
- choice of model based on the version produced
- optional Silver version only for Racing
- colorable rims
- adapted sound
- doors and windows that can be opened with SimpleIC
- 600 kg SDF weight for lifter included

SimpleIC is required for the full range of functions.


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Licenza Creative Commons Same-Lamborghini-Huerlimann Pack 150-19 HP by Ago-modding is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribuzione-Non commerciale-NoDerivatives 4.0 License internazionale .
Based on a work at .
Permissions beyond the scope of this license 'may be available at


Modell: AgoModding
Textur: AgoModding
Idee / Konzept: AgoModding
Tester: AgoModding
Sonstige: AgoModding

  • 13 Aug 17:19


13.08 2020
Modhoster user rating
5.0 / 3 Votes


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Farming Simulator 19
29.9 MB 1024
13. 08 2020 1,024

1 Comments for Same-Lamborghini-Huerlimann Pack 150-190HP

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  1. Krifri99 15. 08 2020

    Schon Seit Ls 11 Vermisst den Mod Weil der Damals Echt Geil war , Freue mich das er mit dem LS 19 Den weg in den LS zurück gefunden hat Und das auch noch vom (LS 11) Urmodder Höhst Persönlich ;) Bin sehr Zufrieden mit dem Mod , Endlich kann ich mein Lieblings Lambo aus ls 11 auch im LS 19 Spielen ;)
