Berliner door control for all Helvete buses (So the 3-door, G, G 4D, GL, L and K) ...
As a basis, I was allowed to use the Almex FahrertürMod of iStanley, heartfelt gratitude.
Entry to the first two doors with the particularity that give the passengers on the second door automatically via the outside door button Zutitt the vehicle.
All rear doors are controlled by photocell automatically.
Also included are all my BVG repaints.
This mod adds a new vehicle folders so no original files are overwritten by Helvete and problem Deinstalation is possible.
This bus should then be round Germany-ready: D
Thanks again to the builders Helvete for this wonderful model.
Modell: O530 Helvete
Textur: BVG
Script: Berliner Türsteuerung mit Almex und Fahrertürmod von iStanley
Idee / Konzept: Icke und iStanley
Tester: Icke
07 May 23:08Version 0.5 BETA
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