- Upgraded to FS2013.
What can this mod be used for? With all the additional key-controls that modern vehicles and implements now has, it is not always feasible to switch between keyboard, mouse and steering-wheel all the time, as it may cause driving errors or worse... So to look quickly around, this QuickCamera mod introduce "quick-tap keys" for both cabin camera and external cameras of a vehicle. Make sure you go into 'Options' -> 'Controls' in the game, and assign your own keys to the "QuickCam:Look..." actions. Now in-game, quick-tap the key that you assigned to the 'QuickCam:Look 45° Left' action, and the camera will rotate to the next 45-degree angle to the left, and so too for the 'QuickCam:Look 45° Right' action. To look backwards, quick-tap the key that you assigned to the 'QuickCam:Look backward' action, and like so for the 'QuickCam:Look forward' action. You can also toggle between looking forward/backward by assigning a key to the 'QuickCam:Toggle look for/back' action. If the selected camera is capable of zooming, a quick-tap on your 'QuickCam:Zoom out' key, will cause it to zoom out 20 units at a time. And likewise for your 'QuickCam:Zoom in' key. Suggested action/key assignments Note: This is how I have set up my custom controls - make sure you assign your own keys!
Look down (vehicle)
RIGHT-SHIFT Down-arrow
Look up (vehicle)
Look right (vehicle)
RIGHT-SHIFT Right-arrow
Look left (vehicle)
RIGHT-SHIFT Left-arrow
Camera Zoom in
Camera Zoom out
QuickCam:Look 45° right
QuickCam:Look 45° left
QuickCam:Look forward
QuickCam:Look backward
QuickCam:Toggle look for/back
QuickCam:Zoom in
QuickCam:Zoom out
Technicalities The default quick-tap time is 150 milliseconds or below. If you can not press-and-release a key this quick, the time can be adjusted via the in-game console, using this console command: modQuickCameraRotateKeyTapMs[<new quick-tap max milliseconds>]Also if the default zoom-in/out of 20 units does not suit you, it can be changed via the in-game console, using this console command: modQuickCameraZoomDistance [<new quick-zoom distance>]Problems or bugs? If you encounter problems or bugs using the QuickCamera, please use the support-thread at - Find the mod (and correct version) in the mods section, in category 'Other - Game Scripts'. Known bugs/problems:
Because this QuickCamera mod does not override the normal camera movement script, there might be a little movement first, before the camera snaps into position - IF you have assigned the same keys as for the normal look left/right/up/down.
Sometimes when snapping to look forward/backward, the camera-rotation may rotate several times quickly. There's some math that I haven't quite figured out how to solve.
Script: Decker-
13 Nov 18:44Version 0.94
by Patrik Eichinger
ago over 12 years
by sgt holder
ago over 12 years
by sgt holder
ago over 12 years
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