Renault Magnum (revised) v17.02 [1.27.X]

V update 22.4 mod for Eurotruck Simulator 2

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Renault Magnum Updates v17.02 for Ets2 1.27.x game version


New changes in currentversion

- Adaptation for v1.27

- Improved dashboard computer

- bug fixes and corrections



- Before using this version of mod it is strongly recommended to change interior look to "Privilege" or "Route 66"!

- Before using this version of mod it is strongly recommended to detach all cargo boxes from all long chassis!


Install Help:

Put the file into your \ mod \ folder.


For tandems (optional)

Put the file from "BDF" folder into your \ mod \ folder.


Alternative sounds (optional)

Put any file from the "Sounds" folder into your \ mod \ folder. This file must have higher priority than based mod file!


For American Truck Simulator

Except aforecited two files you must put the file "" from "For American Truck Simulator" folder into your \ mod \ folder. This file must have lower priority than based mod file!


helpful information

* If after beacon name there is a "low beam" sign, then this beacon turned on with low beam

* For connoisseurs of realism which added 1,800 degree steering wheel in interior animation. You can uncomment it in files def \ vehicle \ truck \ renault.magnum \ interior \ animations * .SUI


Modell: Knox_xss
Textur: Knox_xss
Script: Knox_xss
Idee / Konzept: Knox_xss
Tester: Knox_xss
Sonstige: Knox_xss

  • 15 Jun 03:29
    Version update 22.4

    Renault Magnum Updates v22.4 by Knox_xss - 1.50

    – Updated materials and textures
    – Error and bugs fixes
    – Adapted and updated for 1.50

    – Standalone
    – 3 Cabins
    – 8 Chassis
    – 6 Engines
    – 9 Interiors (EU&UK)
    – Over 100+ Tuning parts
    – SiSL Accessories support
    – Buy in Mod Dealer


  • 29 Feb 23:17
    Version update 22.3.3

    Renault Magnum Updates v22.3.3 by Knox_xss - 1.49

    This is a complete redesign of the standard Renault Magnum. There are many chassis and tuning options. Support for the Signs On Your Truck mod.

    Version 22.3.3 Fix for Euro Truck Simulator 2 (v1.47.x, – 1.49.x):
    – Fixed missing texture for American trailer cables.

    All previous versions of this mod, as well as all fixes to them, should be deleted! Place the magnum_updates_v22.3.3.scs file in the mod folder. The fix for SSL MegaPack support is magnum_updates_v22.2_smp33addon.scs.

    The Scandinavian version of the Coolliner has been added. Now all tandem trailers, including the Scandinavian Coolliner, are tied to the default cargo!
    – Model and texture edits
    – Bugfixes and edits
    – Added support for cables
    – BDF trailers are now available for purchase


  • 28 Jan 00:04
    Version update 22.24.3

    Renault Magnum Updates v22.24.3 by Knox_xss - 1.49

    This is a complete redesign of the standard Renault Magnum. There are many chassis and tuning options. Support for the Signs On Your Truck mod. All previous versions of this mod, as well as all fixes to them, should be deleted! Place the magnum_updates_v22.3.3.scs file in the mod folder. The fix for SSL MegaPack support is magnum_updates_v22.2_smp33addon.scs. The Scandinavian version of the Coolliner has been added. Now all tandem trailers, including the Scandinavian Coolliner, are tied to the default cargo! – Model and texture edits; – Bugfixes and edits; – Added support for cables; – BDF trailers are now available for purchase.


  • 24 Jan 01:40
    Version update 22.24.2

    Renault Magnum Updates v22.24.2 by Knox_xss - 1.49

    Changes in this fix:
    The deflectors on the side windows have been redesigned – now the light passing through them is refracted (see screenshot below);
    Increased resolution for the GPS screen;
    Redesigned cabin light;
    Other minor corrections.


