The recommended version of the game: 1.43.* Euro Truck Simulator 2
The mod is represented signs marking trucks in different categories country codes, speed limit, warning, ecology warning and others.
Signs: 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / E / E (yellow) / EEV / G / H / H (yellow) / IV / L / S / U / III / V / VI / R (yellow) / TIR / No TIR / T.I.R. / No T.I.R. etc.
E = (Environment) or white letter "U" (Umwelt), denoting vehicle with a Euro-1 engine.
EEV = Enhanced environmentally friendly vehicle (emission category between V and VI) is a term used in the European emission standards for the definition of a "clean vehicle" > 3.5 tonne in the category M2 and M3. The standard lies between the levels of Euro V and Euro VI.
G = denoting Gerauscharm Fahrzeug (ie noiseless/quiet vehicle): German version of the Austrian "L" plate for use only on diesel vehicles meeting German low-noise requirements - similar to those for Austria as above.
L = denoting Larmarm Fahrzeug (ie low noise vehicle): Austrian version of the symbol for quiet diesel vehicle which are:
- small and medium-sized lorries of no more than 150KW producing noise levels no greater than 78dB.
- heavy lorries exceeding 150KW with noise levels no greater than 80dB.
S = (Sicher/safe) denoting a vehicle with a Euro-2 engine and safety features.
3 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-3 engine and safety features.
4 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-4 engine and safety features.
5 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-5 engine and safety features.
6 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-6 engine and safety features.
A = required in Germany on all vehicles carrying waste.
R (yellow) = The truck has route approval, for ex. heavy transport. (used in Austria).
H (yellow) = The truck has higher gross vehicle weight, for ex. heavy transport. (used in Austria).
E (yellow) = The truck has restricted gross vehicle weight. Tax benefits for it. (used in Austria).
III - VI = European emission standards III-VI for HGVs (> 3.5 tonne)
ADR signs: ADR 22-1951 Argon Refrigerated Liquid, 22-1977 Liquid Nitrogen, 22-2187 Carbon Dioxide Refrigerated Liquid, 23-1965 Liquefied Petroleum Gas LPG, 23-1971 Methane Compressed or Natural Gas Compresed With High Methane Content, 30-1202 Diesel, 30-1223 Kerosene, 30-1267 Crude Oil, 30-1300 Turpentine Substitute, 30-1863 Fuel Aviation Turbine Engine, 30-1999 Tars Liquid Including Road Oils And Cutback Bitumens, 33-1090 Acetone, 33-1203 Gasoline, 33-1219 Isopropanol (Isopropyl Alcohol) etc.
For more information about ADR.[]
Speed limit signs: 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 / 80 / 90. The combination of red white and yellow red with black numbers and white background with black numbers.
Country symbols: Austria / Belarus / Belgium / Bosnia and Hherzegovina / Brazil / Bulgaria / Croatia / Cyprus / Czech Rrepublic / Denmark / Ex Yugoslavia / Estonia / Finland / France / Germany / Greece / Hungary / Island / Ireland / Italy / Latvia / Liechtenstein / Lithuania / Luxembourg / Macedonia / Montenegro / Netherlands / Norway / Poland / Portugal / Romania / Russia / Serbia. etc.
VOLVO FH 16 2009 * VOLVO FH 16 2012
MERCEDES BENZ NEW ACTROS 2019[] By Actros 5 Crew
VOLVO FM/FMX[] By Galimim
DAF XF EURO 6 (Revorked)[] By Schumi
IVECO HI-WAY (Revorked)[] By Schumi
MERCEDES ACTROS MP4 (Revorked)[] By Schumi
VOLVO FH & FH16 2009[] By Schumi
RENAULT PREMIUM (Revorked)[] By Schumi
FORD F-MAX By Simulation
Autors: Tobra
Modell: Tobra
Textur: Tobra
Idee / Konzept: Tobra
Sonstige: Tobra
09 May 00:51Version
Signs on Your Truck & Trailer v [1.50]
Features Mod:
– Adds about 400 signs for truck tuning
– Works with all stock trucks and some mods
– Compatible also and with trailersVersion
– Compatible with game version 1.50
– “Blind Spots” stickers are now visible on the Schwarzmüller trailer
– Added the German Driving School (Fahrschule) sign
– Dugo Vozilo, Convoi Exceptionalel and others signs have been added to the Krone trailer
– Added translations and corrections to the translation of the mod
– Mod packaged with SCS Packer 1.50
– Minor bugs fixed
– Correction sii file
– Correction text fileCredits:
tobrago -
28 Apr 21:35Version
Signs on Your Truck & Trailer v [1.50]
– “Blind Spots” stickers are now visible on the Schwarzmüller trailer
– Added the German Driving School (Fahrschule) sign
– Dugo Vozilo, Convoi Exceptionalel and others signs have been added to the Krone trailer
– Added translations and corrections to the translation of the mod
– Mod packaged with SCS Packer 1.50You need to have DLC:
– DLC – DAF XG/XG+ Pack installed!
– DLC – MAN TGX Pack installed!
– DLC – Krone Trailer Pack installed!
– DLC – Schwarzmuller Trailer Pack installed!
– DLC – Feldbinder Trailer Pack installed!
– DLC – Tirsan Trailer Pack installed!
– DLC – Wielton Trailer Pack installed!Credits:
tobrago -
05 Dec 02:49Version
Signs on Your Truck & Trailer v [1.49]
– Adds about 400 signs for truck tuning
– Works with all stock trucks and some mods
– Compatible also and with trailersVersion
– The recommended version of the game: 1.49.*
– Trial version versionCredits:
tobrago -
08 Nov 16:25Version
Signs on Your Truck & Trailer v [1.49]
Changelog ver:
Added support for Wielton Trailers
Bugs fixes from last version
Support for 1.49Features Mod:
Adds about 400 signs for truck tuning;
Works with all stock trucks and some mods;
Compatible also and with trailers.Credits:
tobrago -
14 Aug 09:52Version
Signs On Your Truck & Trailer v1.0.3.35 - 1.48
Features Mod:
– Adds about 400 signs for truck tuning
– Works with all stock trucks and some mods
– Compatible also and with trailersVersion
– Adjusting mod compatibility with other mods
– Correction sii file
– Correction text fileCredits:
tobrago -
10 Jul 21:29Version
Signs On Your Truck & Trailer v1.0.3.32 - 1.47
Changelog ver: – ver:
Added Portuguese translation of the mod
For the Volvo FH 2022 truck by Sanax corrected position of the front signs C
For the Volvo FH 2022 truck by Sanax corrected sticker on the windshield
For the Volvo FH 2022 truck by Sanax another variant of the windshield sticker has been added
Minor bugs fixed
Correction sii file
Correction text file
tobrago -
01 Jul 23:21Version
Signs On Your Truck & Trailer v1.0.3.30 - 1.47
Changelog ver: —> ver:
Tuned front B signs on MAN 2020 truck
Fixed an error in the Russian translation module (wrong character entered)
Improved placement of Company stickers
Mod support for Volvo FH2022 truck by Sanax
Added “Angles Morts, Blind Spot etc” on the SCS gastank trailer
Added “Angles Morts, Blind Spot etc” on the SCS livestock trailer
Added three variants of stickers for transporting animals on the SCS livestock trailer
Minor bugs fixed
Correction sii file
Correction text fileYou need to have DLC
DLC – DAF XG/XG+ Pack installed!
DLC – MAN TGX Pack installed!
DLC – Feldbinder Trailer Pack installed!
DLC – Krone Trailer Pack installed!
DLC – Schwarzmuller Trailer Pack installed!
tobrago -
30 May 01:02Version
Signs On Your Truck & Trailer v1.0.3.25 - 1.47
The new update is available version
Changelog ver: ---> ver:
Adjusted windshield sticker slots on MAN 2020 truck
Updated truck scene configuration file (truck_config_scene)
Minor bugs fixed
Correction sii file
Correction text file -
26 May 20:59Version
Signs On Your Truck & Trailer v1.0.3.21 - 1.47
Changelog ver: ---> ver:
Fixed an issue with the inner stickers on the windshield
Returned company sticker on the cab door (experimental)
Minor bugs fixed
Correction sii file
Correction text fileThe mod is represented signs marking trucks in different categories country codes, speed limit, warning, ecology warning and others.
Signs: 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / E / E (yellow) / EEV / G / H / H (yellow) / IV / L / S / U / III / V / VI / R (yellow) / TIR / No TIR / T.I.R. / No T.I.R. etc. These signs are located at the front of the truck cabin.
3 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-3 engine and safety features.4 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-4 engine and safety features.
5 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-5 engine and safety features.
6 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-6 engine and safety features.
a = agricultural goods
A = required in Germany on all vehicles carrying waste.
d = perishable goods
E = (Environment) or white letter "U" (Umwelt), denoting vehicle with a Euro-1 engine.
EEV = Enhanced environmentally friendly vehicle (emission category between V and VI) is a term used in the European emission standards for the definition of a "clean vehicle" > 3.5 tonne in the category M2 and M3. The standard lies between the levels of Euro V and Euro VI.
E (yellow) = The truck has restricted gross vehicle weight. Tax benefits for it. (used in Austria).
G = denoting Gerauscharm Fahrzeug (ie noiseless/quiet vehicle): German version of the Austrian "L" plate for use only on diesel vehicles meeting German low-noise requirements - similar to those for Austria as above.
H (yellow) = The truck has higher gross vehicle weight, for ex. heavy transport. (used in Austria).
L = denoting Larmarm Fahrzeug (ie low noise vehicle): Austrian version of the symbol for quiet diesel vehicle which are:
- small and medium-sized lorries of no more than 150KW producing noise levels no greater than 78dB.
- heavy lorries exceeding 150KW with noise levels no greater than 80dB.R (yellow) = The truck has route approval, for ex. heavy transport. (used in Austria).
S = (Sicher/safe) denoting a vehicle with a Euro-2 engine and safety features.
III - VI = European emission standards III-VI for HGVs (> 3.5 tonne).
______________________________________________________________________________ADR signs: ADR / 22-1951 Argon Refrigerated Liquid / 22-1977 Liquid Nitrogen / 22-2187 Carbon Dioxide Refrigerated Liquid / 23-1965 Liquefied Petroleum Gas LPG / 23-1971 Methane Compressed or Natural Gas Compresed With High Methane Content / 30-1202 Diesel / 30-1223 Kerosene / 30-1267 Crude Oil / 30-1300 Turpentine Substitute / 30-1863 Fuel Aviation Turbine Engine / 30-1999 Tars Liquid Including Road Oils And Cutback Bitumens / 33-1090 Acetone / 33-1203 Gasoline / 33-1219 Isopropanol (Isopropyl Alcohol) / 44-2448 Sulphur Molten / 80-1824 Sodium Hydroxide Solution / 80-1830 Sulphuric Acid / 80-2796 Sulphuric Acid (with Not More Than 51% Acid) / 86-2809 Mercury / 225-1073 Oxygen Refrigerated Liquid / 225-2201 Nitrous Oxide / 90-3082 Environmentally Hazardous Substance Liquid / Dangerous For The Environment / Flammable Materials / Flammable Materials 2 / Flammable Materials 3 / Flammable Solid Miscellaneous Goods Hazard Class 9 Material / Radioactive 1 / Radioactive 2 / Radioactive 3 / 30-1866 Resin Solution Flammable / 33-1866 Resin Solution Flammable / 30-1307 Xylenes / 33-1307 Xylenes / Infectious Material / Toxic Gases / Toxic Material / Corrosive Material / 99-3257 Elevated Temperature Liquid N.O.S. etc. These signs are located at the front of the truck cabin.
