Hi everyone,
Hope you are doing well today !
Release v1.1.0 of the NyElectrics mod, who give you a brand new Electric version of the Blast Furnace and an Electric version of the Cement Kiln
Machines details & default configuration
- each station use 3000w when operating
- They pollute the same as the original
- It can be easily configured in .cs file of each Object
Readme and Install Instruction
- Unzip/Extract
- Move to YourServer/Mods or YourServer/Mods /TedoxMods (so you get: YourServer/Mods /TedoxMods/NyElectrics)
it would be easier for future update and get our collections of mods
Discover our website and our Item Configurator on
The GitHub:
zangdar1111 (who helped me to discover a nice community of modders)
StrangeLoopGames for the nice Blast Furnace model :)
15 Jul 04:51Version 1.1.0
- Cement Kiln available !
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