Notes Mod

V 1.1 mod for Farming Simulator 15

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Notes Mod


  • This mod allows you to add your own notes to the game. Notes remain even after saving, so mod is suitable for long gaming and the player can write what he wants to do next day. Mod supported multiplayer so you can inform other players on the server what they need to do. If you want to activate mod press G.


  • Mod is freely available and can be distributed if you'll write original mod author name: Martin Fabík (LoogleCZ)
  • If you'll share this mod, use original download link please.
  • He'll be glad for any support.
  • Do not modify this mod!
  • Thank you for respecting authors terms.



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© AiggaCZE



Model: LoogleCZ
Texture: LoogleCZ
Script: LoogleCZ
Idea / Concept: LoogleCZ
Testing: Daniel Zapletal
Other: AiggaCZE

  • 30 Jul 21:11
    Version 1.1

    - Bugfix with multiplayer when no note content was added.
    - Added settings GUI.
    - Added German, Italian, Russian, Spanish and Dutch language.
    - Open key changed from 'R' to 'G'.

  • 12 Jul 20:51
    Version 1.0


11.07 2016
Modhoster user rating
4.53 / 34 Votes


nach 34 Stimmen

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V 1.1
Farming Simulator 15
1.32 MB 2414
30. 07 2016 2,414
V 1.0
Farming Simulator 15
1.3 MB 1653
12. 07 2016 1,653

3 Comments for Notes Mod

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  1. unregistered user 12. 07 2016

    Version 1.1 in different languages comming soon!
    (official report from LoogleCZ)

  2. Hello , very nice Mod , but please change the key that activate this Mod from R to a other Key. The Key R has to many functions in the game, and if i sale an vehicle at the shop and press there R for your Mod , then freese my game and i must retstart my pc ( this ist hapend on an Dedi Server).

    with greetings
    Scooter --> Cay

  3. 112TEC 12. 07 2016

    Very good Mod!

    Already translated in German und changed colours to yellow like a PostIt ;)
    (see Picture)
    5 of 5 Stars and recommendation!
