About passenger traffic!
These passenger transportation activate stops and bus stations in cities. One station to the city. Now you can completely plunge into the atmosphere of passenger traffic in ETS. In order for transportation to become available, you need to purchase a special so-called “invisible trailer” available at the dealer. The role of cargo is passengers, in the role of companies – a network of stops and bus stations. Selecting the appropriate trailer, go to the station to receive the first flight.
1) Intercity. This trailer (mode) gives us the opportunity to transport passengers for small distances. All distances are cut off here. Orders will be generated to 350km. Thus, orders are formed from the city of the departure, the city nearest from it. The number of outgoing orders is formed from 8 to 10 options.
It remains only to make a flight – the beginning and end of the route, and follow to the final point, through the passing cities, transporting passengers from the city to the city. Everything is like in life. Typical intercity route.
2) Tourist. With this mode – on the contrary. It cuts off the near distances. This is a direct route from the point A to the point B with a large distance. (From 500 km and above without limitation). All by classic.
The mod was tested on an ETS 2 default map.
The work with Rusmap, The Great Steppe, Volgomap, Sibirmap 2.0, South region was also checked.
Fashion cards, such as Promods and other which change the default card, strong conflicts are possible.
1) Passenger_Transportation_base.
2) Passengers_Europe_1.41 – a module of the default map + DLC.
With the participation of other cards – priority to put below the cards.
It is necessary for all DLC card parts.
So far, only Europe is activated!
Modell: SovTransBus
Textur: SovTransBus
Idee / Konzept: SovTransBus
Sonstige: SovTransBus
25 Dec 06:46Version 1.49
Passenger Transportation v1.49
Mod activates bus stations in cities
Archive also has detailed instructions for connecting and using
Base mod updated for v1.49Credits:
SovTransBus -
25 Dec 01:02Version 1.2 für 1.46
Passenger Transportation v1.2 [1.46]
These passenger transportation activates stops and bus stations in cities. One station for the city. Now you can completely plunge into the atmosphere of passenger transportation in ETS.
In order for transportation to become affordable, you need to purchase a special so called “invisible trailer” available from the dealer. The role of Kargo is passengers, in the role of companies – a network of stops and bus stations. Having selected the appropriate trailer, go to the station to get the first flight.
Intercity. This trailer (mode) gives us the opportunity to transport passengers over small distances.
All long distances are cut off here. Orders will be generated up to 350 km. Thus, orders are formed from the city of departure, in the cities closest from it. The number of outgoing orders is formed from 8 to 10 options. It remains only to draw up a flight – the beginning and end of the route, and follow to the final point through passing cities, transporting passengers from city to city. Everything is like in life. A typical intercity route.
Tourist. With this regime – on the contrary. He cuts off the near distances. This is a direct route from point A to point B with a large distance. (From 500 km and higher without restriction). All according to the classics.There are several modules in the archive for use in different games of the game.
Methods of connection:
There are all DLC cards
Passenger Transportation Base
Passengers iberia 1.46
Passengers Europe 1.46There is no DLC iberia
Passenger Transportation Base
Passengers Europe 1.46There are all DLCs or at least one of the earlier DLCs
Passenger Transportation Base
Passengers Europe 1.46 No DLCThe archive also has detailed instructions for connecting and using.
Restored 35 cities
Updated Austria
New module for DLC iberia
Fixed problems with updating navigation during loadingFor the version of the game 1.46
04 Feb 10:30Version 1.2
Passenger Transportation v1.2 [1.43]
Update for 1.43:
Restarted by the Riga sector
Lyon (France) is temporarily excluded
New territories in the EUROPA 1.43 module – United Kingdom, Finland, Romania, Bulgaria, Turkey.
The new module “europe_no_dlc 1.43” (for those who do not have at least one DLC – choose this module)About passenger traffic!
These passenger traffic activist stops and bus stations in cities. One station to the city. Now you can completely plunge into the atmosphere of passenger traffic in ETS. In order for transportation to become available, you need to purchase a special so-called “invisible trailer” available at the dealer. The role of cargo is passengers, in the role of companies – a network of stops and bus stations. Selecting the appropriate trailer, go to the station to receive the first flight.Trailers:
1) Intercity. This trailer (mode) gives us the opportunity to carry passengers for small distances. All long distances are cut off here. Orders will be generated to 350km. Thus, orders are formed from the city of the departure, to the city nearest from him. The number of outgoing orders is formed from 8 to 10 options.
It remains only to make a flight – the beginning and end of the route, and follow to the final point, through passing cities, transporting passengers from the city to the city. Everything is like in life. Typical intercity route.
2) Tourist. With this mode – on the contrary. It cuts off the near distances. This is a direct route from the point A to the point B with a large distance. (From 500 km and above without limitation). All in classics.The work of “Passenger Transportation” on fashion maps is carried out only with the support of the authors of this card. (Directly by installing authors of auto station networks on their map that will support this mod)
Fashion cards that change the default card, strong conflicts are possible !!!