  • 13 Jan 02:03
    Version update 22.24.1

    Renault Magnum Updates v22.24.1 by Knox_xss - 1.49

    Version 22.24.1:
    – Fix for nonworking digital clock with combination of some exterior skins
    – Added sounds optional file
    – Updated for 1.49

    – Standalone
    – 3 Cabins
    – 8 Chassis
    – 6 Engines
    – 9 Interiors (EU&UK)
    – Over 100+ Tuning parts
    – SiSL Accessories support
    – Buy in Mod Dealer


  • 21 Dec 02:28
    Version update 22.24 - 1.49

    Renault Magnum Updates v22.24 by Knox_xss - 1.49

    Backlight to dashboard, navigators, phones
    Improved versions of the cellphone and cellphone with GPS, on the dashboard and on the windshield
    Extended version of the slots on the dashboard (more slots across the cabin)
    Extended sunshield with slots
    Slot for accessories at the bottom of the windshield
    License plates
    Windows animation

    Main mod
    Fix for v1.49


  • 14 Sep 00:43
    Version update 22.24

    Renault Magnum Updates v22.24 by Knox_xss - 1.48

    Adapted for 1.48
    Updated models and animations
    Updated interior lighting
    Fixed some bugs

    3 Cabins
    8 Chassis
    6 Engines
    9 Interiors (EU&UK)
    Over 100+ Tuning parts
    SiSL Accessories support
    Buy in Mod Dealer


  • 08 May 00:34
    Version update 22.23

    Renault Magnum Updates v22.23 by Knox_xss - 1.47

    Fixed bugs

    adaptation to version 1.47
    added backlight to dashboard, navigators, phones
    added improved versions of the cellphone and cellphone with GPS, on the dashboard and on the windshield
    added an extended version of the slots on the dashboard (more slots across the cabin)
    added an extended sun shield with slots
    added slot for accessories at the bottom of the windshield
    added tray for license plates
    shutters now in two versions – opened and closed
    updated Magnums in companies and in truck dealer
    added windows animation



  • 19 Apr 00:11
    Version update 22.22 für 1.47 [FIX]

    Renault Magnum Updates v22.22 by Knox_xss - 1.47 [FIX]

    Magnum with the previous fix works fine on version 1.47, but I decided to clean up the log and make some minor changes.

    adaptation to version 1.47
    added backlight to dashboard, navigators, phones
    added improved versions of the cellphone and cellphone with GPS, on the dashboard and on the windshield
    added an extended version of the slots on the dashboard (more slots across the cabin)
    added an extended sun shield with slots
    added slot for accessories at the bottom of the windshield
    added tray for license plates
    shutters now in two versions – opened and closed
    updated Magnums in companies and in truck dealer
    added windows animation


  • 18 Apr 01:08
    Version update 22.22 für 1.47

    Renault Magnum Updates v22.22 by Knox_xss - 1.47

    Update for game v1.47

    Many different chassis;
    Tandem options
    Own engines;
    Own sound;
    A lot of tuning and accessories;
    Cable support

    Knox_xss Collaborators: Hard_Chebur - interior decoration dmitry68 - dashboard animation Flemming V - basic models of booths and trailers for BDF DANZ - flashing beacons, signs and signs oq37 - pennants kuba141 - on-board computer 50keda - the basic model of the navigator SCS Software - The Magnum Base Model

  • 04 Jan 17:17
    Version update 22.22 für 1.46 - FIX #2 -

    Renault Magnum Updates v22.22 by Knox_xss - 1.46 [FIX #2]

    fixed cabin errors
    fixed gps issues
    updated models

    adaptation to version 1.46
    added backlight to dashboard, navigators, phones
    added improved versions of the cellphone and cellphone with GPS, on the dashboard and on the windshield
    added an extended version of the slots on the dashboard (more slots across the cabin)
    added an extended sun shield with slots
    added slot for accessories at the bottom of the windshield
    added tray for license plates
    shutters now in two versions – opened and closed
    updated Magnums in companies and in truck dealer
    added windows animation


