Plaques and signage for trucks

V mod for Eurotruck Simulator 2

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The new update is available version 1.0.7



- Added ADR sign "80-1805 Phosphoric Acid Solution"

- Added National flag Russia

- Added National flag Austria

- Added National flag Hungary

- Added National flag Poland.

- Added National flag Bulgaria

- Added country symbol "Ex East Germany (GDR)"

- Added National flag Ex East Germany

- Added National flag France

- Added National flag Germany

- Added National flag Greece

- Correction sii file

- Correction textfile


Installation of signs on trucks. The mode is Represented by over 250 signs marking trucks.


Signs: 3/4/5/6 / I / E (yellow) / EEV / G / H / H (yellow) / IV / L / S / U / III / V / VI / R (yellow) / TIR / No TIR / TIR / No TIR And many others. These signs are located at the front of the truck cabin.


E = (Environment) or white letter "U" (Environment), denoting vehicle with a Euro-1 engine.


EEV = Enhanced Environmentally Friendly Vehicle (emission category between V and VI) is a term used in the European emission standards for the definition of a "clean vehicle"> 3.5 tonne in the category M2 and M3. The standard lies between the levels of Euro V and Euro VI.


G = denoting Gerau Sharm vehicle (ie noiseless / quiet vehicle): German version of the Austrian "L" plate for use only on diesel vehicles meeting German low-noise requirements - similar to Those for Austria as above.


L = denoting Larmarm vehicle (ie low noise vehicle): Austrian version of the symbol for quiet diesel vehicle Which are:

- Small and medium-sized lorries of no more than 150KW Producing noise levels no greater than 78dB.

- Heavy lorries exceeding 150KW with noise levels no greater than 80dB.


S = (Secure / safe) denoting a vehicle with a Euro-2 engine and safety features.


3 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro 3 engine and safety features.


4 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro 4 engine and safety features.


5 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro 5 engine and safety features.


6 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-6 engine and safety features.


A = required in Germany on all vehicles carrying waste.


K * = required in Germany for vehicles making use of exceptions to the Motor Tax Law.


R (yellow) = The truck has route approval, for ex. heavy transport. (Used in Austria).


H (yellow) = The truck has higher gross vehicle weight, for ex. heavy transport. (Used in Austria).


E (yellow) = The truck has restricted vehicle gross weight. Tax benefits for it. (Used in Austria).


III - VI = European emission standards III-VI for HGVS (> 3.5 ton).



ADR signs: ADR / 22-1951 Argon Refrigerated Liquid / Liquid Nitrogen 22-1977 / 22-2187 Carbon Dioxide Refrigerated Liquid / 23-1965 Liquefied Petroleum Gas LPG / 23-1971 Methane Compressed Natural Gas or compresed With High Methane Content / 30- 1202 diesel / Kerosene 30-1223 / 30-1267 Crude Oil / 30-1300 Turpentine Substitute / 30-1863 Fuel Aviation turbine Engine / 30-1999 Tars Liquid Including Road Oils And Cutback bitumen / 33-1090 Acetone / 33-1203 Gasoline / 33-1219 isopropanol (isopropyl Alcohol) / 44-2448 Sulphur Molten / 80-1824 Sodium Hydroxide Solution / 80-1830 Sulphuric Acid / 80-2796 Sulphuric Acid (with Not More Than 51% Acid) / 86-2809 Mercury / 225- 1073 Oxygen Refrigerated Liquid / 225-2201 Nitrous oxide / 90-3082 Environmentally Hazardous Substance Liquid / Dangerous For The Environment / Flammable material / Flammable material 2 / Flammable material 3 / Flammable Solid Miscellaneous Goods Hazard Class 9 material / Radioactive 1 / Radioactive 2 / radioactive 3 / 30-1866 Resin Solution Flammable / 33-1866 Resin Solution Flammable / 30-1307 Xylenes / 33-1307 Xylenes / Infectious material / Toxic gas / Toxic material / Corrosive material / 99-3257 Elevated Temperature Liquid NOS And many others. These signs are located at the front of the truck cabin.


For more information about ADR


Speed ??limit signs: 30/40/50/60/70/80/90/100/110 / 120. The combination of red white and yellow red. These signs are located at the rear of the truck cabin.


Country symbols: Austria / Belarus / Belgium / Bosnia and Hherzegovina / Bulgaria / Croatia / Cyprus / Czech Rrepublic / Denmark / Ex Yugoslavia / Estonia / France / Germany / Greece / Hungary / Iceland / Ireland / Italy / Latvia / Liechtenstein / Lithuania / Luxembourg / Macedonia / Montenegro / Netherlands / Norway / Poland / Portugal / Romania / Russia / Serbia / Slovenia / Spain / Switzerland / Turkey / United Kingdom. These symbols are located at the rear of the truck cabin.


Modell: tobrago
Textur: tobrago
Script: tobrago
Idee / Konzept: tobrago
Tester: tobrago
Sonstige: tobrago

  • 05 May 07:29

    Signs on your Truck v1.1.7.28 by Tobrago 1.44.x

    Changelog ver: —> ver:
    Fixed a problem with the Renault T in the interior
    Mod packed and converted with the new open beta version: 2.13 of Conversion Tools
    Minor bugs fixed
    Correction sii file
    Correction text file

    Changelog ver: —> ver:
    Renault T fixed the problem with the rear lights
    Minor bugs fixed
    Correction sii file
    Correction text file

    Changelog ver: —> ver:
    Added “Izvanredni Prijevoz” sign
    Fixed an error when displaying stickers at night
    Minor bugs fixed
    Correction sii file
    Correction text file
    The recommended version of the game: 1.44.* Euro Truck Simulator 2
    The mod is represented signs marking trucks in different categories country codes, speed limit, warning, ecology warning and others. Only for standard trusks in game.
    Signs: 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / E / E (yellow) / EEV / G / H / H (yellow) / IV / L / S / U / III / V / VI / R (yellow) / TIR / No TIR / T.I.R. / No T.I.R. etc. These signs are located at the front of the truck cabin.

    E = (Environment) or white letter “U” (Umwelt), denoting vehicle with a Euro-1 engine.
    EEV = Enhanced environmentally friendly vehicle (emission category between V and VI) is a term used in the European emission standards for the definition of a “clean vehicle” > 3.5 tonne in the category M2 and M3. The standard lies between the levels of Euro V and Euro VI.
    G = denoting Gerauscharm Fahrzeug (ie noiseless/quiet vehicle): German version of the Austrian “L” plate for use only on diesel vehicles meeting German low-noise requirements – similar to those for Austria as above.
    L = denoting Larmarm Fahrzeug (ie low noise vehicle): Austrian version of the symbol for quiet diesel vehicle which are:
    – small and medium-sized lorries of no more than 150KW producing noise levels no greater than 78dB.
    – heavy lorries exceeding 150KW with noise levels no greater than 80dB.

    S = (Sicher/safe) denoting a vehicle with a Euro-2 engine and safety features.
    3 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-3 engine and safety features.
    4 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-4 engine and safety features.
    5 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-5 engine and safety features.
    6 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-6 engine and safety features.
    A = required in Germany on all vehicles carrying waste.
    R (yellow) = The truck has route approval, for ex. heavy transport. (used in Austria).
    H (yellow) = The truck has higher gross vehicle weight, for ex. heavy transport. (used in Austria).
    E (yellow) = The truck has restricted gross vehicle weight. Tax benefits for it. (used in Austria).
    III – VI = European emission standards III-VI for HGVs (> 3.5 tonne)

    ADR signs: ADR 22-1951 Argon Refrigerated Liquid, 22-1977 Liquid Nitrogen, 22-2187 Carbon Dioxide Refrigerated Liquid, 23-1965 Liquefied Petroleum Gas LPG, 23-1971 Methane Compressed or Natural Gas Compresed With High Methane Content, 30-1202 Diesel, 30-1223 Kerosene, 30-1267 Crude Oil, 30-1300 Turpentine Substitute, 30-1863 Fuel Aviation Turbine Engine, 30-1999 Tars Liquid Including Road Oils And Cutback Bitumens, 33-1090 Acetone, 33-1203 Gasoline, 33-1219 Isopropanol (Isopropyl Alcohol) etc. These signs are located at the front of the truck cabin.
    For more information about ADR.[] Speed limit signs: 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 / 80 / 90. The combination of red white and yellow red with black numbers and white background with black numbers. These signs are located at the rear of the truck cabin.
    Country symbols: Austria / Belarus / Belgium / Bosnia and Hherzegovina / Brazil / Bulgaria / Croatia / Cyprus / Czech Rrepublic / Denmark / Ex Yugoslavia / Estonia / Finland / France / Germany / Greece / Hungary / Island / Ireland / Italy / Latvia / Liechtenstein / Lithuania / Luxembourg / Macedonia / Montenegro / Netherlands / Norway / Poland / Portugal / Romania / Russia / Serbia. etc. These signs are placed at the front and at the rear of the truck cabin.

    VOLVO FH 16 2009 * VOLVO FH 16 2012


  • 16 Jan 23:46

    Signs on your Truck v1.1.6.58 by Tobrago (1.43.x)

    Signs on your Truck - this mod is represented signs marking trucks in different categories country codes, speed limit, warning, ecology warning and others. The new Signs on Your Truck add-on will add new stickers, signs and plates to Euro Truck Simulator 2 that can easily be placed on the truck cab in the slots designed for this purpose. The modification has about 400 characters, divided into four groups. Among them are general and warning signs, as well as speed limits. In addition, there are stickers lettering countries. The mod will allow the player of the ETS2 simulator to precisely place all the required signs on the cab of his tractor, depending on the destination and the cargo carried.

    Changes in v1.1.6.58:
    - Fixed a bug on the sign locations for the Mercedes Benz New Actros 2019 mod;
    - Additional strings have been translated into several languages;
    - Correction sii file;
    - Correction text file.

    Signs List
    Signs: 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / E / E (yellow) / EEV / G / H / H (yellow) / IV / L / S / U / III / V /
    VI / R (yellow) / TIR / No TIR / T.I.R. / No T.I.R. etc. These signs are located at the front of the truck cabin.
    E = (Environment) or white letter "U" (Umwelt), denoting vehicle with a Euro-1 engine.

    EEV = Enhanced environmentally friendly vehicle (emission category between V and VI)
    is a term used in the European emission standards for the definition of a "clean vehicle" > 3.5
    tonne in the category M2 and M3. The standard lies between the levels of Euro V and Euro VI.

    G = denoting Gerauscharm Fahrzeug (ie noiseless/quiet vehicle): German version of the
    Austrian "L" plate for use only on diesel vehicles meeting German low-noise
    requirements - similar to those for Austria as above.

    L = denoting Larmarm Fahrzeug (ie low noise vehicle): Austrian version of the symbol for quiet diesel vehicle which are:
    - small and medium-sized lorries of no more than 150KW producing noise levels no greater than 78dB.
    - heavy lorries exceeding 150KW with noise levels no greater than 80dB.

    S = (Sicher/safe) denoting a vehicle with a Euro-2 engine and safety features.

    3 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-3 engine and safety features.

    4 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-4 engine and safety features.

    5 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-5 engine and safety features.

    6 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-6 engine and safety features.

    A = required in Germany on all vehicles carrying waste.

    R (yellow) = The truck has route approval, for ex. heavy transport. (used in Austria).

    H (yellow) = The truck has higher gross vehicle weight, for ex. heavy transport. (used in Austria).

    E (yellow) = The truck has restricted gross vehicle weight. Tax benefits for it. (used in Austria).

    III - VI = European emission standards III-VI for HGVs (> 3.5 tonne).

    ADR signs: ADR / 22-1951 Argon Refrigerated Liquid / 22-1977 Liquid Nitrogen / 22-2187 Carbon
    Dioxide Refrigerated Liquid / 23-1965 Liquefied Petroleum Gas LPG / 23-1971 Methane Compressed
    or Natural Gas Compresed With High Methane Content / 30-1202 Diesel / 30-1223 Kerosene / 30-1267 Crude Oil /
    30-1300 Turpentine Substitute / 30-1863 Fuel Aviation Turbine Engine / 30-1999 Tars Liquid Including
    Road Oils And Cutback Bitumens / 33-1090 Acetone / 33-1203 Gasoline / 33-1219 Isopropanol
    (Isopropyl Alcohol) / 44-2448 Sulphur Molten / 80-1824 Sodium Hydroxide Solution
    / 80-1830 Sulphuric Acid / 80-2796 Sulphuric Acid
    (with Not More Than 51% Acid) / 86-2809 Mercury / 225-1073 Oxygen Refrigerated Liquid / 225-2201 Nitrous
    Oxide / 90-3082 Environmentally Hazardous Substance Liquid / Dangerous For The Environment / Flammable
    Materials / Flammable Materials 2 / Flammable Materials 3 / Flammable Solid Miscellaneous Goods Hazard
    Class 9 Material / Radioactive 1 / Radioactive 2 / Radioactive 3 / 30-1866 Resin Solution Flammable / 33-1866
    Resin Solution Flammable / 30-1307 Xylenes / 33-1307 Xylenes / Infectious Material / Toxic Gases /
    Toxic Material / Corrosive Material / 99-3257 Elevated Temperature Liquid N.O.S. etc.
    These signs are located at the front of the truck cabin.

    For more information about ADR.

    Speed limit signs: 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 / 80 / 90.
    The combination of red white and yellow red with black numbers and white background with black numbers.
    These signs are located at the rear of the truck cabin.

    Country symbols: Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia and Hherzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus,
    Czech Rrepublic, Denmark, Ex Yugoslavia, Ex East Germany, Ex Soviet Union, Estonia, France,
    Germany, Greece, Hungary, Island, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg,
    Macedonia, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia,
    Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom, Botswana, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan etc.
    These signs are placed at the front and at the rear of the truck cabin

    Compatible Trucks
    -MAN TGX
    -VOLVO FH 16 2009 * VOLVO FH 16 2012

    -VOLVO FM/FMX By Galimim
    -DAF XF EURO 6 (Revorked) By Schumi
    -IVECO HI-WAY (Revorked) By Schumi
    -MERCEDES ACTROS MP4 (Revorked) By Schumi
    -VOLVO FH & FH16 2009 By Schumi
    -RENAULT PREMIUM (Revorked) By Schumi
    -FORD F-MAX By Simulation

  • 20 Dec 00:45

    SIGNS ON YOUR TRUCK V1.1.6.35 [1.43]


    Mod adapted for DAF 2021 truck
    Correction sii file
    Correction text file

    The mod is represented signs marking trucks in different categories country codes, speed limit, warning, ecology warning and others. Only for standard trusks in game.

    Signs: 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / E / E (yellow) / EEV / G / H / H (yellow) / IV / L / S / U / III / V / VI / R (yellow) / TIR / No TIR / T.I.R. / No T.I.R. etc. These signs are located at the front of the truck cabin

    E = (Environment) or white letter “U” (Umwelt), denoting vehicle with a Euro-1 engine.

    EEV = Enhanced environmentally friendly vehicle (emission category between V and VI) is a term used in the European emission standards for the definition of a “clean vehicle” > 3.5 tonne in the category M2 and M3. The standard lies between the levels of Euro V and Euro VI.

    G = denoting Gerauscharm Fahrzeug (ie noiseless/quiet vehicle): German version of the Austrian “L” plate for use only on diesel vehicles meeting German low-noise requirements – similar to those for Austria as above.
    L = denoting Larmarm Fahrzeug (ie low noise vehicle): Austrian version of the symbol for quiet diesel vehicle which are:
    – small and medium-sized lorries of no more than 150KW producing noise levels no greater than 78dB.
    – heavy lorries exceeding 150KW with noise levels no greater than 80dB.
    S = (Sicher/safe) denoting a vehicle with a Euro-2 engine and safety features.
    3 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-3 engine and safety features.
    4 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-4 engine and safety features.
    5 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-5 engine and safety features.
    6 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-6 engine and safety features.
    A = required in Germany on all vehicles carrying waste.
    R (yellow) = The truck has route approval, for ex. heavy transport. (used in Austria).
    H (yellow) = The truck has higher gross vehicle weight, for ex. heavy transport. (used in Austria).
    E (yellow) = The truck has restricted gross vehicle weight. Tax benefits for it. (used in Austria).
    III – VI = European emission standards III-VI for HGVs (> 3.5 tonne)

    ADR signs: ADR 22-1951 Argon Refrigerated Liquid, 22-1977 Liquid Nitrogen, 22-2187 Carbon Dioxide Refrigerated Liquid, 23-1965 Liquefied Petroleum Gas LPG, 23-1971 Methane Compressed or Natural Gas Compresed With High Methane Content, 30-1202 Diesel, 30-1223 Kerosene, 30-1267 Crude Oil, 30-1300 Turpentine Substitute, 30-1863 Fuel Aviation Turbine Engine, 30-1999 Tars Liquid Including Road Oils And Cutback Bitumens, 33-1090 Acetone, 33-1203 Gasoline, 33-1219 Isopropanol (Isopropyl Alcohol) etc. These signs are located at the front of the truck cabin.

    Speed limit signs: 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 / 80 / 90. The combination of red white and yellow red with black numbers and white background with black numbers. These signs are located at the rear of the truck cabin.

    Country symbols: Austria / Belarus / Belgium / Bosnia and Hherzegovina / Brazil / Bulgaria / Croatia / Cyprus / Czech Rrepublic / Denmark / Ex Yugoslavia / Estonia / Finland / France / Germany / Greece / Hungary / Island / Ireland / Italy / Latvia / Liechtenstein / Lithuania / Luxembourg / Macedonia / Montenegro / Netherlands / Norway / Poland / Portugal / Romania / Russia / Serbia. etc. These signs are placed at the front and at the rear of the truck cabin.

  • 11 Dec 22:23

    SIGNS ON YOUR TRUCK V1.1.6.04 [1.43]

    The recommended version of the game: 1.43.* Euro Truck Simulator 2

    The mod is represented signs marking trucks in different categories country codes, speed limit, warning, ecology warning and others. Only for standard trusks in game.

    Signs: 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / E / E (yellow) / EEV / G / H / H (yellow) / IV / L / S / U / III / V / VI / R (yellow) / TIR / No TIR / T.I.R. / No T.I.R. etc. These signs are located at the front of the truck cabin.

    E = (Environment) or white letter "U" (Umwelt), denoting vehicle with a Euro-1 engine.

    EEV = Enhanced environmentally friendly vehicle (emission category between V and VI) is a term used in the European emission standards for the definition of a "clean vehicle" > 3.5 tonne in the category M2 and M3. The standard lies between the levels of Euro V and Euro VI.

    G = denoting Gerauscharm Fahrzeug (ie noiseless/quiet vehicle): German version of the Austrian "L" plate for use only on diesel vehicles meeting German low-noise requirements - similar to those for Austria as above.

    L = denoting Larmarm Fahrzeug (ie low noise vehicle): Austrian version of the symbol for quiet diesel vehicle which are:
    - small and medium-sized lorries of no more than 150KW producing noise levels no greater than 78dB.
    - heavy lorries exceeding 150KW with noise levels no greater than 80dB.

    S = (Sicher/safe) denoting a vehicle with a Euro-2 engine and safety features.

    3 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-3 engine and safety features.

    4 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-4 engine and safety features.

    5 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-5 engine and safety features.

    6 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-6 engine and safety features.

    A = required in Germany on all vehicles carrying waste.

    R (yellow) = The truck has route approval, for ex. heavy transport. (used in Austria).

    H (yellow) = The truck has higher gross vehicle weight, for ex. heavy transport. (used in Austria).

    E (yellow) = The truck has restricted gross vehicle weight. Tax benefits for it. (used in Austria).

    III - VI = European emission standards III-VI for HGVs (> 3.5 tonne)

    ADR signs: ADR 22-1951 Argon Refrigerated Liquid, 22-1977 Liquid Nitrogen, 22-2187 Carbon Dioxide Refrigerated Liquid, 23-1965 Liquefied Petroleum Gas LPG, 23-1971 Methane Compressed or Natural Gas Compresed With High Methane Content, 30-1202 Diesel, 30-1223 Kerosene, 30-1267 Crude Oil, 30-1300 Turpentine Substitute, 30-1863 Fuel Aviation Turbine Engine, 30-1999 Tars Liquid Including Road Oils And Cutback Bitumens, 33-1090 Acetone, 33-1203 Gasoline, 33-1219 Isopropanol (Isopropyl Alcohol) etc. These signs are located at the front of the truck cabin.

    For more information about ADR.[]

    Speed limit signs: 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 / 80 / 90. The combination of red white and yellow red with black numbers and white background with black numbers. These signs are located at the rear of the truck cabin.

    Country symbols: Austria / Belarus / Belgium / Bosnia and Hherzegovina / Brazil / Bulgaria / Croatia / Cyprus / Czech Rrepublic / Denmark / Ex Yugoslavia / Estonia / Finland / France / Germany / Greece / Hungary / Island / Ireland / Italy / Latvia / Liechtenstein / Lithuania / Luxembourg / Macedonia / Montenegro / Netherlands / Norway / Poland / Portugal / Romania / Russia / Serbia. etc. These signs are placed at the front and at the rear of the truck cabin.

    VOLVO FH 16 2009 * VOLVO FH 16 2012

    MERCEDES BENZ NEW ACTROS 2019[] By Actros 5 Crew
    RENAULT PREMIUN EDIT BY ALEX[] By Alexandru_Andrey
    VOLVO FM/FMX[] By Galimim
    DAF XF EURO 6 (Revorked)[] By Schumi
    IVECO HI-WAY (Revorked)[] By Schumi
    MERCEDES ACTROS MP4 (Revorked)[] By Schumi
    VOLVO FH & FH16 2009[] By Schumi
    RENAULT PREMIUM (Revorked)[] By Schumi
    FORD F-MAX By Simulation

    Autors: Tobra

  • 13 Nov 21:07
    Version für 1.43

    Signs on your Truck v1.1.5.95 by Tobrago (1.42 - 1.43)

    Changelog ver: from 13.11.21

    Update for 1.43
    The mod is represented signs marking trucks in different categories
    country codes, speed limit, warning, ecology warning and others.

    3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / E / E (yellow) / EEV / G / H / H (yellow) / IV / L / S /
    U / III / V / VI / R (yellow) / TIR / No TIR / T.I.R. / No T.I.R. etc.
    These signs are located at the front of the truck cabin.

    E = (Environment) or white letter “U” (Umwelt), denoting vehicle with a Euro-1 engine.

    EEV = Enhanced environmentally friendly vehicle (emission category between V and VI) is a term used in the European emission standards for the definition of a “clean vehicle” > 3.5 tonne in the category M2 and M3. The standard lies between the levels of Euro V and Euro VI.

    G = denoting Gerauscharm Fahrzeug (ie noiseless/quiet vehicle): German version of the Austrian “L” plate for use only on diesel vehicles meeting German low-noise requirements – similar to those for Austria as above.

    L = denoting Larmarm Fahrzeug (ie low noise vehicle): Austrian version of the symbol for quiet diesel vehicle which are:
    – small and medium-sized lorries of no more than 150KW producing noise levels no greater than 78dB.
    – heavy lorries exceeding 150KW with noise levels no greater than 80dB.

    S = (Sicher/safe) denoting a vehicle with a Euro-2 engine and safety features.

    3 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-3 engine and safety features.

    4 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-4 engine and safety features.

    5 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-5 engine and safety features.

    6 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-6 engine and safety features.

    A = required in Germany on all vehicles carrying waste.

    R (yellow) = The truck has route approval, for ex. heavy transport. (used in Austria).

    H (yellow) = The truck has higher gross vehicle weight, for ex. heavy transport. (used in Austria).

    E (yellow) = The truck has restricted gross vehicle weight. Tax benefits for it. (used in Austria).

    III – VI = European emission standards III-VI for HGVs (> 3.5 tonne).

    signs: ADR / 22-1951 Argon Refrigerated Liquid / 22-1977 Liquid
    Nitrogen / 22-2187 Carbon Dioxide Refrigerated Liquid / 23-1965
    Liquefied Petroleum Gas LPG / 23-1971 Methane Compressed or Natural Gas
    Compresed With High Methane Content / 30-1202 Diesel / 30-1223 Kerosene /
    30-1267 Crude Oil / 30-1300 Turpentine Substitute / 30-1863 Fuel
    Aviation Turbine Engine / 30-1999 Tars Liquid Including Road Oils And
    Cutback Bitumens / 33-1090 Acetone / 33-1203 Gasoline / 33-1219
    Isopropanol (Isopropyl Alcohol) / 44-2448 Sulphur Molten / 80-1824
    Sodium Hydroxide Solution / 80-1830 Sulphuric Acid / 80-2796 Sulphuric
    Acid (with Not More Than 51% Acid) / 86-2809 Mercury / 225-1073 Oxygen
    Refrigerated Liquid / 225-2201 Nitrous Oxide / 90-3082 Environmentally
    Hazardous Substance Liquid / Dangerous For The Environment / Flammable
    Materials / Flammable Materials 2 / Flammable Materials 3 / Flammable
    Solid Miscellaneous Goods Hazard Class 9 Material / Radioactive 1 /
    Radioactive 2 / Radioactive 3 / 30-1866 Resin Solution Flammable /
    33-1866 Resin Solution Flammable / 30-1307 Xylenes / 33-1307 Xylenes /
    Infectious Material / Toxic Gases / Toxic Material / Corrosive Material /
    99-3257 Elevated Temperature Liquid N.O.S. etc. These signs are located
    at the front of the truck cabin.

    For more information about ADR.

    limit signs: 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 / 80 / 90. The combination of red
    white and yellow red with black numbers and white background with black
    numbers. These signs are located at the rear of the truck cabin.

    symbols: Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia and Hherzegovina, Bulgaria,
    Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Rrepublic, Denmark, Ex Yugoslavia, Ex East
    Germany, Ex Soviet Union, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary,
    Island, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg,
    Macedonia, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania,
    Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, United
    Kingdom, Botswana, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan etc.
    These signs are placed at the front and at the rear of the truck cabin.

  • 23 Oct 02:08

    Signs on your Truck v1.1.5.95 by Tobrago (1.42.x)

    The recommended version of the game: 1.42.* Euro Truck Simulator 2

    The mod is represented signs marking trucks in different categories country codes, speed limit, warning, ecology warning and others. Only for standard trusks in game.

    Signs: 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / E / E (yellow) / EEV / G / H / H (yellow) / IV / L / S / U / III / V / VI / R (yellow) / TIR / No TIR / T.I.R. / No T.I.R. etc. These signs are located at the front of the truck cabin.

    E = (Environment) or white letter "U" (Umwelt), denoting vehicle with a Euro-1 engine.

    EEV = Enhanced environmentally friendly vehicle (emission category between V and VI) is a term used in the European emission standards for the definition of a "clean vehicle" > 3.5 tonne in the category M2 and M3. The standard lies between the levels of Euro V and Euro VI.

    G = denoting Gerauscharm Fahrzeug (ie noiseless/quiet vehicle): German version of the Austrian "L" plate for use only on diesel vehicles meeting German low-noise requirements - similar to those for Austria as above.

    L = denoting Larmarm Fahrzeug (ie low noise vehicle): Austrian version of the symbol for quiet diesel vehicle which are:
    - small and medium-sized lorries of no more than 150KW producing noise levels no greater than 78dB.
    - heavy lorries exceeding 150KW with noise levels no greater than 80dB.