Speed limit signs: 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 / 80 / 90. The combination of red white and yellow red with black numbers and white background with black numbers. These signs are located at the rear of the truck cabin.
Country symbols: Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia and Hherzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Rrepublic, Denmark, Ex Yugoslavia, Ex East Germany, Ex Soviet Union, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Island, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom, Botswana, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan etc. These signs are placed at the front and at the rear of the truck cabin.
VOLVO FH3 By johnny244
VOLVO FH&FH16 2009/2012 CLASSIC By Pendragon
SCANIA PACK v1.0 By Schumi
VOLVO FH & FH16 2009 By Schumi
VOLVO FH&FH16 2012 (REWORKED) By Schumi
FORD F-MAX By Simulation
DAF XF 105 By vad&k
For Ford truck, no inside the cabin sticker locator was added. Reported to mod author!
For trucks from Schumi, my mod should be the first in the load list!
With the Mercedes Benz New Actros 2019 truck, there is a possibility that there are minor errors with the signs. If there are errors, they will be corrected in future updates.
With the Renault Premium Edit By Alex truck, there is a possibility that there are minor errors with the signs. If there are errors, they will be corrected in future updates.Important:
You need to have DLC
DLC - DAF XG/XG+ Pack installed!
DLC - MAN TGX Pack installed!
DLC - Feldbinder Trailer Pack installed!
DLC - Krone Trailer Pack installed!
DLC - Schwarzmuller Trailer Pack installed!
25 May 23:15Version
Signs On Your Truck & Trailer v1.0.3.15 - 1.47
Changelog ver: —> ver:
Solved problem with MAN TGX 2020 truck
Minor bugs fixed
Correction sii file
Correction text fileThe mod is represented signs marking trucks in different categories country codes, speed limit, warning, ecology warning and others.
Signs: 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / E / E (yellow) / EEV / G / H / H (yellow) / IV / L / S / U / III / V / VI / R (yellow) / TIR / No TIR / T.I.R. / No T.I.R. etc. These signs are located at the front of the truck cabin.E = (Environment) or white letter “U” (Umwelt), denoting vehicle with a Euro-1 engine.
EEV = Enhanced environmentally friendly vehicle (emission category between V and VI) is a term used in the European emission standards for the definition of a “clean vehicle” > 3.5 tonne in the category M2 and M3. The standard lies between the levels of Euro V and Euro VI.
G = denoting Gerauscharm Fahrzeug (ie noiseless/quiet vehicle): German version of the Austrian “L” plate for use only on diesel vehicles meeting German low-noise requirements – similar to those for Austria as above.
L = denoting Larmarm Fahrzeug (ie low noise vehicle): Austrian version of the symbol for quiet diesel vehicle which are:
– small and medium-sized lorries of no more than 150KW producing noise levels no greater than 78dB.
– heavy lorries exceeding 150KW with noise levels no greater than 80dB.
S = (Sicher/safe) denoting a vehicle with a Euro-2 engine and safety features.
3 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-3 engine and safety features.
4 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-4 engine and safety features.
5 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-5 engine and safety features.
6 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-6 engine and safety features.
A = required in Germany on all vehicles carrying waste.
R (yellow) = The truck has route approval, for ex. heavy transport. (used in Austria).
H (yellow) = The truck has higher gross vehicle weight, for ex. heavy transport. (used in Austria).
E (yellow) = The truck has restricted gross vehicle weight. Tax benefits for it. (used in Austria).
III – VI = European emission standards III-VI for HGVs (> 3.5 tonne).ADR signs: ADR / 22-1951 Argon Refrigerated Liquid / 22-1977 Liquid Nitrogen / 22-2187 Carbon Dioxide Refrigerated Liquid / 23-1965 Liquefied Petroleum Gas LPG / 23-1971 Methane Compressed or Natural Gas Compresed With High Methane Content / 30-1202 Diesel / 30-1223 Kerosene / 30-1267 Crude Oil / 30-1300 Turpentine Substitute / 30-1863 Fuel Aviation Turbine Engine / 30-1999 Tars Liquid Including Road Oils And Cutback Bitumens / 33-1090 Acetone / 33-1203 Gasoline / 33-1219 Isopropanol (Isopropyl Alcohol) / 44-2448 Sulphur Molten / 80-1824 Sodium Hydroxide Solution / 80-1830 Sulphuric Acid / 80-2796 Sulphuric Acid (with Not More Than 51% Acid) / 86-2809 Mercury / 225-1073 Oxygen Refrigerated Liquid / 225-2201 Nitrous Oxide / 90-3082 Environmentally Hazardous Substance Liquid / Dangerous For The Environment / Flammable Materials / Flammable Materials 2 / Flammable Materials 3 / Flammable Solid Miscellaneous Goods Hazard Class 9 Material / Radioactive 1 / Radioactive 2 / Radioactive 3 / 30-1866 Resin Solution Flammable / 33-1866 Resin Solution Flammable / 30-1307 Xylenes / 33-1307 Xylenes / Infectious Material / Toxic Gases / Toxic Material / Corrosive Material / 99-3257 Elevated Temperature Liquid N.O.S. etc. These signs are located at the front of the truck cabin.
For more information about ADR.
Speed limit signs: 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 / 80 / 90. The combination of red white and yellow red with black numbers and white background with black numbers. These signs are located at the rear of the truck cabin.
Country symbols: Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia and Hherzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Rrepublic, Denmark, Ex Yugoslavia, Ex East Germany, Ex Soviet Union, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Island, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom, Botswana, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan etc. These signs are placed at the front and at the rear of the truck cabin.
tobra -
23 May 15:41Version
Signs On your Truck & Trailer v1.0.3.00 - 1.47
The mod is represented signs marking trucks in different categories country codes, speed limit, warning, ecology warning and others.
Signs: 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / E / E (yellow) / EEV / G / H / H (yellow) / IV / L / S / U / III / V / VI / R (yellow) / TIR / No TIR / T.I.R. / No T.I.R. etc.
E = (Environment) or white letter “U” (Umwelt), denoting vehicle with a Euro-1 engine.
EEV = Enhanced environmentally friendly vehicle (emission category between V and VI) is a term used in the European emission standards for the definition of a “clean vehicle” > 3.5 tonne in the category M2 and M3. The standard lies between the levels of Euro V and Euro VI.
G = denoting Gerauscharm Fahrzeug (ie noiseless/quiet vehicle): German version of the Austrian “L” plate for use only on diesel vehicles meeting German low-noise requirements – similar to those for Austria as above.
L = denoting Larmarm Fahrzeug (ie low noise vehicle): Austrian version of the symbol for quiet diesel vehicle which are:
– small and medium-sized lorries of no more than 150KW producing noise levels no greater than 78dB.
– heavy lorries exceeding 150KW with noise levels no greater than 80dB.S = (Sicher/safe) denoting a vehicle with a Euro-2 engine and safety features.
3 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-3 engine and safety features.
4 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-4 engine and safety features.
5 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-5 engine and safety features.
6 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-6 engine and safety features.
A = required in Germany on all vehicles carrying waste.
R (yellow) = The truck has route approval, for ex. heavy transport. (used in Austria).
H (yellow) = The truck has higher gross vehicle weight, for ex. heavy transport. (used in Austria).
E (yellow) = The truck has restricted gross vehicle weight. Tax benefits for it. (used in Austria).
III – VI = European emission standards III-VI for HGVs (> 3.5 tonne)
a = agricultural goods
d = perishable goods
ADR signs: ADR 22-1951 Argon Refrigerated Liquid, 22-1977 Liquid Nitrogen, 22-2187 Carbon Dioxide Refrigerated Liquid, 23-1965 Liquefied Petroleum Gas LPG, 23-1971 Methane Compressed or Natural Gas Compresed With High Methane Content, 30-1202 Diesel, 30-1223 Kerosene, 30-1267 Crude Oil, 30-1300 Turpentine Substitute, 30-1863 Fuel Aviation Turbine Engine, 30-1999 Tars Liquid Including Road Oils And Cutback Bitumens, 33-1090 Acetone, 33-1203 Gasoline, 33-1219 Isopropanol (Isopropyl Alcohol) etc.
Speed limit signs: 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 / 80 / 90. The combination of red white and yellow red with black numbers and white background with black numbers.
Country symbols: Austria / Belarus / Belgium / Bosnia and Hherzegovina / Brazil / Bulgaria / Croatia / Cyprus / Czech Rrepublic / Denmark / Ex Yugoslavia / Estonia / Finland / France / Germany / Greece / Hungary / Island / Ireland / Italy / Latvia / Liechtenstein / Lithuania / Luxembourg / Macedonia / Montenegro / Netherlands / Norway / Poland / Portugal / Romania / Russia / Serbia. etc.
Tobra -
04 May 01:31Version
Signs On your Truck & Trailer v1.0.2.80 - 1.47
Changelog ver:
Corrected the error of the position of the signs and stickers with the trailer SCS drop sides
Added “Dead Corners” sticker on SCS drop sides trailer with crane
Added Company Logo stickers to the truck Scania R and S
Added Company Logo stickers to the truck Mercedes Actos 2014
Added Company Logo stickers to the truck Daf XF
Added Company Logo stickers to the truck Daf XF Euro 6
Added Company Logo stickers to the truck Renault T
Solved the problem with the DAF XF 105 truck by vad&k (conflict same name signs)
Correction sii file
Correction text fileCredits:
tobrago -
22 Apr 23:52Version
Signs On your Truck & Trailer v1.0.2.64 - 1.47
Changelog ver: —> ver:
Fixed issue with Man TGX euro 6 truck texture on Jost fifth wheel
E5 [Frejus] and E6 [Frejus] stickers changed color and inscription DEIE in CEIE
Minor bugs found by the way have been fixed
Correction sii file
Correction text fileYou need to have DLC
DLC – DAF XG/XG+ Pack installed!
DLC – Feldbinder Trailer Pack installed!
DLC – Krone Trailer Pack installed!
DLC – Schwarzmuller Trailer Pack installed!Credits
tobrago -
14 Apr 23:29Version
Signs On your Truck & Trailer v1.0.2.60 - 1.47
Changelog ver:
-Added sign “IG-L”
-Added E5 [Frejus] and E6 [Frejus] stickers
-Minor bugs found by the way have been fixed
-Correction sii file
The recommended version of the game: 1.47.* Euro Truck Simulator 2The mod is represented signs marking trucks in different categories country codes, speed limit, warning, ecology warning and others.
Signs: 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / E / E (yellow) / EEV / G / H / H (yellow) / IV / L / S / U / III / V / VI / R (yellow) / TIR / No TIR / T.I.R. / No T.I.R. etc.Credits:
tobrago -
16 Mar 21:48Version
Signs On your Truck & Trailer v1.0.2.55 - 1.47
The recommended version of the game: 1.47.* Euro Truck Simulator 2
The mod is represented by signs marking trucks in different categories of country codes, speed limits, warnings, ecology warnings, and others.
Signs: 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / E / E (yellow) / EEV / G / H / H (yellow) / IV
/ L / S / U / III / V / VI / R (yellow) / TIR / No TIR / T.I.R. / No
T.I.R. etc.E = (Environment) or white letter “U” (Umwelt), denoting a vehicle with a Euro-1 engine.
