So here is my map i have been working on the past six months it is still in beta stages which means there is still some things that need doing to it,
i.e pda, road signs, possible more extension, etc etc.
this is a basic logging map with sell points for logs and woodchips at the sawmill along with a large storage area for storing woodchips.
Now the important thing to remember is there are designated areas on the map for cutting down and planting trees those areas have the dark brown forest floor
the reason i have made it this way is so the extra trees that are scattered are for display only.
Now this map has been tested on the ingame servers and also on a dedicated server which is owned by Rambo with no issues or fps loss well at least not for me or the guys that tested it,
So please enjoy and i hope to bring more updates of the map at a later date.
Myself AKA – (ZombiDogz) for building the map.
Seriousmods – for the permission to use some of the parts from his interior map.
seba j – for the Forest Plants Foliage Texture.
29 Apr 11:09Version 1
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