    S = (Sicher/safe) denoting a vehicle with a Euro-2 engine and safety features.

    3 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-3 engine and safety features.

    4 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-4 engine and safety features.

    5 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-5 engine and safety features.

    6 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-6 engine and safety features.

    A = required in Germany on all vehicles carrying waste.

    R (yellow) = The truck has route approval, for ex. heavy transport. (used in Austria).

    H (yellow) = The truck has higher gross vehicle weight, for ex. heavy transport. (used in Austria).

    E (yellow) = The truck has restricted gross vehicle weight. Tax benefits for it. (used in Austria).

    III - VI = European emission standards III-VI for HGVs (> 3.5 tonne)

    ADR signs: ADR 22-1951 Argon Refrigerated Liquid, 22-1977 Liquid Nitrogen, 22-2187 Carbon Dioxide Refrigerated Liquid, 23-1965 Liquefied Petroleum Gas LPG, 23-1971 Methane Compressed or Natural Gas Compresed With High Methane Content, 30-1202 Diesel, 30-1223 Kerosene, 30-1267 Crude Oil, 30-1300 Turpentine Substitute, 30-1863 Fuel Aviation Turbine Engine, 30-1999 Tars Liquid Including Road Oils And Cutback Bitumens, 33-1090 Acetone, 33-1203 Gasoline, 33-1219 Isopropanol (Isopropyl Alcohol) etc. These signs are located at the front of the truck cabin.

    For more information about ADR.[]

    Speed limit signs: 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 / 80 / 90. The combination of red white and yellow red with black numbers and white background with black numbers. These signs are located at the rear of the truck cabin.

    Country symbols: Austria / Belarus / Belgium / Bosnia and Hherzegovina / Brazil / Bulgaria / Croatia / Cyprus / Czech Rrepublic / Denmark / Ex Yugoslavia / Estonia / Finland / France / Germany / Greece / Hungary / Island / Ireland / Italy / Latvia / Liechtenstein / Lithuania / Luxembourg / Macedonia / Monte????? / Netherlands / Norway / Poland / Portugal / Romania / Russia / Serbia. etc. These signs are placed at the front and at the rear of the truck cabin.

    VOLVO FH 16 2009 * VOLVO FH 16 2012

    MERCEDES BENZ NEW ACTROS 2019 By Actros 5 Crew
    VOLVO FM/FMX By Galimim
    DAF XF EURO 6 (Revorked) By Schumi
    IVECO HI-WAY (Revorked) By Schumi
    MERCEDES ACTROS MP4 (Revorked) By Schumi
    VOLVO FH & FH16 2009 By Schumi
    RENAULT PREMIUM (Revorked) By Schumi
    FORD F-MAX By Simulation

    Autors: Tobra, SCS Software

  • 02 Sep 00:13

    Signs on your Truck v1.1.5.93 by Tobrago (1.41.x)

    Changelog v1.1.5.93
    Update for 1.41
    Trial version of the mod

    The mod is represented signs marking trucks in different categories country codes, speed limit, warning, ecology warning and others.

    Signs: 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / E / E (yellow) / EEV / G / H / H (yellow) / IV / L / S / U / III / V / VI / R (yellow) / TIR / No TIR / T.I.R. / No T.I.R. etc. These signs are located at the front of the truck cabin.
    E = (Environment) or white letter "U" (Umwelt), denoting vehicle with a Euro-1 engine.

    EEV = Enhanced environmentally friendly vehicle (emission category between V and VI) is a term used in the European emission standards for the definition of a "clean vehicle" > 3.5 tonne in the category M2 and M3. The standard lies between the levels of Euro V and Euro VI.

    G = denoting Gerauscharm Fahrzeug (ie noiseless/quiet vehicle): German version of the Austrian "L" plate for use only on diesel vehicles meeting German low-noise requirements - similar to those for Austria as above.

    L = denoting Larmarm Fahrzeug (ie low noise vehicle): Austrian version of the symbol for quiet diesel vehicle which are:
    - small and medium-sized lorries of no more than 150KW producing noise levels no greater than 78dB.
    - heavy lorries exceeding 150KW with noise levels no greater than 80dB.

    S = (Sicher/safe) denoting a vehicle with a Euro-2 engine and safety features.

    3 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-3 engine and safety features.

    4 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-4 engine and safety features.

    5 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-5 engine and safety features.

    6 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-6 engine and safety features.

    A = required in Germany on all vehicles carrying waste.

    R (yellow) = The truck has route approval, for ex. heavy transport. (used in Austria).

    H (yellow) = The truck has higher gross vehicle weight, for ex. heavy transport. (used in Austria).

    E (yellow) = The truck has restricted gross vehicle weight. Tax benefits for it. (used in Austria).

    III - VI = European emission standards III-VI for HGVs (> 3.5 tonne).

    ADR signs: ADR / 22-1951 Argon Refrigerated Liquid / 22-1977 Liquid Nitrogen / 22-2187 Carbon Dioxide Refrigerated Liquid / 23-1965 Liquefied Petroleum Gas LPG / 23-1971 Methane Compressed or Natural Gas Compresed With High Methane Content / 30-1202 Diesel / 30-1223 Kerosene / 30-1267 Crude Oil / 30-1300 Turpentine Substitute / 30-1863 Fuel Aviation Turbine Engine / 30-1999 Tars Liquid Including Road Oils And Cutback Bitumens / 33-1090 Acetone / 33-1203 Gasoline / 33-1219 Isopropanol (Isopropyl Alcohol) / 44-2448 Sulphur Molten / 80-1824 Sodium Hydroxide Solution / 80-1830 Sulphuric Acid / 80-2796 Sulphuric Acid (with Not More Than 51% Acid) / 86-2809 Mercury / 225-1073 Oxygen Refrigerated Liquid / 225-2201 Nitrous Oxide / 90-3082 Environmentally Hazardous Substance Liquid / Dangerous For The Environment / Flammable Materials / Flammable Materials 2 / Flammable Materials 3 / Flammable Solid Miscellaneous Goods Hazard Class 9 Material / Radioactive 1 / Radioactive 2 / Radioactive 3 / 30-1866 Resin Solution Flammable / 33-1866 Resin Solution Flammable / 30-1307 Xylenes / 33-1307 Xylenes / Infectious Material / Toxic Gases / Toxic Material / Corrosive Material / 99-3257 Elevated Temperature Liquid N.O.S. etc. These signs are located at the front of the truck cabin.

    For more information about ADR.

    Speed limit signs: 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 / 80 / 90. The combination of red white and yellow red with black numbers and white background with black numbers. These signs are located at the rear of the truck cabin.

    Country symbols: Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia and Hherzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Rrepublic, Denmark, Ex Yugoslavia, Ex East Germany, Ex Soviet Union, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Island, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom, Botswana, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan etc. These signs are placed at the front and at the rear of the truck cabin.

  • 18 Aug 17:53

    SIGNS ON YOUR TRUCK V1.1.5.81 [1.41]


    - Only compatibility for version 1.41

    - This is a FULL Trial verson


    Who is on game version 1.41.* and not playing convoy/multiplayer can download the trial version of the mod.


    New stickers Dead Angles (corrected lighting error in the game)

    Fixed bad position of the front signs B on the Scania truck R Cab and Streamline (hovering signs)

    Added translation mod to Chinese simplified

    Fixed minor bugs in mod

    Correction sii file

    Correction text file

    Signs: 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / E / E (yellow) / EEV / G / H / H (yellow) / IV / L / S / U / III / V / VI / R (yellow) / TIR / No TIR / T.I.R. / No T.I.R. etc. These signs are located at the front of the truck cabin.

    E = (Environment) or white letter "U" (Umwelt), denoting vehicle with a Euro-1 engine.

    EEV = Enhanced environmentally friendly vehicle (emission category between V and VI) is a term used in the European emission standards for the definition of a "clean vehicle" > 3.5 tonne in the category M2 and M3. The standard lies between the levels of Euro V and Euro VI.

    G = denoting Gerauscharm Fahrzeug (ie noiseless/quiet vehicle): German version of the Austrian "L" plate for use only on diesel vehicles meeting German low-noise requirements - similar to those for Austria as above.

    L = denoting Larmarm Fahrzeug (ie low noise vehicle): Austrian version of the symbol for quiet diesel vehicle which are:

    - small and medium-sized lorries of no more than 150KW producing noise levels no greater than 78dB.

    - heavy lorries exceeding 150KW with noise levels no greater than 80dB.

    S = (Sicher/safe) denoting a vehicle with a Euro-2 engine and safety features.

    3 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-3 engine and safety features.

    4 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-4 engine and safety features.

    5 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-5 engine and safety features.

    6 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-6 engine and safety features.

    A = required in Germany on all vehicles carrying waste.

    R (yellow) = The truck has route approval, for ex. heavy transport. (used in Austria).

    H (yellow) = The truck has higher gross vehicle weight, for ex. heavy transport. (used in Austria).

    E (yellow) = The truck has restricted gross vehicle weight. Tax benefits for it. (used in Austria).

    III - VI = European emission standards III-VI for HGVs (> 3.5 tonne).

    ADR signs: ADR / 22-1951 Argon Refrigerated Liquid / 22-1977 Liquid Nitrogen / 22-2187 Carbon Dioxide Refrigerated Liquid / 23-1965 Liquefied Petroleum Gas LPG / 23-1971 Methane Compressed or Natural Gas Compresed With High Methane Content / 30-1202 Diesel / 30-1223 Kerosene / 30-1267 Crude Oil / 30-1300 Turpentine Substitute / 30-1863 Fuel Aviation Turbine Engine / 30-1999 Tars Liquid Including Road Oils And Cutback Bitumens / 33-1090 Acetone / 33-1203 Gasoline / 33-1219 Isopropanol (Isopropyl Alcohol) / 44-2448 Sulphur Molten / 80-1824 Sodium Hydroxide Solution / 80-1830 Sulphuric Acid / 80-2796 Sulphuric Acid (with Not More Than 51% Acid) / 86-2809 Mercury / 225-1073 Oxygen Refrigerated Liquid / 225-2201 Nitrous Oxide / 90-3082 Environmentally Hazardous Substance Liquid / Dangerous For The Environment / Flammable Materials / Flammable Materials 2 / Flammable Materials 3 / Flammable Solid Miscellaneous Goods Hazard Class 9 Material / Radioactive 1 / Radioactive 2 / Radioactive 3 / 30-1866 Resin Solution Flammable / 33-1866 Resin Solution Flammable / 30-1307 Xylenes / 33-1307 Xylenes / Infectious Material / Toxic Gases / Toxic Material / Corrosive Material / 99-3257 Elevated Temperature Liquid N.O.S. etc. These signs are located at the front of the truck cabin.

    For more information about ADR.

    Speed limit signs: 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 / 80 / 90. The combination of red white and yellow red with black numbers and white background with black numbers. These signs are located at the rear of the truck cabin.

    Country symbols: Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia and Hherzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Rrepublic, Denmark, Ex Yugoslavia, Ex East Germany, Ex Soviet Union, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Island, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom, Botswana, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan etc. These signs are placed at the front and at the rear of the truck cabin.

  • 30 Apr 21:45

    SIGNS ON YOUR TRUCK V1.1.5.80 [1.40]

    Changelog ver: ---> ver:
    New stickers Dead Angles (corrected lighting error in the game)
    Fixed bad position of the front signs B on the Scania truck R Cab and Streamline (hovering signs)
    Added translation mod to Chinese simplified
    Fixed minor bugs in mod
    Correction sii file
    Correction text file

    Signs: 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / E / E (yellow) / EEV / G / H / H (yellow) / IV / L / S / U / III / V / VI / R (yellow) / TIR / No TIR / T.I.R. / No T.I.R. etc. These signs are located at the front of the truck cabin.
    E = (Environment) or white letter "U" (Umwelt), denoting vehicle with a Euro-1 engine.

    EEV = Enhanced environmentally friendly vehicle (emission category between V and VI) is a term used in the European emission standards for the definition of a "clean vehicle" > 3.5 tonne in the category M2 and M3. The standard lies between the levels of Euro V and Euro VI.

    G = denoting Gerauscharm Fahrzeug (ie noiseless/quiet vehicle): German version of the Austrian "L" plate for use only on diesel vehicles meeting German low-noise requirements - similar to those for Austria as above.

    L = denoting Larmarm Fahrzeug (ie low noise vehicle): Austrian version of the symbol for quiet diesel vehicle which are:
    - small and medium-sized lorries of no more than 150KW producing noise levels no greater than 78dB.
    - heavy lorries exceeding 150KW with noise levels no greater than 80dB.

    S = (Sicher/safe) denoting a vehicle with a Euro-2 engine and safety features.

    3 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-3 engine and safety features.

    4 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-4 engine and safety features.

    5 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-5 engine and safety features.

    6 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-6 engine and safety features.

    A = required in Germany on all vehicles carrying waste.

    R (yellow) = The truck has route approval, for ex. heavy transport. (used in Austria).

    H (yellow) = The truck has higher gross vehicle weight, for ex. heavy transport. (used in Austria).

    E (yellow) = The truck has restricted gross vehicle weight. Tax benefits for it. (used in Austria).

    III - VI = European emission standards III-VI for HGVs (> 3.5 tonne).

    ADR signs: ADR / 22-1951 Argon Refrigerated Liquid / 22-1977 Liquid Nitrogen / 22-2187 Carbon Dioxide Refrigerated Liquid / 23-1965 Liquefied Petroleum Gas LPG / 23-1971 Methane Compressed or Natural Gas Compresed With High Methane Content / 30-1202 Diesel / 30-1223 Kerosene / 30-1267 Crude Oil / 30-1300 Turpentine Substitute / 30-1863 Fuel Aviation Turbine Engine / 30-1999 Tars Liquid Including Road Oils And Cutback Bitumens / 33-1090 Acetone / 33-1203 Gasoline / 33-1219 Isopropanol (Isopropyl Alcohol) / 44-2448 Sulphur Molten / 80-1824 Sodium Hydroxide Solution / 80-1830 Sulphuric Acid / 80-2796 Sulphuric Acid (with Not More Than 51% Acid) / 86-2809 Mercury / 225-1073 Oxygen Refrigerated Liquid / 225-2201 Nitrous Oxide / 90-3082 Environmentally Hazardous Substance Liquid / Dangerous For The Environment / Flammable Materials / Flammable Materials 2 / Flammable Materials 3 / Flammable Solid Miscellaneous Goods Hazard Class 9 Material / Radioactive 1 / Radioactive 2 / Radioactive 3 / 30-1866 Resin Solution Flammable / 33-1866 Resin Solution Flammable / 30-1307 Xylenes / 33-1307 Xylenes / Infectious Material / Toxic Gases / Toxic Material / Corrosive Material / 99-3257 Elevated Temperature Liquid N.O.S. etc. These signs are located at the front of the truck cabin.

    For more information about ADR.

    Speed limit signs: 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 / 80 / 90. The combination of red white and yellow red with black numbers and white background with black numbers. These signs are located at the rear of the truck cabin.

    Country symbols: Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia and Hherzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Rrepublic, Denmark, Ex Yugoslavia, Ex East Germany, Ex Soviet Union, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Island, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom, Botswana, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan etc. These signs are placed at the front and at the rear of the truck cabin.

  • 07 Apr 22:23

    SIGNS ON YOUR TRUCK V1.1.5.30 [1.40]

    Changelog ver: ---> ver:

    Fixed glare problem on Scania truck's dashboard R 2016 & S 2016

    Fixed glare problem on Mercedes truck's dashboard Actros 2009

    Added new Renault Trucks model T High Evolution

    Added translation mod to Norwegian (Norway)

    Added translation mod to Portuguese (Brazil)

    Fixed minor bugs in mod

    The mod is represented signs marking trucks in different categories country codes, speed limit, warning, ecology warning and others.

    Signs: 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / E / E (yellow) / EEV / G / H / H (yellow) / IV / L / S / U / III / V / VI / R (yellow) / TIR / No TIR / T.I.R. / No T.I.R. etc. These signs are located at the front of the truck cabin.


    E = (Environment) or white letter "U" (Umwelt), denoting vehicle with a Euro-1 engine.

    EEV = Enhanced environmentally friendly vehicle (emission category between V and VI) is a term used in the European emission standards for the definition of a "clean vehicle" > 3.5 tonne in the category M2 and M3. The standard lies between the levels of Euro V and Euro VI.

    G = denoting Gerauscharm Fahrzeug (ie noiseless/quiet vehicle): German version of the Austrian "L" plate for use only on diesel vehicles meeting German low-noise requirements - similar to those for Austria as above.

    L = denoting Larmarm Fahrzeug (ie low noise vehicle): Austrian version of the symbol for quiet diesel vehicle which are:

    - small and medium-sized lorries of no more than 150KW producing noise levels no greater than 78dB.

    - heavy lorries exceeding 150KW with noise levels no greater than 80dB.

    S = (Sicher/safe) denoting a vehicle with a Euro-2 engine and safety features.

    3 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-3 engine and safety features.

    4 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-4 engine and safety features.

    5 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-5 engine and safety features.

    6 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-6 engine and safety features.

    A = required in Germany on all vehicles carrying waste.

    R (yellow) = The truck has route approval, for ex. heavy transport. (used in Austria).

    H (yellow) = The truck has higher gross vehicle weight, for ex. heavy transport. (used in Austria).

    E (yellow) = The truck has restricted gross vehicle weight. Tax benefits for it. (used in Austria).

    III - VI = European emission standards III-VI for HGVs (> 3.5 tonne).


    ADR signs: ADR / 22-1951 Argon Refrigerated Liquid / 22-1977 Liquid Nitrogen / 22-2187 Carbon Dioxide Refrigerated Liquid / 23-1965 Liquefied Petroleum Gas LPG / 23-1971 Methane Compressed or Natural Gas Compresed With High Methane Content / 30-1202 Diesel / 30-1223 Kerosene / 30-1267 Crude Oil / 30-1300 Turpentine Substitute / 30-1863 Fuel Aviation Turbine Engine / 30-1999 Tars Liquid Including Road Oils And Cutback Bitumens / 33-1090 Acetone / 33-1203 Gasoline / 33-1219 Isopropanol (Isopropyl Alcohol) / 44-2448 Sulphur Molten / 80-1824 Sodium Hydroxide Solution / 80-1830 Sulphuric Acid / 80-2796 Sulphuric Acid (with Not More Than 51% Acid) / 86-2809 Mercury / 225-1073 Oxygen Refrigerated Liquid / 225-2201 Nitrous Oxide / 90-3082 Environmentally Hazardous Substance Liquid / Dangerous For The Environment / Flammable Materials / Flammable Materials 2 / Flammable Materials 3 / Flammable Solid Miscellaneous Goods Hazard Class 9 Material / Radioactive 1 / Radioactive 2 / Radioactive 3 / 30-1866 Resin Solution Flammable / 33-1866 Resin Solution Flammable / 30-1307 Xylenes / 33-1307 Xylenes / Infectious Material / Toxic Gases / Toxic Material / Corrosive Material / 99-3257 Elevated Temperature Liquid N.O.S. etc. These signs are located at the front of the truck cabin.

    For more information about ADR.

    Speed limit signs: 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 / 80 / 90. The combination of red white and yellow red with black numbers and white background with black numbers. These signs are located at the rear of the truck cabin.

    Country symbols: Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia and Hherzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Rrepublic, Denmark, Ex Yugoslavia, Ex East Germany, Ex Soviet Union, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Island, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom, Botswana, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan etc. These signs are placed at the front and at the rear of the truck cabin.

  • 13 Mar 19:06

    SIGNS ON YOUR TRUCK V1.1.5.05 [13.03.2021] 1.40 OB

    Changelog ver: ---> ver:
    Added stickers France, Germany and Turkey for dead angles
    Correction of minor errors
    Correction sii file
    Correction text file

    The mod is represented signs marking trucks in different categories country codes, speed limit, warning, ecology warning and others.
    Signs: 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / E / E (yellow) / EEV / G / H / H (yellow) / IV / L / S / U / III / V / VI / R (yellow) / TIR / No TIR / T.I.R. / No T.I.R. etc. These signs are located at the front of the truck cabin.

    E = (Environment) or white letter "U" (Umwelt), denoting vehicle with a Euro-1 engine.
    EEV = Enhanced environmentally friendly vehicle (emission category between V and VI) is a term used in the European emission standards for the definition of a "clean vehicle" > 3.5 tonne in the category M2 and M3. The standard lies between the levels of Euro V and Euro VI.
    G = denoting Gerauscharm Fahrzeug (ie noiseless/quiet vehicle): German version of the Austrian "L" plate for use only on diesel vehicles meeting German low-noise requirements - similar to those for Austria as above.
    L = denoting Larmarm Fahrzeug (ie low noise vehicle): Austrian version of the symbol for quiet diesel vehicle which are:
    - small and medium-sized lorries of no more than 150KW producing noise levels no greater than 78dB.
    - heavy lorries exceeding 150KW with noise levels no greater than 80dB.
    S = (Sicher/safe) denoting a vehicle with a Euro-2 engine and safety features.
    3 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-3 engine and safety features.
    4 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-4 engine and safety features.
    5 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-5 engine and safety features.
    6 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-6 engine and safety features.
    A = required in Germany on all vehicles carrying waste.
    R (yellow) = The truck has route approval, for ex. heavy transport. (used in Austria).
    H (yellow) = The truck has higher gross vehicle weight, for ex. heavy transport. (used in Austria).
    E (yellow) = The truck has restricted gross vehicle weight. Tax benefits for it. (used in Austria).
    III - VI = European emission standards III-VI for HGVs (> 3.5 tonne).

    ADR signs: ADR / 22-1951 Argon Refrigerated Liquid / 22-1977 Liquid Nitrogen / 22-2187 Carbon Dioxide Refrigerated Liquid / 23-1965 Liquefied Petroleum Gas LPG / 23-1971 Methane Compressed or Natural Gas Compresed With High Methane Content / 30-1202 Diesel / 30-1223 Kerosene / 30-1267 Crude Oil / 30-1300 Turpentine Substitute / 30-1863 Fuel Aviation Turbine Engine / 30-1999 Tars Liquid Including Road Oils And Cutback Bitumens / 33-1090 Acetone / 33-1203 Gasoline / 33-1219 Isopropanol (Isopropyl Alcohol) / 44-2448 Sulphur Molten / 80-1824 Sodium Hydroxide Solution / 80-1830 Sulphuric Acid / 80-2796 Sulphuric Acid (with Not More Than 51% Acid) / 86-2809 Mercury / 225-1073 Oxygen Refrigerated Liquid / 225-2201 Nitrous Oxide / 90-3082 Environmentally Hazardous Substance Liquid / Dangerous For The Environment / Flammable Materials / Flammable Materials 2 / Flammable Materials 3 / Flammable Solid Miscellaneous Goods Hazard Class 9 Material / Radioactive 1 / Radioactive 2 / Radioactive 3 / 30-1866 Resin Solution Flammable / 33-1866 Resin Solution Flammable / 30-1307 Xylenes / 33-1307 Xylenes / Infectious Material / Toxic Gases / Toxic Material / Corrosive Material / 99-3257 Elevated Temperature Liquid N.O.S. etc. These signs are located at the front of the truck cabin.

    For more information about ADR.
    Speed limit signs: 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 / 80 / 90. The combination of red white and yellow red with black numbers and white background with black numbers. These signs are located at the rear of the truck cabin.
    Country symbols: Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia and Hherzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Rrepublic, Denmark, Ex Yugoslavia, Ex East Germany, Ex Soviet Union, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Island, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom, Botswana, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan etc. These signs are placed at the front and at the rear of the truck cabin.

  • 27 Feb 19:40

    SIGNS ON YOUR TRUCK V1.1.4.14 [27.02.2021] 1.40 OB

    The new update is available version

    Changelog ver: ---> ver:

    Corrected distance between cab and trailer on Renault T truck
    On the Renault T truck added front signs "B" at the new location
    Mod adapted for Cabin Accessories DLC
    Corrected error moving the back signs of the 8x4 chassis for trucks Scania New
    Fixed a bug with Scania New truck on chassis 8x4 (windshield sticker)
    Dead Corners sticker added on all trucks on both sides of the cab
    Correction of visibility of fire extinguisher on cabins xl, xlx, xxl Man TGX Euro 6
    Added a new radioactivity sign
    Correction of minor errors
    Correction sii file
    Correction text file

  • 27 Jan 00:28

    SIGNS ON YOUR TRUCK V1.1.3.96 [1.39.X]

    The mod is represented signs marking trucks in different categories country codes, speed limit, warning, ecology warning and others.

    This version has support for the new DLC cab accessories

    The recommended version of the game: 1.39.* Euro Truck Simulator 2
    Installation of signs on trucks. The mode is represented signs marking trucks in different categories country codes, speed limit, warning, ecology warning and others. Only for standard trusks in game.
    Signs: 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / E / E (yellow) / EEV / G / H / H (yellow) / IV / L / S / U / III / V / VI / R (yellow) / TIR / No TIR / T.I.R. / No T.I.R. etc. These signs are located at the front of the truck cabin.

    E = (Environment) or white letter "U" (Umwelt), denoting vehicle with a Euro-1 engine.
    EEV = Enhanced environmentally friendly vehicle (emission category between V and VI) is a term used in the European emission standards for the definition of a "clean vehicle" > 3.5 tonne in the category M2 and M3. The standard lies between the levels of Euro V and Euro VI.
    G = denoting Gerauscharm Fahrzeug (ie noiseless/quiet vehicle): German version of the Austrian "L" plate for use only on diesel vehicles meeting German low-noise requirements - similar to those for Austria as above.
    L = denoting Larmarm Fahrzeug (ie low noise vehicle): Austrian version of the symbol for quiet diesel vehicle which are:
    - small and medium-sized lorries of no more than 150KW producing noise levels no greater than 78dB.
    - heavy lorries exceeding 150KW with noise levels no greater than 80dB.
    S = (Sicher/safe) denoting a vehicle with a Euro-2 engine and safety features.
    3 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-3 engine and safety features.
    4 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-4 engine and safety features.
    5 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-5 engine and safety features.
    6 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-6 engine and safety features.
    A = required in Germany on all vehicles carrying waste.
    R (yellow) = The truck has route approval, for ex. heavy transport. (used in Austria).
    H (yellow) = The truck has higher gross vehicle weight, for ex. heavy transport. (used in Austria).
    E (yellow) = The truck has restricted gross vehicle weight. Tax benefits for it. (used in Austria).
    III - VI = European emission standards III-VI for HGVs (> 3.5 tonne)
    ADR signs: ADR 22-1951 Argon Refrigerated Liquid, 22-1977 Liquid Nitrogen, 22-2187 Carbon Dioxide Refrigerated Liquid, 23-1965 Liquefied Petroleum Gas LPG, 23-1971 Methane Compressed or Natural Gas Compresed With High Methane Content, 30-1202 Diesel, 30-1223 Kerosene, 30-1267 Crude Oil, 30-1300 Turpentine Substitute, 30-1863 Fuel Aviation Turbine Engine, 30-1999 Tars Liquid Including Road Oils And Cutback Bitumens, 33-1090 Acetone, 33-1203 Gasoline, 33-1219 Isopropanol (Isopropyl Alcohol) etc. These signs are located at the front of the truck cabin.
    For more information about ADR.[]
    Speed limit signs: 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 / 80 / 90. The combination of red white and yellow red with black numbers and white background with black numbers. These signs are located at the rear of the truck cabin.
    Country symbols: Austria / Belarus / Belgium / Bosnia and Hherzegovina / Brazil / Bulgaria / Croatia / Cyprus / Czech Rrepublic / Denmark / Ex Yugoslavia / Estonia / Finland / France / Germany / Greece / Hungary / Island / Ireland / Italy / Latvia / Liechtenstein / Lithuania / Luxembourg / Macedonia / Monte????? / Netherlands / Norway / Poland / Portugal / Romania / Russia / Serbia. etc. These signs are placed at the front and at the rear of the truck cabin.