EEV = Enhanced environmentally friendly vehicle (emission category between V and VI) is a term used in the European emission standards for the definition of a “clean vehicle” > 3.5 tonnes in the category M2 and M3. The standard lies between the levels of Euro V and Euro VI.
G = denoting Gerauscharm Fahrzeug (ie noiseless/quiet vehicle):
The German version of the Austrian “L” plate is for use only on diesel vehicles meeting German low-noise requirements – similar to those for Austria as
L = denoting Larmarm Fahrzeug (ie low noise vehicle): Austrian version of the symbol for quiet diesel vehicle, which are:
– small and medium-sized lorries of no more than 150KW producing noise levels no greater than 78dB.
– heavy lorries exceeding 150KW with noise levels no greater than 80dB.
S = (Sicher/safe) denoting a vehicle with a Euro-2 engine and safety features.
3 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-3 engine and safety features.
4 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-4 engine and safety features.
5 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-5 engine and safety features.
6 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-6 engine and safety features.
A = required in Germany on all vehicles carrying waste.
R (yellow) = The truck has route approval, for ex. heavy transport. (used in Austria).
H (yellow) = The truck has higher gross vehicle weight, for ex. heavy transport. (used in Austria).
E (yellow) = The truck has restricted gross vehicle weight. Tax benefits for it. (used in Austria).
III – VI = European emission standards III-VI for HGVs (> 3.5 tonne)ADR signs: ADR 22-1951 Argon Refrigerated Liquid, 22-1977 Liquid
Nitrogen, 22-2187 Carbon Dioxide Refrigerated Liquid, 23-1965 Liquefied
Petroleum Gas LPG, 23-1971 Methane Compressed or Natural Gas Compresed
With High Methane Content, 30-1202 Diesel, 30-1223 Kerosene, 30-1267
Crude Oil, 30-1300 Turpentine Substitute, 30-1863 Fuel Aviation Turbine
Engine, 30-1999 Tars Liquid Including Road Oils And Cutback Bitumens,
33-1090 Acetone, 33-1203 Gasoline, 33-1219 Isopropanol (Isopropyl
Alcohol) etc.Credits:
tobrago -
07 Feb 00:14Version
Signs On your Truck & Trailer v1.0.2.50 - 1.46
Changelog v1.0.2.50s
bug fixes
The recommended version of the game: 1.46.* Euro Truck Simulator 2
The mod is represented signs marking trucks in different categories country codes, speed limit, warning, ecology warning and others.
Signs: 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / E / E (yellow) / EEV / G / H / H (yellow) / IV / L / S / U / III / V / VI / R (yellow) / TIR / No TIR / T.I.R. / No T.I.R. etc.E = (Environment) or white letter “U” (Umwelt), denoting vehicle with a Euro-1 engine.
EEV = Enhanced environmentally friendly vehicle (emission category between V and VI) is a term used in the European emission standards for the definition of a “clean vehicle” > 3.5 tonne in the category M2 and M3. The standard lies between the levels of Euro V and Euro VI.
G = denoting Gerauscharm Fahrzeug (ie noiseless/quiet vehicle): German version of the Austrian “L” plate for use only on diesel vehicles meeting German low-noise requirements – similar to those for Austria as above.
L = denoting Larmarm Fahrzeug (ie low noise vehicle): Austrian version of the symbol for quiet diesel vehicle which are:
– small and medium-sized lorries of no more than 150KW producing noise levels no greater than 78dB.
– heavy lorries exceeding 150KW with noise levels no greater than 80dB.
S = (Sicher/safe) denoting a vehicle with a Euro-2 engine and safety features.
3 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-3 engine and safety features.
4 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-4 engine and safety features.
5 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-5 engine and safety features.
6 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-6 engine and safety features.
A = required in Germany on all vehicles carrying waste.
R (yellow) = The truck has route approval, for ex. heavy transport. (used in Austria).
H (yellow) = The truck has higher gross vehicle weight, for ex. heavy transport. (used in Austria).
E (yellow) = The truck has restricted gross vehicle weight. Tax benefits for it. (used in Austria).
III – VI = European emission standards III-VI for HGVs (> 3.5 tonne)ADR signs: ADR 22-1951 Argon Refrigerated Liquid, 22-1977 Liquid Nitrogen, 22-2187 Carbon Dioxide Refrigerated Liquid, 23-1965 Liquefied Petroleum Gas LPG, 23-1971 Methane Compressed or Natural Gas Compresed With High Methane Content, 30-1202 Diesel, 30-1223 Kerosene, 30-1267 Crude Oil, 30-1300 Turpentine Substitute, 30-1863 Fuel Aviation Turbine Engine, 30-1999 Tars Liquid Including Road Oils And Cutback Bitumens, 33-1090 Acetone, 33-1203 Gasoline, 33-1219 Isopropanol (Isopropyl Alcohol) etc.
tobrago -
06 Jan 18:51Version
Signs On your Truck & Trailer v1.0.2.36 - 1.46
Changelog v1.0.2.36
Added a Spanish sticker for blind zones/corners
Signs for food tanks SCS (speed restrictions, symbols of the country, etc.) have been added
Signs for chemical tanks SCS (speed restrictions, symbols of countries, blind zones/angles, etc.) have been added.
Fixed small errors
Correction of SII filesThe mod is represented signs marking trucks in different categories country codes, speed limit, warning, ecology warning and others.
3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / E / E (yellow) / EEV / G / H / H (yellow) / IV / L / S /
U / III / V / VI / R (yellow) / TIR / No TIR / T.I.R. / No T.I.R. etc.
These signs are located at the front of the truck cabin.E = (Environment) or white letter “U” (Umwelt), denoting vehicle with a Euro-1 engine.
EEV = Enhanced environmentally friendly vehicle (emission category between V and VI) is a term used in the European emission standards for the definition of a “clean vehicle” > 3.5 tonne in the category M2 and M3. The standard lies between the levels of Euro V and Euro VI.
G = denoting Gerauscharm Fahrzeug (ie noiseless/quiet vehicle): German version of the Austrian “L” plate for use only on diesel vehicles meeting German low-noise requirements – similar to those for Austria as above.
L = denoting Larmarm Fahrzeug (ie low noise vehicle): Austrian version of the symbol for quiet diesel vehicle which are:
– small and medium-sized lorries of no more than 150KW producing noise levels no greater than 78dB.
– heavy lorries exceeding 150KW with noise levels no greater than 80dB.
S = (Sicher/safe) denoting a vehicle with a Euro-2 engine and safety features.
3 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-3 engine and safety features.
4 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-4 engine and safety features.
5 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-5 engine and safety features.
6 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-6 engine and safety features.
A = required in Germany on all vehicles carrying waste.
R (yellow) = The truck has route approval, for ex. heavy transport. (used in Austria).
H (yellow) = The truck has higher gross vehicle weight, for ex. heavy transport. (used in Austria).
E (yellow) = The truck has restricted gross vehicle weight. Tax benefits for it. (used in Austria).
III – VI = European emission standards III-VI for HGVs (> 3.5 tonne).ADR
signs: ADR / 22-1951 Argon Refrigerated Liquid / 22-1977 Liquid
Nitrogen / 22-2187 Carbon Dioxide Refrigerated Liquid / 23-1965
Liquefied Petroleum Gas LPG / 23-1971 Methane Compressed or Natural Gas
Compresed With High Methane Content / 30-1202 Diesel / 30-1223 Kerosene /
30-1267 Crude Oil / 30-1300 Turpentine Substitute / 30-1863 Fuel
Aviation Turbine Engine / 30-1999 Tars Liquid Including Road Oils And
Cutback Bitumens / 33-1090 Acetone / 33-1203 Gasoline / 33-1219
Isopropanol (Isopropyl Alcohol) / 44-2448 Sulphur Molten / 80-1824
Sodium Hydroxide Solution / 80-1830 Sulphuric Acid / 80-2796 Sulphuric
Acid (with Not More Than 51% Acid) / 86-2809 Mercury / 225-1073 Oxygen
Refrigerated Liquid / 225-2201 Nitrous Oxide / 90-3082 Environmentally
Hazardous Substance Liquid / Dangerous For The Environment / Flammable
Materials / Flammable Materials 2 / Flammable Materials 3 / Flammable
Solid Miscellaneous Goods Hazard Class 9 Material / Radioactive 1 /
Radioactive 2 / Radioactive 3 / 30-1866 Resin Solution Flammable /
33-1866 Resin Solution Flammable / 30-1307 Xylenes / 33-1307 Xylenes /
Infectious Material / Toxic Gases / Toxic Material / Corrosive Material /
99-3257 Elevated Temperature Liquid N.O.S. etc. These signs are located at the front of the truck cabin.For more information about ADR.
limit signs: 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 / 80 / 90. The combination of red
white and yellow red with black numbers and white background with black
numbers. These signs are located at the rear of the truck cabin.Country
symbols: Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia and Hherzegovina, Bulgaria,
Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Rrepublic, Denmark, Ex Yugoslavia, Ex East
Germany, Ex Soviet Union, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary,
Island, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg,
Macedonia, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania,
Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, United
Kingdom, Botswana, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan etc.
These signs are placed at the front and at the rear of the truck cabin.Credits
tobrago -
13 Nov 03:20Version für 1.46
Signs On your Truck & Trailer v1.0.2.20 - 1.46
The recommended version of the game: 1.46.* Euro Truck Simulator 2
The mod is represented signs marking trucks in different categories country codes, speed limit, warning, ecology warning and others.
Signs: 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / E / E (yellow) / EEV / G / H / H (yellow) / IV / L / S / U / III / V / VI / R (yellow) / TIR / No TIR / T.I.R. / No T.I.R. etc.E = (Environment) or white letter “U” (Umwelt), denoting vehicle with a Euro-1 engine.
EEV = Enhanced environmentally friendly vehicle (emission category between V and VI) is a term used in the European emission standards for the definition of a “clean vehicle” > 3.5 tonne in the category M2 and M3. The standard lies between the levels of Euro V and Euro VI.
G = denoting Gerauscharm Fahrzeug (ie noiseless/quiet vehicle): German version of the Austrian “L” plate for use only on diesel vehicles meeting German low-noise requirements – similar to those for Austria as above.
L = denoting Larmarm Fahrzeug (ie low noise vehicle): Austrian version of the symbol for quiet diesel vehicle which are:
– small and medium-sized lorries of no more than 150KW producing noise levels no greater than 78dB.
– heavy lorries exceeding 150KW with noise levels no greater than 80dB.
S = (Sicher/safe) denoting a vehicle with a Euro-2 engine and safety features.
3 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-3 engine and safety features.
4 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-4 engine and safety features.
5 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-5 engine and safety features.
6 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-6 engine and safety features.
A = required in Germany on all vehicles carrying waste.
R (yellow) = The truck has route approval, for ex. heavy transport. (used in Austria).
H (yellow) = The truck has higher gross vehicle weight, for ex. heavy transport. (used in Austria).
E (yellow) = The truck has restricted gross vehicle weight. Tax benefits for it. (used in Austria).
III – VI = European emission standards III-VI for HGVs (> 3.5 tonne)ADR signs: ADR 22-1951 Argon Refrigerated Liquid, 22-1977 Liquid Nitrogen, 22-2187 Carbon Dioxide Refrigerated Liquid, 23-1965 Liquefied Petroleum Gas LPG, 23-1971 Methane Compressed or Natural Gas Compresed With High Methane Content, 30-1202 Diesel, 30-1223 Kerosene, 30-1267 Crude Oil, 30-1300 Turpentine Substitute, 30-1863 Fuel Aviation Turbine Engine, 30-1999 Tars Liquid Including Road Oils And Cutback Bitumens, 33-1090 Acetone, 33-1203 Gasoline, 33-1219 Isopropanol (Isopropyl Alcohol) etc.
