V update 1.10.2 mod for Eurotruck Simulator 2

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Paintjob Packer is a lightweight mod making tool for Euro Truck Simulator 2 and American Truck Simulator. It allows you to generate simple paintjob mods, with a focus on mods that support multiple vehicles.

Version 1.3
Added save directory prompt
Moved cabin handling options from startup screens to dropdowns
Added support for FH Tuning Pack parts, and fixed some XF Tuning Pack parts

Support for player-owned trailers, including those from DLCs
Support for trucks using the newer accessory-based paintjob system, like the Scania S and MAN TGX Euro 6
Support for as many vehicles as you like in a single mod
Built-in support for over 60 modded trucks and trailers
Support for separate paintjobs for each cabin of a truck, in case a single texture doesn't work for all of them

1. Generate base files using Paintjob Packer
Paintjob Packer is made for paintjob packs, but you can also make a single paintjob
Choose between separate paintjobs for each cabin, or a single combined paintjob per vehicle
Combined paintjobs cut down on mod size by only needing one file per truck, but your design might not work perfectly across all the cabin sizes
Separate paintjobs let you tweak your design for each cab size, but your mod will be bigger due to multiple (usually 3) files per truck
The optional cabin unifier system gives you the best of both worlds, but is more complex to use (only available when using separate paintjobs)
Internal name must consist of only lowercase letters, numbers and underscores. It must be 12 characters or fewer (10 if using separate paintjobs) and unique - two different mods that use the same internal name are incompatible with each other
2. Replace mod manager files
mod_manager_description.txt and mod_manager_image.jpg
The description already contains a pre-generated list of vehicles supported by your mod
The image must be a 276 x 162 JPEG
3. Replace icon
Must be a 256 x 64 DDS
If you want your icon to match the vanilla paintjobs, use the placeholder image as a guide for size & shape
4. Make main vehicle files
vehicle/truck/upgrade/paintjob// (each "cabin" DDS) and/or vehicle/trailer_owned/upgrade/paintjob// (each "body" DDS)
Using templates is recommended, I have a pack you can download
Save each DDS as DXT 5 with mipmaps
For consistency's sake, Cabin A is always the biggest cabin size, then Cabin B is smaller, then Cabin C is the smallest. If the 8x4 chassis uses a separate cabin, it's called Cabin 8
Some trucks have fewer than 3 cabins, and some mods have more than 3
You'll need to replace every cabin DDS there
5. Make accessory files
Every DDS not replaced in the last step
Only necessary for trailers and some trucks
Not all accessories need templates, if you just want to change the colour of a part simply re-colour the placeholder file that's already there
If using the cabin unifier system

6. Make additional DDS files if needed
Each truck will only generate with by default, if you need additional sizes you'll need to make additional DDS files
You only need to make additional files if your design doesn't work on a certain-sized cabin, most paintjobs will work fine with just the one DDS
Make sure additional DDS file names match an existing TOBJ, e.g. is okay, but is not
7. Edit existing TOBJ files to point to your new DDS
Open the TOBJ using a hex editor and edit only a single letter near the end, e.g. turning cabin_a into cabin_b
Multiple TOBJ files can point to the same DDS, so you could have one DDS for cabins A & 8, and a second for cabins B & C, for example
8. Run the cabin unifier
If any files are missing or named incorrectly, the unifier will let you know
Don't edit unifier.ini, it might cause the unifier to work incorrectly
The unifier looks at your TOBJ files to see which cabins you need and which you don't, then edits some files in the def folder
You can only unify once, so delete Cabin Unifier.exe (or and unifier.ini afterwards


Modell: Carsmaniac
Textur: Carsmaniac
Script: Carsmaniac
Idee / Konzept: Carsmaniac
Tester: Carsmaniac
Sonstige: Carsmaniac

  • 26 May 13:10
    Version update 1.10.2

    [ETS2] Paint Job Packer - Lightweight mod making tool [Windows/Linux] v1.10.2 [2023-05-26]

    Paint Job Packer is a lightweight mod making tool for Euro Truck Simulator 2 and American Truck Simulator. It allows you to generate simple paint job mods, with a focus on mods that support multiple vehicles.

    Cross-platform support, with Windows, macOS and Linux versions
    Support for player-owned trailers, including those from DLCs
    Support for trucks using the newer accessory-based paintjob system, like the Scania S and MAN TGX Euro 6
    Support for as many vehicles as you like in a single mod
    Built-in support for >100 truck and trailer mods, full list here
    Support for separate paintjobs for each cabin of a truck, in case a single texture doesn't work for all of them
    Optionally includes readymade 4k templates for each vehicle

    Paint Job Packer doesn't make a completed mod from the get-go. Instead, it makes what I call "custom example mods", giving you all the files you need for your mod, but with placeholders standing in for every image/texture. You then go through and replace all the placeholder images with your own to complete the mod. Since you usually have to test and tweak a paint job many times before it's ready, generating paintjobs this way means you only have to run the program once.

    If you'd like an all-in-one mod making program, or you'd like to make metallic paint jobs, paint jobs with changeable colours, or non-paint job mods, I highly recommend Mods Studio 2.

