Real Traffic Density v2.0 for Ets2 1.26.x game version
New version v2.0 changelog:
- Frequency factor remastered for a better adjustment of the global density
- Used integer numbers in spawn frequency Which some say shoulderstand eliminate license plates errors
(Ran thus in cities it's impossible due to higher density)
- Increased number of trucks Which gives more real feeling on motorways and city rings
- Reduced traffic gaps on motorways
- Tweaked the numbers to increase the traffic density on local roads and still leave enough space for overtaking
- Very high density in the morning and afternoon, love especially on motorways and expressways,
So but in cities with frequent traffic jams (2 maximums at 8:30 and 16:30)
- Gene rally high density on motorways the whole day and reasonable high during the night,
with a minimum at 3 o'clock where quiet a significant number of vehicles can be spotted
- Relatively high density during the day on local roads (1x1) and variable frequency did makes possible overtaking other vehicles;
- Low and very low traffic density on local roads during the night
- Increased semaphore cycle on all roads except for 1X1 cross crossroads.
Local crossroads have quietly reduced semaphore cycle due to the reduced number of vehicles
Other improvements:
- Increased the duration of yellow green to after 3 seconds on all semaphores (essential to avoid fines)
- Reduced the duration of yellow after red to 1 second (avoid fines if leaving too early)
- Improved semaphore cycle on roadworks. The duration of red on Both semaphores is now 12 seconds.
- Fixed barrier semaphore on
How to install:
- Place the attached file scs above Ai traffic mods and above all map mods in the load order
- Tested on game version Tested so on Promods, RusMap, Southern Region map and ROS.
- It is not working in Hungary map
- To apply compatibility with Promods, my mod will overwrite the Following sii files in Promods def file:
• semaphore_profile.fld.sii
• traffic_lane_ProMods.
If you wish to keep the reduced Promods semaphore cycle you can remove semaphore_profile.fld.sii
and from def / world.
HOWEVER for the correct working of my mod you shoulderstand not delete traffic_lane_Promods
(Otherwise due to the high traffic density of my mod,
you may not be able to overtake any vehicle on local roads, besides you will have too
many vehicles on the local roads during the night
Modell: Cipinho
Textur: Cipinho
Script: Cipinho
Idee / Konzept: Cipinho
Tester: Cipinho
Sonstige: Cipinho
16 Oct 11:03Version 3.0
v3.0 changelog:
– tweaked daytime values following an algorithm of Tresco
– added ai_avoid_speed rule which should make some cars driving faster than the speed limit
– added remove_distance rules with different values (smaller) for ProMods addon to keep reasonable fps on this demanding map
– removed few outdated rules
– Ai vehicles can overtake on single continuous line on local roads (remove world/road_look.sii if you dislike this rule)
– increased speed on expressways located on cities (70 km/h for cars and 60 km/h for buses)
– added rule max_limit with higher values on all types of vehicles (will not alterate country speed limits)
– included separate add-on for Ai traffic
Ai Traffic add-on for Real Traffic Density v3.0
– cloned SCS police cars with permanent beacon and sound – courtesy of Todor Alin, thanks for a great help and patience. the “on” police cars have sound only during the day and higher speed where there are no local speed limits (remove sound2.sii if you don’t want the sound); the country spawn is identical as the originals, few cars added in countries from other maps; originals police cars are not affected in any way by the “clones”
– car and trucks colours from my mod were included in this mod. if you edited that mod, keep it with higher priority than this addon otherwise that mod could be removed from the list
– increased speed and torque of SCS Ai traffic trucks
– increased speed of police cars
– increased/decreased speed of SCS Ai traffic cars for a better discrepancy in traffic
Important remark: in order to keep the original country speed limits, please note that Ai vehicles will only drive faster than the speed limit in certain conditions, game limitation
discussions here:
Author: Cipinho
Acknowledgments v3.0: SlavikSD, Todor Alin, TrescoCredits:
Cipinho -
04 Sep 12:20Version 2.3
v2.3 changelog:
-FPS improvements by reducing the max spawn count up to only necessary value
-reduced traffic on early mornings and late afternoons
-increased traffic during rush hours
-keept default train density due to issues on some France barriers
-kept default values for low density due to possible random crashes at loading
-slightly increased trucks and buses ratio comparing with cars
-for ProMods map users please place the ProMods addon above the main mod
works in 1.27 and 1.28, not below! updates may follow upon map updatesHow to install:
– unzip the archive and use the corresponded mod for your profile, ProMods users must place the ProMods addon above main mod. Hungary map has a separate mod, HUNtraffic 1.28.
any other map works with the main mod only.
– place the traffic mod above Ai traffic mods and above all map mods in the load order
discussions and questions here: Cipinho
Cipinho, Piva -
27 May 15:13Version 2.2
Changelog v2.2:
-latest traffic adjustments for a real density of traffic
-added new rules in traffic_lane.sii (still testing)
-reduced ratio trucks/cars to 1:2 and buses/cars to 1:10
-added Piva’s corrections of France trains (from Piva’s traffic density v4.0.2)
-added Piva’s hookup adjustments (from Piva’s traffic density v4.0.2)
works only in 1.27! updates may follow upon map updates
tested in:
-Vanilla map
-EAA map
-Eastern Express
for ProMods map please use the Real Traffic Density v2.2 for ProMods
Author: —Cipinho—
Credits: —Piva—
Cipinho, Piva -
05 Mar 14:18Version 2.0
by mods80
ago over 7 years
by mods80
ago over 7 years
by mods80
ago over 7 years
by mods80
ago almost 8 years
by mods80
ago almost 8 years
by mods80
ago almost 8 years
by mods80
ago about 8 years
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