    VOLVO FH 16 2009 * VOLVO FH 16 2012

    MERCEDES BENZ NEW ACTROS 2019[] By Actros 5 Crew
    RENAULT PREMIUN EDIT BY ALEX[] By Alexandru_Andrey
    VOLVO FM/FMX[] By Galimim
    DAF XF EURO 6 (Revorked)[] By Schumi
    IVECO HI-WAY (Revorked)[] By Schumi
    MERCEDES ACTROS MP4 (Revorked)[] By Schumi
    VOLVO FH & FH16 2009[] By Schumi
    RENAULT PREMIUM (Revorked)[] By Schumi
    FORD F-MAX By Simulation

    Autors: Tobra, SCS Software
    Especially thanks to the cooperation for translation mod:
    Bulgarian --> Vini
    Chinese simplified --> tobrago
    French --> Igor Nitch, X3NiOX
    German --> antaiir, doktorpixel14
    Hungarian --> Indian56
    Italian --> tobrago
    Macedonian --> Dimitar Majkovski, tobrago
    Polish --> Dawid2849, KaCek, Kociewiak
    Russian --> Schumi
    Serbian /Cyrillic/Latin/ --> tobrago
    Slovenian --> galimim
    Spanish --> ScaniaR620V81
    Turkish --> ONURKULL, burhankeles67

  • 07 Nov 20:08

    Signs on your Truck v1.1.3.70 by Tobrago (1.39.x)

    The mod is represented signs marking trucks in different categories country codes, speed limit, warning, ecology warning and others.

    Changelog ver: ---> ver:
    Added "sui" files to the section "addon hookups"
    Another slot (front of the cabin) has been added to the Volvo FH16 2012
    Fixed a bug on the truck Volvo FH 16 2012 (position of the Front signs B)
    Correction of minor errors
    Correction sii file
    Correction text file

    Signs: 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / E / E (yellow) / EEV / G / H / H (yellow) / IV / L / S / U / III / V / VI / R (yellow) / TIR / No TIR / T.I.R. / No T.I.R. etc. These signs are located at the front of the truck cabin.

    E = (Environment) or white letter "U" (Umwelt), denoting vehicle with a Euro-1 engine.

    EEV = Enhanced environmentally friendly vehicle (emission category between V and VI) is a term used in the European emission standards for the definition of a "clean vehicle" > 3.5 tonne in the category M2 and M3. The standard lies between the levels of Euro V and Euro VI.

    G = denoting Gerauscharm Fahrzeug (ie noiseless/quiet vehicle): German version of the Austrian "L" plate for use only on diesel vehicles meeting German low-noise requirements - similar to those for Austria as above.

    L = denoting Larmarm Fahrzeug (ie low noise vehicle): Austrian version of the symbol for quiet diesel vehicle which are:
    - small and medium-sized lorries of no more than 150KW producing noise levels no greater than 78dB.
    - heavy lorries exceeding 150KW with noise levels no greater than 80dB.

    S = (Sicher/safe) denoting a vehicle with a Euro-2 engine and safety features.

    3 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-3 engine and safety features.

    4 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-4 engine and safety features.

    5 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-5 engine and safety features.

    6 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-6 engine and safety features.

    A = required in Germany on all vehicles carrying waste.

    R (yellow) = The truck has route approval, for ex. heavy transport. (used in Austria).

    H (yellow) = The truck has higher gross vehicle weight, for ex. heavy transport. (used in Austria).

    E (yellow) = The truck has restricted gross vehicle weight. Tax benefits for it. (used in Austria).

    III - VI = European emission standards III-VI for HGVs (> 3.5 tonne).

    ADR signs: ADR / 22-1951 Argon Refrigerated Liquid / 22-1977 Liquid Nitrogen / 22-2187 Carbon Dioxide Refrigerated Liquid / 23-1965 Liquefied Petroleum Gas LPG / 23-1971 Methane Compressed or Natural Gas Compresed With High Methane Content / 30-1202 Diesel / 30-1223 Kerosene / 30-1267 Crude Oil / 30-1300 Turpentine Substitute / 30-1863 Fuel Aviation Turbine Engine / 30-1999 Tars Liquid Including Road Oils And Cutback Bitumens / 33-1090 Acetone / 33-1203 Gasoline / 33-1219 Isopropanol (Isopropyl Alcohol) / 44-2448 Sulphur Molten / 80-1824 Sodium Hydroxide Solution / 80-1830 Sulphuric Acid / 80-2796 Sulphuric Acid (with Not More Than 51% Acid) / 86-2809 Mercury / 225-1073 Oxygen Refrigerated Liquid / 225-2201 Nitrous Oxide / 90-3082 Environmentally Hazardous Substance Liquid / Dangerous For The Environment / Flammable Materials / Flammable Materials 2 / Flammable Materials 3 / Flammable Solid Miscellaneous Goods Hazard Class 9 Material / Radioactive 1 / Radioactive 2 / Radioactive 3 / 30-1866 Resin Solution Flammable / 33-1866 Resin Solution Flammable / 30-1307 Xylenes / 33-1307 Xylenes / Infectious Material / Toxic Gases / Toxic Material / Corrosive Material / 99-3257 Elevated Temperature Liquid N.O.S. etc. These signs are located at the front of the truck cabin.

    For more information about ADR.

    Speed limit signs: 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 / 80 / 90. The combination of red white and yellow red with black numbers and white background with black numbers. These signs are located at the rear of the truck cabin.

    Country symbols: Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia and Hherzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Rrepublic, Denmark, Ex Yugoslavia, Ex East Germany, Ex Soviet Union, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Island, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom, Botswana, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan etc. These signs are placed at the front and at the rear of the truck cabin.

  • 16 Aug 11:38

    Signs on your Truck v1.1.3.45 by Tobrago (1.38.x)

    Changelog v: ---> v:
    Fixed issue with "Normal maps"
    Fixed a bug on the truck Scania R Cab and Streamline (position of the fire extinguisher on the 8x4 chassis)
    Fixed a bug on the truck Renault T (position of the Front signs B)
    Fixed a bug on the truck Daf XF Euro 6 (position of the Front signs A)
    Fixed a bug on the truck Volvo FH 16 2012 (position of the Front signs A)
    Correction of minor errors
    Correction sii file
    Correction text file

  • 26 Jul 18:12

    Signs on your Truck v1.1.3.40 by Tobrago (1.38.x)

    Changelog v:1.1.3 ---> v:
    Add signs to the rear fenders (signs, country codes on Volvo FH16 2009 trucks)
    Added signs "K"
    Added sticker "Goods Vehicle Identity Disc" (United Kingdom)
    Mod adapted for the new DLC FH Tuning Pack
    Solved the problem with horns on all SCS trucks (the slots were not visible)
    Fixed a bug on the truck Renault Premium (the rear signs hung in the air)
    Fixed a bug on the truck Scania R Cab (the rear signs hung in the air)
    The mode is compatible with the truck Mercedes Benz New Actros 2019 - By Actros 5 Crew
    Added translation to Chinese simplified
    Correction of minor errors

    The mod is represented signs marking trucks in different categories country codes, speed limit, warning, ecology warning and others.

    Signs: 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / E / E (yellow) / EEV / G / H / H (yellow) / IV / L / S / U / III / V / VI / R (yellow) / TIR / No TIR / T.I.R. / No T.I.R. etc. These signs are located at the front of the truck cabin.
    E = (Environment) or white letter "U" (Umwelt), denoting vehicle with a Euro-1 engine.

    EEV = Enhanced environmentally friendly vehicle (emission category between V and VI) is a term used in the European emission standards for the definition of a "clean vehicle" > 3.5 tonne in the category M2 and M3. The standard lies between the levels of Euro V and Euro VI.

    G = denoting Gerauscharm Fahrzeug (ie noiseless/quiet vehicle): German version of the Austrian "L" plate for use only on diesel vehicles meeting German low-noise requirements - similar to those for Austria as above.

    L = denoting Larmarm Fahrzeug (ie low noise vehicle): Austrian version of the symbol for quiet diesel vehicle which are:
    - small and medium-sized lorries of no more than 150KW producing noise levels no greater than 78dB.
    - heavy lorries exceeding 150KW with noise levels no greater than 80dB.

    S = (Sicher/safe) denoting a vehicle with a Euro-2 engine and safety features.

    3 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-3 engine and safety features.

    4 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-4 engine and safety features.

    5 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-5 engine and safety features.

    6 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-6 engine and safety features.

    A = required in Germany on all vehicles carrying waste.

    R (yellow) = The truck has route approval, for ex. heavy transport. (used in Austria).

    H (yellow) = The truck has higher gross vehicle weight, for ex. heavy transport. (used in Austria).

    E (yellow) = The truck has restricted gross vehicle weight. Tax benefits for it. (used in Austria).

    III - VI = European emission standards III-VI for HGVs (> 3.5 tonne).

    ADR signs: ADR / 22-1951 Argon Refrigerated Liquid / 22-1977 Liquid Nitrogen / 22-2187 Carbon Dioxide Refrigerated Liquid / 23-1965 Liquefied Petroleum Gas LPG / 23-1971 Methane Compressed or Natural Gas Compresed With High Methane Content / 30-1202 Diesel / 30-1223 Kerosene / 30-1267 Crude Oil / 30-1300 Turpentine Substitute / 30-1863 Fuel Aviation Turbine Engine / 30-1999 Tars Liquid Including Road Oils And Cutback Bitumens / 33-1090 Acetone / 33-1203 Gasoline / 33-1219 Isopropanol (Isopropyl Alcohol) / 44-2448 Sulphur Molten / 80-1824 Sodium Hydroxide Solution / 80-1830 Sulphuric Acid / 80-2796 Sulphuric Acid (with Not More Than 51% Acid) / 86-2809 Mercury / 225-1073 Oxygen Refrigerated Liquid / 225-2201 Nitrous Oxide / 90-3082 Environmentally Hazardous Substance Liquid / Dangerous For The Environment / Flammable Materials / Flammable Materials 2 / Flammable Materials 3 / Flammable Solid Miscellaneous Goods Hazard Class 9 Material / Radioactive 1 / Radioactive 2 / Radioactive 3 / 30-1866 Resin Solution Flammable / 33-1866 Resin Solution Flammable / 30-1307 Xylenes / 33-1307 Xylenes / Infectious Material / Toxic Gases / Toxic Material / Corrosive Material / 99-3257 Elevated Temperature Liquid N.O.S. etc. These signs are located at the front of the truck cabin.

    For more information about ADR.

    Speed limit signs: 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 / 80 / 90. The combination of red white and yellow red with black numbers and white background with black numbers. These signs are located at the rear of the truck cabin.

    Country symbols: Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia and Hherzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Rrepublic, Denmark, Ex Yugoslavia, Ex East Germany, Ex Soviet Union, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Island, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom, Botswana, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan etc. These signs are placed at the front and at the rear of the truck cabin.

  • 23 May 22:34
    Version 1.1.3

    Signs on your Truck v1.1.3 by Tobrago (1.37.x)

    Changelog v1.1.2.82 ---> v:1.1.3
    Fixed issue with opening windows (double windows on all SCS trucks)
    Add signs to the rear fenders (signs, country codes on Daf XF and Daf XF Euro 6 trucks)
    Fixed an error in the position of the internal stickers in the cab (Iveco Hi-Way truck)
    Casual errors corrected

    The mod is represented signs marking trucks in different categories country codes, speed limit, warning, ecology warning and others.

    Signs: 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / E / E (yellow) / EEV / G / H / H (yellow) / IV / L / S / U / III / V / VI / R (yellow) / TIR / No TIR / T.I.R. / No T.I.R. etc. These signs are located at the front of the truck cabin.
    E = (Environment) or white letter "U" (Umwelt), denoting vehicle with a Euro-1 engine.

    EEV = Enhanced environmentally friendly vehicle (emission category between V and VI) is a term used in the European emission standards for the definition of a "clean vehicle" > 3.5 tonne in the category M2 and M3. The standard lies between the levels of Euro V and Euro VI.

    G = denoting Gerauscharm Fahrzeug (ie noiseless/quiet vehicle): German version of the Austrian "L" plate for use only on diesel vehicles meeting German low-noise requirements - similar to those for Austria as above.

    L = denoting Larmarm Fahrzeug (ie low noise vehicle): Austrian version of the symbol for quiet diesel vehicle which are:
    - small and medium-sized lorries of no more than 150KW producing noise levels no greater than 78dB.
    - heavy lorries exceeding 150KW with noise levels no greater than 80dB.

    S = (Sicher/safe) denoting a vehicle with a Euro-2 engine and safety features.

    3 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-3 engine and safety features.

    4 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-4 engine and safety features.

    5 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-5 engine and safety features.

    6 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-6 engine and safety features.

    A = required in Germany on all vehicles carrying waste.

    R (yellow) = The truck has route approval, for ex. heavy transport. (used in Austria).

    H (yellow) = The truck has higher gross vehicle weight, for ex. heavy transport. (used in Austria).

    E (yellow) = The truck has restricted gross vehicle weight. Tax benefits for it. (used in Austria).

    III - VI = European emission standards III-VI for HGVs (> 3.5 tonne).

    ADR signs: ADR / 22-1951 Argon Refrigerated Liquid / 22-1977 Liquid Nitrogen / 22-2187 Carbon Dioxide Refrigerated Liquid / 23-1965 Liquefied Petroleum Gas LPG / 23-1971 Methane Compressed or Natural Gas Compresed With High Methane Content / 30-1202 Diesel / 30-1223 Kerosene / 30-1267 Crude Oil / 30-1300 Turpentine Substitute / 30-1863 Fuel Aviation Turbine Engine / 30-1999 Tars Liquid Including Road Oils And Cutback Bitumens / 33-1090 Acetone / 33-1203 Gasoline / 33-1219 Isopropanol (Isopropyl Alcohol) / 44-2448 Sulphur Molten / 80-1824 Sodium Hydroxide Solution / 80-1830 Sulphuric Acid / 80-2796 Sulphuric Acid (with Not More Than 51% Acid) / 86-2809 Mercury / 225-1073 Oxygen Refrigerated Liquid / 225-2201 Nitrous Oxide / 90-3082 Environmentally Hazardous Substance Liquid / Dangerous For The Environment / Flammable Materials / Flammable Materials 2 / Flammable Materials 3 / Flammable Solid Miscellaneous Goods Hazard Class 9 Material / Radioactive 1 / Radioactive 2 / Radioactive 3 / 30-1866 Resin Solution Flammable / 33-1866 Resin Solution Flammable / 30-1307 Xylenes / 33-1307 Xylenes / Infectious Material / Toxic Gases / Toxic Material / Corrosive Material / 99-3257 Elevated Temperature Liquid N.O.S. etc. These signs are located at the front of the truck cabin.

    For more information about ADR.

    Speed limit signs: 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 / 80 / 90. The combination of red white and yellow red with black numbers and white background with black numbers. These signs are located at the rear of the truck cabin.

    Country symbols: Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia and Hherzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Rrepublic, Denmark, Ex Yugoslavia, Ex East Germany, Ex Soviet Union, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Island, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom, Botswana, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan etc. These signs are placed at the front and at the rear of the truck cabin.

  • 16 Apr 21:43

    Signs on your Truck v1.1.2.82 by Tobrago (1.37.x)

    Changelog v1.1.2.80 -> v:
    Resolved problem with drops rain on the windshield on all trucks (SCS trucks)
    Correction sii file
    Correction text file

    The mod is represented signs marking trucks in different categories country codes, speed limit, warning, ecology warning and others.

    Signs: 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / E / E (yellow) / EEV / G / H / H (yellow) / IV / L / S / U / III / V / VI / R (yellow) / TIR / No TIR / T.I.R. / No T.I.R. etc. These signs are located at the front of the truck cabin.
    E = (Environment) or white letter "U" (Umwelt), denoting vehicle with a Euro-1 engine.

    EEV = Enhanced environmentally friendly vehicle (emission category between V and VI) is a term used in the European emission standards for the definition of a "clean vehicle" > 3.5 tonne in the category M2 and M3. The standard lies between the levels of Euro V and Euro VI.

    G = denoting Gerauscharm Fahrzeug (ie noiseless/quiet vehicle): German version of the Austrian "L" plate for use only on diesel vehicles meeting German low-noise requirements - similar to those for Austria as above.

    L = denoting Larmarm Fahrzeug (ie low noise vehicle): Austrian version of the symbol for quiet diesel vehicle which are:
    - small and medium-sized lorries of no more than 150KW producing noise levels no greater than 78dB.
    - heavy lorries exceeding 150KW with noise levels no greater than 80dB.

    S = (Sicher/safe) denoting a vehicle with a Euro-2 engine and safety features.

    3 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-3 engine and safety features.

    4 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-4 engine and safety features.

    5 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-5 engine and safety features.

    6 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-6 engine and safety features.

    A = required in Germany on all vehicles carrying waste.

    R (yellow) = The truck has route approval, for ex. heavy transport. (used in Austria).

    H (yellow) = The truck has higher gross vehicle weight, for ex. heavy transport. (used in Austria).

    E (yellow) = The truck has restricted gross vehicle weight. Tax benefits for it. (used in Austria).

    III - VI = European emission standards III-VI for HGVs (> 3.5 tonne).

    ADR signs: ADR / 22-1951 Argon Refrigerated Liquid / 22-1977 Liquid Nitrogen / 22-2187 Carbon Dioxide Refrigerated Liquid / 23-1965 Liquefied Petroleum Gas LPG / 23-1971 Methane Compressed or Natural Gas Compresed With High Methane Content / 30-1202 Diesel / 30-1223 Kerosene / 30-1267 Crude Oil / 30-1300 Turpentine Substitute / 30-1863 Fuel Aviation Turbine Engine / 30-1999 Tars Liquid Including Road Oils And Cutback Bitumens / 33-1090 Acetone / 33-1203 Gasoline / 33-1219 Isopropanol (Isopropyl Alcohol) / 44-2448 Sulphur Molten / 80-1824 Sodium Hydroxide Solution / 80-1830 Sulphuric Acid / 80-2796 Sulphuric Acid (with Not More Than 51% Acid) / 86-2809 Mercury / 225-1073 Oxygen Refrigerated Liquid / 225-2201 Nitrous Oxide / 90-3082 Environmentally Hazardous Substance Liquid / Dangerous For The Environment / Flammable Materials / Flammable Materials 2 / Flammable Materials 3 / Flammable Solid Miscellaneous Goods Hazard Class 9 Material / Radioactive 1 / Radioactive 2 / Radioactive 3 / 30-1866 Resin Solution Flammable / 33-1866 Resin Solution Flammable / 30-1307 Xylenes / 33-1307 Xylenes / Infectious Material / Toxic Gases / Toxic Material / Corrosive Material / 99-3257 Elevated Temperature Liquid N.O.S. etc. These signs are located at the front of the truck cabin.

    For more information about ADR.

    Speed limit signs: 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 / 80 / 90. The combination of red white and yellow red with black numbers and white background with black numbers. These signs are located at the rear of the truck cabin.

    Country symbols: Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia and Hherzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Rrepublic, Denmark, Ex Yugoslavia, Ex East Germany, Ex Soviet Union, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Island, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom, Botswana, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan etc. These signs are placed at the front and at the rear of the truck cabin.

  • 11 Apr 16:44


    New update 11.04.2020

    Updated v1.1.2.80:
    - Bug fix for Renault Magnum 2009 front intake
    - Correction *.sii file
    - Correction *.text file

    This mod is represented signs marking trucks in different categories country codes,
    speed limit, warning, ecology warning and others.

    Signs: 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / E / E (yellow) / EEV / G / H / H (yellow) / IV / L / S / U / III / V /
    VI / R (yellow) / TIR / No TIR / T.I.R. / No T.I.R. etc. These signs are located at the front of the truck cabin.
    E = (Environment) or white letter "U" (Umwelt), denoting vehicle with a Euro-1 engine.

    EEV = Enhanced environmentally friendly vehicle (emission category between V and VI)
    is a term used in the European emission standards for the definition of a "clean vehicle" > 3.5
    tonne in the category M2 and M3. The standard lies between the levels of Euro V and Euro VI.

    G = denoting Gerauscharm Fahrzeug (ie noiseless/quiet vehicle): German version of the
    Austrian "L" plate for use only on diesel vehicles meeting German low-noise
    requirements - similar to those for Austria as above.

    L = denoting Larmarm Fahrzeug (ie low noise vehicle): Austrian version of the symbol for quiet diesel vehicle which are:
    - small and medium-sized lorries of no more than 150KW producing noise levels no greater than 78dB.
    - heavy lorries exceeding 150KW with noise levels no greater than 80dB.

    S = (Sicher/safe) denoting a vehicle with a Euro-2 engine and safety features.

    3 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-3 engine and safety features.

    4 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-4 engine and safety features.

    5 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-5 engine and safety features.

    6 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-6 engine and safety features.

    A = required in Germany on all vehicles carrying waste.

    R (yellow) = The truck has route approval, for ex. heavy transport. (used in Austria).

    H (yellow) = The truck has higher gross vehicle weight, for ex. heavy transport. (used in Austria).

    E (yellow) = The truck has restricted gross vehicle weight. Tax benefits for it. (used in Austria).

    III - VI = European emission standards III-VI for HGVs (> 3.5 tonne).

    ADR signs: ADR / 22-1951 Argon Refrigerated Liquid / 22-1977 Liquid Nitrogen / 22-2187 Carbon
    Dioxide Refrigerated Liquid / 23-1965 Liquefied Petroleum Gas LPG / 23-1971 Methane Compressed
    or Natural Gas Compresed With High Methane Content / 30-1202 Diesel / 30-1223 Kerosene / 30-1267 Crude Oil /
    30-1300 Turpentine Substitute / 30-1863 Fuel Aviation Turbine Engine / 30-1999 Tars Liquid Including
    Road Oils And Cutback Bitumens / 33-1090 Acetone / 33-1203 Gasoline / 33-1219 Isopropanol
    (Isopropyl Alcohol) / 44-2448 Sulphur Molten / 80-1824 Sodium Hydroxide Solution
    / 80-1830 Sulphuric Acid / 80-2796 Sulphuric Acid
    (with Not More Than 51% Acid) / 86-2809 Mercury / 225-1073 Oxygen Refrigerated Liquid / 225-2201 Nitrous
    Oxide / 90-3082 Environmentally Hazardous Substance Liquid / Dangerous For The Environment / Flammable
    Materials / Flammable Materials 2 / Flammable Materials 3 / Flammable Solid Miscellaneous Goods Hazard
    Class 9 Material / Radioactive 1 / Radioactive 2 / Radioactive 3 / 30-1866 Resin Solution Flammable / 33-1866
    Resin Solution Flammable / 30-1307 Xylenes / 33-1307 Xylenes / Infectious Material / Toxic Gases /
    Toxic Material / Corrosive Material / 99-3257 Elevated Temperature Liquid N.O.S. etc.
    These signs are located at the front of the truck cabin.

    For more information about ADR.

    Speed limit signs: 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 / 80 / 90.
    The combination of red white and yellow red with black numbers and white background with black numbers.
    These signs are located at the rear of the truck cabin.

    Country symbols: Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia and Hherzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus,
    Czech Rrepublic, Denmark, Ex Yugoslavia, Ex East Germany, Ex Soviet Union, Estonia, France,
    Germany, Greece, Hungary, Island, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg,
    Macedonia, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia,
    Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom, Botswana, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan etc.
    These signs are placed at the front and at the rear of the truck cabin

    -MAN TGX
    -VOLVO FH 16 2009 * VOLVO FH 16 2012

    -VOLVO FM/FMX By Galimim
    -DAF XF EURO 6 (Revorked) By Schumi
    -IVECO HI-WAY (Revorked) By Schumi
    -MERCEDES ACTROS MP4 (Revorked) By Schumi
    -VOLVO FH & FH16 2009 By Schumi
    -RENAULT PREMIUM (Revorked) By Schumi
    -FORD F-MAX By Simulation

    Best regards

  • 23 Mar 20:54

    Signs on your Truck v1.1.2.76 by Tobrago (1.36.x)

    (New update 22.03.2020)

    Updated v1.1.2.76:
    - Bug fix for Renault Magnum 2009 front intake
    - Correction *.sii file
    - Correction *.text file

    >>> The Steam version of the mod will be updated later <<<

    This mod is represented signs marking trucks in different categories country codes,
    speed limit, warning, ecology warning and others.

    Signs: 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / E / E (yellow) / EEV / G / H / H (yellow) / IV / L / S / U / III / V /
    VI / R (yellow) / TIR / No TIR / T.I.R. / No T.I.R. etc. These signs are located at the front of the truck cabin.
    E = (Environment) or white letter "U" (Umwelt), denoting vehicle with a Euro-1 engine.

    EEV = Enhanced environmentally friendly vehicle (emission category between V and VI)
    is a term used in the European emission standards for the definition of a "clean vehicle" > 3.5
    tonne in the category M2 and M3. The standard lies between the levels of Euro V and Euro VI.

    G = denoting Gerauscharm Fahrzeug (ie noiseless/quiet vehicle): German version of the
    Austrian "L" plate for use only on diesel vehicles meeting German low-noise
    requirements - similar to those for Austria as above.

    L = denoting Larmarm Fahrzeug (ie low noise vehicle): Austrian version of the symbol for quiet diesel vehicle which are:
    - small and medium-sized lorries of no more than 150KW producing noise levels no greater than 78dB.
    - heavy lorries exceeding 150KW with noise levels no greater than 80dB.

    S = (Sicher/safe) denoting a vehicle with a Euro-2 engine and safety features.

    3 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-3 engine and safety features.

    4 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-4 engine and safety features.

    5 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-5 engine and safety features.

    6 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-6 engine and safety features.

    A = required in Germany on all vehicles carrying waste.

    R (yellow) = The truck has route approval, for ex. heavy transport. (used in Austria).

    H (yellow) = The truck has higher gross vehicle weight, for ex. heavy transport. (used in Austria).

    E (yellow) = The truck has restricted gross vehicle weight. Tax benefits for it. (used in Austria).

    III - VI = European emission standards III-VI for HGVs (> 3.5 tonne).