  • 20 Nov 23:52
    Version update 22.22 für 1.46 - FIX -

    Renault Magnum Updates v22.22 by Knox_xss - 1.46 [FIX]

    Mod Contents:
    adaptation to version 1.46
    added backlight to dashboard, navigators, phones
    added improved versions of the cellphone and cellphone with GPS, on the dashboard and on the windshield
    added an extended version of the slots on the dashboard (more slots across the cabin)
    added an extended sun shield with slots
    added slot for accessories at the bottom of the windshield
    added tray for license plates
    shutters now in two versions – opened and closed
    updated Magnums in companies and in truck dealer
    added windows animation

    Place the mod fix higher than the main mod
    Updated for 1.46

  • 13 Nov 04:14
    Version update 22.22 für 1.46

    Renault Magnum Updates v22.22 by Knox_xss - 1.46

    Fix for game v1.46

    This is a complete rework of the standard Renault Magnum.
    Many options for chassis and tuning

    Author by: Knox_xss Collaborators: Hard_Chebur - interior decoration dmitry68 - dashboard animation Flemming V - basic models of booths and trailers for BDF DANZ - flashing beacons, signs and signs oq37 - pennants kuba141 - on-board computer 50keda - the basic model of the navigator SCS Software - The Magnum Base Model

  • 08 Oct 03:41
    Version update 22.22 für 1.45

    Renault Magnum Updates v22.22 by Knox_xss - 1.45

    Adaptation to version 1.45
    Added backlight to dashboard, navigators, phones
    Added improved versions of the cellphone and cellphone with GPS, on the dashboard and on the windshield
    Added extended version of the slots on the dashboard (more slots across the cabin)
    Added an extended sunshield with slots
    Added slot for accessories at the bottom of the windshield
    Added tray for license plates
    Shutters now in two versions – opened and closed
    Updated Magnums in companies and in truck dealer
    Added windows animation

  • 15 May 03:29
    Version update 22.22

    Renault Magnum Updates v22.22 by Knox_xss (1.44)

    Changelog v22.2
    Fixes for 1.44

    Many different chassis;
    Tandem options
    Their engines;
    Your sound;
    A lot of tuning and accessories;
    Cable support;

    Knox_xss Collaborators: Hard_Chebur - interior decoration dmitry68 - dashboard animation Flemming V - basic models of booths and trailers for BDF DANZ - flashing beacons, signs and signs oq37 - pennants kuba141 - on-board computer 50keda - the basic model of the navigator SCS Software - The Magnum Base Model

  • 17 Jan 21:19
    Version update 22.21 für 1.43

    Renault Magnum Updates v22.21 by Knox_xss (1.43)

    Changelog from 17.01.22
    Fixed bugs
    Added support for “Signs On Your Truck by Tobrago”
    Many different chassis;
    Tandem options
    Their engines;
    Your sound;
    A lot of tuning and accessories;
    Cable support;

    Author by: Knox_xss
    Hard_Chebur – interior decoration
    dmitry68 – dashboard animation
    Flemming V – basic models of booths and trailers for BDF
    DANZ – flashing beacons, signs and signs
    oq37 – pennants
    kuba141 – on-board computer
    50keda – the basic model of the navigator
    SCS Software – The Magnum Base Model

  • 02 Jan 01:11
    Version update 22.20 für 1.43

    Renault Magnum Updates v22.20 by Knox_xss (1.43)

    Renault Magnum Updates - this mod comprehensively changes the standard model of the ETS2, with the same name and affects many aspects from interior and animation to the chassis and new wheel formulas. The modification adds a whole bunch of different parts to improve the truck.Now you have the opportunity to pump the tractor as you wish, for comparison, in the base model of Renault Magnum from SCS, only 17 accessory positions can be changed, and in the Updates version about 50!

