V 1.0 mod for Farming Simulator 15

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Hello friends Farming, after many tractors I wanted to make these trailers for my fans and not only. The style is typical of my latest mod, with real weight and size (scale 1:1). The project was realized thanks to the manufacturer (F.lli Randazzo) that in addition to maximum cooperation has also provided the CAD model that I had to remodel due to excessive polygons. This mod, despite the high number of polygons, is very light ingame confirming the quality of the work done.

- The set includes 4 VERSIONS : - NH (white / blue) - John Deere (yellow / green) - Fendt (green / red) - and version colorable, realistic animations unloading, washable; Fruits supported:: wheat,rape, maize, barley, seeds, chaff, potato, sugarBeet, silage, woodChips, grass windrow, dryGrass windrow, forage, forage mixing...

- The trailer with trilateral unloading, suitable for grain, silage, seed. 

  • The load capacity is 35.000L S
  • Size: 7m. lenght, 2.550m. width, 2.0 m. height.
  • Empty weight 6,400 kg.

Ago-Modding (Ago-Sysytemtech).

Thanks to my team for testing.  Log clean and no error in Sp and MP, on standard map!

Good game!
This mod is offered exclusively and under the license of F.lli Randazzo and please keep the original link for the download. Changes are prohibited!!!
In addition, the mod excluding scripts, is completely covered by a Creative Commons license 4.0 you will find the conditions of use in the links below:

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Licenza Creative Commons
Randazzo R270 PT LS15 v.2.0 by Ago-modding is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribuzione-Non commerciale-NoDerivatives 4.0 License internazionale . 
Based on a work at https://www.facebook.com/ago.systemtech . 
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at https://www.facebook.com/ago.systemtech





  • 22 Mar 11:00
    Version 1.0


checksum: efbb6945a3f93aeb2f44910878c254bc
Version: 1.0
multiplayer ready? yes
Author: Ago-Systemtech
price in shop: 26000 LS
name in shop: FENDT R270 PT V. 1.0
description in shop:

22.03 2015
Modhoster user rating
4.66 / 91 Votes


nach 90 Stimmen

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V 1.0
Farming Simulator 15
22.2 MB 16621
22. 03 2015 16,621

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