VOLVO FH 16 2009 * VOLVO FH 16 2012 -
02 Oct 03:44Version - [RELINK]
Signs On your Truck & Trailer v1.0.2.20 - 1.45 [RELINK]
Changelog ver: —> ver:
Added signs on Krone Paperliner and Krone Building trailers
ADR sign 80 – 1814 added
JOST Fifth Wheels added
Minor bugs fixed
Correction sii file
Correction text fileThe mod is represented by signs marking trucks in different categories country codes, speed limit, warning, ecology warning, and others.
Signs: 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / E / E (yellow) / EEV / G / H / H (yellow) / IV / L / S / U / III / V / VI / R (yellow) / TIR / No TIR / T.I.R. / No T.I.R. etc. These signs are located at the front of the truck cabin.
E = (Environment) or the white letter “U” (Umwelt), denoting a vehicle with a Euro-1 engine.
EEV = Enhanced environmentally friendly vehicle (emission category between V and VI) is a term used in the European emission standards for the definition of a “clean vehicle” > 3.5 tonne in the categories M2 and M3. The standard lies between the levels of Euro V and Euro VI.
G = denoting Gerauscharm Fahrzeug (ie noiseless/quiet vehicle): German version of the Austrian “L” plate for use only on diesel vehicles meeting German low-noise requirements – similar to those for Austria as above.
L = denoting Larmarm Fahrzeug (ie low noise vehicle): Austrian version of the symbol for quiet diesel vehicle, which is:
– small and medium-sized lorries of no more than 150KW producing noise levels no greater than 78dB.
– heavy lorries exceeding 150KW with noise levels no greater than 80dB.
S = (Sicher/safe) denoting a vehicle with a Euro-2 engine and safety features.
3 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-3 engine and safety features.
4 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-4 engine and safety features.
5 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-5 engine and safety features.
6 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-6 engine and safety features.
A = required in Germany on all vehicles carrying waste.
R (yellow) = The truck has route approval, for ex. heavy transport. (used in Austria).
H (yellow) = The truck has higher gross vehicle weight, for ex. heavy transport. (used in Austria).
E (yellow) = The truck has restricted gross vehicle weight. Tax benefits for it. (used in Austria).
III – VI = European emission standards III-VI for HGVs (> 3.5 tonne).ADR signs: ADR / 22-1951 Argon Refrigerated Liquid / 22-1977 Liquid Nitrogen / 22-2187 Carbon Dioxide Refrigerated Liquid / 23-1965 Liquefied Petroleum Gas LPG / 23-1971 Methane Compressed or Natural Gas Compresed With High Methane Content / 30-1202 Diesel / 30-1223 Kerosene / 30-1267 Crude Oil / 30-1300 Turpentine Substitute / 30-1863 Fuel Aviation Turbine Engine / 30-1999 Tars Liquid Including Road Oils And Cutback Bitumens / 33-1090 Acetone / 33-1203 Gasoline / 33-1219 Isopropanol (Isopropyl Alcohol) / 44-2448 Sulphur Molten / 80-1824 Sodium Hydroxide Solution / 80-1830 Sulphuric Acid / 80-2796 Sulphuric Acid (with Not More Than 51% Acid) / 86-2809 Mercury / 225-1073 Oxygen Refrigerated Liquid / 225-2201 Nitrous Oxide / 90-3082 Environmentally Hazardous Substance Liquid / Dangerous For The Environment / Flammable Materials / Flammable Materials 2 / Flammable Materials 3 / Flammable Solid Miscellaneous Goods Hazard Class 9 Material / Radioactive 1 / Radioactive 2 / Radioactive 3 / 30-1866 Resin Solution Flammable / 33-1866 Resin Solution Flammable / 30-1307 Xylenes / 33-1307 Xylenes / Infectious Material / Toxic Gases / Toxic Material / Corrosive Material / 99-3257 Elevated Temperature Liquid N.O.S. etc. These signs are located at the front of the truck cabin.
For more information about ADR.
Speed limit signs: 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 / 80 / 90. The combination of red white and yellow red with black numbers and white background with black numbers. These signs are located at the rear of the truck cabin.
Country symbols: Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia and Hherzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Rrepublic, Denmark, Ex Yugoslavia, Ex East Germany, Ex Soviet Union, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Island, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom, Botswana, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, etc. These signs are placed at the front and at the rear of the truck cabin.
11 Sep 22:11Version
Signs On your Truck & Trailer v1.0.2.20 - 1.45
Changelog ver: —> ver:
Added signs on Krone Paperliner and Krone Building trailers
ADR sign 80 – 1814 added
JOST Fifth Wheels added
Minor bugs fixed
Correction sii file
Correction text fileThe mod is represented by signs marking trucks in different categories country codes, speed limit, warning, ecology warning, and others.
Signs: 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / E / E (yellow) / EEV / G / H / H (yellow) / IV / L / S / U / III / V / VI / R (yellow) / TIR / No TIR / T.I.R. / No T.I.R. etc. These signs are located at the front of the truck cabin.
E = (Environment) or the white letter “U” (Umwelt), denoting a vehicle with a Euro-1 engine.
EEV = Enhanced environmentally friendly vehicle (emission category between V and VI) is a term used in the European emission standards for the definition of a “clean vehicle” > 3.5 tonne in the categories M2 and M3. The standard lies between the levels of Euro V and Euro VI.
G = denoting Gerauscharm Fahrzeug (ie noiseless/quiet vehicle): German version of the Austrian “L” plate for use only on diesel vehicles meeting German low-noise requirements – similar to those for Austria as above.
L = denoting Larmarm Fahrzeug (ie low noise vehicle): Austrian version of the symbol for quiet diesel vehicle, which is:
– small and medium-sized lorries of no more than 150KW producing noise levels no greater than 78dB.
– heavy lorries exceeding 150KW with noise levels no greater than 80dB.
S = (Sicher/safe) denoting a vehicle with a Euro-2 engine and safety features.
3 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-3 engine and safety features.
4 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-4 engine and safety features.
5 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-5 engine and safety features.
6 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-6 engine and safety features.
A = required in Germany on all vehicles carrying waste.
R (yellow) = The truck has route approval, for ex. heavy transport. (used in Austria).
H (yellow) = The truck has higher gross vehicle weight, for ex. heavy transport. (used in Austria).
E (yellow) = The truck has restricted gross vehicle weight. Tax benefits for it. (used in Austria).
III – VI = European emission standards III-VI for HGVs (> 3.5 tonne).ADR signs: ADR / 22-1951 Argon Refrigerated Liquid / 22-1977 Liquid Nitrogen / 22-2187 Carbon Dioxide Refrigerated Liquid / 23-1965 Liquefied Petroleum Gas LPG / 23-1971 Methane Compressed or Natural Gas Compresed With High Methane Content / 30-1202 Diesel / 30-1223 Kerosene / 30-1267 Crude Oil / 30-1300 Turpentine Substitute / 30-1863 Fuel Aviation Turbine Engine / 30-1999 Tars Liquid Including Road Oils And Cutback Bitumens / 33-1090 Acetone / 33-1203 Gasoline / 33-1219 Isopropanol (Isopropyl Alcohol) / 44-2448 Sulphur Molten / 80-1824 Sodium Hydroxide Solution / 80-1830 Sulphuric Acid / 80-2796 Sulphuric Acid (with Not More Than 51% Acid) / 86-2809 Mercury / 225-1073 Oxygen Refrigerated Liquid / 225-2201 Nitrous Oxide / 90-3082 Environmentally Hazardous Substance Liquid / Dangerous For The Environment / Flammable Materials / Flammable Materials 2 / Flammable Materials 3 / Flammable Solid Miscellaneous Goods Hazard Class 9 Material / Radioactive 1 / Radioactive 2 / Radioactive 3 / 30-1866 Resin Solution Flammable / 33-1866 Resin Solution Flammable / 30-1307 Xylenes / 33-1307 Xylenes / Infectious Material / Toxic Gases / Toxic Material / Corrosive Material / 99-3257 Elevated Temperature Liquid N.O.S. etc. These signs are located at the front of the truck cabin.
For more information about ADR.
Speed limit signs: 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 / 80 / 90. The combination of red white and yellow red with black numbers and white background with black numbers. These signs are located at the rear of the truck cabin.
Country symbols: Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia and Hherzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Rrepublic, Denmark, Ex Yugoslavia, Ex East Germany, Ex Soviet Union, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Island, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom, Botswana, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, etc. These signs are placed at the front and at the rear of the truck cabin.
06 Aug 00:45Version
Signs On your Truck & Trailer v1.0.2.10 - 1.45
Mod adds new signs, stickers and signs to the game that can be installed on trailers and trucks.
For trailers
Signs (3, 4, 5, 6, E, E (yellow), EEV, G, H, H (yellow), IV, L, S, U, III, V, VI, R (yellow), TIR, No TIR, etc.)ADR plates (22-1951, 22-1977, 22-2187, 23-1965, 23-1971, 30-1202, 30-1223, 30-1267, 30-1300, 30-1863, 30-1999, 33-1090, 33-1203, 33-1219, 44-2448, 80-1824, 80-1830, 80-2796, 86-2809, 225-1073, 225-2201, 90-3082, Flammable liquids (N classes), Hazard class material (N classes), Radioactive 1, 2, 3, 30-1866, 33-1866, 30-1307, 33-1307, Infectious substances, Toxic gases, Toxic substances, 99-3257 Liquid at elevated temperature, etc.)
Speed limit stickers (30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90)
Symbols of countries (Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, the former Yugoslavia, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, Great Britain, etc.)
For trucks
Signs (These signs are located in the front of the truck cab): 3, 4, 5, 6, E, E, EEV, G, H, H, IV, L, S, U, III, V, VI, R, TIR, No TIR, T.I.R., No T.I.R. etc.ADR signs (These signs are located in the front of the truck cab): ADR, 22-1951 Argon Refrigerated Liquid, 22-1977 Liquid Nitrogen, 22-2187 Carbon Dioxide Refrigerated Liquid, 23-1965 Liquified Petroleum Gas LPG, 23-1971 Methane Compressed or Natural Gas Compressed With High Methane Content, 30-1202 Diesel, 30-1223 Kerosene, 30-1267 Crude Oil, 30-1300 Turpentine Substitute, 30-1863 Fuel Aviation Turbine Engine, 30-1999 Tars Liquid Including Road Oils And Cutback Bitumen, 33-1090 Acetone, 33-1203 Gasoline, 33-1219 Isopropanol (Isopropyl Alcohol), 44-2448 Sulphur Molten, 80-1824 Sodium Hydroxide Solution, 80-1830 Sulphuric Acid, 80-2796 Sulphuric Acid (with Not More Than 51% Acid), 86-2809 Mercury, 225-1073 Oxygen Refrigerated Liquid, 225-2201 Nitrous Oxide, 90-3082 Environmentally Hazardous Substance Liquid, Dangerous For The Environment, Flammable Materials, Flammable Materials 2, Flammable Materials 3, Flammable Solid Miscellaneous Goods, Hazard Class 9 Material, Radioactive 1, 2, 3, 30-1866 Resin Solution Flammable, 33-1866 Resin Solution Flammable, 30-1307 Xylenes, 33-1307 Xylenes, Infectious Material, Toxic Gases, Toxic Material, Corrosive Material, 99-3257 Elevated Temperature Liquid N.O.S., etc.