    Features Renault Magnum Updates:
    - independent truck model
    - High quality 3D model
    - High quality detailed exterior
    - High quality detailed interior
    - High quality rims & 3D tires
    - High quality mirrors reflection
    - Correct exhaust smoke position
    - Correct plate license position
    - the model has own wheels
    - the model has own sound
    - the model has own interior
    - the model has a passanger seat
    - present the illumination of arrow speedometer and tachometer
    - the character is correctly sitting in the driver's seat cabin
    - the choice of wheels and rims
    - the choice of color body / metallic paint / skins
    - the choice of transmission, gearbox
    - the choice of chassis
    - the choice of cabins
    - the choice of interiors
    - correct position of the Renault logo
    - Working headlights, brake lights, tail lights, front and rear turn signals, steering wheel and reverse signals;
    - The correct position of the player
    - Interior accesories configuration
    - There are external tuning
    - Cabin Accessories DLC support
    - Cables trailer support
    - FMod sound support
    - Window animation support
    - Supports all major functions of the game
    - buy from Renault or Acces Mod dealer

    Changes in v22.20:
    - Adapted to the latest game patch 1.43

  • 11 Oct 20:56
    Version 23

    Renault Magnum Updates v23 by Knox_xss (1.42)

    Changes in current version
    Adaptation to version 1.42
    Hello there,
    I don’t have time to deal with these days, so I just adapted and shared it in order not to keep you waiting.
    Fully detailed videos and major track update will come in 1 week.
    good games.

  • 15 Aug 23:47
    Version 22.2

    Renault Magnum Updates v22.2 by Knox_xss (1.41.x)

    Renault Magnum Updates - this mod comprehensively changes the standard model of the ETS2, with the same name and affects many aspects from interior and animation to the chassis and new wheel formulas. The modification adds a whole bunch of different parts to improve the truck.Now you have the opportunity to pump the tractor as you wish, for comparison, in the base model of Renault Magnum from SCS, only 17 accessory positions can be changed, and in the Updates version about 50!

    Features Renault Magnum Updates:
    - Standalone truck;
    - Many different chassis;
    - the model has own engines;
    - A lot of tuning and accessories;
    - Cables support;
    - Cabin DLC support.

    Changes in v22.2:
    - Fixed the 3rd UV channel for some paintjobs;
    - Adapted to the latest game patch 1.41

  • 28 Jun 16:53
    Version 22.1

    Renault Magnum Updates v22.1 by Knox_xss (1.40.x)

    Changes in current version
    * adaptation to version 1.40
    * added backlight to dashboard, navigators, phones
    * added improved versions of the cellphone and cellphone with GPS, on the dashboard and on the windshield
    * added extended version of the slots on the dashboard (more slots across the cabin)
    * added an extended sunshield with slots
    * added slot for accessories at the bottom of the windshield
    * added tray for license plates
    * shutters now in two versions - opened and closed
    * updated Magnums in companies and in truck dealer
    * added windows animation

    put the file into your "mod" folder, plug it in mod manager;
    put the file into your "mod" folder, plug it in mod manager (optional).

    Helpful information
    * If after beacon name there is a "Low beam" sign, then this beacon turned on with low beam.

  • 03 May 19:11
    Version 22.0

    Renault Magnum Updates v22 by Knox_xss (1.40.x)

    Changes v22.0:

    * adaptation to version 1.40

    * added backlight to dashboard, navigators, phones

    * added improved versions of the cellphone and cellphone with GPS, on the dashboard and on the windshield

    * added extended version of the slots on the dashboard (more slots across the cabin)

    * added an extended sunshield with slots

    * added slot for accessories at the bottom of the windshield

    * added tray for license plates

    * shutters now in two versions - opened and closed

    * updated Magnums in companies and in truck dealer

  • 04 Nov 11:23
    Version 21.01.2 (Fix für 1.39)

    Renault Magnum Updates v21.01.2 by Knox_xss (1.39.x)

