I once created a brewery. These are available in two versions, once with fence border and once without fence.
The brewery produces beer in bottles and barrels as well as product produces compost.
The price of the brewery is 245,000 euros
For bottle production you need hops, wheat, water and empty pallets .
For beer keg production you need hops, barley, water and empty pallets .
All required raw materials can be purchased.
On the site of the brewery there is also a warehouse for crates, barrels and compost pallets, with a capacity of 350,000 liters.
It runs over the GC script of Modcompany
For the empty pallets the mod of Susi and Wingi can be used.
The zip file must be unpacked because there is an additional sales point as an addition. Both mods or just the brewery then purely in the modfolder. The brewery can be found in the shop under Global Company, the supermarket and signposts under Miscellaneous
She runs in the SP and MP
For testing, I also thank the server BUND GERMAN FARMERS.
Now I wish you much fun with it.
A new upload is only allowed with Orginal Link.
Idee / Konzept:
Sonstige: Giants
04 Feb 07:29Version 1.1 SP/MP
Version 1.1
- Bei der Brauerei ohne Zaun Log Fehler behoben
- Hubwagen entfernt -
03 Nov 10:06Version 1
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