Speed limit signs (These signs are located in the back of the truck cab): 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 110, 120
Country symbols (These signs are located at the front and rear of the truck cab): Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, The former Yugoslavia, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, UK, etc..
Trucks are supported:
all trucks from SCS
Mercedes-Benz Actros MP4 by Galimim
Volvo FM by Galimim
Volvo FMX Euro 6 by Galimim
Volvo FM/FMX by Galimim
Improved Iveco Stralis by AlexeyP
DAF XF Euro 6 Reworked by Schumi
Iveco Hi-Way Reworked by Schumi
Mercedes Actros MP4 Reworked by Schumi
Mercedes-Benz Actros MP3 Reworked by Schumi
Renault Premium Reworked by Schumi
Mercedes Benz New Actros 2019 – from Actros 5 CrewChanges: fixed bugs
For version 1.45.x
tobrago -
30 Jul 00:16Version
Signs On your Truck & Trailer v1.0.2.0 - 1.45
– added new signs;
– Error correction.The mod is represented signs marking trucks in different categories country codes, speed limit, warning, ecology warning and others.
Signs: 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / E / E (yellow) / EEV / G / H / H (yellow) / IV / L / S / U / III / V / VI / R (yellow) / TIR / No TIR / T.I.R. / No T.I.R. etc. These signs are located at the front of the truck cabin.
E = (Environment) or white letter “U” (Umwelt), denoting vehicle with a Euro-1 engine.EEV = Enhanced environmentally friendly vehicle (emission category between V and VI) is a term used in the European emission standards for the definition of a “clean vehicle” > 3.5 tonne in the category M2 and M3. The standard lies between the levels of Euro V and Euro VI.
G = denoting Gerauscharm Fahrzeug (ie noiseless/quiet vehicle): German version of the Austrian “L” plate for use only on diesel vehicles meeting German low-noise requirements – similar to those for Austria as above.
L = denoting Larmarm Fahrzeug (ie low noise vehicle): Austrian version of the symbol for quiet diesel vehicle which are:
– small and medium-sized lorries of no more than 150KW producing noise levels no greater than 78dB.
– heavy lorries exceeding 150KW with noise levels no greater than 80dB.
S = (Sicher/safe) denoting a vehicle with a Euro-2 engine and safety features.
3 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-3 engine and safety features.
4 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-4 engine and safety features.
5 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-5 engine and safety features.
6 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-6 engine and safety features.
A = required in Germany on all vehicles carrying waste.
R (yellow) = The truck has route approval, for ex. heavy transport. (used in Austria).
H (yellow) = The truck has higher gross vehicle weight, for ex. heavy transport. (used in Austria).
E (yellow) = The truck has restricted gross vehicle weight. Tax benefits for it. (used in Austria).
III – VI = European emission standards III-VI for HGVs (> 3.5 tonne).
______________________________________________________________________________ADR signs: ADR / 22-1951 Argon Refrigerated Liquid / 22-1977 Liquid Nitrogen / 22-2187 Carbon Dioxide Refrigerated Liquid / 23-1965 Liquefied Petroleum Gas LPG / 23-1971 Methane Compressed or Natural Gas Compresed With High Methane Content / 30-1202 Diesel / 30-1223 Kerosene / 30-1267 Crude Oil / 30-1300 Turpentine Substitute / 30-1863 Fuel Aviation Turbine Engine / 30-1999 Tars Liquid Including Road Oils And Cutback Bitumens / 33-1090 Acetone / 33-1203 Gasoline / 33-1219 Isopropanol (Isopropyl Alcohol) / 44-2448 Sulphur Molten / 80-1824 Sodium Hydroxide Solution / 80-1830 Sulphuric Acid / 80-2796 Sulphuric Acid (with Not More Than 51% Acid) / 86-2809 Mercury / 225-1073 Oxygen Refrigerated Liquid / 225-2201 Nitrous Oxide / 90-3082 Environmentally Hazardous Substance Liquid / Dangerous For The Environment / Flammable Materials / Flammable Materials 2 / Flammable Materials 3 / Flammable Solid Miscellaneous Goods Hazard Class 9 Material / Radioactive 1 / Radioactive 2 / Radioactive 3 / 30-1866 Resin Solution Flammable / 33-1866 Resin Solution Flammable / 30-1307 Xylenes / 33-1307 Xylenes / Infectious Material / Toxic Gases / Toxic Material / Corrosive Material / 99-3257 Elevated Temperature Liquid N.O.S. etc. These signs are located at the front of the truck cabin.
For more information about ADR.
Speed limit signs: 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 / 80 / 90. The combination of red white and yellow red with black numbers and white background with black numbers. These signs are located at the rear of the truck cabin.
Country symbols: Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia and Hherzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Rrepublic, Denmark, Ex Yugoslavia, Ex East Germany, Ex Soviet Union, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Island, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom, Botswana, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan etc. These signs are placed at the front and at the rear of the truck cabin.
tobrago -
29 Jun 22:18Version für 1.45
Signs On your Truck & Trailer v1.0.1.77 - 1.45
Changelog v1.0.1.77
Compability for 1.45The mod is represented signs marking trucks in different categories country codes, speed limit, warning, ecology warning and others.
Signs: 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / E / E (yellow) / EEV / G / H / H (yellow) / IV / L / S / U / III / V / VI / R (yellow) / TIR / No TIR / T.I.R. / No T.I.R. etc. These signs are located at the front of the truck cabin.
E = (Environment) or white letter “U” (Umwelt), denoting vehicle with a Euro-1 engine.EEV = Enhanced environmentally friendly vehicle (emission category between V and VI) is a term used in the European emission standards for the definition of a “clean vehicle” > 3.5 tonne in the category M2 and M3. The standard lies between the levels of Euro V and Euro VI.
G = denoting Gerauscharm Fahrzeug (ie noiseless/quiet vehicle): German version of the Austrian “L” plate for use only on diesel vehicles meeting German low-noise requirements – similar to those for Austria as above.
L = denoting Larmarm Fahrzeug (ie low noise vehicle): Austrian version of the symbol for quiet diesel vehicle which are:
– small and medium-sized lorries of no more than 150KW producing noise levels no greater than 78dB.
– heavy lorries exceeding 150KW with noise levels no greater than 80dB.
S = (Sicher/safe) denoting a vehicle with a Euro-2 engine and safety features.
3 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-3 engine and safety features.
4 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-4 engine and safety features.
5 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-5 engine and safety features.
6 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-6 engine and safety features.
A = required in Germany on all vehicles carrying waste.
R (yellow) = The truck has route approval, for ex. heavy transport. (used in Austria).
H (yellow) = The truck has higher gross vehicle weight, for ex. heavy transport. (used in Austria).
E (yellow) = The truck has restricted gross vehicle weight. Tax benefits for it. (used in Austria).
III – VI = European emission standards III-VI for HGVs (> 3.5 tonne).
______________________________________________________________________________ADR signs: ADR / 22-1951 Argon Refrigerated Liquid / 22-1977 Liquid Nitrogen / 22-2187 Carbon Dioxide Refrigerated Liquid / 23-1965 Liquefied Petroleum Gas LPG / 23-1971 Methane Compressed or Natural Gas Compresed With High Methane Content / 30-1202 Diesel / 30-1223 Kerosene / 30-1267 Crude Oil / 30-1300 Turpentine Substitute / 30-1863 Fuel Aviation Turbine Engine / 30-1999 Tars Liquid Including Road Oils And Cutback Bitumens / 33-1090 Acetone / 33-1203 Gasoline / 33-1219 Isopropanol (Isopropyl Alcohol) / 44-2448 Sulphur Molten / 80-1824 Sodium Hydroxide Solution / 80-1830 Sulphuric Acid / 80-2796 Sulphuric Acid (with Not More Than 51% Acid) / 86-2809 Mercury / 225-1073 Oxygen Refrigerated Liquid / 225-2201 Nitrous Oxide / 90-3082 Environmentally Hazardous Substance Liquid / Dangerous For The Environment / Flammable Materials / Flammable Materials 2 / Flammable Materials 3 / Flammable Solid Miscellaneous Goods Hazard Class 9 Material / Radioactive 1 / Radioactive 2 / Radioactive 3 / 30-1866 Resin Solution Flammable / 33-1866 Resin Solution Flammable / 30-1307 Xylenes / 33-1307 Xylenes / Infectious Material / Toxic Gases / Toxic Material / Corrosive Material / 99-3257 Elevated Temperature Liquid N.O.S. etc. These signs are located at the front of the truck cabin.
For more information about ADR.
Speed limit signs: 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 / 80 / 90. The combination of red white and yellow red with black numbers and white background with black numbers. These signs are located at the rear of the truck cabin.
Country symbols: Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia and Hherzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Rrepublic, Denmark, Ex Yugoslavia, Ex East Germany, Ex Soviet Union, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Island, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom, Botswana, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan etc. These signs are placed at the front and at the rear of the truck cabin.
tobrago -
27 Jun 21:28Version
Signs On your Truck & Trailer v1.0.1.77 [1.44]
Changelog v1.0.1.77
Added new signThe mod is represented in signs marking trucks in different categories country codes, speed limit, warning, ecology warning and others.
3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / E / E (yellow) / EEV / G / H / H (yellow) / IV / L / S /
U / III / V / VI / R (yellow) / TIR / No TIR / T.I.R. / No T.I.R. etc.
These signs are located at the front of the truck cabin.E = (Environment) or white letter “U” (Umwelt), denoting a vehicle with a Euro-1 engine.
EEV = Enhanced environmentally friendly vehicle (emission category between V and VI) is a term used in the European emission standards for the
definition of a “clean vehicle” > 3.5 tonne in the category M2 and
M3. The standard lies between the levels of Euro V and Euro VI.G = denoting Gerauscharm Fahrzeug (ie noiseless/quiet vehicle): German version of the Austrian “L” plate for use only on diesel vehicles meeting German low-noise requirements – similar to those for Austria as above.
L = denoting Larmarm Fahrzeug (ie low noise vehicle): Austrian version of the symbol for quiet diesel vehicle, which are:
– small and medium-sized lorries of no more than 150KW producing noise levels no greater than 78dB.
– heavy lorries exceeding 150KW with noise levels no greater than 80dB.
S = (Sicher/safe) denoting a vehicle with a Euro-2 engine and safety features.
3 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-3 engine and safety features.
4 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-4 engine and safety features.
5 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-5 engine and safety features.
6 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-6 engine and safety features.
A = required in Germany on all vehicles carrying waste.
R (yellow) = The truck has route approval, forex. heavy transport. (used in Austria).
H (yellow) = The truck has a higher gross vehicle weight, forex. heavy transport. (used in Austria).
E (yellow) = The truck has restricted gross vehicle weight. Tax benefits for it. (used in Austria).