1) passenger_transportation_base (priority to put higher cards and modules)Modules originally cards:
1) Passengers_Europe_1.43 – the module of the default card + DLC.
(You need to have all DLC parts of cards, Full) with the participation of other cards – the priority of the module is set below.
2) passengers_europe_no_dlc_1.43 – Mold Module without DLC parts cards.
(For those who do not have at least one DLC part of the cards – choose this module)Connection methods at 1.43:
Passengers Europe 1.43.2)
Passengers Europe 1.43 No DLC3)
—- Fashion cards ——-
Passengers Europe 1.43.Note:
Modules that were presented in version 1.41 – (“rusmap_2.4.2”, “srmap_10.5”, “great_steppe_2.0”, “volgamap_1.2”, “szm_addon_2.4”, “sibirmap_2.1.2”) – lost its strength Adaptation is not possible. Any mod card can independently adapt, enable “Passenger Transportation” support.The authors do not have the opportunity to test every route for its performance, test the world, about possible problems, departures – to report the author with a margin of the route – the city of departure, the city of arrival and the departure area. For further corrections.
SovTransBus -
25 Aug 17:50Version 1.1
Passenger Transportation v1.1 [1.41.x]
Changes in 1.1.
Base bug fixes
New Modules for Rusmap, Great Steppe, Southern Region, Volgamap, SZM Addon.
About passenger traffic!
These passenger transportation activate stops and bus stations in cities. One station to the city. Now you can completely plunge into the atmosphere of passenger traffic in ETS. In order for transportation to become available, you need to purchase a special so-called "invisible trailer" available at the dealer. The role of cargo is passengers, in the role of companies - a network of stops and bus stations. Selecting the appropriate trailer, go to the station to receive the first flight.
1) Intercity. This trailer (mode) gives us the opportunity to transport passengers for small distances. All distances are cut off here. Orders will be generated to 350km. Thus, orders are formed from the city of the departure, the city nearest from it. The number of outgoing orders is formed from 8 to 10 options.
It remains only to make a flight - the beginning and end of the route, and follow to the final point, through the passing cities, transporting passengers from the city to the city. Everything is like in life. Typical intercity route.
2) Tourist. With this mode - on the contrary. It cuts off the near distances. This is a direct route from the point A to the point B with a large distance. (From 500 km and above without limitation). All by classic.
The mod was tested on an ETS 2 default card.
The work with Rusmap, The Great Steppe, Volgomap, Sibirmap 2.0, South region was also checked.
Fashion cards, such as Promods and other which change the default card, strong conflicts are possible.
1) Passenger_transportation_base - to put the above all maps and modules.
1) Passengers_Europe_1.41 - the module of the default card + DLC.
With the participation of other cards - to put priority below.
It is necessary for all DLC card parts.
2) passengers_rusmap_2.4.2 - (set above the file "rusmap-def_v2.4.2")
3) Passengers_Srmap_10.5 - (set above the file "Southern Region Map [Def and Map]")
4) Passengers_Great_Steppe_2.0 - (set above the "The Great Steppe - DEF" file)
5) passengers_volgamap_1.2 - (set above the file "volgamap_def")
6) passengers_szm_addon_2.4 - (set above the file "SZM Addon")
Example of a ligament of cards with passengers to 1.41:
Passengers SZM Addon 2.4
SZM Addon
Passengers Rusmap 2.4.2.
Passengers Volgamap 1.2.
Passengers Europe 1.41
So far, only Europe is activated!
Help the draft ruble:
Yoomoney: 41001679634706.
Your support is important for us!
27 Jul 20:50Version 1.0 überarbeitet
by mods80
ago about 2 years
by mods80
ago about 2 years
by mods80
ago about 2 years
by mods80
ago about 3 years
by mods80
ago about 3 years
by mods80
ago about 3 years
by mods80
ago about 3 years
by mods80
ago over 3 years
by mods80
ago over 3 years
by mods80
ago over 3 years
by mods80
ago over 3 years
2 Comments for Passenger Transportation [1.41]
Doesn't work...
Bought the Western Balkans DLC in order to have ALL map DLCs, the base mod was set to the top, under that the Iberia module and below the Europe module (no other mods are active). The game crashes when loading the profile and closes!
A pity
Funktioniert nicht...
Extra noch das Westbalkan DLC gekauft um ALLE Map-DLCs zu besitzen, die Basemod nach oben gesetzt, darunter das Iberia-Modul und darunter das Europe-Modul (keine weiteren Mods sind aktiv). Das Spiel crasht beim Laden des Profils und schließt sich!
ich kann beim händler nicht den unsichtbaren anhänger kaufen klicke ich auf händler stürzt das
spiel ab einer eine idee?