After another seems another package :)
This time it's another parcel houses. This time the cabins have better texture, pattern and weigh less :)
- Textures are AO,
- Houses do not have errors
- Clipdistance is set to 10000
- The pack is attached file \\\ "Read \\\".
- Houses do not have any great importance, even though I tried to weigh as little as possible,
- After downloading the package sure to read the file \\\ "Read \\\"
- Models can launch a new (6.0.2) and the old version of the Giants Editor (5.5.2)
Model: GoldFox
Texture: GoldFox
Konwert & AO: GoldFox
Help: Paffcio
Graphics: Cynek96 Perez
- Categorical prohibition of changing the link!
- If you move, copy the entire contents of this post!
- Prohibition editowania and issue without my knowledge!
- Respect prohibitions. If you observe it will be even more better models!
- Please download the original link. She would form thanks!
- The more downloads, the greater the motivation for me and more and more models!
5 houses + version on the new GE and old + texture = 12MB (So probably worth downloading)
I invite you to my fanpage!
Have a nice game!
Yours GoldFox
# FS15GF
# FS13GF
(This way you will now be able to enter the forums this just tag and you should jump all models have now spent;))
23 Dec 03:23Version 2.0
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