With this I offer you to download my skin for the Renault Magnum named "Renault Magnum 2009 Special Edition".
In the game you find it under the name "Mermaid".
I'm in possesion of all rights containing this mod.
This mod may only be offered on other websites keeping the original downloadlink from
I don't accept using alternative downloadlinks, because then I'm not able to give you support, especially if the mod
doesn't work anymore because the game is updatet to a newer version then 1.12. Of course I hope it'll work with any
newer version.
Changing the skin and unzipping of this file is permittet. The scs-file is protected by a password.
This mod works and is tested on version 1.12.
I'm always happy about comments and scorings.
GermanLKW - Renault Magnum 2009 Special Edition 2,67 MB.
06 Sep 18:24Version 1.0
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