    Fonts fixed (thanks to @carfreakusa)
    Traffic defs fixed
    Obsolete sound def fixed (to avoid red lines in the log)
    And again, what files must be in the mod folder (in ascending order of priority):
    magnum updates v21.01 by knox
    magnum updates v21.01
    magnum updates v21.01

    * Updated camera settings
    * Updated on-board computer
    * Updated sounds
    * The lift axle indicator now shows the status of the axle on the trailer (and not on the truck)
    * Added three chip-tuned engines - for 577, 615 and 677 hp
    * Added black variant of trailer cables
    * Added "Route 66 Metallic" skin
    * Added "Renault Magnum Metallic" skin for Magnum and for Krone trailers
    * Added "Duda Transport & Logistic" skin for Magnum and for Krone Profiliner trailer
    * Minor changes on the exterior and interior model
    * Removed outdated version of wheel chocks

    Link 1 Fix for 1.39:

    Link 2 Truck:

  • 17 Feb 23:19
    Version 21.01.1 (Hotfix 13. Februar 2020)

    Renault Magnum Updates v21.01.1 by Knox_xss (1.36.x)

    Renault Magnum Updates - this mod comprehensively changes the standard model of the ETS2, with the same name and affects many aspects from interior and animation to the chassis and new wheel formulas. The modification adds a whole bunch of different parts to improve the truck.
    Now you have the opportunity to pump the tractor as you wish, for comparison, in the base model of Renault Magnum from SCS, only 17 accessory positions can be changed, and in the Updates version about 50!

    Features truck Renault Magnum Updates:
    - Autonomous car;
    - Many different chassis;
    - the model has own engines;
    - A lot of tuning and accessories;
    - Cable support;
    - Works on version 1.36.x.

    Changes in v21.01 (Hotfix February 13, 2020):
    * Adaptation to version 1.36 and to DirectX 11
    * Updated camera settings
    * Updated on-board computer
    * Updated sounds
    * Lift axle indicator now shows axle status on trailer (and not on truck)
    * Added three tuned chip engines - for 577, 615 and 677 hp
    * Added black version of trailer cables
    * Added skin "Route 66 Metallic"
    * Added "Renault Magnum Metallic" skin for Magnum and for Krone trailers.
    * Added "Duda Transport & Logistic" skin for Magnum and for the Krone Profiliner trailer.
    * Minor changes in the model of the exterior and interior.
    * Removed the obsolete version of the wheel blocks.

    Install help:
    1. magnum_updates_v21.xx_bdf.scs
    2. magnum_updates_v21.01_fix.scs
    3. magnum_updates_v21.01_by_knox_xss.scs

    For tandems (optional)
    Put the file from "BDF" folder into
    your "mod" folder. You can buy these trailers through TEDIT.

    Helpful information
    * If after beacon name there is a "Low beam" sign, then this beacon turned on with low beam.
    * For connoisseurs of realism was added 1800 degree steering wheel in interior animation. You can uncomment it in files def\vehicle\truck\renault.magnum\interior\animations*.sui.

  • 23 Jun 06:22
    Version 21.01 (update #1 Hotfix)

    RENAULT MAGNUM V21.01 BY KNOX_XSS (update #1 Hotfix) 1.35.X

    The fix was updated!
    Fix solves the crash problem when choosing "Exclusive" interior.
    Renault Magnum Updates v21.01 is Here:

    Author knox_xss

  • 08 Jun 00:46
    Version 21.01


    Changes v21.01:
    * Adaptation to version 1.35 and to DirectX 11
    * Updated camera settings
    * Updated on-board computer
    * Updated sounds
    * The lift axle indicator now shows the status of the axle on the trailer (and not on the truck)
    * Added three chip-tuned engines - for 577, 615 and 677 hp
    * Added black variant of trailer cables
    * Added "Route 66 Metallic" skin
    * Added "Renault Magnum Metallic" skin for Magnum and for Krone trailers
    * Added "Duda Transport & Logistic" skin for Magnum and for Krone Profiliner trailer
    * Minor changes on the exterior and interior model
    * Removed outdated version of wheel chocks

    This is a complete rework of the standard Renault Magnum.
    Many options for chassis and tuning

    All previous versions of this mod, as well as all the fixes to them - delete!
    The file should be placed in the mod folder.