    ADR signs: ADR / 22-1951 Argon Refrigerated Liquid / 22-1977 Liquid Nitrogen / 22-2187 Carbon
    Dioxide Refrigerated Liquid / 23-1965 Liquefied Petroleum Gas LPG / 23-1971 Methane Compressed
    or Natural Gas Compresed With High Methane Content / 30-1202 Diesel / 30-1223 Kerosene / 30-1267 Crude Oil /
    30-1300 Turpentine Substitute / 30-1863 Fuel Aviation Turbine Engine / 30-1999 Tars Liquid Including
    Road Oils And Cutback Bitumens / 33-1090 Acetone / 33-1203 Gasoline / 33-1219 Isopropanol
    (Isopropyl Alcohol) / 44-2448 Sulphur Molten / 80-1824 Sodium Hydroxide Solution
    / 80-1830 Sulphuric Acid / 80-2796 Sulphuric Acid
    (with Not More Than 51% Acid) / 86-2809 Mercury / 225-1073 Oxygen Refrigerated Liquid / 225-2201 Nitrous
    Oxide / 90-3082 Environmentally Hazardous Substance Liquid / Dangerous For The Environment / Flammable
    Materials / Flammable Materials 2 / Flammable Materials 3 / Flammable Solid Miscellaneous Goods Hazard
    Class 9 Material / Radioactive 1 / Radioactive 2 / Radioactive 3 / 30-1866 Resin Solution Flammable / 33-1866
    Resin Solution Flammable / 30-1307 Xylenes / 33-1307 Xylenes / Infectious Material / Toxic Gases /
    Toxic Material / Corrosive Material / 99-3257 Elevated Temperature Liquid N.O.S. etc.
    These signs are located at the front of the truck cabin.

    For more information about ADR.

    Speed limit signs: 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 / 80 / 90.
    The combination of red white and yellow red with black numbers and white background with black numbers.
    These signs are located at the rear of the truck cabin.

    Country symbols: Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia and Hherzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus,
    Czech Rrepublic, Denmark, Ex Yugoslavia, Ex East Germany, Ex Soviet Union, Estonia, France,
    Germany, Greece, Hungary, Island, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg,
    Macedonia, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia,
    Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom, Botswana, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan etc.
    These signs are placed at the front and at the rear of the truck cabin

    -MAN TGX
    -VOLVO FH 16 2009 * VOLVO FH 16 2012

    -VOLVO FM/FMX By Galimim
    -DAF XF EURO 6 (Revorked) By Schumi
    -IVECO HI-WAY (Revorked) By Schumi
    -MERCEDES ACTROS MP4 (Revorked) By Schumi
    -VOLVO FH & FH16 2009 By Schumi
    -RENAULT PREMIUM (Revorked) By Schumi
    -FORD F-MAX By Simulation

  • 21 Mar 20:36

    Signs on your Truck v1.1.2.75 by Tobrago (1.36.x)

    Changelog v1.1.2.71 ---> v1.1.2.75:
    Bug fix for Volvo FH16 2012 front intake
    Added Placard holders for ADR
    Fixed minor bugs on mod
    Correction *.sii file
    Correction *.text file

    Link 3 for 1.35

    The mod is represented signs marking trucks in different categories country codes, speed limit, warning, ecology warning and others.

    Signs: 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / E / E (yellow) / EEV / G / H / H (yellow) / IV / L / S / U / III / V / VI / R (yellow) / TIR / No TIR / T.I.R. / No T.I.R. etc. These signs are located at the front of the truck cabin.
    E = (Environment) or white letter "U" (Umwelt), denoting vehicle with a Euro-1 engine.

    EEV = Enhanced environmentally friendly vehicle (emission category between V and VI) is a term used in the European emission standards for the definition of a "clean vehicle" > 3.5 tonne in the category M2 and M3. The standard lies between the levels of Euro V and Euro VI.

    G = denoting Gerauscharm Fahrzeug (ie noiseless/quiet vehicle): German version of the Austrian "L" plate for use only on diesel vehicles meeting German low-noise requirements - similar to those for Austria as above.

    L = denoting Larmarm Fahrzeug (ie low noise vehicle): Austrian version of the symbol for quiet diesel vehicle which are:
    - small and medium-sized lorries of no more than 150KW producing noise levels no greater than 78dB.
    - heavy lorries exceeding 150KW with noise levels no greater than 80dB.

    S = (Sicher/safe) denoting a vehicle with a Euro-2 engine and safety features.
    3 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-3 engine and safety features.
    4 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-4 engine and safety features.
    5 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-5 engine and safety features.
    6 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-6 engine and safety features.
    A = required in Germany on all vehicles carrying waste.
    R (yellow) = The truck has route approval, for ex. heavy transport. (used in Austria).
    H (yellow) = The truck has higher gross vehicle weight, for ex. heavy transport. (used in Austria).
    E (yellow) = The truck has restricted gross vehicle weight. Tax benefits for it. (used in Austria).
    III - VI = European emission standards III-VI for HGVs (> 3.5 tonne).
    ADR signs: ADR / 22-1951 Argon Refrigerated Liquid / 22-1977 Liquid Nitrogen / 22-2187 Carbon Dioxide Refrigerated Liquid / 23-1965 Liquefied Petroleum Gas LPG / 23-1971 Methane Compressed or Natural Gas Compresed With High Methane Content / 30-1202 Diesel / 30-1223 Kerosene / 30-1267 Crude Oil / 30-1300 Turpentine Substitute / 30-1863 Fuel Aviation Turbine Engine / 30-1999 Tars Liquid Including Road Oils And Cutback Bitumens / 33-1090 Acetone / 33-1203 Gasoline / 33-1219 Isopropanol (Isopropyl Alcohol) / 44-2448 Sulphur Molten / 80-1824 Sodium Hydroxide Solution / 80-1830 Sulphuric Acid / 80-2796 Sulphuric Acid (with Not More Than 51% Acid) / 86-2809 Mercury / 225-1073 Oxygen Refrigerated Liquid / 225-2201 Nitrous Oxide / 90-3082 Environmentally Hazardous Substance Liquid / Dangerous For The Environment / Flammable Materials / Flammable Materials 2 / Flammable Materials 3 / Flammable Solid Miscellaneous Goods Hazard Class 9 Material / Radioactive 1 / Radioactive 2 / Radioactive 3 / 30-1866 Resin Solution Flammable / 33-1866 Resin Solution Flammable / 30-1307 Xylenes / 33-1307 Xylenes / Infectious Material / Toxic Gases / Toxic Material / Corrosive Material / 99-3257 Elevated Temperature Liquid N.O.S. etc. These signs are located at the front of the truck cabin.

    For more information about ADR.
    Speed limit signs: 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 / 80 / 90. The combination of red white and yellow red with black numbers and white background with black numbers. These signs are located at the rear of the truck cabin.

    Country symbols: Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia and Hherzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Rrepublic, Denmark, Ex Yugoslavia, Ex East Germany, Ex Soviet Union, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Island, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom, Botswana, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan etc. These signs are placed at the front and at the rear of the truck cabin.

    VOLVO FH 16 2009 * VOLVO FH 16 2012

    VOLVO FM/FMX By Galimim
    DAF XF EURO 6 (Revorked) By Schumi
    IVECO HI-WAY (Revorked) By Schumi
    MERCEDES ACTROS MP4 (Revorked) By Schumi
    VOLVO FH & FH16 2009 By Schumi
    RENAULT PREMIUM (Revorked) By Schumi
    FORD F-MAX By Simulation

  • 07 Mar 15:46

    Signs on your Truck v1.1.2.71 -Update- by Tobrago (1.36.x)

    (New update 06.03.2020)

    Updated v1.1.2.71:
    - New update added Bulgarian translation for the mod .
    *Many thanks for the support and cooperation of the forum member Vini

    This mod is represented signs marking trucks in different categories country codes,
    speed limit, warning, ecology warning and others.

    Signs: 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / E / E (yellow) / EEV / G / H / H (yellow) / IV / L / S / U / III / V /
    VI / R (yellow) / TIR / No TIR / T.I.R. / No T.I.R. etc. These signs are located at the front of the truck cabin.
    E = (Environment) or white letter "U" (Umwelt), denoting vehicle with a Euro-1 engine.

    EEV = Enhanced environmentally friendly vehicle (emission category between V and VI)
    is a term used in the European emission standards for the definition of a "clean vehicle" > 3.5
    tonne in the category M2 and M3. The standard lies between the levels of Euro V and Euro VI.

    G = denoting Gerauscharm Fahrzeug (ie noiseless/quiet vehicle): German version of the
    Austrian "L" plate for use only on diesel vehicles meeting German low-noise
    requirements - similar to those for Austria as above.

    L = denoting Larmarm Fahrzeug (ie low noise vehicle): Austrian version of the symbol for quiet diesel vehicle which are:
    - small and medium-sized lorries of no more than 150KW producing noise levels no greater than 78dB.
    - heavy lorries exceeding 150KW with noise levels no greater than 80dB.

    S = (Sicher/safe) denoting a vehicle with a Euro-2 engine and safety features.

    3 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-3 engine and safety features.

    4 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-4 engine and safety features.

    5 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-5 engine and safety features.

    6 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-6 engine and safety features.

    A = required in Germany on all vehicles carrying waste.

    R (yellow) = The truck has route approval, for ex. heavy transport. (used in Austria).

    H (yellow) = The truck has higher gross vehicle weight, for ex. heavy transport. (used in Austria).

    E (yellow) = The truck has restricted gross vehicle weight. Tax benefits for it. (used in Austria).

    III - VI = European emission standards III-VI for HGVs (> 3.5 tonne).

    ADR signs: ADR / 22-1951 Argon Refrigerated Liquid / 22-1977 Liquid Nitrogen / 22-2187 Carbon
    Dioxide Refrigerated Liquid / 23-1965 Liquefied Petroleum Gas LPG / 23-1971 Methane Compressed
    or Natural Gas Compresed With High Methane Content / 30-1202 Diesel / 30-1223 Kerosene / 30-1267 Crude Oil /
    30-1300 Turpentine Substitute / 30-1863 Fuel Aviation Turbine Engine / 30-1999 Tars Liquid Including
    Road Oils And Cutback Bitumens / 33-1090 Acetone / 33-1203 Gasoline / 33-1219 Isopropanol
    (Isopropyl Alcohol) / 44-2448 Sulphur Molten / 80-1824 Sodium Hydroxide Solution
    / 80-1830 Sulphuric Acid / 80-2796 Sulphuric Acid
    (with Not More Than 51% Acid) / 86-2809 Mercury / 225-1073 Oxygen Refrigerated Liquid / 225-2201 Nitrous
    Oxide / 90-3082 Environmentally Hazardous Substance Liquid / Dangerous For The Environment / Flammable
    Materials / Flammable Materials 2 / Flammable Materials 3 / Flammable Solid Miscellaneous Goods Hazard
    Class 9 Material / Radioactive 1 / Radioactive 2 / Radioactive 3 / 30-1866 Resin Solution Flammable / 33-1866
    Resin Solution Flammable / 30-1307 Xylenes / 33-1307 Xylenes / Infectious Material / Toxic Gases /
    Toxic Material / Corrosive Material / 99-3257 Elevated Temperature Liquid N.O.S. etc.
    These signs are located at the front of the truck cabin.

    For more information about ADR.

    Speed limit signs: 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 / 80 / 90.
    The combination of red white and yellow red with black numbers and white background with black numbers.
    These signs are located at the rear of the truck cabin.

    Country symbols: Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia and Hherzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus,
    Czech Rrepublic, Denmark, Ex Yugoslavia, Ex East Germany, Ex Soviet Union, Estonia, France,
    Germany, Greece, Hungary, Island, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg,
    Macedonia, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia,
    Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom, Botswana, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan etc.
    These signs are placed at the front and at the rear of the truck cabin

    -MAN TGX
    -VOLVO FH 16 2009 * VOLVO FH 16 2012

    -VOLVO FM/FMX By Galimim
    -DAF XF EURO 6 (Revorked) By Schumi
    -IVECO HI-WAY (Revorked) By Schumi
    -MERCEDES ACTROS MP4 (Revorked) By Schumi
    -VOLVO FH & FH16 2009 By Schumi
    -RENAULT PREMIUM (Revorked) By Schumi
    -FORD F-MAX By Simulation

  • 29 Dec 20:21

    Signs on your Truck v1.1.2.70 (28.12.2019) [1.36.x]

    Changelog v1.1.2.40 ---> v1.1.2.70:
    Rendered and packed with the new Blender 2.81, Blender Tools 2.0 and Conversion Tools 2.10
    Added some country and flag stickers in the truck cab "Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Monaco, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, San Marino, Scotland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland, Ukraine, United Kingdom, Vatican City, Wales, Moldova, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, European Union"
    Fixed minor bugs on mod
    Correction *.sii file
    Correction *.text file

    The mod is represented signs marking trucks in different categories country codes, speed limit, warning, ecology warning and others.

    Signs: 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / E / E (yellow) / EEV / G / H / H (yellow) / IV / L / S / U / III / V / VI / R (yellow) / TIR / No TIR / T.I.R. / No T.I.R. etc. These signs are located at the front of the truck cabin.
    E = (Environment) or white letter "U" (Umwelt), denoting vehicle with a Euro-1 engine.

    EEV = Enhanced environmentally friendly vehicle (emission category between V and VI) is a term used in the European emission standards for the definition of a "clean vehicle" > 3.5 tonne in the category M2 and M3. The standard lies between the levels of Euro V and Euro VI.

    G = denoting Gerauscharm Fahrzeug (ie noiseless/quiet vehicle): German version of the Austrian "L" plate for use only on diesel vehicles meeting German low-noise requirements - similar to those for Austria as above.

    L = denoting Larmarm Fahrzeug (ie low noise vehicle): Austrian version of the symbol for quiet diesel vehicle which are:
    - small and medium-sized lorries of no more than 150KW producing noise levels no greater than 78dB.
    - heavy lorries exceeding 150KW with noise levels no greater than 80dB.

    S = (Sicher/safe) denoting a vehicle with a Euro-2 engine and safety features.

    3 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-3 engine and safety features.

    4 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-4 engine and safety features.

    5 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-5 engine and safety features.

    6 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-6 engine and safety features.

    A = required in Germany on all vehicles carrying waste.

    R (yellow) = The truck has route approval, for ex. heavy transport. (used in Austria).

    H (yellow) = The truck has higher gross vehicle weight, for ex. heavy transport. (used in Austria).

    E (yellow) = The truck has restricted gross vehicle weight. Tax benefits for it. (used in Austria).

    III - VI = European emission standards III-VI for HGVs (> 3.5 tonne).

    ADR signs: ADR / 22-1951 Argon Refrigerated Liquid / 22-1977 Liquid Nitrogen / 22-2187 Carbon Dioxide Refrigerated Liquid / 23-1965 Liquefied Petroleum Gas LPG / 23-1971 Methane Compressed or Natural Gas Compresed With High Methane Content / 30-1202 Diesel / 30-1223 Kerosene / 30-1267 Crude Oil / 30-1300 Turpentine Substitute / 30-1863 Fuel Aviation Turbine Engine / 30-1999 Tars Liquid Including Road Oils And Cutback Bitumens / 33-1090 Acetone / 33-1203 Gasoline / 33-1219 Isopropanol (Isopropyl Alcohol) / 44-2448 Sulphur Molten / 80-1824 Sodium Hydroxide Solution / 80-1830 Sulphuric Acid / 80-2796 Sulphuric Acid (with Not More Than 51% Acid) / 86-2809 Mercury / 225-1073 Oxygen Refrigerated Liquid / 225-2201 Nitrous Oxide / 90-3082 Environmentally Hazardous Substance Liquid / Dangerous For The Environment / Flammable Materials / Flammable Materials 2 / Flammable Materials 3 / Flammable Solid Miscellaneous Goods Hazard Class 9 Material / Radioactive 1 / Radioactive 2 / Radioactive 3 / 30-1866 Resin Solution Flammable / 33-1866 Resin Solution Flammable / 30-1307 Xylenes / 33-1307 Xylenes / Infectious Material / Toxic Gases / Toxic Material / Corrosive Material / 99-3257 Elevated Temperature Liquid N.O.S. etc. These signs are located at the front of the truck cabin.

    For more information about ADR.

    Speed limit signs: 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 / 80 / 90. The combination of red white and yellow red with black numbers and white background with black numbers. These signs are located at the rear of the truck cabin.

    Country symbols: Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia and Hherzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Rrepublic, Denmark, Ex Yugoslavia, Ex East Germany, Ex Soviet Union, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Island, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom, Botswana, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan etc. These signs are placed at the front and at the rear of the truck cabin.

  • 19 Dec 18:12

    Signs on your Truck v1.1.2.40 by Tobrago (1.36.x)

    (New update 18.12.2019)

    New Changelog v1.1.2.19 ---> v1.1.2.40:
    - Bug fix for Mercedes Actros 2009 on cabin B, double antenna
    - Corrected translation on description mod
    - Added Polish signs Kat. 1, 2, 3
    - Mod localization (read the mod description)
    - Mod adapted for Ford F-Max truck
    - Adjusted sticker position in Volvo FH 2012 interior cab
    - Rendered and packed with the new Blender 2.81 and Blender Tools 2.0
    - Fixed minor bugs on mod
    - Correction *.sii file
    - Correction *.text file

    This mod is represented signs marking trucks in different categories country codes,
    speed limit, warning, ecology warning and others.
    Only for standard trusks in game.

    *Only for standard trucks in game.

    Signs: 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / E / E (yellow) / EEV / G / H / H (yellow) / IV / L / S / U / III / V /
    VI / R (yellow) / TIR / No TIR / T.I.R. / No T.I.R. etc. These signs are located at the front of the truck cabin.
    E = (Environment) or white letter "U" (Umwelt), denoting vehicle with a Euro-1 engine.

    EEV = Enhanced environmentally friendly vehicle (emission category between V and VI)
    is a term used in the European emission standards for the definition of a "clean vehicle" > 3.5
    tonne in the category M2 and M3. The standard lies between the levels of Euro V and Euro VI.

    G = denoting Gerauscharm Fahrzeug (ie noiseless/quiet vehicle): German version of the
    Austrian "L" plate for use only on diesel vehicles meeting German low-noise
    requirements - similar to those for Austria as above.

    L = denoting Larmarm Fahrzeug (ie low noise vehicle): Austrian version of the symbol for quiet diesel vehicle which are:
    - small and medium-sized lorries of no more than 150KW producing noise levels no greater than 78dB.
    - heavy lorries exceeding 150KW with noise levels no greater than 80dB.

    S = (Sicher/safe) denoting a vehicle with a Euro-2 engine and safety features.

    3 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-3 engine and safety features.

    4 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-4 engine and safety features.

    5 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-5 engine and safety features.

    6 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-6 engine and safety features.

    A = required in Germany on all vehicles carrying waste.

    R (yellow) = The truck has route approval, for ex. heavy transport. (used in Austria).

    H (yellow) = The truck has higher gross vehicle weight, for ex. heavy transport. (used in Austria).

    E (yellow) = The truck has restricted gross vehicle weight. Tax benefits for it. (used in Austria).

    III - VI = European emission standards III-VI for HGVs (> 3.5 tonne).

    ADR signs: ADR / 22-1951 Argon Refrigerated Liquid / 22-1977 Liquid Nitrogen / 22-2187 Carbon
    Dioxide Refrigerated Liquid / 23-1965 Liquefied Petroleum Gas LPG / 23-1971 Methane Compressed
    or Natural Gas Compresed With High Methane Content / 30-1202 Diesel / 30-1223 Kerosene / 30-1267 Crude Oil /
    30-1300 Turpentine Substitute / 30-1863 Fuel Aviation Turbine Engine / 30-1999 Tars Liquid Including
    Road Oils And Cutback Bitumens / 33-1090 Acetone / 33-1203 Gasoline / 33-1219 Isopropanol
    (Isopropyl Alcohol) / 44-2448 Sulphur Molten / 80-1824 Sodium Hydroxide Solution
    / 80-1830 Sulphuric Acid / 80-2796 Sulphuric Acid
    (with Not More Than 51% Acid) / 86-2809 Mercury / 225-1073 Oxygen Refrigerated Liquid / 225-2201 Nitrous
    Oxide / 90-3082 Environmentally Hazardous Substance Liquid / Dangerous For The Environment / Flammable
    Materials / Flammable Materials 2 / Flammable Materials 3 / Flammable Solid Miscellaneous Goods Hazard
    Class 9 Material / Radioactive 1 / Radioactive 2 / Radioactive 3 / 30-1866 Resin Solution Flammable / 33-1866
    Resin Solution Flammable / 30-1307 Xylenes / 33-1307 Xylenes / Infectious Material / Toxic Gases /
    Toxic Material / Corrosive Material / 99-3257 Elevated Temperature Liquid N.O.S. etc.
    These signs are located at the front of the truck cabin.

    For more information about ADR.

    Speed limit signs: 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 / 80 / 90.
    The combination of red white and yellow red with black numbers and white background with black numbers.
    These signs are located at the rear of the truck cabin.

    Country symbols: Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia and Hherzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus,
    Czech Rrepublic, Denmark, Ex Yugoslavia, Ex East Germany, Ex Soviet Union, Estonia, France,
    Germany, Greece, Hungary, Island, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg,
    Macedonia, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia,
    Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom, Botswana, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan etc.
    These signs are placed at the front and at the rear of the truck cabin

    -MAN TGX
    -VOLVO FH 16 2009 * VOLVO FH 16 2012

    Ohaha, RJL, MDModder, Flemming V, davidzoli, AlexeyP, Pendragon, MrCapital etc!

  • 20 Oct 21:49

    SIGNS ON YOUR TRUCK V1.1.2.19 1.36.X

    Changelog v1.1.2.18 -> v1.1.2.19:
    Fixed texture bug (Signs with missing textures)
    Several bugs fixed
    Fixed a bug in text files (Mod description)
    Correction sii file
    Correction text file
    Signs: 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / E / E (yellow) / EEV / G / H / H (yellow) / IV / L / S / U / III / V / VI / R (yellow) / TIR / No TIR / T.I.R. / No T.I.R. etc. These signs are located at the front of the truck cabin.
    E = (Environment) or white letter "U" (Umwelt), denoting vehicle with a Euro-1 engine.

    EEV = Enhanced environmentally friendly vehicle (emission category between V and VI) is a term used in the European emission standards for the definition of a "clean vehicle" > 3.5 tonne in the category M2 and M3. The standard lies between the levels of Euro V and Euro VI.

    G = denoting Gerauscharm Fahrzeug (ie noiseless/quiet vehicle): German version of the Austrian "L" plate for use only on diesel vehicles meeting German low-noise requirements - similar to those for Austria as above.

    L = denoting Larmarm Fahrzeug (ie low noise vehicle): Austrian version of the symbol for quiet diesel vehicle which are:
    - small and medium-sized lorries of no more than 150KW producing noise levels no greater than 78dB.
    - heavy lorries exceeding 150KW with noise levels no greater than 80dB.

    S = (Sicher/safe) denoting a vehicle with a Euro-2 engine and safety features.

    3 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-3 engine and safety features.

    4 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-4 engine and safety features.

    5 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-5 engine and safety features.

    6 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-6 engine and safety features.

    A = required in Germany on all vehicles carrying waste.

    R (yellow) = The truck has route approval, for ex. heavy transport. (used in Austria).

    H (yellow) = The truck has higher gross vehicle weight, for ex. heavy transport. (used in Austria).

    E (yellow) = The truck has restricted gross vehicle weight. Tax benefits for it. (used in Austria).

    III - VI = European emission standards III-VI for HGVs (> 3.5 tonne).

    ADR signs: ADR / 22-1951 Argon Refrigerated Liquid / 22-1977 Liquid Nitrogen / 22-2187 Carbon Dioxide Refrigerated Liquid / 23-1965 Liquefied Petroleum Gas LPG / 23-1971 Methane Compressed or Natural Gas Compresed With High Methane Content / 30-1202 Diesel / 30-1223 Kerosene / 30-1267 Crude Oil / 30-1300 Turpentine Substitute / 30-1863 Fuel Aviation Turbine Engine / 30-1999 Tars Liquid Including Road Oils And Cutback Bitumens / 33-1090 Acetone / 33-1203 Gasoline / 33-1219 Isopropanol (Isopropyl Alcohol) / 44-2448 Sulphur Molten / 80-1824 Sodium Hydroxide Solution / 80-1830 Sulphuric Acid / 80-2796 Sulphuric Acid (with Not More Than 51% Acid) / 86-2809 Mercury / 225-1073 Oxygen Refrigerated Liquid / 225-2201 Nitrous Oxide / 90-3082 Environmentally Hazardous Substance Liquid / Dangerous For The Environment / Flammable Materials / Flammable Materials 2 / Flammable Materials 3 / Flammable Solid Miscellaneous Goods Hazard Class 9 Material / Radioactive 1 / Radioactive 2 / Radioactive 3 / 30-1866 Resin Solution Flammable / 33-1866 Resin Solution Flammable / 30-1307 Xylenes / 33-1307 Xylenes / Infectious Material / Toxic Gases / Toxic Material / Corrosive Material / 99-3257 Elevated Temperature Liquid N.O.S. etc. These signs are located at the front of the truck cabin.

    For more information about ADR.

    Speed limit signs: 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 / 80 / 90. The combination of red white and yellow red with black numbers and white background with black numbers. These signs are located at the rear of the truck cabin.

    Country symbols: Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia and Hherzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Rrepublic, Denmark, Ex Yugoslavia, Ex East Germany, Ex Soviet Union, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Island, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom, Botswana, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan etc. These signs are placed at the front and at the rear of the truck cabin.

  • 19 Oct 21:19

    SIGNS ON YOUR TRUCK V1.1.2.18 1.36.X

    Changelog v1.1.2.17 -> v1.1.2.18:
    Mod adapted for the new version of the game
    Correction *.sii file
    Correction *.text file

    Signs: 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / E / E (yellow) / EEV / G / H / H (yellow) / IV / L / S / U / III / V / VI / R (yellow) / TIR / No TIR / T.I.R. / No T.I.R. etc. These signs are located at the front of the truck cabin.

    E = (Environment) or white letter "U" (Umwelt), denoting vehicle with a Euro-1 engine.

    EEV = Enhanced environmentally friendly vehicle (emission category between V and VI) is a term used in the European emission standards for the definition of a "clean vehicle" > 3.5 tonne in the category M2 and M3. The standard lies between the levels of Euro V and Euro VI.

    G = denoting Gerauscharm Fahrzeug (ie noiseless/quiet vehicle): German version of the Austrian "L" plate for use only on diesel vehicles meeting German low-noise requirements - similar to those for Austria as above.

    L = denoting Larmarm Fahrzeug (ie low noise vehicle): Austrian version of the symbol for quiet diesel vehicle which are:
    - small and medium-sized lorries of no more than 150KW producing noise levels no greater than 78dB.
    - heavy lorries exceeding 150KW with noise levels no greater than 80dB.

    S = (Sicher/safe) denoting a vehicle with a Euro-2 engine and safety features.

    3 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-3 engine and safety features.

    4 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-4 engine and safety features.

    5 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-5 engine and safety features.

    6 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-6 engine and safety features.

    A = required in Germany on all vehicles carrying waste.

    R (yellow) = The truck has route approval, for ex. heavy transport. (used in Austria).

    H (yellow) = The truck has higher gross vehicle weight, for ex. heavy transport. (used in Austria).

    E (yellow) = The truck has restricted gross vehicle weight. Tax benefits for it. (used in Austria).

    III - VI = European emission standards III-VI for HGVs (> 3.5 tonne).

