The Rei's Minimap Mod 1.3.2 adds to the game to a season ticket, which can be with the Minecraft world is many times better erkundes. Also you can with this mod important points, such as mark his house, so you no longer lost.
Normal method without Modinstaller
Download the. Zip folder and extract this first on the desktop (with Winrar, Winzip, etc.)
Jump Start and go to "Run"
Type "% appdata%" in the Run window, type and confirm
This opens a window, go to the. Minecraft folder
Now you gehtst in the bin folder in the Minecraft.jar
Open the Minecraft.jar and drag all the files in the ZIP folder in the Minecraft.jar
Do not forget to delete Meta Inf ^ ^ ^
Finished the mod is installed; D
Have fun with the mod
Controls in the game!
X = full view of the map
M = Menu
ESC = the menu
If you like the game, please support the developer and buy you the game in the original! Short link:
30 Sep 19:44Version 1.3.2
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