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Edit of the 2009 default map, I've added a couple of new fields and tidied up all the field edges. It has the four default crops and acres of grass and all tree cols have been removed for easier farming by the helper. New farm yard layout, the port has had a complete face lift, even the ships have had a lick of paint. And I've changed a lot of the dds files to add some colour which you'll find as you drive round. I've played the map and everything seems to work ok but the pda map is slightly out because of the field changes, I hope you enjoy it.
Thankyou to:Stivala for bringing the orinial map through to 2011
nitromod for the no smoking sign.
ls-uk mod team for the brewery skin.
ls-uk mod team for the barracks skin.
thijs de haan for the silo anlarge.
ovidyu for the dopperlfahrsilo.
And Mr. sandgroper for replying to my post re. i3d name change.
Sorry to the other modders that I just couldn't find , but if you get in touch I will gladly add you to these credits, I couldn't have made this without your in put, thankyou to you all.
10 Oct 20:47Version
10.10 2011
noch nicht genug Stimmen
Do you think this mod should be featured?
10. 10 2011
1 Comments for Nuttin Flash 2011
it gifes call stack :(