
V 3.2 Mist und Güllemod mod for Farming Simulator 2013

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V3.0 fixed the error !

Rhönmap V3.1 with cattle and pig breeding


Hi, this is the Rhoenmap V3 with hilly landscapes and large Hoefen.Es is a modded standard card according to my ideas . The cow and sheep pastures are placed at the yard. Pig is possible on both courtyards , cattle above the beer garden. All silos and unloading points. For the standard fruits are in halls untergebracht.Es are several abbreviations to quickly to come.

Unloading are mill , brewery , garden center , railway station, Berghof , beer garden, country store , sugar factory, Gaststaette and BGAs . All animals should be supplied with water, then the production is higher. The Wollpalletten collected on runways around you are not constantly being forced to leave .

As usual, almost all the fields already switched to this card free and for the most part with fruit versehen.Also you can immediately go to the full and enjoy the country life .
The launch vehicles are selected so that you can get started right away . There are two BGA `s Spinning for your wool is placed in the village next to the farm. Pigs and cattle can be sold at the country store and restaurant .


Pigs and cattle have also just like the other animals with various types of food , water and straw supplied , so new animals are produced. These can then sell .

At the beginning of the breeding you should buy a few animals in the shop , which are then fed to produce.

Places for the greenhouses and the placeable mixing station are available

Compared to the V2 , there are still a few small changes such as the WoolPalettCollector etc. , but see for yourself !


Have fun with the V 3 ...
Rhon your farmer ! ! !
ps: is still rotting off

What mods are needed

- PDA fix of Marhu

- A cattle trailer for sale of animals

- A water trailer for Watermod of Marhu
Patch 2.0 is required

At this point I would like all the modders whose objects are installed here sincerely thank and whom you can not be mentioned by name !

this mod can not be uploaded also not easily changed without my permission again !
The publication on other forums requires my consent !


Alex 2009 ( Waage)
TMT Gülle-Mist-Mod

  • 14 Dec 09:36
    Version 3.2 Mist und Güllemod

    Hallo LS-Gemeinde

    auf mehrfachen Wunsch habe ich den Mist und Gülle Mod von TMT verbaut, sowie kleine Fehler der V3.1 behoben.

    Euer aktueller Spielstand kann bei behalten werden!
    einfach nur die neue Datei in den Modsordner packen und gegen die alte ersetzen.
    bitte die Zip-Datei GuelleMistMod ebenfals in den Modsordner packen

    Viel Spaß
    made by Rhönbauer

  • 04 Nov 08:27
    Version 3.1 mit Viehzucht


checksum: ac5267ee1b8c7d3264a7c6474aafb571
Version: 3.2 Mist und Güllemod
multiplayer ready? yes
Author: blubbber
price in shop: 30 LS
name in shop: Biogasanlage
description in shop: Hinweisschild Biogasanlage by blubbber
checksum: ac5267ee1b8c7d3264a7c6474aafb571
Version: 3.2 Mist und Güllemod
multiplayer ready? yes
Author: TMT
price in shop: 30 LS
name in shop: Biogasanlage
description in shop: Hinweisschild Biogasanlage by blubbber

04.11 2013
Modhoster user rating
4.04 / 25 Votes


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V 3.2 Mist und Güllemod
Farming Simulator 2013
Rhoenmap bitte entpacken.rar
196 MB 5657
14. 12 2013 5,657
V 3.1 mit Viehzucht
Farming Simulator 2013
198 MB 5648
04. 11 2013 5,648

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