repairVehicles - repair your vehicles

V 1.4 mod for Farming Simulator 17

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This mod lets you repair your vehicles and equipment, so you have to pay less maintenance costs.

However, the repair is not free! The repair costs are calculated as follows:
Repair costs = purchase price x 0.08 x (Hours * 0.036)

Example Valtra N Series

Purchase price = 119,000
Hours = 32,2h

119,000 x 0.08 x 1.1592 = ~ € 11,000*

*price may be different


To repair the vehicle / equipment, you just have to

  • have enough money (you can not repair machines for example € 10,000 if you only have € 5,000)
  • go to the vehicle (distance should be less than 3.5 m) and press the Z key (also visible in the Help window)



Script: Rival mit Hilfe von Decker_MMIV und timmiej93
Idee / Konzept: Rival

  • 02 Nov 17:25
    Version 1.4

    - MP Fix, funktioniert jetzt auch auf Dedi-Server problemlos (Danke an SimuFreunde, der mir spontan einen Server zur Verfügung gestellt hat)
    - Scriptoptimierungen

  • 787700
    by Rival
    ago over 8 years
  • 787699
    by Rival
    ago over 8 years
  • 787698
    by Rival
    ago over 8 years
  • 787697
    by Rival
    ago over 8 years
  • 787696
    by Rival
    ago over 8 years
  • 789045
    by Bernelli
    ago over 8 years


checksum: 2f22bc49724bcd8a1e0c936e6c4e36d3
Version: 1.4
multiplayer ready? yes
Author: Rival
price in shop: LS
name in shop:
description in shop:

29.10 2016
Modhoster user rating
4.58 / 130 Votes


nach 140 Stimmen

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V 1.4
Farming Simulator 17
11.9 KB 18103
02. 11 2016 18,103

4 Comments for repairVehicles - repair your vehicles

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  1. Jagz 10. 11 2016

    I dont understand this mod, sure it resets the daily maintence back to new,. but it costs more to keep it repaired then what daily maintenace costs ? or am i looking at this wrong

    1 replies

  2. Bernelli 01. 11 2016

    Rival, update the description. I don't nullify the counter of time of knowledge of the equipment. After repair of the technician in contents is more expensive than new. How many will cost service of the equipment after repair what formula?

  3. Bernelli 01. 11 2016

    The old equipment which at the beginning of the game is given isn't repaired. Also, the new purchased equipment can be repaired only in present session, when recalling a game - the repair price is equal to 0 again. Mod at all not the worker, the first version was better.

    1 replies

  4. Decker_MMIV 01. 11 2016

    May I bring to attention, that using Utils.overwrittenFunction() _requires_ the new-function to have a special extra argument; superFunc

    Example: Take a look at how getIsFoldAllowed() is defined in the

    Here is a proposed different solution for your script - apply similar to getSellPrice():

    function repairVehicles . getDailyUpKeep(self, superFunc)
    -- Remember original operating time
    local actualOperatingTime = self.operatingTime

    -- Temporarly change operating time
    self.operatingTime = math.max(0, self.operatingTime - self.rvLastOperatingTime)

    -- Call original script-code, that was "overwritten"
    local res = superFunc(self)

    -- Restore original operating time
    self.operatingTime = actualOperatingTime

    return res

    Please study the LUA documentation for difference using : (colon) or . (period) when declaring a function.

    1 replies