    For tandems (optional):
    The file from the "BDF" folder is also located in the mod folder.

    Scandinavian version of Coolliner added
    Now all tandem trailers, including the Scandinavian Coolliner, are tied to default weights!

    - Amendments to the model and textures
    - Bagfixes and edits
    - Added cable support
    - BDF trailers are now available for purchase.

  • 29 Oct 01:32
    Version 20.03

    Changes in current version
    * Now dashboard displays the gear mode - "AUTO" or "MANU"
    * Added custom license plate
    * Added american type of cables for trailer
    * Added Renault front wheel hub
    * Now you can change head lamps (halogen/xenon)

    Put the file into your "mod" folder.

    For tandems (optional)
    Put the file from "BDF" folder into your "mod" folder. You can buy these trailers through TEDIT.

    For American Truck Simulator
    Put all files from "For American Truck Simulator" folder into your "mod" folder.

    Helpful information
    * If after beacon name there is a "Low beam" sign, then this beacon turned on with low beam.
    * For connoisseurs of realism was added 1800 degree steering wheel in interior animation. You can uncomment it in files def\vehicle\truck\renault.magnum\interior\animations*.sui.

  • 15 Oct 00:09
    Version 20.02

    Renault Magnum Updated v20.02 [1.32.x]

    New Changes in current version
    * Adaptation for ATS v1.32
    * BDF trailers are now displayed in Freight Market

    Install help:
    Put the file into your "mod" folder.

    For tandems (optional)
    Put the file from "BDF" folder into your "mod" folder.
    You can buy these trailers through TEDIT.

    For American Truck Simulator
    Put all files from "For American Truck Simulator" folder into your "mod" folder.

    Helpful information
    * If after beacon name there is a "Low beam" sign, then this beacon turned on with low beam.
    * For connoisseurs of realism was added 1800 degree steering wheel in interior animation. You can uncomment it in files def\vehicle\truck\renault.magnum\interior\animations*.sui.

    I express my gratitude to Renault Trucks, SCS Software, Simon (50keda), Dmitry (dmitry68), Vyacheslav_A,
    Oleg (oq37), Denis (DANZ), Sergey (Supric), Flemming (Flemming V), David (Davidzoli), Enrique (SheryO),
    kuba141 and many other fans of Renault Magnum, serves a variety of ideas and carrying a healthy criticism

  • 02 Oct 18:52
    Version 20.01

    Hi guys
    I have permission to upload this mod

    Changes in current version
    * Adaptation for ETS2 v1.32

    Put the file into your “mod” folder.

    For tandems (optional)
    Put the file from “BDF” folder into your “mod” folder. You can buy these trailers through TEDIT.

    For American Truck Simulator
    (will be later)

    Helpful information
    * If after beacon name there is a “Low beam” sign, then this beacon turned on with low beam.
    * For connoisseurs of realism was added 1800 degree steering wheel in interior animation. You can uncomment it in files defvehicletruckrenault.magnuminterioranimations*.sui.

    I express my gratitude to Renault Trucks, SCS Software, Simon (50keda), Dmitry (dmitry68), Vyacheslav_A, Oleg (oq37), Denis (DANZ), Sergey (Supric), Flemming (Flemming V), David (Davidzoli), Enrique (SheryO), kuba141 and many other fans of Renault Magnum, serves a variety of ideas and carrying a healthy criticism.

  • 07 Jun 18:23
    Version 19.01

    RENAULT MAGNUM V19.01 1.31.X

    This is a complete reworking of the standard Renault Magnum
    Many variants of chassis and tuning

    Version 19.01 for Euro Truck Simulator 2 (v1.31.x):
    Adapting to version 1.31.x
    (there is no adaptation to ATS 1.31 yet)

    All previous versions of this mod, as well as all fixes to them, are removed!
    File place in the \ mod \ folder.