    ADR signs: ADR / 22-1951 Argon Refrigerated Liquid / 22-1977 Liquid Nitrogen / 22-2187 Carbon Dioxide Refrigerated Liquid / 23-1965 Liquefied Petroleum Gas LPG / 23-1971 Methane Compressed or Natural Gas Compresed With High Methane Content / 30-1202 Diesel / 30-1223 Kerosene / 30-1267 Crude Oil / 30-1300 Turpentine Substitute / 30-1863 Fuel Aviation Turbine Engine / 30-1999 Tars Liquid Including Road Oils And Cutback Bitumens / 33-1090 Acetone / 33-1203 Gasoline / 33-1219 Isopropanol (Isopropyl Alcohol) / 44-2448 Sulphur Molten / 80-1824 Sodium Hydroxide Solution / 80-1830 Sulphuric Acid / 80-2796 Sulphuric Acid (with Not More Than 51% Acid) / 86-2809 Mercury / 225-1073 Oxygen Refrigerated Liquid / 225-2201 Nitrous Oxide / 90-3082 Environmentally Hazardous Substance Liquid / Dangerous For The Environment / Flammable Materials / Flammable Materials 2 / Flammable Materials 3 / Flammable Solid Miscellaneous Goods Hazard Class 9 Material / Radioactive 1 / Radioactive 2 / Radioactive 3 / 30-1866 Resin Solution Flammable / 33-1866 Resin Solution Flammable / 30-1307 Xylenes / 33-1307 Xylenes / Infectious Material / Toxic Gases / Toxic Material / Corrosive Material / 99-3257 Elevated Temperature Liquid N.O.S. etc. These signs are located at the front of the truck cabin.

    For more information about ADR.

    Speed limit signs: 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 / 80 / 90. The combination of red white and yellow red with black numbers and white background with black numbers. These signs are located at the rear of the truck cabin.

    Country symbols: Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia and Hherzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Rrepublic, Denmark, Ex Yugoslavia, Ex East Germany, Ex Soviet Union, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Island, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom, Botswana, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan etc. These signs are placed at the front and at the rear of the truck cabin.

  • 12 Oct 20:54

    SIGNS ON YOUR TRUCK V1.1.2.17 [1.35.X]

    Changelog v1.1.1.89 -> v1.1.2.17:
    Duplicate vertices removed on several 3d models"
    Added ADR sign "30-1120 Butanols"
    Added ADR sign "33-2059 Nitrocellulose Solution, Flammable"
    Added ADR sign "66-1556 Arsenic Compound, Liquid, N.O.S."
    Added ADR sign "66-2902 Pesticide, Liquid, Toxic, N.O.S."
    Added ADR sign "239-1001 Acetylene, Dissolved"
    Added ADR sign "0333 Fireworks"
    Added ADR sign "0362 Ammunition, Practice"
    Added ADR sign "1045 Fluorine, Compressed"
    Added ADR sign "X423-1428 Sodium"
    Added ADR sign "X423-2257 Potassium"
    Adapted mod for Renault T truck"
    TP Alvara" rounded corners
    Added European Union flag (country codes)
    Minor bug fixes

    Signs: 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / E / E (yellow) / EEV / G / H / H (yellow) / IV / L / S / U / III / V / VI / R (yellow) / TIR / No TIR / T.I.R. / No T.I.R. etc. These signs are located at the front of the truck cabin.

    E = (Environment) or white letter "U" (Umwelt), denoting vehicle with a Euro-1 engine.
    EEV = Enhanced environmentally friendly vehicle (emission category between V and VI) is a term used in the European emission standards for the definition of a "clean vehicle" > 3.5 tonne in the category M2 and M3. The standard lies between the levels of Euro V and Euro VI.
    G = denoting Gerauscharm Fahrzeug (ie noiseless/quiet vehicle): German version of the Austrian "L" plate for use only on diesel vehicles meeting German low-noise requirements - similar to those for Austria as above.
    L = denoting Larmarm Fahrzeug (ie low noise vehicle): Austrian version of the symbol for quiet diesel vehicle which are:
    - small and medium-sized lorries of no more than 150KW producing noise levels no greater than 78dB.
    - heavy lorries exceeding 150KW with noise levels no greater than 80dB.
    S = (Sicher/safe) denoting a vehicle with a Euro-2 engine and safety features.
    3 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-3 engine and safety features.
    4 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-4 engine and safety features.
    5 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-5 engine and safety features.
    6 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-6 engine and safety features.
    A = required in Germany on all vehicles carrying waste.
    R (yellow) = The truck has route approval, for ex. heavy transport. (used in Austria).
    H (yellow) = The truck has higher gross vehicle weight, for ex. heavy transport. (used in Austria).
    E (yellow) = The truck has restricted gross vehicle weight. Tax benefits for it. (used in Austria).

    III - VI = European emission standards III-VI for HGVs (> 3.5 tonne).

    ADR signs: ADR / 22-1951 Argon Refrigerated Liquid / 22-1977 Liquid Nitrogen / 22-2187 Carbon Dioxide Refrigerated Liquid / 23-1965 Liquefied Petroleum Gas LPG / 23-1971 Methane Compressed or Natural Gas Compresed With High Methane Content / 30-1202 Diesel / 30-1223 Kerosene / 30-1267 Crude Oil / 30-1300 Turpentine Substitute / 30-1863 Fuel Aviation Turbine Engine / 30-1999 Tars Liquid Including Road Oils And Cutback Bitumens / 33-1090 Acetone / 33-1203 Gasoline / 33-1219 Isopropanol (Isopropyl Alcohol) / 44-2448 Sulphur Molten / 80-1824 Sodium Hydroxide Solution / 80-1830 Sulphuric Acid / 80-2796 Sulphuric Acid (with Not More Than 51% Acid) / 86-2809 Mercury / 225-1073 Oxygen Refrigerated Liquid / 225-2201 Nitrous Oxide / 90-3082 Environmentally Hazardous Substance Liquid / Dangerous For The Environment / Flammable Materials / Flammable Materials 2 / Flammable Materials 3 / Flammable Solid Miscellaneous Goods Hazard Class 9 Material / Radioactive 1 / Radioactive 2 / Radioactive 3 / 30-1866 Resin Solution Flammable / 33-1866 Resin Solution Flammable / 30-1307 Xylenes / 33-1307 Xylenes / Infectious Material / Toxic Gases / Toxic Material / Corrosive Material / 99-3257 Elevated Temperature Liquid N.O.S. etc. These signs are located at the front of the truck cabin.

    For more information about ADR.

    Speed limit signs: 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 / 80 / 90. The combination of red white and yellow red with black numbers and white background with black numbers. These signs are located at the rear of the truck cabin.

    Country symbols: Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia and Hherzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Rrepublic, Denmark, Ex Yugoslavia, Ex East Germany, Ex Soviet Union, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Island, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom, Botswana, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan etc. These signs are placed at the front and at the rear of the truck cabin.

  • 10 Sep 22:05


    New update 09.09.2019
    New Changelog v1.1.1.88 ---> v1.1.1.89:
    1. Mercedes Actros 2009 cabin bug fix stoneguard
    2. Mercedes Actros 2014 cabin bug fix stoneguard
    3. A few small bugs fixed

    Changelog v1.1.1.74 ---> v1.1.1.87:
    1. Added ADR sign "0081 Explosive, Blasting, Type A"
    2. Added ADR sign "20-1065 Neon, Compressed"
    3. Added ADR sign "30-2059 Nitrocellulose Solution, Flammable"
    4. Added ADR sign "40-1869 Magnesium or Magnesium Alloys"
    5. Added ADR sign "46-1381 Phosphorus, White or Yellow, Dry"
    6. Added ADR sign "56-1469 Lead Nitrate"
    7. Added ADR sign "60-1556 Arsenic Compound, Liquid, N.O.S."
    8. Added ADR sign "60-1624 Mercuric Chloride"
    9. Added ADR sign "60-2902 Pesticide, Liquid, Toxic, N.O.S."
    10. Added ADR sign "66-1935 Cyanide Solution, N.O.S."
    11. Mod adapted for the new DLC "Actros Tuning Pack"
    12. Changed structure of 3d truck model on both Mercedes
    13. On the right rear fender, add two signs on Mercedes trucks (both)
    14. Minor bug fixes
    15. Bug fixes for mod translations
    16. Mod translated into Spanish
    17. Added sign "SP"
    18. Correction *.sii file
    19. Correction *.text file

    The mod is represented by over 376 signs marking trucks in different categories country codes,
    speed limit, warning, ecology warning and others.

    *Only for standard trucks in game.

    Signs: 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / E / E (yellow) / EEV / G / H / H (yellow) / IV / L / S / U / III / V /
    VI / R (yellow) / TIR / No TIR / T.I.R. / No T.I.R. etc. These signs are located at the front of the truck cabin.
    E = (Environment) or white letter "U" (Umwelt), denoting vehicle with a Euro-1 engine.

    EEV = Enhanced environmentally friendly vehicle (emission category between V and VI)
    is a term used in the European emission standards for the definition of a "clean vehicle" > 3.5
    tonne in the category M2 and M3. The standard lies between the levels of Euro V and Euro VI.

    G = denoting Gerauscharm Fahrzeug (ie noiseless/quiet vehicle): German version of the
    Austrian "L" plate for use only on diesel vehicles meeting German low-noise
    requirements - similar to those for Austria as above.

    L = denoting Larmarm Fahrzeug (ie low noise vehicle): Austrian version of the symbol for quiet diesel vehicle which are:
    - small and medium-sized lorries of no more than 150KW producing noise levels no greater than 78dB.
    - heavy lorries exceeding 150KW with noise levels no greater than 80dB.

    S = (Sicher/safe) denoting a vehicle with a Euro-2 engine and safety features.

    3 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-3 engine and safety features.

    4 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-4 engine and safety features.

    5 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-5 engine and safety features.

    6 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-6 engine and safety features.

    A = required in Germany on all vehicles carrying waste.

    R (yellow) = The truck has route approval, for ex. heavy transport. (used in Austria).

    H (yellow) = The truck has higher gross vehicle weight, for ex. heavy transport. (used in Austria).

    E (yellow) = The truck has restricted gross vehicle weight. Tax benefits for it. (used in Austria).

    III - VI = European emission standards III-VI for HGVs (> 3.5 tonne).

    ADR signs: ADR / 22-1951 Argon Refrigerated Liquid / 22-1977 Liquid Nitrogen / 22-2187 Carbon
    Dioxide Refrigerated Liquid / 23-1965 Liquefied Petroleum Gas LPG / 23-1971 Methane Compressed
    or Natural Gas Compresed With High Methane Content / 30-1202 Diesel / 30-1223 Kerosene / 30-1267 Crude Oil /
    30-1300 Turpentine Substitute / 30-1863 Fuel Aviation Turbine Engine / 30-1999 Tars Liquid Including
    Road Oils And Cutback Bitumens / 33-1090 Acetone / 33-1203 Gasoline / 33-1219 Isopropanol
    (Isopropyl Alcohol) / 44-2448 Sulphur Molten / 80-1824 Sodium Hydroxide Solution
    / 80-1830 Sulphuric Acid / 80-2796 Sulphuric Acid
    (with Not More Than 51% Acid) / 86-2809 Mercury / 225-1073 Oxygen Refrigerated Liquid / 225-2201 Nitrous
    Oxide / 90-3082 Environmentally Hazardous Substance Liquid / Dangerous For The Environment / Flammable
    Materials / Flammable Materials 2 / Flammable Materials 3 / Flammable Solid Miscellaneous Goods Hazard
    Class 9 Material / Radioactive 1 / Radioactive 2 / Radioactive 3 / 30-1866 Resin Solution Flammable / 33-1866
    Resin Solution Flammable / 30-1307 Xylenes / 33-1307 Xylenes / Infectious Material / Toxic Gases /
    Toxic Material / Corrosive Material / 99-3257 Elevated Temperature Liquid N.O.S. etc.
    These signs are located at the front of the truck cabin.

    For more information about ADR.

    Speed limit signs: 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 / 80 / 90.
    The combination of red white and yellow red with black numbers and white background with black numbers.
    These signs are located at the rear of the truck cabin.

    Country symbols: Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia and Hherzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus,
    Czech Rrepublic, Denmark, Ex Yugoslavia, Ex East Germany, Ex Soviet Union, Estonia, France,
    Germany, Greece, Hungary, Island, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg,
    Macedonia, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia,
    Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom, Botswana, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan etc.
    These signs are placed at the front and at the rear of the truck cabin

    -MAN TGX
    -VOLVO FH 16 2009 * VOLVO FH 16 2012

    Ohaha, RJL, MDModder, Flemming V, davidzoli, AlexeyP, Pendragon, MrCapital etc!

  • 09 Sep 00:07

    SIGNS ON YOUR TRUCK V1.1.1.88 1.35.X

    The mod is represented by over 389 signs marking trucks in different categories country codes, speed limit, warning, ecology warning and others.

    Changes v1.1.1.88:
    - Mercedes Actros 2014 cab C bug fix windshield stickers
    - A few small bugs fixed

  • 08 Sep 01:37

    SIGNS ON YOUR TRUCK V1.1.1.87 1.35.X

    Changelog v1.1.1.74 -> v1.1.1.87:
    Added ADR sign "0081 Explosive, Blasting, Type A"
    Added ADR sign "20-1065 Neon, Compressed"
    Added ADR sign "30-2059 Nitrocellulose Solution, Flammable"
    Added ADR sign "40-1869 Magnesium or Magnesium Alloys"
    Added ADR sign "46-1381 Phosphorus, White or Yellow, Dry"
    Added ADR sign "56-1469 Lead Nitrate"
    Added ADR sign "60-1556 Arsenic Compound, Liquid, N.O.S."
    Added ADR sign "60-1624 Mercuric Chloride"
    Added ADR sign "60-2902 Pesticide, Liquid, Toxic, N.O.S."
    Added ADR sign "66-1935 Cyanide Solution, N.O.S."
    Mod adapted for the new DLC "Actros Tuning Pack"
    Changed structure of 3d truck model on both Mercedes
    On the right rear fender, add two signs on Mercedes trucks (both)
    Minor bug fixes
    Bug fixes for mod translations
    Mod translated into Spanish
    Added sign "SP"
    Correction *.sii file
    Correction *.text file

    Signs: 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / E / E (yellow) / EEV / G / H / H (yellow) / IV / L / S / U / III / V / VI / R (yellow) / TIR / No TIR / T.I.R. / No T.I.R. etc. These signs are located at the front of the truck cabin.
    E = (Environment) or white letter "U" (Umwelt), denoting vehicle with a Euro-1 engine.

    EEV = Enhanced environmentally friendly vehicle (emission category between V and VI) is a term used in the European emission standards for the definition of a "clean vehicle" > 3.5 tonne in the category M2 and M3. The standard lies between the levels of Euro V and Euro VI.

    G = denoting Gerauscharm Fahrzeug (ie noiseless/quiet vehicle): German version of the Austrian "L" plate for use only on diesel vehicles meeting German low-noise requirements - similar to those for Austria as above.

    L = denoting Larmarm Fahrzeug (ie low noise vehicle): Austrian version of the symbol for quiet diesel vehicle which are:
    - small and medium-sized lorries of no more than 150KW producing noise levels no greater than 78dB.
    - heavy lorries exceeding 150KW with noise levels no greater than 80dB.

    S = (Sicher/safe) denoting a vehicle with a Euro-2 engine and safety features.

    3 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-3 engine and safety features.

    4 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-4 engine and safety features.

    5 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-5 engine and safety features.

    6 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-6 engine and safety features.

    A = required in Germany on all vehicles carrying waste.

    R (yellow) = The truck has route approval, for ex. heavy transport. (used in Austria).

    H (yellow) = The truck has higher gross vehicle weight, for ex. heavy transport. (used in Austria).

    E (yellow) = The truck has restricted gross vehicle weight. Tax benefits for it. (used in Austria).

    III - VI = European emission standards III-VI for HGVs (> 3.5 tonne).

    ADR signs: ADR / 22-1951 Argon Refrigerated Liquid / 22-1977 Liquid Nitrogen / 22-2187 Carbon Dioxide Refrigerated Liquid / 23-1965 Liquefied Petroleum Gas LPG / 23-1971 Methane Compressed or Natural Gas Compresed With High Methane Content / 30-1202 Diesel / 30-1223 Kerosene / 30-1267 Crude Oil / 30-1300 Turpentine Substitute / 30-1863 Fuel Aviation Turbine Engine / 30-1999 Tars Liquid Including Road Oils And Cutback Bitumens / 33-1090 Acetone / 33-1203 Gasoline / 33-1219 Isopropanol (Isopropyl Alcohol) / 44-2448 Sulphur Molten / 80-1824 Sodium Hydroxide Solution / 80-1830 Sulphuric Acid / 80-2796 Sulphuric Acid (with Not More Than 51% Acid) / 86-2809 Mercury / 225-1073 Oxygen Refrigerated Liquid / 225-2201 Nitrous Oxide / 90-3082 Environmentally Hazardous Substance Liquid / Dangerous For The Environment / Flammable Materials / Flammable Materials 2 / Flammable Materials 3 / Flammable Solid Miscellaneous Goods Hazard Class 9 Material / Radioactive 1 / Radioactive 2 / Radioactive 3 / 30-1866 Resin Solution Flammable / 33-1866 Resin Solution Flammable / 30-1307 Xylenes / 33-1307 Xylenes / Infectious Material / Toxic Gases / Toxic Material / Corrosive Material / 99-3257 Elevated Temperature Liquid N.O.S. etc. These signs are located at the front of the truck cabin.

    For more information about ADR.

    Speed limit signs: 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 / 80 / 90. The combination of red white and yellow red with black numbers and white background with black numbers. These signs are located at the rear of the truck cabin.

    Country symbols: Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia and Hherzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Rrepublic, Denmark, Ex Yugoslavia, Ex East Germany, Ex Soviet Union, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Island, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom, Botswana, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan etc. These signs are placed at the front and at the rear of the truck cabin.

  • 18 Jul 22:16

    New Changelog v1.1.1.65 ---> v1.1.1.74:
    - Increased dimension of ADR sign
    - Added ADR sign "606-3291 Regulated medical waste"
    - Added ADR sign "0324 Projectiles with bursting charge"
    - Added Placard holders
    - Correction *.sii file
    - Correction *.text file

    NOTE: Due to the change of the name of the mod.
    Please first copy the latest mod "" to the directory
    mod then activate it in the mode manager. Continue activating the game.
    When the game is loaded, you can then go to the profile in the mod manager
    and deactivate the old mode with the old name ""!!!

    The mod is represented by over 376 signs marking trucks in different categories country codes,
    speed limit, warning, ecology warning and others.

    *Only for standard trucks in game.

    Signs: 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / E / E (yellow) / EEV / G / H / H (yellow) / IV / L / S / U / III /
    V / VI / R (yellow) / TIR / No TIR / T.I.R. / No T.I.R. etc. These signs are located at the front of the truck cabin.

    E = (Environment) or white letter "U" (Umwelt), denoting vehicle with a Euro-1 engine.
    EEV = Enhanced environmentally friendly vehicle (emission category between V and VI) is a
    term used in the European emission standards for the definition of a "clean vehicle" > 3.5 tonne
    in the category M2 and M3. The standard lies between the levels of Euro V and Euro VI.
    G = denoting Gerauscharm Fahrzeug (ie noiseless/quiet vehicle): German version of the
    Austrian "L" plate for use only on diesel vehicles meeting German low-noise
    requirements - similar to those for Austria as above.
    L = denoting Larmarm Fahrzeug (ie low noise vehicle): Austrian version of the symbol for
    quiet diesel vehicle which are:- small and medium-sized lorries of no more than 150KW
    producing noise levels no greater than 78dB.- heavy lorries exceeding 150KW with noise levels no greater than 80dB.
    S = (Sicher/safe) denoting a vehicle with a Euro-2 engine and safety features.
    3 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-3 engine and safety features.
    4 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-4 engine and safety features.
    5 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-5 engine and safety features.
    6 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-6 engine and safety features.
    A = required in Germany on all vehicles carrying waste.
    R (yellow) = The truck has route approval, for ex. heavy transport. (used in Austria).
    H (yellow) = The truck has higher gross vehicle weight, for ex. heavy transport. (used in Austria).
    E (yellow) = The truck has restricted gross vehicle weight. Tax benefits for it. (used in Austria).
    III - VI = European emission standards III-VI for HGVs (> 3.5 tonne).

    ADR signs: ADR / 22-1951 Argon Refrigerated Liquid / 22-1977 Liquid Nitrogen / 22-2187 Carbon Dioxide
    Refrigerated Liquid / 23-1965 Liquefied Petroleum Gas LPG / 23-1971 Methane Compressed or Natural Gas
    Compresed With High Methane Content / 30-1202 Diesel / 30-1223 Kerosene / 30-1267 Crude Oil / 30-1300
    Turpentine Substitute / 30-1863 Fuel Aviation Turbine Engine / 30-1999 Tars Liquid Including Road Oils And
    Cutback Bitumens / 33-1090 Acetone / 33-1203 Gasoline / 33-1219 Isopropanol (Isopropyl Alcohol) /
    44-2448 Sulphur Molten / 80-1824 Sodium Hydroxide Solution / 80-1830 Sulphuric Acid / 80-2796
    Sulphuric Acid (with Not More Than 51% Acid) / 86-2809 Mercury / 225-1073 Oxygen Refrigerated
    Liquid / 225-2201 Nitrous Oxide / 90-3082 Environmentally Hazardous Substance Liquid / Dangerous
    For The Environment / Flammable Materials / Flammable Materials 2 / Flammable Materials 3 / Flammable
    Solid Miscellaneous Goods Hazard Class 9 Material / Radioactive 1 / Radioactive 2 / Radioactive 3 / 30-1866
    Resin Solution Flammable / 33-1866 Resin Solution Flammable / 30-1307 Xylenes / 33-1307 Xylenes /
    Infectious Material / Toxic Gases / Toxic Material / Corrosive Material / 99-3257 Elevated Temperature Liquid N.O.S. etc.
    These signs are located at the front of the truck cabin.
    For more information about ADR.

    Speed limit signs: 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 / 80 / 90.
    The combination of red white and yellow red with black numbers and white background with black numbers.
    These signs are located at the rear of the truck cabin.

    Country symbols: Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia and Hherzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus,
    Czech Rrepublic, Denmark, Ex Yugoslavia, Ex East Germany, Ex Soviet Union, Estonia, France, Germany,
    Greece, Hungary, Island, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia,
    Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia,
    Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom, Botswana, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan etc.
    These signs are placed at the front and at the rear of the truck cabin.

    -MAN TGX
    -VOLVO FH 16 2009 * VOLVO FH 16 2012

    Ohaha, RJL, MDModder, Flemming V, davidzoli, AlexeyP, Pendragon, MrCapital etc!

  • 16 Jun 15:01

    SIGNS ON YOUR TRUCK V1.1.1.65 1.35.X

    Changelog v1.1.1.56 ---> v1.1.1.65:
    Added sign "GROSSRAUM TRANSPORT" a larger version of the sign
    Added sign "IZREDNI PREVOZ" a larger version of the sign

    Added sign "IZREDNI TRANSPORT" a larger version of the sign
    Changed form of signs, corners rounded
    Mod translated into French
    Correction *.sii file
    Correction *.text file

    The mod is represented by over 376 signs marking trucks in different categories country codes, speed limit, warning, ecology warning and others.

    Signs: 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / E / E (yellow) / EEV / G / H / H (yellow) / IV / L / S / U / III / V / VI / R (yellow) / TIR / No TIR / T.I.R. / No T.I.R. etc. These signs are located at the front of the truck cabin.

    E = (Environment) or white letter "U" (Umwelt), denoting vehicle with a Euro-1 engine.

    EEV = Enhanced environmentally friendly vehicle (emission category between V and VI) is a term used in the European emission standards for the definition of a "clean vehicle" > 3.5 tonne in the category M2 and M3. The standard lies between the levels of Euro V and Euro VI.

    G = denoting Gerauscharm Fahrzeug (ie noiseless/quiet vehicle): German version of the Austrian "L" plate for use only on diesel vehicles meeting German low-noise requirements - similar to those for Austria as above.

    L = denoting Larmarm Fahrzeug (ie low noise vehicle): Austrian version of the symbol for quiet diesel vehicle which are:
    - small and medium-sized lorries of no more than 150KW producing noise levels no greater than 78dB.
    - heavy lorries exceeding 150KW with noise levels no greater than 80dB.

    S = (Sicher/safe) denoting a vehicle with a Euro-2 engine and safety features.

    3 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-3 engine and safety features.

    4 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-4 engine and safety features.

    5 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-5 engine and safety features.

    6 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-6 engine and safety features.

    A = required in Germany on all vehicles carrying waste.

    R (yellow) = The truck has route approval, for ex. heavy transport. (used in Austria).

    H (yellow) = The truck has higher gross vehicle weight, for ex. heavy transport. (used in Austria).

    E (yellow) = The truck has restricted gross vehicle weight. Tax benefits for it. (used in Austria).

    III - VI = European emission standards III-VI for HGVs (> 3.5 tonne).

    ADR signs: ADR / 22-1951 Argon Refrigerated Liquid / 22-1977 Liquid Nitrogen / 22-2187 Carbon Dioxide Refrigerated Liquid / 23-1965 Liquefied Petroleum Gas LPG / 23-1971 Methane Compressed or Natural Gas Compresed With High Methane Content / 30-1202 Diesel / 30-1223 Kerosene / 30-1267 Crude Oil / 30-1300 Turpentine Substitute / 30-1863 Fuel Aviation Turbine Engine / 30-1999 Tars Liquid Including Road Oils And Cutback Bitumens / 33-1090 Acetone / 33-1203 Gasoline / 33-1219 Isopropanol (Isopropyl Alcohol) / 44-2448 Sulphur Molten / 80-1824 Sodium Hydroxide Solution / 80-1830 Sulphuric Acid / 80-2796 Sulphuric Acid (with Not More Than 51% Acid) / 86-2809 Mercury / 225-1073 Oxygen Refrigerated Liquid / 225-2201 Nitrous Oxide / 90-3082 Environmentally Hazardous Substance Liquid / Dangerous For The Environment / Flammable Materials / Flammable Materials 2 / Flammable Materials 3 / Flammable Solid Miscellaneous Goods Hazard Class 9 Material / Radioactive 1 / Radioactive 2 / Radioactive 3 / 30-1866 Resin Solution Flammable / 33-1866 Resin Solution Flammable / 30-1307 Xylenes / 33-1307 Xylenes / Infectious Material / Toxic Gases / Toxic Material / Corrosive Material / 99-3257 Elevated Temperature Liquid N.O.S. etc. These signs are located at the front of the truck cabin.

    For more information about ADR.

    Speed limit signs: 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 / 80 / 90. The combination of red white and yellow red with black numbers and white background with black numbers. These signs are located at the rear of the truck cabin.

    Country symbols: Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia and Hherzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Rrepublic, Denmark, Ex Yugoslavia, Ex East Germany, Ex Soviet Union, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Island, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom, Botswana, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan etc. These signs are placed at the front and at the rear of the truck cabin.

  • 09 Jun 19:53

    SIGNS ON YOUR TRUCK V1.1.1.56 1.35.X

    Changelog v1.1.00.94 ---> v1.1.1.56:
    Adapted to the new version of the game
    Added Turkish "HGS" for fast passage
    Added sign "IZREDNI TRAMSPORT"
    Added Austrian ECO stickers 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
    Added country stickers to the front glass cabin
    A lot was done on translating mod
    Correction *.sii file
    Correction *.text file

    Signs: 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / E / E (yellow) / EEV / G / H / H (yellow) / IV / L / S / U / III / V / VI / R (yellow) / TIR / No TIR / T.I.R. / No T.I.R. etc. These signs are located at the front of the truck cabin.

