RMP: Heilbronn 1: 1

V 1.1 mod for Eurotruck Simulator 2

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The map contains:

- A6: from Sinsheim / Steinsfurt to Kupferzell
- A81: from Möckmühl to Ilsfeld
- Cross Weinsberg (exact rebuild)
- B27 from Lauffen am Neckar to Heilbronn including the "Neckartalstrasse"
- B293 from Böckingen to Schwaigern
- Weinsberg valley
- a few tight places to maneuver your truck through
- a lot of custom signs

*** Things you shound know ***
-Standalone map!
- Traffic mod included
To change the traffic density use the console command "g_traffic" command (0.1 - 10)
-Please report bugs if you find some

** DLC's required **
- Going East
- Scandinavia
- France
- Italy
- Baltic DLC NOT needed in V.1.0.6

recomited mods:

- Project Next-Gen Graphic Mod by DamianSVW - https://forum.scssoft.com/viewtopic.php?f=34&t=247693

Truck Dealer List:
DAF: Forfeld
Iveco: Sinsheim / ranks
MAN: HN industrial area
Mercedes Benz: HN Neckargartach, Westernach, Neuenstein
Renault: Untergruppenbach
Scania: Oehringen
Volvo: Bonfeld


- all possible roads and prefabs changed to scs's new germany roads (better looking and better traffic flow)
- Traffic mod now included (Thanks to RudiRaser)
- reworked several parts of the map
- HN Neckargartach area reworked (companies)
- parts of the Neckartalstrasse reworked
- added Heilbronn-Süd with a new road through the city to Untergruppenbach
- 4 missing restplaces added
- all restplaces reworked
- Bretzfeld reworked
- new highway driveway / exit in Öhringen and Bretzfeld
- some areas of the A6 and A81 reworked and added new roadworks (like in rl)
- small changes at Kreuz Weinsberg
- added details in the industrial zone of Neuenstadt
- parts of Neuenstadt reworked
- a lot of bugs fixed
- there's more ... .but i do not remember 



- fld (Models&Prefabs)
- Bluetruck (Models)
- 50k (Lidl - Models)
- zeppelin3 (Models-traffic signs)
- walshy70 (Models)
- RudiRaser (Traffic mod)

  • 08 May 20:26
    Version 1.1

    - A6: expanded (east) -> expanded to exit of Crailsheim with new exit's, cities and industrial zones
    - A81: expanded (north) -> expanded to Osterburken
    - A81: Neuenstadt to Möckmühl reworked and added realistic restplaces
    - A81: Untergruppenbach to Ilsfeld --> complete rebuild
    - New City "Bad Rappenau" with connection Road added
    - A6: Cross Weinsberg to Bretzfeld -> complete rebuild
    - A6: Cross Weinsberg to HN/Zentrum / Neckarsulm reworked
    - A6: Roadwork from Cross Weinsberg to Bad Rappenau is now expanded and up to date like RL. Also some parts have been reworked
    - A6: Roadwork of the new Neckartal Bridge updated (Heilbronn to Neckarsulm)
    - A6: Restplace Neckarsulm to Kreuz Weinsberg removed (Roadwork in RL)
    - A6: Rastplatz Hohenlohe -> complete reworked (now its like rl)
    - New Autobahn Sightseeing signs added (thanks to Dan89)
    - Entrace/Exit of the Industrial Area in HN-Neckargartach reworked
    - bugs fixed

  • 14 Dec 00:06
    Version 1.0.9


    - New Road with villages: Bretzfeld to Mainhardt
    - New Road with villages: Untergruppenbach to Löwenstein
    - new city signs added and replaced
    - Bonfeld Industrial zone reworked
    - Bonfeld, Kirchhausen a bit reworked
    - B39 Fürfeld to Heilbronn Frankenbach reworked
    - Conversion for ETS2 1.36
    - Traffic mod (based on rudi's) reworked for the most realistic behaviour and traffic density.
    - bugs fixed

  • 24 Aug 10:48
    Version 1.0.8


    - Changed textures and trees all over the map.
    - added new city roads/area - Heilbronn Sontheim
    - biiiig road expansion of B39 and b14 to Schwäbisch Hall. Also another road to Kupfer
    - Background map in world map added (smallest zoom only)
    - reported bugs fixed

  • 16 Jun 12:08
    Version 1.0.7

    - Compatibility update for 1.35
    - A6 reworked from Neckarsulm to Bad Rappenau. It has now 3 lanes like in RL. It was finished in rl a few weeks ago
    - Bugs fixed

  • 04 Jan 10:24
    Version Hotfix v. 1.0.6

    Hotfix für alle, die auf der A6 bei Biberach abstürze haben.

  • 02 Jan 12:25
    Version 1.0.6

  • 880344
    by klauzzy
    ago about 6 years
  • 880343
    by klauzzy
    ago about 6 years
  • 880342
    by klauzzy
    ago about 6 years
  • 880341
    by klauzzy
    ago about 6 years


02.01 2019
Modhoster user rating
5.0 / 2 Votes


noch nicht genug Stimmen

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V Hotfix v. 1.0.6
Eurotruck Simulator 2
3.03 MB 5463
04. 01 2019 5,463
V 1.1
Eurotruck Simulator 2
350 MB 2428
08. 05 2020 2,428
V 1.0.9
Eurotruck Simulator 2
340 MB 1775
14. 12 2019 1,775
3 ältere Versionen

1 Comments for RMP: Heilbronn 1: 1

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  1. Julian_Geigl 25. 04 2020

    Dear Mr. Klauzzy

    Your map is really first class,but I wanted to ask from now on still updates come or not. If there are more cities to come?

    I would be very happy to receive a feedback

    Yours sincerely
    Julian Geigl
