
V 1.2 mod for Farming Simulator 15

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I present to you here today my Oberwiesen Map available.

This is a fictitious map that I built for my ideas and also retrofits repeatedly.

I built this Map for the most part with a friend.

Thank primarily at Mythic



In Bluebaby210 for its class support

In the Team MK agricultural

In Ago modding :)

In Marhu for its super cool buildings and objects.

At Agi a klase Mapper

If would like bauer thank you for your work.

For all my friends who have the first permits

If I have forgotten somebody just ask us simply via PM I'll add you then do so.

Since it is my 2 Map I please I bring so strictly to understanding and since net only to DL :)


I'd say so let yourself be surprised and ride a little bit on the Map, it is each have its gameplay and also found.


I thank all those who leave me a thumbs because

For more suggestions, aids and more I am at your disposal.


My friend Phil and I are also on this Mao continue to build for you, and also in the LS 17 we are there for you to you to sweeten the gameplay.


Thank you again to all MAPPER modders and make in the backdrop of such a great job, continue to build so there are still people appreciate our work because it's fun continues at an Kham.


Modell: Mythi Bluebaby210 Marhu Agi und auch Ago Modding 
Idee / Konzept: Markus und Philipp

  • 28 Sep 23:32
    Version 1.2


checksum: c48c1d55e6b5321f9648c50de37dea73
Version: 1.2
multiplayer ready? yes
Author: Marhu
price in shop: 32499 LS
name in shop: Misch Station
description in shop: Diese kleine platzierbare Anlage produziert Mischfutter für Kühe/Schafe.
Die 3 Vorratssilos müssen mit Stroh, Heu u. Silage befüllt werden, jedes hat eine Kapazität von 50t.
Im Mischbehälter werden die einzelnen Sorten im Verhältnis 0,4/1/1 zu Futter gemixt.

28.09 2016
Modhoster user rating
4.0 / 28 Votes


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V 1.2
Farming Simulator 15
691 MB 5220
28. 09 2016 5,220

1 Comments for Oberwiesen

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  1. Sythos 29. 09 2016

    nice map, but hard to be used due:
    - MOD xml file report 1.0 (downloaded more times thinking to an issue, but seem 1.2 map report v1.0 inside the simulator)
    - PDA map report wrong positions for animals

    with this 2 small fixes will be great, **** for now ;)