    E = (Environment) or white letter "U" (Umwelt), denoting vehicle with a Euro-1 engine.

    EEV = Enhanced environmentally friendly vehicle (emission category between V and VI) is a term used in the European emission standards for the definition of a "clean vehicle" > 3.5 tonne in the category M2 and M3. The standard lies between the levels of Euro V and Euro VI.

    G = denoting Gerauscharm Fahrzeug (ie noiseless/quiet vehicle): German version of the Austrian "L" plate for use only on diesel vehicles meeting German low-noise requirements - similar to those for Austria as above.

    L = denoting Larmarm Fahrzeug (ie low noise vehicle): Austrian version of the symbol for quiet diesel vehicle which are:
    - small and medium-sized lorries of no more than 150KW producing noise levels no greater than 78dB.
    - heavy lorries exceeding 150KW with noise levels no greater than 80dB.
    S = (Sicher/safe) denoting a vehicle with a Euro-2 engine and safety features.
    3 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-3 engine and safety features.
    4 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-4 engine and safety features.
    5 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-5 engine and safety features.
    6 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-6 engine and safety features.
    A = required in Germany on all vehicles carrying waste.
    R (yellow) = The truck has route approval, for ex. heavy transport. (used in Austria).
    H (yellow) = The truck has higher gross vehicle weight, for ex. heavy transport. (used in Austria).
    E (yellow) = The truck has restricted gross vehicle weight. Tax benefits for it. (used in Austria).
    III - VI = European emission standards III-VI for HGVs (> 3.5 tonne).

    ADR signs: ADR / 22-1951 Argon Refrigerated Liquid / 22-1977 Liquid Nitrogen / 22-2187 Carbon Dioxide Refrigerated Liquid / 23-1965 Liquefied Petroleum Gas LPG / 23-1971 Methane Compressed or Natural Gas Compresed With High Methane Content / 30-1202 Diesel / 30-1223 Kerosene / 30-1267 Crude Oil / 30-1300 Turpentine Substitute / 30-1863 Fuel Aviation Turbine Engine / 30-1999 Tars Liquid Including Road Oils And Cutback Bitumens / 33-1090 Acetone / 33-1203 Gasoline / 33-1219 Isopropanol (Isopropyl Alcohol) / 44-2448 Sulphur Molten / 80-1824 Sodium Hydroxide Solution / 80-1830 Sulphuric Acid / 80-2796 Sulphuric Acid (with Not More Than 51% Acid) / 86-2809 Mercury / 225-1073 Oxygen Refrigerated Liquid / 225-2201 Nitrous Oxide / 90-3082 Environmentally Hazardous Substance Liquid / Dangerous For The Environment / Flammable Materials / Flammable Materials 2 / Flammable Materials 3 / Flammable Solid Miscellaneous Goods Hazard Class 9 Material / Radioactive 1 / Radioactive 2 / Radioactive 3 / 30-1866 Resin Solution Flammable / 33-1866 Resin Solution Flammable / 30-1307 Xylenes / 33-1307 Xylenes / Infectious Material / Toxic Gases / Toxic Material / Corrosive Material / 99-3257 Elevated Temperature Liquid N.O.S. etc. These signs are located at the front of the truck cabin.

    For more information about ADR.

    Speed limit signs: 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 / 80 / 90. The combination of red white and yellow red with black numbers and white background with black numbers. These signs are located at the rear of the truck cabin.

    Country symbols: Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia and Hherzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Rrepublic, Denmark, Ex Yugoslavia, Ex East Germany, Ex Soviet Union, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Island, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom, Botswana, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan etc. These signs are placed at the front and at the rear of the truck cabin.

  • 14 Apr 21:31

    Signs on your Truck v1.1.00.94 by Tobrago [1.34.x]

    (New update 14.04.2019)

    New Changelog v1.1.00.90 ---> v1.1.00.94:
    - Added sign "IZREDNI PREVOZ"
    - Mod translated into Turkish
    - Correction of minor errors
    - Correction *.sii file
    - Correction *.text file

    The mod is represented by over 376 signs marking trucks in different categories country codes,
    speed limit, warning, ecology warning and others.

    *Only for standard trucks in game.

    Signs: 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / E / E (yellow) / EEV / G / H / H (yellow) / IV / L / S / U / III /
    V / VI / R (yellow) / TIR / No TIR / T.I.R. / No T.I.R. etc. These signs are located at the front of the truck cabin.

    E = (Environment) or white letter "U" (Umwelt), denoting vehicle with a Euro-1 engine.
    EEV = Enhanced environmentally friendly vehicle (emission category between V and VI) is a
    term used in the European emission standards for the definition of a "clean vehicle" > 3.5 tonne
    in the category M2 and M3. The standard lies between the levels of Euro V and Euro VI.
    G = denoting Gerauscharm Fahrzeug (ie noiseless/quiet vehicle): German version of the
    Austrian "L" plate for use only on diesel vehicles meeting German low-noise
    requirements - similar to those for Austria as above.
    L = denoting Larmarm Fahrzeug (ie low noise vehicle): Austrian version of the symbol for
    quiet diesel vehicle which are:- small and medium-sized lorries of no more than 150KW
    producing noise levels no greater than 78dB.- heavy lorries exceeding 150KW with noise levels no greater than 80dB.
    S = (Sicher/safe) denoting a vehicle with a Euro-2 engine and safety features.
    3 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-3 engine and safety features.
    4 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-4 engine and safety features.
    5 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-5 engine and safety features.
    6 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-6 engine and safety features.
    A = required in Germany on all vehicles carrying waste.
    R (yellow) = The truck has route approval, for ex. heavy transport. (used in Austria).
    H (yellow) = The truck has higher gross vehicle weight, for ex. heavy transport. (used in Austria).
    E (yellow) = The truck has restricted gross vehicle weight. Tax benefits for it. (used in Austria).
    III - VI = European emission standards III-VI for HGVs (> 3.5 tonne).

    ADR signs: ADR / 22-1951 Argon Refrigerated Liquid / 22-1977 Liquid Nitrogen / 22-2187 Carbon Dioxide
    Refrigerated Liquid / 23-1965 Liquefied Petroleum Gas LPG / 23-1971 Methane Compressed or Natural Gas
    Compresed With High Methane Content / 30-1202 Diesel / 30-1223 Kerosene / 30-1267 Crude Oil / 30-1300
    Turpentine Substitute / 30-1863 Fuel Aviation Turbine Engine / 30-1999 Tars Liquid Including Road Oils And
    Cutback Bitumens / 33-1090 Acetone / 33-1203 Gasoline / 33-1219 Isopropanol (Isopropyl Alcohol) /
    44-2448 Sulphur Molten / 80-1824 Sodium Hydroxide Solution / 80-1830 Sulphuric Acid / 80-2796
    Sulphuric Acid (with Not More Than 51% Acid) / 86-2809 Mercury / 225-1073 Oxygen Refrigerated
    Liquid / 225-2201 Nitrous Oxide / 90-3082 Environmentally Hazardous Substance Liquid / Dangerous
    For The Environment / Flammable Materials / Flammable Materials 2 / Flammable Materials 3 / Flammable
    Solid Miscellaneous Goods Hazard Class 9 Material / Radioactive 1 / Radioactive 2 / Radioactive 3 / 30-1866
    Resin Solution Flammable / 33-1866 Resin Solution Flammable / 30-1307 Xylenes / 33-1307 Xylenes /
    Infectious Material / Toxic Gases / Toxic Material / Corrosive Material / 99-3257 Elevated Temperature Liquid N.O.S. etc.
    These signs are located at the front of the truck cabin.
    For more information about ADR.

    Speed limit signs: 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 / 80 / 90.
    The combination of red white and yellow red with black numbers and white background with black numbers.
    These signs are located at the rear of the truck cabin.

    Country symbols: Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia and Hherzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus,
    Czech Rrepublic, Denmark, Ex Yugoslavia, Ex East Germany, Ex Soviet Union, Estonia, France, Germany,
    Greece, Hungary, Island, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia,
    Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia,
    Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom, Botswana, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan etc.
    These signs are placed at the front and at the rear of the truck cabin.

    -MAN TGX
    -VOLVO FH 16 2009 * VOLVO FH 16 2012

    Ohaha, RJL, MDModder, Flemming V, davidzoli, AlexeyP, Pendragon, MrCapital etc!

  • 25 Mar 23:02

    Signs on your Truck v1.1.00.90 by Tobrago [1.34.x]

    (New update 24.03.2019)

    New Changelog v1.1.00.80 ---> v1.1.00.90:
    - Added the "SONDER TRANSPORT" sign in three variants
    - Added sign "GROSSRAUM TRANSPORT"
    - Enough was done at localization mod

    NOTE: Since this is a trial translation, there is a possibility that a translation error has been made.
    -Correction *.sii file
    -Correction *.text file

    The mod is represented by over 376 signs marking trucks in different categories country codes,
    speed limit, warning, ecology warning and others.

    *Only for standard trucks in game.

    Signs: 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / E / E (yellow) / EEV / G / H / H (yellow) / IV / L / S / U / III /
    V / VI / R (yellow) / TIR / No TIR / T.I.R. / No T.I.R. etc. These signs are located at the front of the truck cabin.

    E = (Environment) or white letter "U" (Umwelt), denoting vehicle with a Euro-1 engine.
    EEV = Enhanced environmentally friendly vehicle (emission category between V and VI) is a
    term used in the European emission standards for the definition of a "clean vehicle" > 3.5 tonne
    in the category M2 and M3. The standard lies between the levels of Euro V and Euro VI.
    G = denoting Gerauscharm Fahrzeug (ie noiseless/quiet vehicle): German version of the
    Austrian "L" plate for use only on diesel vehicles meeting German low-noise
    requirements - similar to those for Austria as above.
    L = denoting Larmarm Fahrzeug (ie low noise vehicle): Austrian version of the symbol for
    quiet diesel vehicle which are:- small and medium-sized lorries of no more than 150KW
    producing noise levels no greater than 78dB.- heavy lorries exceeding 150KW with noise levels no greater than 80dB.
    S = (Sicher/safe) denoting a vehicle with a Euro-2 engine and safety features.
    3 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-3 engine and safety features.
    4 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-4 engine and safety features.
    5 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-5 engine and safety features.
    6 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-6 engine and safety features.
    A = required in Germany on all vehicles carrying waste.
    R (yellow) = The truck has route approval, for ex. heavy transport. (used in Austria).
    H (yellow) = The truck has higher gross vehicle weight, for ex. heavy transport. (used in Austria).
    E (yellow) = The truck has restricted gross vehicle weight. Tax benefits for it. (used in Austria).
    III - VI = European emission standards III-VI for HGVs (> 3.5 tonne).

    ADR signs: ADR / 22-1951 Argon Refrigerated Liquid / 22-1977 Liquid Nitrogen / 22-2187 Carbon Dioxide
    Refrigerated Liquid / 23-1965 Liquefied Petroleum Gas LPG / 23-1971 Methane Compressed or Natural Gas
    Compresed With High Methane Content / 30-1202 Diesel / 30-1223 Kerosene / 30-1267 Crude Oil / 30-1300
    Turpentine Substitute / 30-1863 Fuel Aviation Turbine Engine / 30-1999 Tars Liquid Including Road Oils And
    Cutback Bitumens / 33-1090 Acetone / 33-1203 Gasoline / 33-1219 Isopropanol (Isopropyl Alcohol) /
    44-2448 Sulphur Molten / 80-1824 Sodium Hydroxide Solution / 80-1830 Sulphuric Acid / 80-2796
    Sulphuric Acid (with Not More Than 51% Acid) / 86-2809 Mercury / 225-1073 Oxygen Refrigerated
    Liquid / 225-2201 Nitrous Oxide / 90-3082 Environmentally Hazardous Substance Liquid / Dangerous
    For The Environment / Flammable Materials / Flammable Materials 2 / Flammable Materials 3 / Flammable
    Solid Miscellaneous Goods Hazard Class 9 Material / Radioactive 1 / Radioactive 2 / Radioactive 3 / 30-1866
    Resin Solution Flammable / 33-1866 Resin Solution Flammable / 30-1307 Xylenes / 33-1307 Xylenes /
    Infectious Material / Toxic Gases / Toxic Material / Corrosive Material / 99-3257 Elevated Temperature Liquid N.O.S. etc.
    These signs are located at the front of the truck cabin.
    For more information about ADR.

    Speed limit signs: 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 / 80 / 90.
    The combination of red white and yellow red with black numbers and white background with black numbers.
    These signs are located at the rear of the truck cabin.

    Country symbols: Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia and Hherzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus,
    Czech Rrepublic, Denmark, Ex Yugoslavia, Ex East Germany, Ex Soviet Union, Estonia, France, Germany,
    Greece, Hungary, Island, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia,
    Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia,
    Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom, Botswana, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan etc.
    These signs are placed at the front and at the rear of the truck cabin.

    -MAN TGX
    -VOLVO FH 16 2009 * VOLVO FH 16 2012

    Ohaha, RJL, MDModder, Flemming V, davidzoli, AlexeyP, Pendragon, MrCapital etc!

  • 10 Mar 22:26

    Signs on your Truck v1.1.00.80 by Tobrago [1.34.x]

    (New update 10.03.2019)

    New Changelog v1.1.00.27 ---> v1.1.00.80:
    - Added localization in languages

    NOTE: Since this is a trial translation, there is a possibility that a translation error has been made.
    I would ask that if there is an error to report this and also to participate in the translation in your language.
    Correction in Russian
    In the truck cabs you add 3 Russian stickers (Country code)

    - Added fire extinguisher
    -Renault Magnum
    -Renault Premium
    -Scania New R, S & Chassis 8x4
    -Scania R Cab, Streamline & Chassis 8x4
    -Volvo FH16 2009

    - Added conflict with front signs and front grills. For all trucks in the game
    - Added conflict a fire extinguisher with additional DLCs at Daf and Scania. Especially in the last exhaust
    - Correction *.sii file
    - Correction *.text file

    The mod is represented by over 376 signs marking trucks in different categories country codes,
    speed limit, warning, ecology warning and others.

    *Only for standard trucks in game.

    Signs: 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / E / E (yellow) / EEV / G / H / H (yellow) / IV / L / S / U / III /
    V / VI / R (yellow) / TIR / No TIR / T.I.R. / No T.I.R. etc. These signs are located at the front of the truck cabin.

    E = (Environment) or white letter "U" (Umwelt), denoting vehicle with a Euro-1 engine.
    EEV = Enhanced environmentally friendly vehicle (emission category between V and VI) is a
    term used in the European emission standards for the definition of a "clean vehicle" > 3.5 tonne
    in the category M2 and M3. The standard lies between the levels of Euro V and Euro VI.
    G = denoting Gerauscharm Fahrzeug (ie noiseless/quiet vehicle): German version of the
    Austrian "L" plate for use only on diesel vehicles meeting German low-noise
    requirements - similar to those for Austria as above.
    L = denoting Larmarm Fahrzeug (ie low noise vehicle): Austrian version of the symbol for
    quiet diesel vehicle which are:- small and medium-sized lorries of no more than 150KW
    producing noise levels no greater than 78dB.- heavy lorries exceeding 150KW with noise levels no greater than 80dB.
    S = (Sicher/safe) denoting a vehicle with a Euro-2 engine and safety features.
    3 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-3 engine and safety features.
    4 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-4 engine and safety features.
    5 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-5 engine and safety features.
    6 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-6 engine and safety features.
    A = required in Germany on all vehicles carrying waste.
    R (yellow) = The truck has route approval, for ex. heavy transport. (used in Austria).
    H (yellow) = The truck has higher gross vehicle weight, for ex. heavy transport. (used in Austria).
    E (yellow) = The truck has restricted gross vehicle weight. Tax benefits for it. (used in Austria).
    III - VI = European emission standards III-VI for HGVs (> 3.5 tonne).

    ADR signs: ADR / 22-1951 Argon Refrigerated Liquid / 22-1977 Liquid Nitrogen / 22-2187 Carbon Dioxide
    Refrigerated Liquid / 23-1965 Liquefied Petroleum Gas LPG / 23-1971 Methane Compressed or Natural Gas
    Compresed With High Methane Content / 30-1202 Diesel / 30-1223 Kerosene / 30-1267 Crude Oil / 30-1300
    Turpentine Substitute / 30-1863 Fuel Aviation Turbine Engine / 30-1999 Tars Liquid Including Road Oils And
    Cutback Bitumens / 33-1090 Acetone / 33-1203 Gasoline / 33-1219 Isopropanol (Isopropyl Alcohol) /
    44-2448 Sulphur Molten / 80-1824 Sodium Hydroxide Solution / 80-1830 Sulphuric Acid / 80-2796
    Sulphuric Acid (with Not More Than 51% Acid) / 86-2809 Mercury / 225-1073 Oxygen Refrigerated
    Liquid / 225-2201 Nitrous Oxide / 90-3082 Environmentally Hazardous Substance Liquid / Dangerous
    For The Environment / Flammable Materials / Flammable Materials 2 / Flammable Materials 3 / Flammable
    Solid Miscellaneous Goods Hazard Class 9 Material / Radioactive 1 / Radioactive 2 / Radioactive 3 / 30-1866
    Resin Solution Flammable / 33-1866 Resin Solution Flammable / 30-1307 Xylenes / 33-1307 Xylenes /
    Infectious Material / Toxic Gases / Toxic Material / Corrosive Material / 99-3257 Elevated Temperature Liquid N.O.S. etc.
    These signs are located at the front of the truck cabin.
    For more information about ADR.

    Speed limit signs: 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 / 80 / 90.
    The combination of red white and yellow red with black numbers and white background with black numbers.
    These signs are located at the rear of the truck cabin.

    Country symbols: Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia and Hherzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus,
    Czech Rrepublic, Denmark, Ex Yugoslavia, Ex East Germany, Ex Soviet Union, Estonia, France, Germany,
    Greece, Hungary, Island, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia,
    Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia,
    Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom, Botswana, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan etc.
    These signs are placed at the front and at the rear of the truck cabin.

    -MAN TGX
    -VOLVO FH 16 2009 * VOLVO FH 16 2012

    Ohaha, RJL, MDModder, Flemming V, davidzoli, AlexeyP, Pendragon, MrCapital etc!

  • 01 Mar 20:24

    Signs on your Truck v1.1.00.27 by Tobrago [1.34.x]

    (New update 27.02.2019)

    New Changelog v1.1.00.09 ---> v1.1.00.27:
    - Added fire extinguisher on truck Volvo chassis 8x4
    - Made localization in mod. Czech, German, English GB & US, Hungarian, Polish, Russian, Serbian Cyrillic and Latin
    - Correction in Hungarian
    - Correction *.sii file
    - Correction *.text file

    The mod is represented by over 376 signs marking trucks in different categories country codes,
    speed limit, warning, ecology warning and others.

    *Only for standard trucks in game.

    Signs: 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / E / E (yellow) / EEV / G / H / H (yellow) / IV / L / S / U / III /
    V / VI / R (yellow) / TIR / No TIR / T.I.R. / No T.I.R. etc. These signs are located at the front of the truck cabin.

    E = (Environment) or white letter "U" (Umwelt), denoting vehicle with a Euro-1 engine.
    EEV = Enhanced environmentally friendly vehicle (emission category between V and VI) is a
    term used in the European emission standards for the definition of a "clean vehicle" > 3.5 tonne
    in the category M2 and M3. The standard lies between the levels of Euro V and Euro VI.
    G = denoting Gerauscharm Fahrzeug (ie noiseless/quiet vehicle): German version of the
    Austrian "L" plate for use only on diesel vehicles meeting German low-noise
    requirements - similar to those for Austria as above.
    L = denoting Larmarm Fahrzeug (ie low noise vehicle): Austrian version of the symbol for
    quiet diesel vehicle which are:- small and medium-sized lorries of no more than 150KW
    producing noise levels no greater than 78dB.- heavy lorries exceeding 150KW with noise levels no greater than 80dB.
    S = (Sicher/safe) denoting a vehicle with a Euro-2 engine and safety features.
    3 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-3 engine and safety features.
    4 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-4 engine and safety features.
    5 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-5 engine and safety features.
    6 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-6 engine and safety features.
    A = required in Germany on all vehicles carrying waste.
    R (yellow) = The truck has route approval, for ex. heavy transport. (used in Austria).
    H (yellow) = The truck has higher gross vehicle weight, for ex. heavy transport. (used in Austria).
    E (yellow) = The truck has restricted gross vehicle weight. Tax benefits for it. (used in Austria).
    III - VI = European emission standards III-VI for HGVs (> 3.5 tonne).

    ADR signs: ADR / 22-1951 Argon Refrigerated Liquid / 22-1977 Liquid Nitrogen / 22-2187 Carbon Dioxide
    Refrigerated Liquid / 23-1965 Liquefied Petroleum Gas LPG / 23-1971 Methane Compressed or Natural Gas
    Compresed With High Methane Content / 30-1202 Diesel / 30-1223 Kerosene / 30-1267 Crude Oil / 30-1300
    Turpentine Substitute / 30-1863 Fuel Aviation Turbine Engine / 30-1999 Tars Liquid Including Road Oils And
    Cutback Bitumens / 33-1090 Acetone / 33-1203 Gasoline / 33-1219 Isopropanol (Isopropyl Alcohol) /
    44-2448 Sulphur Molten / 80-1824 Sodium Hydroxide Solution / 80-1830 Sulphuric Acid / 80-2796
    Sulphuric Acid (with Not More Than 51% Acid) / 86-2809 Mercury / 225-1073 Oxygen Refrigerated
    Liquid / 225-2201 Nitrous Oxide / 90-3082 Environmentally Hazardous Substance Liquid / Dangerous
    For The Environment / Flammable Materials / Flammable Materials 2 / Flammable Materials 3 / Flammable
    Solid Miscellaneous Goods Hazard Class 9 Material / Radioactive 1 / Radioactive 2 / Radioactive 3 / 30-1866
    Resin Solution Flammable / 33-1866 Resin Solution Flammable / 30-1307 Xylenes / 33-1307 Xylenes /
    Infectious Material / Toxic Gases / Toxic Material / Corrosive Material / 99-3257 Elevated Temperature Liquid N.O.S. etc.
    These signs are located at the front of the truck cabin.
    For more information about ADR.

    Speed limit signs: 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 / 80 / 90.
    The combination of red white and yellow red with black numbers and white background with black numbers.
    These signs are located at the rear of the truck cabin.

    Country symbols: Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia and Hherzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus,
    Czech Rrepublic, Denmark, Ex Yugoslavia, Ex East Germany, Ex Soviet Union, Estonia, France, Germany,
    Greece, Hungary, Island, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia,
    Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia,
    Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom, Botswana, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan etc.
    These signs are placed at the front and at the rear of the truck cabin.

    -MAN TGX
    -VOLVO FH 16 2009 * VOLVO FH 16 2012

    Ohaha, RJL, MDModder, Flemming V, davidzoli, AlexeyP, Pendragon, MrCapital etc!

  • 16 Feb 20:02

    Signs on your Truck v1.1.00.09 by Tobrago [1.34.x]

    (New update 15.02.2019)

    New Changelog v1.1.00.08 ---> v1.1.00.09:
    - Fixed an error on the stickers

    *Only for standard trucks in game.

    Signs: 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / E / E (yellow) / EEV / G / H / H (yellow) / IV / L / S / U / III /
    V / VI / R (yellow) / TIR / No TIR / T.I.R. / No T.I.R. etc. These signs are located at the front of the truck cabin.

    E = (Environment) or white letter "U" (Umwelt), denoting vehicle with a Euro-1 engine.
    EEV = Enhanced environmentally friendly vehicle (emission category between V and VI) is a
    term used in the European emission standards for the definition of a "clean vehicle" > 3.5 tonne
    in the category M2 and M3. The standard lies between the levels of Euro V and Euro VI.
    G = denoting Gerauscharm Fahrzeug (ie noiseless/quiet vehicle): German version of the
    Austrian "L" plate for use only on diesel vehicles meeting German low-noise
    requirements - similar to those for Austria as above.
    L = denoting Larmarm Fahrzeug (ie low noise vehicle): Austrian version of the symbol for
    quiet diesel vehicle which are:- small and medium-sized lorries of no more than 150KW
    producing noise levels no greater than 78dB.- heavy lorries exceeding 150KW with noise levels no greater than 80dB.
    S = (Sicher/safe) denoting a vehicle with a Euro-2 engine and safety features.
    3 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-3 engine and safety features.
    4 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-4 engine and safety features.
    5 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-5 engine and safety features.
    6 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-6 engine and safety features.
    A = required in Germany on all vehicles carrying waste.
    R (yellow) = The truck has route approval, for ex. heavy transport. (used in Austria).
    H (yellow) = The truck has higher gross vehicle weight, for ex. heavy transport. (used in Austria).
    E (yellow) = The truck has restricted gross vehicle weight. Tax benefits for it. (used in Austria).
    III - VI = European emission standards III-VI for HGVs (> 3.5 tonne).

    ADR signs: ADR / 22-1951 Argon Refrigerated Liquid / 22-1977 Liquid Nitrogen / 22-2187 Carbon Dioxide
    Refrigerated Liquid / 23-1965 Liquefied Petroleum Gas LPG / 23-1971 Methane Compressed or Natural Gas
    Compresed With High Methane Content / 30-1202 Diesel / 30-1223 Kerosene / 30-1267 Crude Oil / 30-1300
    Turpentine Substitute / 30-1863 Fuel Aviation Turbine Engine / 30-1999 Tars Liquid Including Road Oils And
    Cutback Bitumens / 33-1090 Acetone / 33-1203 Gasoline / 33-1219 Isopropanol (Isopropyl Alcohol) /
    44-2448 Sulphur Molten / 80-1824 Sodium Hydroxide Solution / 80-1830 Sulphuric Acid / 80-2796
    Sulphuric Acid (with Not More Than 51% Acid) / 86-2809 Mercury / 225-1073 Oxygen Refrigerated
    Liquid / 225-2201 Nitrous Oxide / 90-3082 Environmentally Hazardous Substance Liquid / Dangerous
    For The Environment / Flammable Materials / Flammable Materials 2 / Flammable Materials 3 / Flammable
    Solid Miscellaneous Goods Hazard Class 9 Material / Radioactive 1 / Radioactive 2 / Radioactive 3 / 30-1866
    Resin Solution Flammable / 33-1866 Resin Solution Flammable / 30-1307 Xylenes / 33-1307 Xylenes /
    Infectious Material / Toxic Gases / Toxic Material / Corrosive Material / 99-3257 Elevated Temperature Liquid N.O.S. etc.
    These signs are located at the front of the truck cabin.
    For more information about ADR.

    Speed limit signs: 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 / 80 / 90.
    The combination of red white and yellow red with black numbers and white background with black numbers.
    These signs are located at the rear of the truck cabin.

    Country symbols: Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia and Hherzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus,
    Czech Rrepublic, Denmark, Ex Yugoslavia, Ex East Germany, Ex Soviet Union, Estonia, France, Germany,
    Greece, Hungary, Island, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia,
    Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia,
    Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom, Botswana, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan etc.
    These signs are placed at the front and at the rear of the truck cabin.

    -MAN TGX
    -VOLVO FH 16 2009 * VOLVO FH 16 2012

    Ohaha, RJL, MDModder, Flemming V, davidzoli, AlexeyP, Pendragon, MrCapital etc!

