PHYSICS FOR UPDATED VERSION 2.0 VERSION 1.6.1 and 2.1 for patch
With the following I present a new version of the physics completely renovated. " Step straight to 2.0, because the systems completely
have renewed and has not been updates to the previous, compatible with almost all chassis lowered Who's the Truck Store
be warned, it will take care. " MOD WARNING The two were slightly revised version of the MEGA STORE WITH FLAT CHASSIS it should not be a problem
The jobs are:
You-Modify the complete cab
- Change the complete suspension front and rear, trailer
- Complete change of clutch transmission system operators and their parameters
- Decreased easy steering response at high speeds
- Slightly increases the
Braking system with relative decrease in the efficiency of continuous use of the brake
- Increased pressure turbo compressor have more traction Kyto
Credits: Kyto
Download Link Version 2.0 for 1.6.1 + version 2.1 for 1.7.
27 Oct 20:57Version 2.1
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