    Tutorial/demonstration video

    I made a tutorial video explaining how to make paintjob mods using Paint Job Packer, including generating their files, working with templates and uploading to Steam Workshop. You can watch it by clicking below

    If you'd like to keep up to date with all of my projects, you can follow me on Ko-fi, where you can also support my work with a tip.

    Enjoy! :)


    1) Windows with included templates (.exe installer, 589.6 MB)

    Alternate download with 4k placeholder templates included:

    2) Windows without included templates (.exe installer, 10.0 MB)

    3) Linux (deb package, 13.1 MB)

    Tested on Ubuntu (Debian), Manjaro (Arch) and Fedora (Red Hat)

    Tested with GNOME, XFCE and KDE desktop environments:

  • 12 Jun 02:30
    Version 1.6.3

    Paintjob Packer v1.6.3 ETS2

    v1.6.3 – added support for the DAF 2021

    Support for player-owned trailers, including those from DLCs
    Support for trucks using the newer accessory-based paintjob system, like the Scania S and

    MAN TGX Euro 6
    Support for as many vehicles as you like in a single mod
    Built-in support for >50 truck and trailer mods, full list here
    Support for separate paintjobs for each cabin of a truck, in case a single texture doesn’t work for all of them.
    Optionally includes readymade 4k templates for each vehicle

  • 10 Apr 18:54
    Version 1.6.1

    Paintjob Packer - Lightweight Mod Making Tool v1.6.1 [1.40]

    Paintjob Packer is a lightweight mod making tool for Euro Truck Simulator 2 and American Truck Simulator. It allows you to generate simple paintjob mods, with a focus on mods that support multiple vehicles.


    - Added support for 4 mods: Dotec's Mercedes-Benz Actros MP2, PikPikker's Roman Diesel, Galimim's Volvo FM & FMX and Big Joe's Freightliner Coronado 122SD

    - Re-added support for YukonJack_AK's Western Star 4900

    - Removed support for 3 mods by Lucasi that are now unavailable for download

    - Renamed DAF, Mercedes-Benz, Scania and Volvo trucks to match their in-game names

    - Changed invalid character detection to allow full stops/periods in names, just not at the end

    - Changed the folder path of modded vehicles to include the author name

    - Changed the term "hotfix" to "patch" in the update checker


    Support for player-owned trailers, including those from DLCs

    Support for trucks using the newer accessory-based paintjob system, like the Scania S and MAN TGX Euro 6

    Support for as many vehicles as you like in a single mod

    Built-in support for >50 truck and trailer mods

    Support for separate paintjobs for each cabin of a truck, in case a single texture doesn't work for all of them

    Optionally includes readymade 4k templates for each vehicle

  • 02 Oct 01:16
    Version 1.5


    Paintjob Packer is a lightweight mod making tool for Euro Truck Simulator 2 and American Truck Simulator. It allows you to generate simple paintjob mods, with a focus on mods that support multiple vehicles.

    Version 1.5
    Added support for Western Star 49X
    Added support for three ATS mods
    Fixed certain characters in paintjob names causing Paintjob Packer to crash

    Support for player-owned trailers, including those from DLCs
    Support for trucks using the newer accessory-based paintjob system, like the Scania S and MAN TGX Euro 6
    Support for as many vehicles as you like in a single mod
    Built-in support for >50 truck and trailer mods
    Support for separate paintjobs for each cabin of a truck, in case a single texture doesn't work for all of them
    Optionally includes readymade 4k templates for each vehicle (ATS)

  • 20 Sep 00:48
    Version 1.4


    Paintjob Packer is a lightweight mod making tool for Euro Truck Simulator 2 and American Truck Simulator. It allows you to generate simple paintjob mods, with a focus on mods that support multiple vehicles.

    - Added optional 4k/2k placeholder templates
    - Added and removed some supported mods
    - Reorganised UI and added a (working) progress indicator
    - Made folder and file names more readable
    - Fixed display_name warning when uploading to Steam Workshop
    - Removed cabin unifier

    Support for player-owned trailers, including those from DLCs
    Support for trucks using the newer accessory-based paintjob system, like the Scania S and MAN TGX Euro 6
    Support for as many vehicles as you like in a single mod
    Built-in support for 51 truck and trailer mods, full list here
    Support for separate paintjobs for each cabin of a truck, in case a single texture doesn't work for all of them
    Optionally includes readymade 4k templates for each vehicle, which can be downloaded separately here (ETS 2) and here (ATS)

  • 02 Aug 03:41
    Version 1.3

  • 3533439
    by mods80
    ago almost 2 years
  • 1415166
    by mods80
    ago almost 4 years
  • 1149423
    by mods80
    ago almost 4 years
  • 991768
    by mods80
    ago over 4 years
  • 969688
    by mods80
    ago over 4 years


02.08 2020
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V update 1.10.2
Eurotruck Simulator 2
598 MB 391
26. 05 2023 391
V 1.6.3
Eurotruck Simulator 2
9.87 MB 1161
12. 06 2021 1,161
V 1.6.1
Eurotruck Simulator 2
325 MB 784
10. 04 2021 784
3 ältere Versionen

1 Comments for PAINTJOB PACKER V1.3

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  1. armin-guler 21. 06 2022

    Bitte Nicht Herunterladen!!!! Mein Antivirus Programm meldete mir Direkt, das diese Datei Hier mit einem Virus Belegt ist!!
