Öl_Company v2.0 by Kastor
The idea of Öl_Company already comb my LS13, but since I did not know how I can this transpose.
In LS15 I then occupied myself with the UPK and comb it then for publication. As Marhu be factory script then there was and I was busy, I've got my Thuringia Map UPK completely cleared! and now I want to ask you with this update my economic cycle oil without UPK available.
Installation instructions are enclosed! Does it have to be installed miten GE !!!
It will give my hand no Plaztzierbare version !!!!!!!!!!!
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! UPK is no longer needed !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
About the plant
At the oil_Company their crude oil for the refinery sale and produced things can (diesel and engine oil) selling.
Starting with version 2.0 you can now also diesel and engine oil directly buy what but is very expensive as it itself in the refinery to produce.
The system is designed so that every man for himself, it can individually block, as each part is to move. Depending on the place on the map.
MFG Kastor
Kastor (Idee und Umsetzung)Verschiedene teil aus LS13
Besonders aus der Industrieanlage 1 V 1
Öl-Tanks von El_Cid
26 Sep 20:20Version 2.1
#Fehler mit PS bei Steam und DediServer behoben
#Hud Für Beide Reg passend gemacht -
09 Sep 12:24Version 2.0 UPK Frei
UPK entfernt .
Anlage durch Kaufstelle von Diesel und Motoröl erweitert.
Einbauanleitung Beigelegt. -
26 May 12:38Version 1.2 Plazierbar
Plazierbare version
Neue Tanks von El_Cid
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by kastor_Ger
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by kastor_Ger
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by kastor_Ger
ago almost 10 years
by kastor_Ger
ago almost 10 years
by kastor_Ger
ago almost 10 years
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