III – VI = European emission standards III-VI for HGVs (> 3.5 tonne).ADR
signs: ADR / 22-1951 Argon Refrigerated Liquid / 22-1977 Liquid
Nitrogen / 22-2187 Carbon Dioxide Refrigerated Liquid / 23-1965
Liquefied Petroleum Gas LPG / 23-1971 Methane Compressed or Natural Gas
Compresed With High Methane Content / 30-1202 Diesel / 30-1223 Kerosene /
30-1267 Crude Oil / 30-1300 Turpentine Substitute / 30-1863 Fuel
Aviation Turbine Engine / 30-1999 Tars Liquid Including Road Oils And
Cutback Bitumens / 33-1090 Acetone / 33-1203 Gasoline / 33-1219
Isopropanol (Isopropyl Alcohol) / 44-2448 Sulphur Molten / 80-1824
Sodium Hydroxide Solution / 80-1830 Sulphuric Acid / 80-2796 Sulphuric
Acid (with Not More Than 51% Acid) / 86-2809 Mercury / 225-1073 Oxygen
Refrigerated Liquid / 225-2201 Nitrous Oxide / 90-3082 Environmentally
Hazardous Substance Liquid / Dangerous For The Environment / Flammable
Materials / Flammable Materials 2 / Flammable Materials 3 / Flammable
Solid Miscellaneous Goods Hazard Class 9 Material / Radioactive 1 /
Radioactive 2 / Radioactive 3 / 30-1866 Resin Solution Flammable /
33-1866 Resin Solution Flammable / 30-1307 Xylenes / 33-1307 Xylenes /
Infectious Material / Toxic Gases / Toxic Material / Corrosive Material /
99-3257 Elevated Temperature Liquid N.O.S. etc. These signs are located
at the front of the truck cabin.For more information about ADR.
limit signs: 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 / 80 / 90. The combination of red white and yellow red with black numbers and white background with black numbers. These signs are located at the rear of the truck cabin.Country
symbols: Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia and Hherzegovina, Bulgaria,
Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Rrepublic, Denmark, Ex Yugoslavia, Ex East
Germany, Ex Soviet Union, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary,
Island, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg,
Macedonia, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania,
Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, United
Kingdom, Botswana, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan etc.
These signs are placed at the front and at the rear of the truck cabin.Credits:
tobrago -
03 May 19:51Version
Signs On your Truck & Trailer v1.0.1.76 [1.44]
Changelog ver: —> ver:
Fixed a problem with the Renault T in the interior
Mod packed and converted with the new open beta version: 2.13 of Conversion Tools
Minor bugs fixed
Correction sii file
Correction text fileThe mod is represented signs marking trucks in different categories country codes, speed limit, warning, ecology warning and others.
Signs: 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / E / E (yellow) / EEV / G / H / H (yellow) / IV / L / S / U / III / V / VI / R (yellow) / TIR / No TIR / T.I.R. / No T.I.R. etc. These signs are located at the front of the truck cabin.
E = (Environment) or white letter “U” (Umwelt), denoting vehicle with a Euro-1 engine.EEV = Enhanced environmentally friendly vehicle (emission category between V and VI) is a term used in the European emission standards for the definition of a “clean vehicle” > 3.5 tonne in the category M2 and M3. The standard lies between the levels of Euro V and Euro VI.
G = denoting Gerauscharm Fahrzeug (ie noiseless/quiet vehicle): German version of the Austrian “L” plate for use only on diesel vehicles meeting German low-noise requirements – similar to those for Austria as above.
L = denoting Larmarm Fahrzeug (ie low noise vehicle): Austrian version of the symbol for quiet diesel vehicle which are:
– small and medium-sized lorries of no more than 150KW producing noise levels no greater than 78dB.
– heavy lorries exceeding 150KW with noise levels no greater than 80dB.
S = (Sicher/safe) denoting a vehicle with a Euro-2 engine and safety features.
3 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-3 engine and safety features.
4 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-4 engine and safety features.
5 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-5 engine and safety features.
6 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-6 engine and safety features.
A = required in Germany on all vehicles carrying waste.
R (yellow) = The truck has route approval, for ex. heavy transport. (used in Austria).
H (yellow) = The truck has higher gross vehicle weight, for ex. heavy transport. (used in Austria).
E (yellow) = The truck has restricted gross vehicle weight. Tax benefits for it. (used in Austria).
III – VI = European emission standards III-VI for HGVs (> 3.5 tonne).
______________________________________________________________________________ADR signs: ADR / 22-1951 Argon Refrigerated Liquid / 22-1977 Liquid Nitrogen / 22-2187 Carbon Dioxide Refrigerated Liquid / 23-1965 Liquefied Petroleum Gas LPG / 23-1971 Methane Compressed or Natural Gas Compresed With High Methane Content / 30-1202 Diesel / 30-1223 Kerosene / 30-1267 Crude Oil / 30-1300 Turpentine Substitute / 30-1863 Fuel Aviation Turbine Engine / 30-1999 Tars Liquid Including Road Oils And Cutback Bitumens / 33-1090 Acetone / 33-1203 Gasoline / 33-1219 Isopropanol (Isopropyl Alcohol) / 44-2448 Sulphur Molten / 80-1824 Sodium Hydroxide Solution / 80-1830 Sulphuric Acid / 80-2796 Sulphuric Acid (with Not More Than 51% Acid) / 86-2809 Mercury / 225-1073 Oxygen Refrigerated Liquid / 225-2201 Nitrous Oxide / 90-3082 Environmentally Hazardous Substance Liquid / Dangerous For The Environment / Flammable Materials / Flammable Materials 2 / Flammable Materials 3 / Flammable Solid Miscellaneous Goods Hazard Class 9 Material / Radioactive 1 / Radioactive 2 / Radioactive 3 / 30-1866 Resin Solution Flammable / 33-1866 Resin Solution Flammable / 30-1307 Xylenes / 33-1307 Xylenes / Infectious Material / Toxic Gases / Toxic Material / Corrosive Material / 99-3257 Elevated Temperature Liquid N.O.S. etc. These signs are located at the front of the truck cabin.
For more information about ADR.
Speed limit signs: 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 / 80 / 90. The combination of red white and yellow red with black numbers and white background with black numbers. These signs are located at the rear of the truck cabin.
Country symbols: Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia and Hherzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Rrepublic, Denmark, Ex Yugoslavia, Ex East Germany, Ex Soviet Union, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Island, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom, Botswana, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan etc. These signs are placed at the front and at the rear of the truck cabin.
tobrago -
02 May 00:12Version
Signs On your Truck & Trailer v1.0.1.75 [1.44]
The mod is represented signs marking trucks in different categories country codes, speed limit, warning, ecology warning and others.
Changelog ver: —> ver:
Renault T fixed the problem with the rear lights
Minor bugs fixed
Correction sii file
Correction text fileCredits:
Tobrago -
30 Apr 10:28Version
Signs On your Truck & Trailer v1.0.1.64 [1.44]
The mod is represented signs marking trucks in different categories country codes, speed limit, warning, ecology warning and others.
Signs: 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / E / E (yellow) / EEV / G / H / H (yellow) / IV / L / S / U / III / V / VI / R (yellow) / TIR / No TIR / T.I.R. / No T.I.R. etc.
ADR signs: ADR 22-1951 Argon Refrigerated Liquid, 22-1977 Liquid Nitrogen, 22-2187 Carbon Dioxide Refrigerated Liquid, 23-1965 Liquefied Petroleum Gas LPG, 23-1971 Methane Compressed or Natural Gas Compresed With High Methane Content, 30-1202 Diesel, 30-1223 Kerosene, 30-1267 Crude Oil, 30-1300 Turpentine Substitute, 30-1863 Fuel Aviation Turbine Engine, 30-1999 Tars Liquid Including Road Oils And Cutback Bitumens, 33-1090 Acetone, 33-1203 Gasoline, 33-1219 Isopropanol (Isopropyl Alcohol) etc.
Speed limit signs: 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 / 80 / 90. The combination of red white and yellow red with black numbers and white background with black numbers.
Country symbols: Austria / Belarus / Belgium / Bosnia and Hherzegovina / Brazil / Bulgaria / Croatia / Cyprus / Czech Rrepublic / Denmark / Ex Yugoslavia / Estonia / Finland / France / Germany / Greece / Hungary / Island / Ireland / Italy / Latvia / Liechtenstein / Lithuania / Luxembourg / Macedonia / Montenegro / Netherlands / Norway / Poland / Portugal / Romania / Russia / Serbia. etc.
Fixed an error when displaying stickers at night
25 Apr 21:09Version
Signs On your Truck & Trailer v1.0.0.86 [1.44]
The recommended version of the game: 1.44.* Euro Truck Simulator 2
The mod is represented signs marking trucks in different categories country codes, speed limit, warning, ecology warning and others.
Signs: 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / E / E (yellow) / EEV / G / H / H (yellow) / IV / L / S / U / III / V / VI / R (yellow) / TIR / No TIR / T.I.R. / No T.I.R. etc.
ADR signs: ADR 22-1951 Argon Refrigerated Liquid, 22-1977 Liquid Nitrogen, 22-2187 Carbon Dioxide Refrigerated Liquid, 23-1965 Liquefied Petroleum Gas LPG, 23-1971 Methane Compressed or Natural Gas Compresed With High Methane Content, 30-1202 Diesel, 30-1223 Kerosene, 30-1267 Crude Oil, 30-1300 Turpentine Substitute, 30-1863 Fuel Aviation Turbine Engine, 30-1999 Tars Liquid Including Road Oils And Cutback Bitumens, 33-1090 Acetone, 33-1203 Gasoline, 33-1219 Isopropanol (Isopropyl Alcohol) etc.
Speed limit signs: 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 / 80 / 90. The combination of red white and yellow red with black numbers and white background with black numbers.
Country symbols: Austria / Belarus / Belgium / Bosnia and Hherzegovina / Brazil / Bulgaria / Croatia / Cyprus / Czech Rrepublic / Denmark / Ex Yugoslavia / Estonia / Finland / France / Germany / Greece / Hungary / Island / Ireland / Italy / Latvia / Liechtenstein / Lithuania / Luxembourg / Macedonia / Montenegro / Netherlands / Norway / Poland / Portugal / Romania / Russia / Serbia. etc.
Tobrago -
17 Jan 01:02Version
Signs On your Truck & Trailer v1.0.0.85 [1.43]
The mod is represented signs marking trucks in different categories country codes, speed limit, warning, ecology warning and others.
Changelog ver: —> ver:
Fixed a bug on the sign locations for the Mercedes Benz New Actros 2019 mod
Additional strings have been translated into several languages
Correction sii file
Correction text fileSigns: 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / E / E (yellow) / EEV / G / H / H (yellow) / IV / L / S / U / III / V / VI / R (yellow) / TIR / No TIR / T.I.R. / No T.I.R. etc. These signs are located at the front of the truck cabin.
E = (Environment) or white letter “U” (Umwelt), denoting vehicle with a Euro-1 engine.
EEV = Enhanced environmentally friendly vehicle (emission category between V and VI) is a term used in the European emission standards for the definition of a “clean vehicle” > 3.5 tonne in the category M2 and M3. The standard lies between the levels of Euro V and Euro VI.
G = denoting Gerauscharm Fahrzeug (ie noiseless/quiet vehicle): German version of the Austrian “L” plate for use only on diesel vehicles meeting German low-noise requirements – similar to those for Austria as above.
L = denoting Larmarm Fahrzeug (ie low noise vehicle): Austrian version of the symbol for quiet diesel vehicle which are:
– small and medium-sized lorries of no more than 150KW producing noise levels no greater than 78dB.
– heavy lorries exceeding 150KW with noise levels no greater than 80dB.
S = (Sicher/safe) denoting a vehicle with a Euro-2 engine and safety features.
3 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-3 engine and safety features.