  • 10 Feb 15:22

    SIGNS ON YOUR TRUCK V1.1.00.08 1.34.X

    Changelog v1.1.00 ---> v1.1.00.08:
    Added fire extinguisher for trucks Man TGX Euro 6
    Added signs for trucks Man TGX Euro 6
    Reduced signs size LKW from 18cm to 16cm
    Correction *.sii file
    Correction *.text file

    The mod is represented by over 376 signs marking trucks in different categories country codes, speed limit, warning, ecology warning and others.
    Only for standard trusks in game.
    Signs: 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / E / E (yellow) / EEV / G / H / H (yellow) / IV / L / S / U / III / V / VI / R (yellow) / TIR / No TIR / T.I.R. / No T.I.R. etc. These signs are located at the front of the truck cabin.

    E = (Environment) or white letter "U" (Umwelt), denoting vehicle with a Euro-1 engine.
    EEV = Enhanced environmentally friendly vehicle (emission category between V and VI) is a term used in the European emission standards for the definition of a "clean vehicle" > 3.5 tonne in the category M2 and M3. The standard lies between the levels of Euro V and Euro VI.
    G = denoting Gerauscharm Fahrzeug (ie noiseless/quiet vehicle): German version of the Austrian "L" plate for use only on diesel vehicles meeting German low-noise requirements - similar to those for Austria as above.
    L = denoting Larmarm Fahrzeug (ie low noise vehicle): Austrian version of the symbol for quiet diesel vehicle which are:
    - small and medium-sized lorries of no more than 150KW producing noise levels no greater than 78dB.
    - heavy lorries exceeding 150KW with noise levels no greater than 80dB.
    S = (Sicher/safe) denoting a vehicle with a Euro-2 engine and safety features.
    3 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-3 engine and safety features.
    4 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-4 engine and safety features.
    5 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-5 engine and safety features.
    6 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-6 engine and safety features.
    A = required in Germany on all vehicles carrying waste.
    R (yellow) = The truck has route approval, for ex. heavy transport. (used in Austria).
    H (yellow) = The truck has higher gross vehicle weight, for ex. heavy transport. (used in Austria).
    E (yellow) = The truck has restricted gross vehicle weight. Tax benefits for it. (used in Austria).
    III - VI = European emission standards III-VI for HGVs (> 3.5 tonne).

    ADR signs: ADR / 22-1951 Argon Refrigerated Liquid / 22-1977 Liquid Nitrogen / 22-2187 Carbon Dioxide Refrigerated Liquid / 23-1965 Liquefied Petroleum Gas LPG / 23-1971 Methane Compressed or Natural Gas Compresed With High Methane Content / 30-1202 Diesel / 30-1223 Kerosene / 30-1267 Crude Oil / 30-1300 Turpentine Substitute / 30-1863 Fuel Aviation Turbine Engine / 30-1999 Tars Liquid Including Road Oils And Cutback Bitumens / 33-1090 Acetone / 33-1203 Gasoline / 33-1219 Isopropanol (Isopropyl Alcohol) / 44-2448 Sulphur Molten / 80-1824 Sodium Hydroxide Solution / 80-1830 Sulphuric Acid / 80-2796 Sulphuric Acid (with Not More Than 51% Acid) / 86-2809 Mercury / 225-1073 Oxygen Refrigerated Liquid / 225-2201 Nitrous Oxide / 90-3082 Environmentally Hazardous Substance Liquid / Dangerous For The Environment / Flammable Materials / Flammable Materials 2 / Flammable Materials 3 / Flammable Solid Miscellaneous Goods Hazard Class 9 Material / Radioactive 1 / Radioactive 2 / Radioactive 3 / 30-1866 Resin Solution Flammable / 33-1866 Resin Solution Flammable / 30-1307 Xylenes / 33-1307 Xylenes / Infectious Material / Toxic Gases / Toxic Material / Corrosive Material / 99-3257 Elevated Temperature Liquid N.O.S. etc. These signs are located at the front of the truck cabin.
    For more information about ADR.
    Speed limit signs: 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 / 80 / 90. The combination of red white and yellow red with black numbers and white background with black numbers. These signs are located at the rear of the truck cabin.
    Country symbols: Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia and Hherzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Rrepublic, Denmark, Ex Yugoslavia, Ex East Germany, Ex Soviet Union, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Island, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom, Botswana, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan etc. These signs are placed at the front and at the rear of the truck cabin.

  • 20 Jan 20:32
    Version 1.1.00

    Signs on your Truck v1.1.00 by Tobrago [1.33.x]

    (New update 20.01.2019)

    New Changelog v1.0.99.08 ---> v1.1.00:
    - Added fire extinguisher for trucks: Daf XF, Daf XF EuroURO 6, Iveco Stralis,
    Iveco Hi-Way, Man TGX, Mercedes Actros 2009, Mercedes Actros 2014 Volvo FH 16 2012
    - Correction *.sii file
    - Correction *.text file

    *Only for standard trucks in game.

    Signs: 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / E / E (yellow) / EEV / G / H / H (yellow) / IV / L / S / U / III /
    V / VI / R (yellow) / TIR / No TIR / T.I.R. / No T.I.R. etc. These signs are located at the front of the truck cabin.

    E = (Environment) or white letter "U" (Umwelt), denoting vehicle with a Euro-1 engine.
    EEV = Enhanced environmentally friendly vehicle (emission category between V and VI) is a
    term used in the European emission standards for the definition of a "clean vehicle" > 3.5 tonne
    in the category M2 and M3. The standard lies between the levels of Euro V and Euro VI.
    G = denoting Gerauscharm Fahrzeug (ie noiseless/quiet vehicle): German version of the
    Austrian "L" plate for use only on diesel vehicles meeting German low-noise
    requirements - similar to those for Austria as above.
    L = denoting Larmarm Fahrzeug (ie low noise vehicle): Austrian version of the symbol for
    quiet diesel vehicle which are:- small and medium-sized lorries of no more than 150KW
    producing noise levels no greater than 78dB.- heavy lorries exceeding 150KW with noise levels no greater than 80dB.
    S = (Sicher/safe) denoting a vehicle with a Euro-2 engine and safety features.
    3 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-3 engine and safety features.
    4 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-4 engine and safety features.
    5 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-5 engine and safety features.
    6 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-6 engine and safety features.
    A = required in Germany on all vehicles carrying waste.
    R (yellow) = The truck has route approval, for ex. heavy transport. (used in Austria).
    H (yellow) = The truck has higher gross vehicle weight, for ex. heavy transport. (used in Austria).
    E (yellow) = The truck has restricted gross vehicle weight. Tax benefits for it. (used in Austria).
    III - VI = European emission standards III-VI for HGVs (> 3.5 tonne).

    ADR signs: ADR / 22-1951 Argon Refrigerated Liquid / 22-1977 Liquid Nitrogen / 22-2187 Carbon Dioxide
    Refrigerated Liquid / 23-1965 Liquefied Petroleum Gas LPG / 23-1971 Methane Compressed or Natural Gas
    Compresed With High Methane Content / 30-1202 Diesel / 30-1223 Kerosene / 30-1267 Crude Oil / 30-1300
    Turpentine Substitute / 30-1863 Fuel Aviation Turbine Engine / 30-1999 Tars Liquid Including Road Oils And
    Cutback Bitumens / 33-1090 Acetone / 33-1203 Gasoline / 33-1219 Isopropanol (Isopropyl Alcohol) /
    44-2448 Sulphur Molten / 80-1824 Sodium Hydroxide Solution / 80-1830 Sulphuric Acid / 80-2796
    Sulphuric Acid (with Not More Than 51% Acid) / 86-2809 Mercury / 225-1073 Oxygen Refrigerated
    Liquid / 225-2201 Nitrous Oxide / 90-3082 Environmentally Hazardous Substance Liquid / Dangerous
    For The Environment / Flammable Materials / Flammable Materials 2 / Flammable Materials 3 / Flammable
    Solid Miscellaneous Goods Hazard Class 9 Material / Radioactive 1 / Radioactive 2 / Radioactive 3 / 30-1866
    Resin Solution Flammable / 33-1866 Resin Solution Flammable / 30-1307 Xylenes / 33-1307 Xylenes /
    Infectious Material / Toxic Gases / Toxic Material / Corrosive Material / 99-3257 Elevated Temperature Liquid N.O.S. etc.
    These signs are located at the front of the truck cabin.
    For more information about ADR.

    Speed limit signs: 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 / 80 / 90.
    The combination of red white and yellow red with black numbers and white background with black numbers.
    These signs are located at the rear of the truck cabin.

    Country symbols: Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia and Hherzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus,
    Czech Rrepublic, Denmark, Ex Yugoslavia, Ex East Germany, Ex Soviet Union, Estonia, France, Germany,
    Greece, Hungary, Island, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia,
    Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia,
    Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom, Botswana, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan etc.
    These signs are placed at the front and at the rear of the truck cabin.

    -MAN TGX
    -VOLVO FH 16 2009 * VOLVO FH 16 2012

    Ohaha, RJL, MDModder, Flemming V, davidzoli, AlexeyP, Pendragon, MrCapital etc!

  • 12 Jan 20:14

    Signs on your Truck v1.0.99.08 by Tobrago [1.33.x]

    Changelog v1.0.99.04 ---> v1.0.99.08:
    Added Eco Signs for Spain: Emisions 0, Euro 4/5 Diesel, Euro 6 Diesel and Euro 6 GPL like stickers in the cabin
    Reduced size stickers
    Correction *.sii file
    Correction *.text file

    The mod is represented by over 376 signs marking trucks in different categories country codes, speed limit, warning, ecology warning and others.

    Only for standard trusks in game.

    Signs: 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / E / E (yellow) / EEV / G / H / H (yellow) / IV / L / S / U / III / V / VI / R (yellow) / TIR / No TIR / T.I.R. / No T.I.R. etc. These signs are located at the front of the truck cabin.

    E = (Environment) or white letter "U" (Umwelt), denoting vehicle with a Euro-1 engine.
    EEV = Enhanced environmentally friendly vehicle (emission category between V and VI) is a term used in the European emission standards for the definition of a "clean vehicle" > 3.5 tonne in the category M2 and M3. The standard lies between the levels of Euro V and Euro VI.
    G = denoting Gerauscharm Fahrzeug (ie noiseless/quiet vehicle): German version of the Austrian "L" plate for use only on diesel vehicles meeting German low-noise requirements - similar to those for Austria as above.
    L = denoting Larmarm Fahrzeug (ie low noise vehicle): Austrian version of the symbol for quiet diesel vehicle which are:
    - small and medium-sized lorries of no more than 150KW producing noise levels no greater than 78dB.
    - heavy lorries exceeding 150KW with noise levels no greater than 80dB.
    S = (Sicher/safe) denoting a vehicle with a Euro-2 engine and safety features.
    3 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-3 engine and safety features.
    4 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-4 engine and safety features.
    5 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-5 engine and safety features.
    6 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-6 engine and safety features.
    A = required in Germany on all vehicles carrying waste.
    R (yellow) = The truck has route approval, for ex. heavy transport. (used in Austria).
    H (yellow) = The truck has higher gross vehicle weight, for ex. heavy transport. (used in Austria).
    E (yellow) = The truck has restricted gross vehicle weight. Tax benefits for it. (used in Austria).
    III - VI = European emission standards III-VI for HGVs (> 3.5 tonne).

    ADR signs: ADR / 22-1951 Argon Refrigerated Liquid / 22-1977 Liquid Nitrogen / 22-2187 Carbon Dioxide Refrigerated Liquid / 23-1965 Liquefied Petroleum Gas LPG / 23-1971 Methane Compressed or Natural Gas Compresed With High Methane Content / 30-1202 Diesel / 30-1223 Kerosene / 30-1267 Crude Oil / 30-1300 Turpentine Substitute / 30-1863 Fuel Aviation Turbine Engine / 30-1999 Tars Liquid Including Road Oils And Cutback Bitumens / 33-1090 Acetone / 33-1203 Gasoline / 33-1219 Isopropanol (Isopropyl Alcohol) / 44-2448 Sulphur Molten / 80-1824 Sodium Hydroxide Solution / 80-1830 Sulphuric Acid / 80-2796 Sulphuric Acid (with Not More Than 51% Acid) / 86-2809 Mercury / 225-1073 Oxygen Refrigerated Liquid / 225-2201 Nitrous Oxide / 90-3082 Environmentally Hazardous Substance Liquid / Dangerous For The Environment / Flammable Materials / Flammable Materials 2 / Flammable Materials 3 / Flammable Solid Miscellaneous Goods Hazard Class 9 Material / Radioactive 1 / Radioactive 2 / Radioactive 3 / 30-1866 Resin Solution Flammable / 33-1866 Resin Solution Flammable / 30-1307 Xylenes / 33-1307 Xylenes / Infectious Material / Toxic Gases / Toxic Material / Corrosive Material / 99-3257 Elevated Temperature Liquid N.O.S. etc. These signs are located at the front of the truck cabin.

    For more information about ADR.

    Speed limit signs: 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 / 80 / 90. The combination of red white and yellow red with black numbers and white background with black numbers. These signs are located at the rear of the truck cabin.

    Country symbols: Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia and Hherzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Rrepublic, Denmark, Ex Yugoslavia, Ex East Germany, Ex Soviet Union, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Island, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom, Botswana, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan etc. These signs are placed at the front and at the rear of the truck cabin.

  • 06 Oct 21:45
    Version 1.0.98

    (New update 06.10.2018)

    New Changelog v1.0.97.4 ---> v1.0.98:
    - Added slot stickers to trucks:
    -Scania R cab 2009
    -Scania Streamline
    -New Scania 2016 R
    -New Scania 2016 S

    New Changelog v1.0.97.3 ---> v1.0.97.4:
    - Added slot stickers to trucks Renault Magnum 2009 & Premium

    Changelog v1.0.94.20 ---> v1.0.97.3:
    - Added country codes and flag countries: Botswana, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan
    - Added ADR: 336-1230 Methanol, 30-1170, 33-1170 Ethanol
    - Enough is done on icons in accessories
    - Added Eco Signs for France: Crit Air, Crit Air1, Crit Air2, Crit Air3, Crit Air4 and Crit Air5 like stickers in the cabin
    - Corrected to texture resolution- Reduced size mod
    - Modified directory structure in mod- Correction *.sii file- Correction *.text file

    The mod is represented by over 376 signs marking trucks in different categories country codes, speed limit, warning, ecology warning and others.

    Only for standard trucks in game.
    Signs: 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / E / E (yellow) / EEV / G / H / H (yellow) / IV / L / S / U / III / V / VI / R (yellow) / TIR / No TIR / T.I.R. / No T.I.R. etc. These signs are located at the front of the truck cabin.
    E = (Environment) or white letter "U" (Umwelt), denoting vehicle with a Euro-1 engine.

    EEV = Enhanced environmentally friendly vehicle (emission category between V and VI) is a term used in the European emission standards for the definition of a "clean vehicle" > 3.5 tonne in the category M2 and M3. The standard lies between the levels of Euro V and Euro VI.

    G = denoting Gerauscharm Fahrzeug (ie noiseless/quiet vehicle): German version of the Austrian "L" plate for use only on diesel vehicles meeting German low-noise requirements - similar to those for Austria as above.

    L = denoting Larmarm Fahrzeug (ie low noise vehicle): Austrian version of the symbol for quiet diesel vehicle which are:
    - small and medium-sized lorries of no more than 150KW producing noise levels no greater than 78dB.
    - heavy lorries exceeding 150KW with noise levels no greater than 80dB.

    S = (Sicher/safe) denoting a vehicle with a Euro-2 engine and safety features.

    3 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-3 engine and safety features.

    4 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-4 engine and safety features.

    5 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-5 engine and safety features.

    6 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-6 engine and safety features.

    A = required in Germany on all vehicles carrying waste.

    R (yellow) = The truck has route approval, for ex. heavy transport. (used in Austria).

    H (yellow) = The truck has higher gross vehicle weight, for ex. heavy transport. (used in Austria).

    E (yellow) = The truck has restricted gross vehicle weight. Tax benefits for it. (used in Austria).

    III - VI = European emission standards III-VI for HGVs (> 3.5 tonne).

    ADR signs: ADR / 22-1951 Argon Refrigerated Liquid / 22-1977 Liquid Nitrogen / 22-2187 Carbon Dioxide Refrigerated Liquid / 23-1965 Liquefied Petroleum Gas LPG / 23-1971 Methane Compressed or Natural Gas Compresed With High Methane Content / 30-1202 Diesel / 30-1223 Kerosene / 30-1267 Crude Oil / 30-1300 Turpentine Substitute / 30-1863 Fuel Aviation Turbine Engine / 30-1999 Tars Liquid Including Road Oils And Cutback Bitumens / 33-1090 Acetone / 33-1203 Gasoline / 33-1219 Isopropanol (Isopropyl Alcohol) / 44-2448 Sulphur Molten / 80-1824 Sodium Hydroxide Solution / 80-1830 Sulphuric Acid / 80-2796 Sulphuric Acid (with Not More Than 51% Acid) / 86-2809 Mercury / 225-1073 Oxygen Refrigerated Liquid / 225-2201 Nitrous Oxide / 90-3082 Environmentally Hazardous Substance Liquid / Dangerous For The Environment / Flammable Materials / Flammable Materials 2 / Flammable Materials 3 / Flammable Solid Miscellaneous Goods Hazard Class 9 Material / Radioactive 1 / Radioactive 2 / Radioactive 3 / 30-1866 Resin Solution Flammable / 33-1866 Resin Solution Flammable / 30-1307 Xylenes / 33-1307 Xylenes / Infectious Material / Toxic Gases / Toxic Material / Corrosive Material / 99-3257 Elevated Temperature Liquid N.O.S. etc. These signs are located at the front of the truck cabin.

    For more information about ADR.

    Speed limit signs: 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 / 80 / 90. The combination of red white and yellow red with black numbers and white background with black numbers. These signs are located at the rear of the truck cabin.

    Country symbols: Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia and Hherzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Rrepublic, Denmark, Ex Yugoslavia, Ex East Germany, Ex Soviet Union, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Island, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom, Botswana, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan etc. These signs are placed at the front and at the rear of the truck cabin.

    -MAN TGX
    -VOLVO FH 16 2009 * VOLVO FH 16 2012

    Ohaha, RJL, MDModder, Flemming V, davidzoli, AlexeyP, Pendragon, MrCapital etc!

  • 03 Oct 02:04

    Signs on your Truck v1.0.97.4 [30.09.2018] 1.32.x

    The mod is represented by over 376 signs marking trucks in different categories country codes, speed limit, warning, ecology warning and others.

    v1.0.97.4 - added slot stickers to trucks Renault Magnum 2009 & Premium
    Important: Not for trucks Ohaha, RJL, MDModder, MADster, Flemming V, davidzoli, AlexeyP, Pendragon, MrCapital etc! Only for standard trucks in game.

  • 23 Sep 23:11

    Signs on your Truck v1.0.97.01 by Tobrago [1.32.x]

    (New update 22.09.2018)

    Updated trial version was released (
    - Added country codes and flag countries (Moldova, Botswana, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan)
    - Added 336-1230 Methanol, 30-1170, 33-1170 Ethanol
    - Enough is done on icons in accessories
    - Added Eco Signs for France (Crit Air, Crit Air1, Crit Air2, Crit Air3, Crit Air4 and Crit Air5 like stickers in the cabin)
    - Corrected to texture resolution
    - Reduced size mod
    - Modified directory structure in mod

    The mod is represented by over 368 signs marking trucks in different categories country codes,
    speed limit, warning, ecology warning and others.

    Only for standard trucks in game.

    Signs: 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / E / E (yellow) / EEV / G / H / H (yellow) / IV / L / S / U / III /
    V / VI / R (yellow) / TIR / No TIR / T.I.R. / No T.I.R. etc.
    These signs are located at the front of the truck cabin.
    E = (Environment) or white letter "U" (Umwelt), denoting vehicle with a Euro-1 engine.

    EEV = Enhanced environmentally friendly vehicle (emission category between V and VI) is a term used in the European emission standards for the definition of a "clean vehicle" > 3.5 tonne in the category M2 and M3. The standard lies between the levels of Euro V and Euro VI.

    G = denoting Gerauscharm Fahrzeug (ie noiseless/quiet vehicle): German version of the Austrian "L" plate for use only on diesel vehicles meeting German low-noise requirements - similar to those for Austria as above.

    L = denoting Larmarm Fahrzeug (ie low noise vehicle): Austrian version of the symbol for quiet diesel vehicle which are:
    - small and medium-sized lorries of no more than 150KW producing noise levels no greater than 78dB.
    - heavy lorries exceeding 150KW with noise levels no greater than 80dB.

    S = (Sicher/safe) denoting a vehicle with a Euro-2 engine and safety features.

    3 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-3 engine and safety features.

    4 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-4 engine and safety features.

    5 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-5 engine and safety features.

    6 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-6 engine and safety features.

    A = required in Germany on all vehicles carrying waste.

    R (yellow) = The truck has route approval, for ex. heavy transport. (used in Austria).

    H (yellow) = The truck has higher gross vehicle weight, for ex. heavy transport. (used in Austria).

    E (yellow) = The truck has restricted gross vehicle weight. Tax benefits for it. (used in Austria).

    III - VI = European emission standards III-VI for HGVs (> 3.5 tonne). ADR signs: ADR / 22-1951 Argon Refrigerated Liquid / 22-1977 Liquid Nitrogen / 22-2187 Carbon Dioxide Refrigerated Liquid / 23-1965 Liquefied Petroleum Gas LPG / 23-1971 Methane Compressed or Natural Gas Compresed With High Methane Content / 30-1202 Diesel / 30-1223 Kerosene / 30-1267 Crude Oil / 30-1300 Turpentine Substitute / 30-1863 Fuel Aviation Turbine Engine / 30-1999 Tars Liquid Including Road Oils And Cutback Bitumens / 33-1090 Acetone / 33-1203 Gasoline / 33-1219 Isopropanol (Isopropyl Alcohol) / 44-2448 Sulphur Molten / 80-1824 Sodium Hydroxide Solution / 80-1830 Sulphuric Acid / 80-2796 Sulphuric Acid (with Not More Than 51% Acid) / 86-2809 Mercury / 225-1073 Oxygen Refrigerated Liquid / 225-2201 Nitrous Oxide / 90-3082 Environmentally Hazardous Substance Liquid / Dangerous For The Environment / Flammable Materials / Flammable Materials 2 / Flammable Materials 3 / Flammable Solid Miscellaneous Goods Hazard Class 9 Material / Radioactive 1 / Radioactive 2 / Radioactive 3 / 30-1866 Resin Solution Flammable / 33-1866 Resin Solution Flammable / 30-1307 Xylenes / 33-1307 Xylenes / Infectious Material / Toxic Gases / Toxic Material / Corrosive Material / 99-3257 Elevated Temperature Liquid N.O.S. etc. These signs are located at the front of the truck cabin.

    For more information about ADR.

    Speed limit signs: 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 / 80 / 90 / 100 / 110 / 120. The combination of red white and yellow red with black numbers and white background with black numbers. These signs are located at the rear of the truck cabin.

    Country symbols: Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia and Hherzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Rrepublic, Denmark, Ex Yugoslavia, Ex East Germany, Ex Soviet Union, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Island, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom etc. These signs are placed at the front and at the rear of the truck cabin.

    -MAN TGX
    -VOLVO FH 16 2009 * VOLVO FH 16 2012

    Ohaha, RJL, MDModder, Flemming V, davidzoli, AlexeyP, Pendragon, MrCapital etc!


  • 09 Sep 23:42


    (New update 09.09.2018)

    New changelog v: -> v:
    - An updated trial version was released for 1.32 game version.

    The mod is represented by over 368 signs marking trucks in different categories country codes,
    speed limit, warning, ecology warning and others.

    Only for standard trucks in game.

    Signs: 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / E / E (yellow) / EEV / G / H / H (yellow) / IV / L / S / U / III / V /
    VI / R (yellow) / TIR / No TIR / T.I.R. / No T.I.R. etc.
    These signs are located at the front of the truck cabin.
    E = (Environment) or white letter "U" (Umwelt), denoting vehicle with a Euro-1 engine.
    EEV = Enhanced environmentally friendly vehicle (emission category between V and VI) is a
    term used in the European emission standards for the definition of a "clean vehicle" > 3.5 tonne
    in the category M2 and M3. The standard lies between the levels of Euro V and Euro VI.
    G = denoting Gerauscharm Fahrzeug (ie noiseless/quiet vehicle): German version of the Austrian "L"
    plate for use only on diesel vehicles meeting German low-noise requirements - similar to those for Austria as above.
    L = denoting Larmarm Fahrzeug (ie low noise vehicle): Austrian version of the symbol for quiet diesel
    vehicle which are:- small and medium-sized lorries of no more than 150KW producing noise
    levels no greater than 78dB.- heavy lorries exceeding 150KW with noise levels no greater than 80dB.
    S = (Sicher/safe) denoting a vehicle with a Euro-2 engine and safety features.
    3 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-3 engine and safety features.
    4 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-4 engine and safety features.
    5 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-5 engine and safety features.
    6 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-6 engine and safety features.
    A = required in Germany on all vehicles carrying waste.
    R (yellow) = The truck has route approval, for ex. heavy transport. (used in Austria).
    H (yellow) = The truck has higher gross vehicle weight, for ex. heavy transport. (used in Austria).
    E (yellow) = The truck has restricted gross vehicle weight. Tax benefits for it. (used in Austria).
    III - VI = European emission standards III-VI for HGVs (> 3.5 tonne).

    ADR signs: ADR / 22-1951 Argon Refrigerated Liquid / 22-1977 Liquid Nitrogen / 22-2187 Carbon Dioxide
    Refrigerated Liquid / 23-1965 Liquefied Petroleum Gas LPG / 23-1971 Methane Compressed or Natural Gas
    Compresed With High Methane Content / 30-1202 Diesel / 30-1223 Kerosene / 30-1267 Crude Oil / 30-1300
    Turpentine Substitute / 30-1863 Fuel Aviation Turbine Engine / 30-1999 Tars Liquid Including Road Oils
    And Cutback Bitumens / 33-1090 Acetone / 33-1203 Gasoline / 33-1219 Isopropanol (Isopropyl Alcohol) /
    44-2448 Sulphur Molten / 80-1824 Sodium Hydroxide Solution / 80-1830 Sulphuric Acid / 80-2796
    Sulphuric Acid (with Not More Than 51% Acid) / 86-2809 Mercury / 225-1073 Oxygen Refrigerated
    Liquid / 225-2201 Nitrous Oxide / 90-3082 Environmentally Hazardous Substance Liquid / Dangerous
    For The Environment / Flammable Materials / Flammable Materials 2 / Flammable Materials 3 /
    Flammable Solid Miscellaneous Goods Hazard Class 9 Material / Radioactive 1 / Radioactive 2 /
    Radioactive 3 / 30-1866 Resin Solution Flammable / 33-1866 Resin Solution Flammable / 30-1307
    Xylenes / 33-1307 Xylenes / Infectious Material / Toxic Gases / Toxic Material / Corrosive Material /
    99-3257 Elevated Temperature Liquid N.O.S. etc. These signs are located at the front of the truck cabin.
    For more information about ADR.

    Speed limit signs:
    30 / 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 / 80 / 90 / 100 / 110 / 120.
    The combination of red white and yellow red with black numbers and white background with black numbers.
    These signs are located at the rear of the truck cabin.

