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Same as v5.1, no matter what I try I can not get any Josera. I've tried both trailers, in and out every which way. Do you have to take certain grains to Lagerhaus to produce Josera? Also could you print all the grains in English? Able to sow 7 plus the standards, not sure that's all of them. Thank you very much.
if it was not for all the glitch's i would have love'ed this map. the cow zone is very sloppy work. no fence. the milk machine is flying in the air. are you going to fix this. and all the other glitches. please do i would really like to play this map but for now i have to delete. :(
2 Comments for Open Range map
Same as v5.1, no matter what I try I can not get any Josera. I've tried both trailers, in and out every which way. Do you have to take certain grains to Lagerhaus to produce Josera? Also could you print all the grains in English? Able to sow 7 plus the standards, not sure that's all of them. Thank you very much.
if it was not for all the glitch's i would have love'ed this map. the cow zone is very sloppy work. no fence. the milk machine is flying in the air. are you going to fix this. and all the other glitches. please do i would really like to play this map but for now i have to delete. :(