    For tandems (optional):
    The file from the folder "BDF" is also placed in the \ mod \ folder.

    Alternative sounds (optional):
    Any file from the "Sounds" folder can be placed in the \ mod \ folder. In the mod-manager, give it priority over the main mod files!

    For American Truck Simulator:
    In addition to the above files, you also need to put the file in the \ mod \ folder in the "For American Truck Simulator" folder. In the mod-manager, give it priority lower than the main mod files! If you want, you can also put toys (toys) and wheels from ETS2.

    Added Scandinavian version of Coolliner
    Now all the trailers of the tandem, including the Scandinavian Coolliner, are tied to default shipments!

    -Made by model and texture
    -Bagfixes and edits

    Author: Knox_xss
    Hard_Chebour - interior decoration
    dmitry68 - dashboard animation
    Flemming V - basic models of booths and trailers for BDF
    DANZ - flashing beacons, plaques and signs
    oq37 - pennants
    kuba141 - on-board computer
    50keda - basic navigator model
    SCS Software - basic model of Magnum

  • 19 Feb 19:27
    Version 18.02

    Renault Magnum -Updated- v18.02 [1.30.x]

    Changes in 18.02 version
    - Adaptation for 1.30.x game version
    - Improvements of the model and textures
    - Bugfixes and corrections

    Put the file into your \mod\ folder.

    For tandems(optional)
    Put the file from "BDF" folder into your \mod\ folder.

    For American Truck Simulator
    Put all files from "For American Truck Simulator" folder into your \mod\ folder.

    Helpful information
    * If after beacon name there is a "Low beam" sign, then this beacon turned on with low beam.
    * For connoisseurs of realism was added 1800 degree steering wheel in interior animation.

    You can uncomment it in files def\vehicle\truck\renault.magnum\interior\animations*.sui.

    *I express my gratitude to Renault Trucks, SCS Software, Simon (50keda), Dmitry (dmitry68),

    Vyacheslav_A, Oleg (oq37), Denis (DANZ), Sergey (Supric), Flemming (Flemming V), David (Davidzoli),

    Enrique (SheryO), kuba141 and many other fans of Renault Magnum,

    serves a variety of ideas and carrying a healthy criticism.

  • 05 Sep 16:17
    Version 18.01

    Changes in current version
    * Adaptation for v1.28
    * Bugfixes, corrections and improvements
    * Added Nordic Coolliner trailer
    * Now all tandem trailers including Nordic Coolliner trailer are linked to default cargoes!

    Put the file into your mod folder.

    For tandems (optional)
    Put the file from “BDF” folder into your mod folder.

    Alternative sounds (optional)
    Put any file from the “Sounds” folder into your mod folder. This file must have higher priority than based mod files!

    For American Truck Simulator
    Except aforecited two files you must put the file “” from “For American Truck Simulator” folder into your mod folder. This file must have lower priority than based mod files! If you wish you can add also a toys, a wheels and some share files from ETS2.

    Helpful information
    * If after beacon name there is a “Low beam” sign, then this beacon turned on with low beam.
    * For connoisseurs of realism was added 1800 degree steering wheel in interior animation. You can uncomment it in files defvehicletruckrenault.magnuminterioranimations*.sui.

    Alex (Knox_xss)

  • 02 Apr 12:32
    Version 17.02

  • 3584995
    by mods80
    ago 9 months
  • 3584994
    by mods80
    ago 9 months
  • 3584993
    by mods80
    ago 9 months
  • 3571056
    by mods80
    ago about 1 year
  • 3571055
    by mods80
    ago about 1 year
  • 3571054
    by mods80
    ago about 1 year
  • 3565446
    by mods80
    ago about 1 year
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02.04 2017
Modhoster user rating
1.0 / 1 Votes


noch nicht genug Stimmen

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