    Country symbols: Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia and Hherzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia,
    Cyprus, Czech Rrepublic, Denmark, Ex Yugoslavia, Ex East Germany, Ex Soviet Union, Estonia,
    France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Island, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania,
    Luxembourg, Macedonia, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania,
    Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom etc.
    These signs are placed at the front and at the rear of the truck cabin.

    -MAN TGX
    -VOLVO FH 16 2009 * VOLVO FH 16 2012

    Ohaha, RJL, MDModder, Flemming V, davidzoli, AlexeyP, Pendragon, MrCapital etc!

  • 24 Jun 19:39

    Signs on your Truck v1.0.94.20 by Tobrago [1.31.x]

    (New update 24.06.2018)

    New changelog v:1.0.94 -> v:
    -Fixed a couple of mistakes
    -Corrected error on the Polish flag
    -Minor signs in LKW are added (3, 4, 5, 6, III, IV, V, VI E, EEV, G, H, L, R, S, U etc)
    -The position of the signs "front signs D" is moved to the Volvo FH16 2012 and Iveco Hiway
    -Correction *.sii file
    -Correction *.text file

    The mod is represented by over 368 signs marking trucks in different categories country codes,
    speed limit, warning, ecology warning and others.
    Only for standard trusks in game.
    Signs: 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / E / E (yellow) / EEV / G / H / H (yellow) / IV / L /
    S / U / III / V / VI / R (yellow) / TIR / No TIR / T.I.R. / No T.I.R. etc.
    These signs are located at the front of the truck cabin.
    E = (Environment) or white letter "U" (Umwelt), denoting vehicle with a Euro-1 engine.
    EEV = Enhanced environmentally friendly vehicle (emission category between V and VI)
    is a term used in the European emission standards for the definition of a "clean vehicle" > 3.5 tonne in the category M2 and M3.
    The standard lies between the levels of Euro V and Euro VI.
    G = denoting Gerauscharm Fahrzeug (ie noiseless/quiet vehicle): German version of the
    Austrian "L" plate for use only on diesel vehicles meeting German low-noise
    requirements - similar to those for Austria as above.
    L = denoting Larmarm Fahrzeug (ie low noise vehicle): Austrian version of the symbol for quiet diesel vehicle which are:
    - small and medium-sized lorries of no more than 150KW producing noise levels no greater than 78dB.
    - heavy lorries exceeding 150KW with noise levels no greater than 80dB.
    S = (Sicher/safe) denoting a vehicle with a Euro-2 engine and safety features.
    3 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-3 engine and safety features.
    4 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-4 engine and safety features.
    5 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-5 engine and safety features.
    6 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-6 engine and safety features.
    A = required in Germany on all vehicles carrying waste.
    R (yellow) = The truck has route approval, for ex. heavy transport. (used in Austria).
    H (yellow) = The truck has higher gross vehicle weight, for ex. heavy transport. (used in Austria).
    E (yellow) = The truck has restricted gross vehicle weight. Tax benefits for it. (used in Austria).
    III - VI = European emission standards III-VI for HGVs (> 3.5 tonne).
    ADR signs: ADR / 22-1951 Argon Refrigerated Liquid / 22-1977 Liquid Nitrogen / 22-2187 Carbon Dioxide
    Refrigerated Liquid / 23-1965 Liquefied Petroleum Gas LPG / 23-1971 Methane Compressed or
    Natural Gas Compresed With High Methane Content / 30-1202 Diesel / 30-1223 Kerosene / 30-1267
    Crude Oil / 30-1300 Turpentine Substitute / 30-1863 Fuel Aviation Turbine Engine / 30-1999 Tars
    Liquid Including Road Oils And Cutback Bitumens / 33-1090 Acetone / 33-1203 Gasoline / 33-1219
    Isopropanol (Isopropyl Alcohol) / 44-2448 Sulphur Molten / 80-1824 Sodium Hydroxide Solution /
    80-1830 Sulphuric Acid / 80-2796 Sulphuric Acid (with Not More Than 51% Acid) / 86-2809 Mercury
    / 225-1073 Oxygen Refrigerated Liquid / 225-2201 Nitrous Oxide / 90-3082 Environmentally Hazardous
    Substance Liquid / Dangerous For The Environment / Flammable Materials / Flammable Materials 2 /
    Flammable Materials 3 / Flammable Solid Miscellaneous Goods Hazard Class 9 Material / Radioactive 1
    / Radioactive 2 / Radioactive 3 / 30-1866 Resin Solution Flammable / 33-1866 Resin Solution Flammable
    / 30-1307 Xylenes / 33-1307 Xylenes / Infectious Material / Toxic Gases / Toxic Material /
    Corrosive Material / 99-3257 Elevated Temperature Liquid N.O.S. etc.
    These signs are located at the front of the truck cabin.
    For more information about ADR.
    Speed limit signs: 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 / 80 / 90 / 100 / 110 / 120.
    The combination of red white and yellow red with black numbers and white background with black numbers.
    These signs are located at the rear of the truck cabin.
    Country symbols: Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia and Hherzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia,
    Cyprus, Czech Rrepublic, Denmark, Ex Yugoslavia, Ex East Germany, Ex Soviet Union,
    Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Island, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein,
    Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal,
    Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom etc.
    These signs are placed at the front and at the rear of the truck cabin.
    -MAN TGX
    -VOLVO FH 16 2009 * VOLVO FH 16 2012

    Ohaha, RJL, MDModder, Flemming V, davidzoli, AlexeyP, Pendragon, MrCapital etc!

  • 16 Jun 20:09
    Version 1.0.94

    Signs on your Truck v1.0.94 by Tobrago [1.31.x]

    Signs on your Truck v1.0.94 by Tobrago (1.31.x) for Euro Truck Simulator 2 game.

    New Changes in v1.0.94:
    -Added two types of signs "Convoi Agricole"
    -Changed directory system
    -Correction *.sii file
    -Correction *.text file

    The mode is represented by over 350 signs marking trucks in different categories country codes,

    speed limit, warning, ecology warning and others. Only for standard trusks in game.

    Signs: 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / E / E (yellow) / EEV / G / H / H (yellow) / IV / L / S / U / III / V / VI / R (yellow)

    / TIR / No TIR / T.I.R. / No T.I.R. And many others. These signs are located at the front of the truck cabin.

    E = (Environment) or white letter "U" (Umwelt), denoting vehicle with a Euro-1 engine.

    EEV = Enhanced environmentally friendly vehicle (emission category between V and VI) is a term used

    in the European emission standards for the definition of a "clean vehicle" > 3.5 tonne in the category M2 and M3.

    The standard lies between the levels of Euro V and Euro VI.

    G = denoting Gerauscharm Fahrzeug (ie noiseless/quiet vehicle): German version of the Austrian "L"

    plate for use only on diesel vehicles meeting German low-noise requirements - similar to those for Austria as above.

    L = denoting Larmarm Fahrzeug (ie low noise vehicle): Austrian version of the symbol for quiet diesel vehicle which are:
    - small and medium-sized lorries of no more than 150KW producing noise levels no greater than 78dB.
    - heavy lorries exceeding 150KW with noise levels no greater than 80dB.

    S = (Sicher/safe) denoting a vehicle with a Euro-2 engine and safety features.

    3 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-3 engine and safety features.

    4 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-4 engine and safety features.

    5 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-5 engine and safety features.

    6 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-6 engine and safety features.

    A = required in Germany on all vehicles carrying waste.

    R (yellow) = The truck has route approval, for ex. heavy transport. (used in Austria).

    H (yellow) = The truck has higher gross vehicle weight, for ex. heavy transport. (used in Austria).

    E (yellow) = The truck has restricted gross vehicle weight. Tax benefits for it. (used in Austria).

    III - VI = European emission standards III-VI for HGVs (> 3.5 tonne)

    ADR signs: ADR / 22-1951 Argon Refrigerated Liquid / 22-1977 Liquid Nitrogen / 22-2187 Carbon Dioxide Refrigerated Liquid

    / 23-1965 Liquefied Petroleum Gas LPG / 23-1971 Methane Compressed or Natural Gas Compresed With

    High Methane Content / 30-1202 Diesel / 30-1223 Kerosene / 30-1267 Crude Oil / 30-1300 Turpentine Substitute

    / 30-1863 Fuel Aviation Turbine Engine / 30-1999 Tars Liquid Including Road Oils And Cutback Bitumens / 33-1090 Acetone

    / 33-1203 Gasoline / 33-1219 Isopropanol (Isopropyl Alcohol) / 44-2448 Sulphur Molten / 80-1824 Sodium Hydroxide Solution

    / 80-1830 Sulphuric Acid / 80-2796 Sulphuric Acid (with Not More Than 51% Acid) / 86-2809 Mercury / 225-1073 Oxygen

    Refrigerated Liquid / 225-2201 Nitrous Oxide / 90-3082 Environmentally Hazardous Substance Liquid / Dangerous For

    The Environment / Flammable Materials / Flammable Materials 2 / Flammable Materials 3 / Flammable Solid Miscellaneous

    Goods Hazard Class 9 Material / Radioactive 1 / Radioactive 2 / Radioactive 3 / 30-1866 Resin Solution Flammable /

    33-1866 Resin Solution Flammable / 30-1307 Xylenes / 33-1307 Xylenes / Infectious Material / Toxic Gases /

    Toxic Material / Corrosive Material / 99-3257 Elevated Temperature Liquid N.O.S. And many others.

    These signs are located at the front of the truck cabin.

    For more information about ADR.[]

    Speed limit signs: 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 / 80 / 90 / 100 / 110 / 120.

    The combination of red white and yellow red with black numbers and white background with black numbers.

    These signs are located at the rear of the truck cabin.

    Country symbols: Austria / Belarus / Belgium / Bosnia and Hherzegovina / Brazil / Bulgaria /

    Croatia / Cyprus / Czech Rrepublic / Denmark / Ex Yugoslavia / Estonia / Finland / France / Germany

    / Greece / Hungary / Island / Ireland / Italy / Latvia / Liechtenstein / Lithuania / Luxembourg / Macedonia

    / Montenegro / Netherlands / Norway / Poland / Portugal / Romania / Russia / Scotland / Serbia /

    Slovakia / Slovenia / Spain / Sweden / Switzerland / Turkey / Ukraine / United Kingdom.

    And many others. These signs are placed at the front and at the rear of the truck cabin.

    -MAN TGX
    -VOLVO FH 16 2009 * VOLVO FH 16 2012


    Ohaha, RJL, MDModder, Flemming V, davidzoli, AlexeyP, Pendragon, MrCapital etc!

    Known issues:
    -Some parts might produce a visible collision with each other.

    You need to choose their correct combination yourself.

  • 06 May 20:52
    Version (upd. 05.05.18)

    Only for standard trusks in game.
    Signs: 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / E / E (yellow) / EEV / G / H / H (yellow) / IV / L / S / U / III / V / VI / R (yellow) / TIR / No TIR / T.I.R. / No T.I.R. etc. These signs are located at the front of the truck cabin.

    E = (Environment) or white letter "U" (Umwelt), denoting vehicle with a Euro-1 engine.
    EEV = Enhanced environmentally friendly vehicle (emission category between V and VI) is a term used in the European emission standards for the definition of a "clean vehicle" > 3.5 tonne in the category M2 and M3. The standard lies between the levels of Euro V and Euro VI.
    G = denoting Gerauscharm Fahrzeug (ie noiseless/quiet vehicle): German version of the Austrian "L" plate for use only on diesel vehicles meeting German low-noise requirements - similar to those for Austria as above.
    L = denoting Larmarm Fahrzeug (ie low noise vehicle): Austrian version of the symbol for quiet diesel vehicle which are:
    - small and medium-sized lorries of no more than 150KW producing noise levels no greater than 78dB.
    - heavy lorries exceeding 150KW with noise levels no greater than 80dB.
    S = (Sicher/safe) denoting a vehicle with a Euro-2 engine and safety features.
    3 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-3 engine and safety features.
    4 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-4 engine and safety features.
    5 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-5 engine and safety features.
    6 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-6 engine and safety features.
    A = required in Germany on all vehicles carrying waste.
    R (yellow) = The truck has route approval, for ex. heavy transport. (used in Austria).
    H (yellow) = The truck has higher gross vehicle weight, for ex. heavy transport. (used in Austria).
    E (yellow) = The truck has restricted gross vehicle weight. Tax benefits for it. (used in Austria).
    III - VI = European emission standards III-VI for HGVs (> 3.5 tonne).

    ADR signs: ADR / 22-1951 Argon Refrigerated Liquid / 22-1977 Liquid Nitrogen / 22-2187 Carbon Dioxide Refrigerated Liquid / 23-1965 Liquefied Petroleum Gas LPG / 23-1971 Methane Compressed or Natural Gas Compresed With High Methane Content / 30-1202 Diesel / 30-1223 Kerosene / 30-1267 Crude Oil / 30-1300 Turpentine Substitute / 30-1863 Fuel Aviation Turbine Engine / 30-1999 Tars Liquid Including Road Oils And Cutback Bitumens / 33-1090 Acetone / 33-1203 Gasoline / 33-1219 Isopropanol (Isopropyl Alcohol) / 44-2448 Sulphur Molten / 80-1824 Sodium Hydroxide Solution / 80-1830 Sulphuric Acid / 80-2796 Sulphuric Acid (with Not More Than 51% Acid) / 86-2809 Mercury / 225-1073 Oxygen Refrigerated Liquid / 225-2201 Nitrous Oxide / 90-3082 Environmentally Hazardous Substance Liquid / Dangerous For The Environment / Flammable Materials / Flammable Materials 2 / Flammable Materials 3 / Flammable Solid Miscellaneous Goods Hazard Class 9 Material / Radioactive 1 / Radioactive 2 / Radioactive 3 / 30-1866 Resin Solution Flammable / 33-1866 Resin Solution Flammable / 30-1307 Xylenes / 33-1307 Xylenes / Infectious Material / Toxic Gases / Toxic Material / Corrosive Material / 99-3257 Elevated Temperature Liquid N.O.S. etc. These signs are located at the front of the truck cabin.

    For more information about ADR.
    Speed limit signs: 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 / 80 / 90 / 100 / 110 / 120. The combination of red white and yellow red with black numbers and white background with black numbers. These signs are located at the rear of the truck cabin.
    Country symbols: Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia and Hherzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Rrepublic, Denmark, Ex Yugoslavia, Ex East Germany, Ex Soviet Union, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Island, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom etc. These signs are placed at the front and at the rear of the truck cabin.

  • 11 Mar 21:58
    Version 1.0.92

    The new update is available version 1.0.92

    Changelog v1.0.91.03 -> v1.0.92:
    Added signs for new Scania R & S
    Added signs for the UK right overtake
    Added glass stickers to:
    Volvo FH 16 2012 & 2009, Daf XF 105 & XF Euro6, Iveco HiWay & Stralis, Man, Mercedes Actros 2009 & 2014
    Correction of slot positions at Volvo FH 16 2009 truck
    Added flags for England, Scotland and Wales
    Changed position of the front sign "D" on new Scania
    Changed position of the front sign "C" on new Scania
    The corrected error in the Skania R Cab chassis problem was with the sideskirts
    Fixed trailer coupling with Daf XF 105 truck
    A little shine is reduced on signs

  • 11 Dec 21:49

    Signs on your Truck v1.0.91.02 [11.12.2017]

    Mod adds more than 341 marking marks to trucks in various categories of country codes, speed limits, warnings, environmental warnings and others.
    Only for default trucks
    - Added signs for the new Scania R & S 2016;
    - Added signs for the right side of the overtaking;
    - Added stickers on the windshield for trucks Volvo FH 16 2012 and DAF XF 105;
    - Correction of the position of the slots on the truck Volvo FH 16 2009;
    - Added flags of England, Scotland and Wales;

  • 09 Dec 19:02

    The mod is represented by over 341 signs marking trucks in different categories country codes, speed limit, warning, ecology warning and others.
    - Added signs for new Scania R & S
    - Added signs for the right overtake
    - Added glass stickers to Volvo FH 16 2012 and Daf XF 105 trucks
    - Correction of slot positions at Volvo FH 16 2009 truck
    - Added flags for England, Scotland and Wales
    - Correction sii file
    - Correction text file

  • 11 Sep 23:11

    The new update is available version
    Changelog v1.0.89.0 -> v1.0.90.7:
    - Added 80-1789 Hydrochloric Acid
    - Added another place for 'C1' locator on Volvo FH 2009
    - Added another place for 'C1' locator on Volvo FH 16 2009
    - Added another place for 'B1' locator on Volvo FH 2009
    - Added sign 'TUNG LAST'
    - Correction of 'D' locator position in DAF XF 105
    - Correction of rear signs at chassis 8x4 (Mercedes, Scania, Volvo)
    - Added speed limit. A combination of white background with black numbers
    Special thanks: 50keda

  • 29 Aug 18:36

    The new update is available version

    Changelog v1.0.87.5 -> v1.0.89.0:
    – Compatible with the new version of the game
    – Correction of the “A” position of the signs at Volvo FH16 2012
    – Added sign “Veiculo Longo” in Portuguese two variants of the sign
    – DAF XF 105 corrected light
    – Added the new position of the “C” sign at Volvo FH16 2012
    – The following signs in the mirror are added: Abnormal Transport, Convoi Exceptionnel,
    Vangabaritni Prevoz (Cyrillic), Vangabaritni Prevoz (Latinica), Vangabaritni Transport
    (Cyrillic), Vangabaritni Transport (Latinica), Exceptional Transport,
    Transporto Exceptionnel, Trasporto Eccezionale, Tulmeretes Szallitmany, Veiculo Longo,
    Uitzonderlijk Vervoer
    – Corrected error with the Austrian flag


  • 07 Jun 12:48

    Changelog v1.0.86.8 --> v1.0.87.5:
    - Add signs STGO Cat1, STGO Cat2 & STGO Cat3
    - Add signs Tulmeretes Szallitmany (Hungarian)
    - Add signs Uzun Arac (Turkey)
    - Add signs at all 8x4 chassis
    - Changed location of the front of sign 'C' at Scania Rcab 2009 & Streamline
    - Added two signs country code at the Volvo FH 16 2012 under the rear tail lamps,
    on the right side
    - Removed signs of Long Loads and Road & Train
    - Correction size for all signs
    - Correction sii file
    - Correction text file
    The mod is represented by over 299 signs marking trucks in different categories country codes, speed limit, warning, ecology warning and others. Only for standard trusks in game.
    Signs: 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / E / E (yellow) / EEV / G / H / H (yellow) / IV / L / S / U / III / V / VI / R (yellow) / TIR / No TIR / T.I.R. / No T.I.R. etc. These signs are located at the front of the truck cabin.
    E = (Environment) or white letter "U" (Umwelt), denoting vehicle with a Euro-1 engine.
    EEV = Enhanced environmentally friendly vehicle (emission category between V and VI) is a term used in the European emission standards for the definition of a "clean vehicle" > 3.5 tonne in the category M2 and M3. The standard lies between the levels of Euro V and Euro VI.
    G = denoting Gerauscharm Fahrzeug (ie noiseless/quiet vehicle): German version of the Austrian "L" plate for use only on diesel vehicles meeting German low-noise requirements - similar to those for Austria as above.
    L = denoting Larmarm Fahrzeug (ie low noise vehicle): Austrian version of the symbol for quiet diesel vehicle which are:
    - small and medium-sized lorries of no more than 150KW producing noise levels no greater than 78dB.
    - heavy lorries exceeding 150KW with noise levels no greater than 80dB.
    S = (Sicher/safe) denoting a vehicle with a Euro-2 engine and safety features.
    3 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-3 engine and safety features.
    4 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-4 engine and safety features.
    5 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-5 engine and safety features.
    6 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-6 engine and safety features.
    A = required in Germany on all vehicles carrying waste.
    R (yellow) = The truck has route approval, for ex. heavy transport. (used in Austria).
    H (yellow) = The truck has higher gross vehicle weight, for ex. heavy transport. (used in Austria).
    E (yellow) = The truck has restricted gross vehicle weight. Tax benefits for it. (used in Austria).
    III - VI = European emission standards III-VI for HGVs (> 3.5 tonne).
    ADR signs: ADR / 22-1951 Argon Refrigerated Liquid / 22-1977 Liquid Nitrogen / 22-2187 Carbon Dioxide Refrigerated Liquid / 23-1965 Liquefied Petroleum Gas LPG / 23-1971 Methane Compressed or Natural Gas Compresed With High Methane Content / 30-1202 Diesel / 30-1223 Kerosene / 30-1267 Crude Oil / 30-1300 Turpentine Substitute / 30-1863 Fuel Aviation Turbine Engine / 30-1999 Tars Liquid Including Road Oils And Cutback Bitumens / 33-1090 Acetone / 33-1203 Gasoline / 33-1219 Isopropanol (Isopropyl Alcohol) / 44-2448 Sulphur Molten / 80-1824 Sodium Hydroxide Solution / 80-1830 Sulphuric Acid / 80-2796 Sulphuric Acid (with Not More Than 51% Acid) / 86-2809 Mercury / 225-1073 Oxygen Refrigerated Liquid / 225-2201 Nitrous Oxide / 90-3082 Environmentally Hazardous Substance Liquid / Dangerous For The Environment / Flammable Materials / Flammable Materials 2 / Flammable Materials 3 / Flammable Solid Miscellaneous Goods Hazard Class 9 Material / Radioactive 1 / Radioactive 2 / Radioactive 3 / 30-1866 Resin Solution Flammable / 33-1866 Resin Solution Flammable / 30-1307 Xylenes / 33-1307 Xylenes / Infectious Material / Toxic Gases / Toxic Material / Corrosive Material / 99-3257 Elevated Temperature Liquid N.O.S. etc. These signs are located at the front of the truck cabin.
    For more information about ADR.
    Speed limit signs: 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 / 80 / 90 / 100 / 110 / 120. The combination of red white and yellow red. These signs are located at the rear of the truck cabin.
    Country symbols: Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia and Hherzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Rrepublic, Denmark, Ex Yugoslavia, Ex East Germany, Ex Soviet Union, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Island, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom etc. These signs are placed at the front and at the rear of the truck cabin.

  • 04 May 12:31

    This mod adds signs of noise, speed limits etc ... for all default models !
    List of changes in
    ? Added signs - signs: 22-1963, 23-1049, 30-1268, 30-1993, 30-3256, 30-3295, 33-1268,
    33-1863, 33-1993, 33-3295, 33-3475, 33-1208
    ? Corrections to sii and text files
    Tested 1.27.x

  • 22 Apr 20:58

    Greeat Signs Pack for Trucks v1.0.85.6 for Ets2 1.27 game version
    (Updated 22.04.2017)

    New version
    - Added National flags: Finland, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania
    - Added descriptions in other languages countries
    - Correction sii file
    - Correction text file

    The mode is represented by over 295 signs marking trucks.

    Signs: 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / E / E (yellow) / EEV / G / H / H (yellow) / IV / L / S /
    U / III / V / VI / R (yellow) / TIR / No TIR / T.I.R. / No T.I.R. And many others.
    These signs are located at the front of the truck cabin.
    E = (Environment) or white letter "U" (Umwelt), denoting vehicle with a Euro-1 engine.
    EEV = Enhanced environmentally friendly vehicle (emission category between V and VI)
    is a term used in the European emission standards for the definition of a
    "clean vehicle" > 3.5 tonne in the category M2 and M3.
    The standard lies between the levels of Euro V and Euro VI.
    G = denoting Gerauscharm Fahrzeug (ie noiseless/quiet vehicle): German version of the
    Austrian "L" plate for use only on diesel vehicles meeting German low-noise
    requirements - similar to those for Austria as above.
    L = denoting Larmarm Fahrzeug (ie low noise vehicle): Austrian version of the symbol for quiet diesel vehicle which are:
    - small and medium-sized lorries of no more than 150KW producing noise levels no greater than 78dB.
    - heavy lorries exceeding 150KW with noise levels no greater than 80dB.
    S = (Sicher/safe) denoting a vehicle with a Euro-2 engine and safety features.
    3 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-3 engine and safety features.
    4 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-4 engine and safety features.
    5 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-5 engine and safety features.
    6 = denoting a vehicle with a Euro-6 engine and safety features.
    A = required in Germany on all vehicles carrying waste.
    R (yellow) = The truck has route approval, for ex. heavy transport. (used in Austria).
    H (yellow) = The truck has higher gross vehicle weight, for ex. heavy transport. (used in Austria).
    E (yellow) = The truck has restricted gross vehicle weight. Tax benefits for it. (used in Austria).
    III - VI = European emission standards III-VI for HGVs (> 3.5 tonne).
    ADR signs: ADR / 22-1951 Argon Refrigerated Liquid / 22-1977 Liquid Nitrogen /
    22-2187 Carbon Dioxide Refrigerated Liquid / 23-1965 Liquefied Petroleum Gas LPG
    / 23-1971 Methane Compressed or Natural Gas Compresed With High Methane Content
    / 30-1202 Diesel / 30-1223 Kerosene / 30-1267 Crude Oil / 30-1300 Turpentine Substitute
    / 30-1863 Fuel Aviation Turbine Engine / 30-1999 Tars Liquid Including Road Oils And Cutback
    Bitumens / 33-1090 Acetone / 33-1203 Gasoline / 33-1219 Isopropanol (Isopropyl Alcohol)
    / 44-2448 Sulphur Molten / 80-1824 Sodium Hydroxide Solution / 80-1830 Sulphuric Acid /
    80-2796 Sulphuric Acid (with Not More Than 51% Acid) / 86-2809 Mercury / 225-1073
    Oxygen Refrigerated Liquid / 225-2201 Nitrous Oxide / 90-3082 Environmentally
    Hazardous Substance Liquid / Dangerous For The Environment / Flammable Materials /
    Flammable Materials 2 / Flammable Materials 3 / Flammable Solid Miscellaneous Goods
    Hazard Class 9 Material / Radioactive 1 / Radioactive 2 / Radioactive 3 / 30-1866 Resin
    Solution Flammable / 33-1866 Resin Solution Flammable / 30-1307 Xylenes / 33-1307
    Xylenes / Infectious Material / Toxic Gases / Toxic Material / Corrosive Material / 99-3257
    Elevated Temperature Liquid N.O.S. And many others.
    These signs are located at the front of the truck cabin.

    For more information about ADR.

    Speed limit signs: 30 / 40 / 50 / 60 / 70 / 80 / 90 / 100 / 110 / 120.
    The combination of red white and yellow red.
    These signs are located at the rear of the truck cabin.

    Country symbols: Austria / Belarus / Belgium / Bosnia and Hherzegovina / Bulgaria /
    Croatia / Cyprus / Czech Rrepublic / Denmark / Ex Yugoslavia / Estonia / France /
    Germany / Greece / Hungary / Island / Ireland / Italy / Latvia / Liechtenstein / Lithuania /
    Luxembourg / Macedonia / Montenegro / Netherlands / Norway / Poland / Portugal / Romania /
    Russia / Serbia / Slovenia / Spain / Switzerland / Turkey / United Kingdom.
    These symbols are located at the rear of the truck cabin.

    Not for trucks RJL and OHAHA.

  • 23 Feb 02:02
    Version 1.0.7

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23.02 2017
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1 Comments for Plaques and signage for trucks

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  1. Rennsy 23. 02 2017

    Thanks for this Mod, where can I mount it on the Truck?