4 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-4 engine and safety features.
5 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-5 engine and safety features.
6 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-6 engine and safety features.
A = required in Germany on all vehicles carrying waste.
R (yellow) = The truck has route approval, for ex. heavy transport. (used in Austria).
H (yellow) = The truck has higher gross vehicle weight, for ex. heavy transport. (used in Austria).
E (yellow) = The truck has restricted gross vehicle weight. Tax benefits for it. (used in Austria).
III – VI = European emission standards III-VI for HGVs (> 3.5 tonne).ADR signs: ADR / 22-1951 Argon Refrigerated Liquid / 22-1977 Liquid Nitrogen / 22-2187 Carbon Dioxide Refrigerated Liquid / 23-1965 Liquefied Petroleum Gas LPG / 23-1971 Methane Compressed or Natural Gas Compresed With High Methane Content / 30-1202 Diesel / 30-1223 Kerosene / 30-1267 Crude Oil / 30-1300 Turpentine Substitute / 30-1863 Fuel Aviation Turbine Engine / 30-1999 Tars Liquid Including Road Oils And Cutback Bitumens / 33-1090 Acetone / 33-1203 Gasoline / 33-1219 Isopropanol (Isopropyl Alcohol) / 44-2448 Sulphur Molten / 80-1824 Sodium Hydroxide Solution / 80-1830 Sulphuric Acid / 80-2796 Sulphuric Acid (with Not More Than 51% Acid) / 86-2809 Mercury / 225-1073 Oxygen Refrigerated Liquid / 225-2201 Nitrous Oxide / 90-3082 Environmentally Hazardous Substance Liquid / Dangerous For The Environment / Flammable Materials / Flammable Materials 2 / Flammable Materials 3 / Flammable Solid Miscellaneous Goods Hazard Class 9 Material / Radioactive 1 / Radioactive 2 / Radioactive 3 / 30-1866 Resin Solution Flammable / 33-1866 Resin Solution Flammable / 30-1307 Xylenes / 33-1307 Xylenes / Infectious Material / Toxic Gases / Toxic Material / Corrosive Material / 99-3257 Elevated Temperature Liquid N.O.S. etc. These signs are located at the front of the truck cabin.
For more information about ADR.
Speed limit signs: 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 / 80 / 90. The combination of red white and yellow red with black numbers and white background with black numbers. These signs are located at the rear of the truck cabin.
Country symbols: Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia and Hherzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Rrepublic, Denmark, Ex Yugoslavia, Ex East Germany, Ex Soviet Union, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Island, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom, Botswana, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan etc. These signs are placed at the front and at the rear of the truck cabin. -
09 Jan 22:04Version
Signs On your Truck & Trailer v1.0.0.80 [1.43]
Changelog ver: —> ver:
Added sign “Oxidizing Gases” on trucks and trailers
Added sign “Oxygen” on trucks and trailers
“Blind Spot” sticker added on trailers
Correction sii file
Correction text file
The mod is represented signs marking trucks in different categories country codes, speed limit, warning, ecology warning and others.
Signs: 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / E / E (yellow) / EEV / G / H / H (yellow) / IV / L / S / U / III / V / VI / R (yellow) / TIR / No TIR / T.I.R. / No T.I.R. etc. These signs are located at the front of the truck cabin.E = (Environment) or white letter “U” (Umwelt), denoting vehicle with a Euro-1 engine.
EEV = Enhanced environmentally friendly vehicle (emission category between V and VI) is a term used in the European emission standards for the definition of a “clean vehicle” > 3.5 tonne in the category M2 and M3. The standard lies between the levels of Euro V and Euro VI.
G = denoting Gerauscharm Fahrzeug (ie noiseless/quiet vehicle): German version of the Austrian “L” plate for use only on diesel vehicles meeting German low-noise requirements – similar to those for Austria as above.L = denoting Larmarm Fahrzeug (ie low noise vehicle): Austrian version of the symbol for quiet diesel vehicle which are:
– small and medium-sized lorries of no more than 150KW producing noise levels no greater than 78dB.
– heavy lorries exceeding 150KW with noise levels no greater than 80dB.
S = (Sicher/safe) denoting a vehicle with a Euro-2 engine and safety features.
3 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-3 engine and safety features.
4 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-4 engine and safety features.
5 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-5 engine and safety features.
6 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-6 engine and safety features.
A = required in Germany on all vehicles carrying waste.
R (yellow) = The truck has route approval, for ex. heavy transport. (used in Austria).
H (yellow) = The truck has higher gross vehicle weight, for ex. heavy transport. (used in Austria).
E (yellow) = The truck has restricted gross vehicle weight. Tax benefits for it. (used in Austria).
III – VI = European emission standards III-VI for HGVs (> 3.5 tonne).ADR signs: ADR / 22-1951 Argon Refrigerated Liquid / 22-1977 Liquid Nitrogen / 22-2187 Carbon Dioxide Refrigerated Liquid / 23-1965 Liquefied Petroleum Gas LPG / 23-1971 Methane Compressed or Natural Gas Compresed With High Methane Content / 30-1202 Diesel / 30-1223 Kerosene / 30-1267 Crude Oil / 30-1300 Turpentine Substitute / 30-1863 Fuel Aviation Turbine Engine / 30-1999 Tars Liquid Including Road Oils And Cutback Bitumens / 33-1090 Acetone / 33-1203 Gasoline / 33-1219 Isopropanol (Isopropyl Alcohol) / 44-2448 Sulphur Molten / 80-1824 Sodium Hydroxide Solution / 80-1830 Sulphuric Acid / 80-2796 Sulphuric Acid (with Not More Than 51% Acid) / 86-2809 Mercury / 225-1073 Oxygen Refrigerated Liquid / 225-2201 Nitrous Oxide / 90-3082 Environmentally Hazardous Substance Liquid / Dangerous For The Environment / Flammable Materials / Flammable Materials 2 / Flammable Materials 3 / Flammable Solid Miscellaneous Goods Hazard Class 9 Material / Radioactive 1 / Radioactive 2 / Radioactive 3 / 30-1866 Resin Solution Flammable / 33-1866 Resin Solution Flammable / 30-1307 Xylenes / 33-1307 Xylenes / Infectious Material / Toxic Gases / Toxic Material / Corrosive Material / 99-3257 Elevated Temperature Liquid N.O.S. etc. These signs are located at the front of the truck cabin.
For more information about ADR.
Speed limit signs: 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 / 80 / 90. The combination of red white and yellow red with black numbers and white background with black numbers. These signs are located at the rear of the truck cabin.
Country symbols: Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Rrepublic, Denmark, Ex Yugoslavia, Ex East Germany, Ex Soviet Union, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Island, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom, Botswana, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan etc. These signs are placed at the front and at the rear of the truck cabin. -
01 Jan 03:26Version
Signs on Your Truck & Trailer v1.0.0.60 [1.43]
Changelog ver: ---> ver:
"Blind Spot" sticker added on all SCS trucks
Fixed a bug in the definition files on the Mercedes Actros 2014 truck
Changed the location of the "Front Signs D" on the chassis 8x4 on the Mercedes Actros 2014 truck
Two more signs added to "Front Signs D" on the chassis 8x4 on the Mercedes Actros 2014 truck
Correction sii file
Correction text fileThe mod is represented signs marking trucks in different categories country codes, speed limit, warning, ecology warning and others.
Signs: 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / E / E (yellow) / EEV / G / H / H (yellow) / IV / L / S / U / III / V / VI / R (yellow) / TIR / No TIR / T.I.R. / No T.I.R. etc. These signs are located at the front of the truck cabin.
E = (Environment) or white letter "U" (Umwelt), denoting vehicle with a Euro-1 engine.EEV = Enhanced environmentally friendly vehicle (emission category between V and VI) is a term used in the European emission standards for the definition of a "clean vehicle" > 3.5 tonne in the category M2 and M3. The standard lies between the levels of Euro V and Euro VI.
G = denoting Gerauscharm Fahrzeug (ie noiseless/quiet vehicle): German version of the Austrian "L" plate for use only on diesel vehicles meeting German low-noise requirements - similar to those for Austria as above.
L = denoting Larmarm Fahrzeug (ie low noise vehicle): Austrian version of the symbol for quiet diesel vehicle which are:
- small and medium-sized lorries of no more than 150KW producing noise levels no greater than 78dB.
- heavy lorries exceeding 150KW with noise levels no greater than 80dB.
S = (Sicher/safe) denoting a vehicle with a Euro-2 engine and safety features.
3 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-3 engine and safety features.
4 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-4 engine and safety features.
5 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-5 engine and safety features.
6 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-6 engine and safety features.
A = required in Germany on all vehicles carrying waste.
R (yellow) = The truck has route approval, for ex. heavy transport. (used in Austria).
H (yellow) = The truck has higher gross vehicle weight, for ex. heavy transport. (used in Austria).
E (yellow) = The truck has restricted gross vehicle weight. Tax benefits for it. (used in Austria).
III - VI = European emission standards III-VI for HGVs (> 3.5 tonne).
______________________________________________________________________________ADR signs: ADR / 22-1951 Argon Refrigerated Liquid / 22-1977 Liquid Nitrogen / 22-2187 Carbon Dioxide Refrigerated Liquid / 23-1965 Liquefied Petroleum Gas LPG / 23-1971 Methane Compressed or Natural Gas Compresed With High Methane Content / 30-1202 Diesel / 30-1223 Kerosene / 30-1267 Crude Oil / 30-1300 Turpentine Substitute / 30-1863 Fuel Aviation Turbine Engine / 30-1999 Tars Liquid Including Road Oils And Cutback Bitumens / 33-1090 Acetone / 33-1203 Gasoline / 33-1219 Isopropanol (Isopropyl Alcohol) / 44-2448 Sulphur Molten / 80-1824 Sodium Hydroxide Solution / 80-1830 Sulphuric Acid / 80-2796 Sulphuric Acid (with Not More Than 51% Acid) / 86-2809 Mercury / 225-1073 Oxygen Refrigerated Liquid / 225-2201 Nitrous Oxide / 90-3082 Environmentally Hazardous Substance Liquid / Dangerous For The Environment / Flammable Materials / Flammable Materials 2 / Flammable Materials 3 / Flammable Solid Miscellaneous Goods Hazard Class 9 Material / Radioactive 1 / Radioactive 2 / Radioactive 3 / 30-1866 Resin Solution Flammable / 33-1866 Resin Solution Flammable / 30-1307 Xylenes / 33-1307 Xylenes / Infectious Material / Toxic Gases / Toxic Material / Corrosive Material / 99-3257 Elevated Temperature Liquid N.O.S. etc. These signs are located at the front of the truck cabin.
For more information about ADR.
Speed limit signs: 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 / 80 / 90. The combination of red white and yellow red with black numbers and white background with black numbers. These signs are located at the rear of the truck cabin.
Country symbols: Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia and Hherzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Rrepublic, Denmark, Ex Yugoslavia, Ex East Germany, Ex Soviet Union, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Island, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom, Botswana, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan etc. These signs are placed at the front and at the rear of the truck cabin.
20 Dec 00:36Version
Signs on Your Truck & Trailer v1.0.0.40 [1.43]
Mod adapted for DAF 2021 truck
Correction sii file
Correction text fileThe mod is represented signs marking trucks in different categories country codes, speed limit, warning, ecology warning and others.
Signs: 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / E / E (yellow) / EEV / G / H / H (yellow) / IV / L / S / U / III / V / VI / R (yellow) / TIR / No TIR / T.I.R. / No T.I.R. etc.
