
V o.99 mod for Farming Simulator 15

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Welcome to the beautiful area Pullhausen. This is a small village in the foothills of the Alps, in Upper Bavaria. Originally it was to be a 1to1 replica, only the time wasnt enough.   The farm, youre living, is no longer in the best condition since a major fire in the shed, ruined many vehicles and also killed the last cattle.

Also, the bad weather has ruined this year, almost the entire crop.

So your father has decided, to give up the farm.

Now, you have the honor or much more  the chance to go on with your farm. Its also a chance to show him how good are you. So what are you waiting for? Your Grandpa is always happy if you help him with his sheep.
Oh yeah, the sheep are the most important persons in his life, so take care of them.
(Sorry, but i haven`t had the time yet, to translate the map into Englisch, so only a German Version will be playable.)
But if you want to try it, hurry up !
There isn`t much more  time to play FS 15 already
; )


Map: Farmerfivetom
Scripte und Objekte: VertexDesign, Marhu, FarmerAndy, PowerPeter008, rafftnix, Jakob Tischler
Idee / Konzept: Farmerfivetom
Tester: Farmerfivetom

  • 20 Oct 19:42
    Version o.99

    Gameplaytechnische Verbesserungen:
    Füllplane von compost_soil, oat, rye hinzugefügt.
    compost wurde nun zu compost soil zusammengefasst, da dies einige Probleme bei mir bereitet hatte.
    Änderungen an den MBO des Kuhhofes.
    (Möglicherweiße nicht mehr alle bei euch gekauft)
    Dies wird die letzte Version für LS15 sein.

  • 11 Oct 18:57
    Version 0.9


checksum: 8f274d696127471a86eb979926a84708
Version: o.99
multiplayer ready? yes
Author: Farmerfivetom
price in shop: LS
name in shop: Pullhausen
description in shop: Pullhausen.
checksum: 8f274d696127471a86eb979926a84708
Version: o.99
multiplayer ready? yes
Author: upsideDown
price in shop: LS
name in shop: Pullhausen
description in shop: Pullhausen.

10.10 2016
Modhoster user rating
4.26 / 27 Votes


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V o.99
Farming Simulator 15
755 MB 3934
20. 10 2016 3,934
V 0.9
Farming Simulator 15
836 MB 2921
11. 10 2016 2,921

1 Comments for Pullhausen

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  1. robbie11 11. 10 2016

    this is a really nice map!
    i have play it for a while but my tractor is now out of order
    and i cant find de place to repair it ,can someone help me please?

    1 replies