E = (Environment) or white letter “U” (Umwelt), denoting vehicle with a Euro-1 engine.
EEV = Enhanced environmentally friendly vehicle (emission category between V and VI) is a term used in the European emission standards for the definition of a “clean vehicle” > 3.5 tonne in the category M2 and M3. The standard lies between the levels of Euro V and Euro VI.
G = denoting Gerauscharm Fahrzeug (ie noiseless/quiet vehicle): German version of the Austrian “L” plate for use only on diesel vehicles meeting German low-noise requirements – similar to those for Austria as above.
L = denoting Larmarm Fahrzeug (ie low noise vehicle): Austrian version of the symbol for quiet diesel vehicle which are:
– small and medium-sized lorries of no more than 150KW producing noise levels no greater than 78dB.
– heavy lorries exceeding 150KW with noise levels no greater than 80dB.
S = (Sicher/safe) denoting a vehicle with a Euro-2 engine and safety features.
3 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-3 engine and safety features.
4 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-4 engine and safety features.
5 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-5 engine and safety features.
6 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-6 engine and safety features.
A = required in Germany on all vehicles carrying waste.
R (yellow) = The truck has route approval, for ex. heavy transport. (used in Austria).
H (yellow) = The truck has higher gross vehicle weight, for ex. heavy transport. (used in Austria).
E (yellow) = The truck has restricted gross vehicle weight. Tax benefits for it. (used in Austria).
III – VI = European emission standards III-VI for HGVs (> 3.5 tonne)ADR signs: ADR 22-1951 Argon Refrigerated Liquid, 22-1977 Liquid Nitrogen, 22-2187 Carbon Dioxide Refrigerated Liquid, 23-1965 Liquefied Petroleum Gas LPG, 23-1971 Methane Compressed or Natural Gas Compresed With High Methane Content, 30-1202 Diesel, 30-1223 Kerosene, 30-1267 Crude Oil, 30-1300 Turpentine Substitute, 30-1863 Fuel Aviation Turbine Engine, 30-1999 Tars Liquid Including Road Oils And Cutback Bitumens, 33-1090 Acetone, 33-1203 Gasoline, 33-1219 Isopropanol (Isopropyl Alcohol) etc.
Speed limit signs: 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 / 80 / 90. The combination of red white and yellow red with black numbers and white background with black numbers.
Country symbols: Austria / Belarus / Belgium / Bosnia and Hherzegovina / Brazil / Bulgaria / Croatia / Cyprus / Czech Rrepublic / Denmark / Ex Yugoslavia / Estonia / Finland / France / Germany / Greece / Hungary / Island / Ireland / Italy / Latvia / Liechtenstein / Lithuania / Luxembourg / Macedonia / Montenegro / Netherlands / Norway / Poland / Portugal / Romania / Russia / Serbia. etc.
13 Dec 02:10Version
Signs on Your Truck & Trailer v1.0.0.15 [1.43]
Changelog ver: —> ver:
Problem solved For MAN TGX Euro6 truck (cabin interior)
Correction sii file
Correction text file
The mod is represented signs marking trucks in different categories country codes, speed limit, warning, ecology warning and others.
Signs: 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / E / E (yellow) / EEV / G / H / H (yellow) / IV / L / S / U / III / V / VI / R (yellow) / TIR / No TIR / T.I.R. / No T.I.R. etc. These signs are located at the front of the truck cabin.E = (Environment) or white letter “U” (Umwelt), denoting vehicle with a Euro-1 engine.
EEV = Enhanced environmentally friendly vehicle (emission category between V and VI) is a term used in the European emission standards for the definition of a “clean vehicle” > 3.5 tonne in the category M2 and M3. The standard lies between the levels of Euro V and Euro VI.
G = denoting Gerauscharm Fahrzeug (ie noiseless/quiet vehicle): German version of the Austrian “L” plate for use only on diesel vehicles meeting German low-noise requirements – similar to those for Austria as above.
L = denoting Larmarm Fahrzeug (ie low noise vehicle): Austrian version of the symbol for quiet diesel vehicle which are:
– small and medium-sized lorries of no more than 150KW producing noise levels no greater than 78dB.
– heavy lorries exceeding 150KW with noise levels no greater than 80dB.
S = (Sicher/safe) denoting a vehicle with a Euro-2 engine and safety features.
3 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-3 engine and safety features.
4 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-4 engine and safety features.
5 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-5 engine and safety features.
6 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-6 engine and safety features.
A = required in Germany on all vehicles carrying waste.
R (yellow) = The truck has route approval, for ex. heavy transport. (used in Austria).
H (yellow) = The truck has higher gross vehicle weight, for ex. heavy transport. (used in Austria).
E (yellow) = The truck has restricted gross vehicle weight. Tax benefits for it. (used in Austria).
III – VI = European emission standards III-VI for HGVs (> 3.5 tonne).ADR signs: ADR / 22-1951 Argon Refrigerated Liquid / 22-1977 Liquid Nitrogen / 22-2187 Carbon Dioxide Refrigerated Liquid / 23-1965 Liquefied Petroleum Gas LPG / 23-1971 Methane Compressed or Natural Gas Compresed With High Methane Content / 30-1202 Diesel / 30-1223 Kerosene / 30-1267 Crude Oil / 30-1300 Turpentine Substitute / 30-1863 Fuel Aviation Turbine Engine / 30-1999 Tars Liquid Including Road Oils And Cutback Bitumens / 33-1090 Acetone / 33-1203 Gasoline / 33-1219 Isopropanol (Isopropyl Alcohol) / 44-2448 Sulphur Molten / 80-1824 Sodium Hydroxide Solution / 80-1830 Sulphuric Acid / 80-2796 Sulphuric Acid (with Not More Than 51% Acid) / 86-2809 Mercury / 225-1073 Oxygen Refrigerated Liquid / 225-2201 Nitrous Oxide / 90-3082 Environmentally Hazardous Substance Liquid / Dangerous For The Environment / Flammable Materials / Flammable Materials 2 / Flammable Materials 3 / Flammable Solid Miscellaneous Goods Hazard Class 9 Material / Radioactive 1 / Radioactive 2 / Radioactive 3 / 30-1866 Resin Solution Flammable / 33-1866 Resin Solution Flammable / 30-1307 Xylenes / 33-1307 Xylenes / Infectious Material / Toxic Gases / Toxic Material / Corrosive Material / 99-3257 Elevated Temperature Liquid N.O.S. etc. These signs are located at the front of the truck cabin.
For more information about ADR.
Speed limit signs: 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 / 80 / 90. The combination of red white and yellow red with black numbers and white background with black numbers. These signs are located at the rear of the truck cabin.
Country symbols: Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia and Hherzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Rrepublic, Denmark, Ex Yugoslavia, Ex East Germany, Ex Soviet Union, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Island, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom, Botswana, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan etc. These signs are placed at the front and at the rear of the truck cabin. -
13 Dec 01:44Version
Signs on Your Truck & Trailer v1.0.0.15 [1.43]
Changelog ver: —> ver:
Problem solved For MAN TGX Euro6 truck (cabin interior)
Correction sii file
Correction text file
The mod is represented signs marking trucks in different categories country codes, speed limit, warning, ecology warning and others.
Signs: 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / E / E (yellow) / EEV / G / H / H (yellow) / IV / L / S / U / III / V / VI / R (yellow) / TIR / No TIR / T.I.R. / No T.I.R. etc. These signs are located at the front of the truck cabin.E = (Environment) or white letter “U” (Umwelt), denoting vehicle with a Euro-1 engine.
EEV = Enhanced environmentally friendly vehicle (emission category between V and VI) is a term used in the European emission standards for the definition of a “clean vehicle” > 3.5 tonne in the category M2 and M3. The standard lies between the levels of Euro V and Euro VI.
G = denoting Gerauscharm Fahrzeug (ie noiseless/quiet vehicle): German version of the Austrian “L” plate for use only on diesel vehicles meeting German low-noise requirements – similar to those for Austria as above.
L = denoting Larmarm Fahrzeug (ie low noise vehicle): Austrian version of the symbol for quiet diesel vehicle which are:
– small and medium-sized lorries of no more than 150KW producing noise levels no greater than 78dB.
– heavy lorries exceeding 150KW with noise levels no greater than 80dB.
S = (Sicher/safe) denoting a vehicle with a Euro-2 engine and safety features.
3 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-3 engine and safety features.
4 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-4 engine and safety features.
5 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-5 engine and safety features.
6 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-6 engine and safety features.
A = required in Germany on all vehicles carrying waste.
R (yellow) = The truck has route approval, for ex. heavy transport. (used in Austria).
H (yellow) = The truck has higher gross vehicle weight, for ex. heavy transport. (used in Austria).
E (yellow) = The truck has restricted gross vehicle weight. Tax benefits for it. (used in Austria).
III – VI = European emission standards III-VI for HGVs (> 3.5 tonne).ADR signs: ADR / 22-1951 Argon Refrigerated Liquid / 22-1977 Liquid Nitrogen / 22-2187 Carbon Dioxide Refrigerated Liquid / 23-1965 Liquefied Petroleum Gas LPG / 23-1971 Methane Compressed or Natural Gas Compresed With High Methane Content / 30-1202 Diesel / 30-1223 Kerosene / 30-1267 Crude Oil / 30-1300 Turpentine Substitute / 30-1863 Fuel Aviation Turbine Engine / 30-1999 Tars Liquid Including Road Oils And Cutback Bitumens / 33-1090 Acetone / 33-1203 Gasoline / 33-1219 Isopropanol (Isopropyl Alcohol) / 44-2448 Sulphur Molten / 80-1824 Sodium Hydroxide Solution / 80-1830 Sulphuric Acid / 80-2796 Sulphuric Acid (with Not More Than 51% Acid) / 86-2809 Mercury / 225-1073 Oxygen Refrigerated Liquid / 225-2201 Nitrous Oxide / 90-3082 Environmentally Hazardous Substance Liquid / Dangerous For The Environment / Flammable Materials / Flammable Materials 2 / Flammable Materials 3 / Flammable Solid Miscellaneous Goods Hazard Class 9 Material / Radioactive 1 / Radioactive 2 / Radioactive 3 / 30-1866 Resin Solution Flammable / 33-1866 Resin Solution Flammable / 30-1307 Xylenes / 33-1307 Xylenes / Infectious Material / Toxic Gases / Toxic Material / Corrosive Material / 99-3257 Elevated Temperature Liquid N.O.S. etc. These signs are located at the front of the truck cabin.
For more information about ADR.
Speed limit signs: 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 / 80 / 90. The combination of red white and yellow red with black numbers and white background with black numbers. These signs are located at the rear of the truck cabin.
Country symbols: Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia and Hherzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Rrepublic, Denmark, Ex Yugoslavia, Ex East Germany, Ex Soviet Union, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Island, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom, Botswana, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan etc. These signs are placed at the front and at the rear of the truck cabin. -
11 Dec 22:55Version
by mods80
ago 11 months
by mods80
ago almost 2 years
by mods80
ago almost 2 years
by mods80
ago almost 2 years
by mods80
ago almost 2 years
by mods80
ago almost 2 years
by mods80
ago almost 2 years
by mods80
ago almost 2 years
by mods80
ago about 2 years
by mods80
ago over 3 years
0 Comments for SIGNS ON YOUR TRUCK & TRAILER V1.0.0.09 [1.43]